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Harry Potter and Davy Jones' Locker by Harry85

Harry Potter and Davy Jones' Locker


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. If I did, Harmonians would be celebrating right now…

A/N: My take on the challenge by Detritus, that you can find here: Basically, an HP/POTC crossover, I hope I can pull it off nicely! *laughs* Well, anyhow, if you read, please review and let me know what you think of the story! This is my first crossover so I need some kind of input on how I'm doing!

This chapter and probably the next will deal mostly with Ginny and what goes through her mind, so I'm sorry if you lot don't like her much but you'll have to endure her for a bit here. I don't really like her myself, you know, but at times I need her in my stories…

Harry Potter and Davy Jones' Locker

Chapter One: Rivalry

Ginny Weasley was quite cheerful. She was attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for her seventh, and last, year, and she felt she could finally relax. You-Know-Who was gone, thanks to Harry Potter, and now everyone could live their lives without worries of a madman wanting to swipe away all Muggle-Borns and Half-Bloods from the Wizarding World.

Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Won as they called him these days. The object of Ginny's constant daydreams since she was ten, and now she was going to have him all for herself. He had broken up with her just to protect her but now that the war was finished, there was no reason for him not to go back with her.

Of course, she expected him to do that immediately, but he had said he needed time to go through the hurt of the last battle, and somehow she could understand him. He had lost the last link to his parents, Remus Lupin, their previous Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He had seen many of his fellow students fall, and between them there was also her brother, Fred.

Of course, Ginny herself had needed some time to grieve, and dating was the last thing on her mind, even if from the attitude she had in school those last years one would never guess that. She had gone through so many boyfriends to make anyone lose count of them.

But now, now was the time for her and Harry to finally be together. He, Hermione and Ron were attending Hogwarts too, for their last year since they missed it while hunting down the Horcruxes. So, now they were in Ginny's class.

"Perfect" she thought to herself. It would be easier to reconcile herself with Harry if they could spend even more time together.

Finally reaching the Fat Lady, she quickly gave her the password, and entered the Common Room.

"Hey Gin" Ron said, looking up from the chess game he was currently playing with a fellow Gryffindor.

"Hi Ron. Have you seen Harry?" she asked with a smile.

"He's in the Heads Common Room, studying with Hermione" Ron said without looking at her as he was concentrating on his next move.

Ginny's smile fell.

"Of course" she rolled her eyes. "That bookworm can't leave him alone for a moment, can she?" Ginny inwardly fumed.

"I wonder how could I have been best friends with her. Of course she still thinks we are, poor girl" she smirked. "If it wasn't for me, Ron and Harry she would be completely alone, but now she's my rival" she thought.

Needing to calm herself, she went for a walk. When she returned to the common room, however, she saw something that made her get even angrier than she was before.

There they were, Harry and Hermione, sitting on the couch in front of the fire. She was reading a book, "as usual" Ginny thought rolling her eyes. But what caught her eye was that Harry was lying there, with his head on her lap, smiling contentedly as Hermione was roaming her free hand through his hair.

The sight made Ginny's blood boil, but she did her best to remain calm.

"Hi Harry, Hermione" she said with a fake smile approaching them.

"Hi Gin" they both automatically replied, without even looking at her. The redhead was about to say something more when Ron intervened.

"Hey guys, shouldn't we head down to dinner? I'm starved!"

Harry chuckled. "Ron, you're constantly starved!" he said, moving from his position, albeit Ginny could spot some reluctance in that.

Hermione shook her head with a smile too, closing her book and leaving it there, joining the other two members of the "Golden Trio" as they were called, and heading down to the Great Hall. Ginny silently followed them, lost in her own thoughts.

As they were eating, Ginny couldn't help noticing how Ron kept sneaking glances at the Ravenclaw table. She turned and noticed the object of Ron's attention, Luna Lovegood.

"Ron, what's so interesting in Loony?" she said, annoyed. In her perfect plans, Ron and Hermione would get together so that would take her out of the picture, but if her brother got interested in someone else, that part of the plan would not work!

"Don't call her Loony" Hermione, Harry and Ron all said, glaring at her. Ginny sighed.

"OK, ok, I'm sorry" she said, throwing up her hands in defeat. "So, Ron, what's so interesting in Luna?" she asked again.

Harry could see Ron's face grow redder by the minute, and couldn't help a chuckled escaping him. "Seems your brother finds Luna quite fascinating lately, Ginny"

Ron blushed even more, mumbling under his breath as he picked at the food in his plate, suddenly not hungry anymore.

"I think that's sweet" Hermione said with a warm smile, and Harry nodded.

"Luna's a great girl, in her own special way" the raven haired boy said with a grin. Ginny simply had to snort at that, earning herself another round of glares.

"What's up with you, Ginny?" Harry coldly asked her. "If I'm not mistaken, Luna was your friend even before she was ours"

The redhead witch couldn't take it anymore. "What's so special about her, Harry? She speaks nonsense most of the day, her father runs The Quibbler, for Merlin's sake!" then she left in a hurry.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Ron asked, bewildered.

Hermione sighed, and resumed eating, while Harry looked as confused as Ron. Finally, the brown haired witch spoke.

"I guess since Ginny wants to get back with you, Harry, she hoped me and Ron would hook up so I would be "out of the picture" and not a danger anymore for her" she explained rolling her eyes.

"Me and you?" Ron said, flabbergasted. "I could never…I mean…ok, we kissed last year, but that was in the heat of the moment, in the middle of a war…"

"Tell me about it, Ron. It's me who started that kiss and today I still can't figure out why" Hermione said, with a small blush.

"Must have been my heroic act of leading us to a way to destroy the Horcruxes" Ron said, puffing out his chest in triumph. "After all, it doesn't happen everyday that one can mimic Parseltongue, does it?"

The three of them shared a look, and then burst out laughing.

After dinner, Ron excused himself to go and have a chat with Luna.

"Mate, you've got it bad" Harry teased him. Ron stuck his tongue at him and left. On their way up to the common room, Harry and Hermione kept talking about the last developments between their redhead friend and the Ravenclaw.

"I think it's great Ron has finally warmed up to her" he said.

"I think the turning point has been Fred's funeral. She was there for him, and it kind of did the trick" Hermione grinned.

"Yeah, Luna has her own way to deal with deaths. She tried help me cope with Sirius' one too. Did you know she lost her mother at nine?"

Hermione shook her head. "No, but this explains why she could see Thestrals and we couldn't" she reasoned. "And why she could hear voices from the Veil just like you"

"She's a great girl, albeit a bit strange at times" Harry said with a warm smile.

"Harry James Potter, if I didn't know better I'd say you have a thing for her too" Hermione teased him nudging him on the shoulder.

"Me? No, no. I just happen to think she's a great friend, and I'm glad Ron is giving her a chance" he concluded with a smile.

They settled on the couch, enjoying the warmth coming from the fireplace. For it being just middle October, the weather was quite cold already.

An hour passed, and finally Ron came back.

"Hey there, lover boy," Harry called out to him, at which Ron replied with a roll of his eyes, "enjoyed your little rendezvous?"

"Very much, Harry, thanks" Ron said, playing along. "By the way, have you seen Ginny?"

"Actually, no" Hermione said with a frown.

"Oh, well, she must be doing patrols for her prefect duties" they reasoned.

How far from truth they were. Ginny was currently holed up in the Room of Requirements, reading over books the room had provided her. She had a task to complete, and she never went back to Gryffindor Tower that night.

It was too urgent to waste time sleeping.

"If I can't count on Ron to take Hermione away, then I must take care of her myself" she said with an evil smirk.

Then, finally, after six hours reading, her eyes lit up as she stumbled upon an ancient legend.

"Yes, this is it. Davy Jones' locker is a good enough place to keep her away from my Harry" she laughed to herself after reading the pages twice, her brown eyes shining with an evil glint.
