Unofficial Portkey Archive

Redemption by usako99





It wasn't until two weeks later that I finally saw him again. I had gone to the Ministry to have lunch with my dad. He had insisted upon taking me out for a special father daughter luncheon and I agreed, though I knew better. I was more than aware that mum had most likely put him up to it. She had been asking me what was wrong for the last week and a half and I keep telling her that I'm fine. I guess she figured that dad would have better luck finding out what "my problem" is.

Either way, it was a little after twelve on a Wednesday and I was walking down the hall with my dad. We were supposed to be going to this small café up the street, but he had some type of information that he needed to get from Harry first so we had headed down to the Auror's office. As we walked down the corridor, Harry exited out of one of he side doors on his way back to his own office. Immediately noticing us he greeted us happily and he and dad began to discuss whatever it was that they needed to talk about.

I was looking around the hallway, feeling so bored that I had begun counting the tiles on the ceiling when I heard people talking. I glanced forward and there he was.

Draco Malfoy was a few feet away coming out of the Auror's office with his mum and his dad at his side. Lucius was talking to McKinney, one of Harry's team leaders, while Draco was chatting softly with his mother. After a moment Lucius and McKinny said their goodbyes, stiffly shaking hands before the family turned and headed in our direction.

I quickly checked my hair, running my fingers through it several times and pushing my bangs out of my face. As I looked down to adjust my shirt I mentally berated myself for wearing jeans and a blouse to meet my dad instead of some type of mind blowing dress. Looking back up I saw that they were getting closer; however, Draco still had not noticed me as his mother continuously fussed over him. He pushed at her hands when they went up to adjust the top of his black turtleneck and swatted at her fingers when they combed through his hair in an effort to push it out of his face. I frowned to myself as an unexpected, and unnecessary, amount of jealously flowed through me towards his mother because she got to touch him when I didn't. Stomping down the silly feelings I instead took the time before he noticed me to study him.

He looked the same; tall, graceful, beautiful. He was in black from practically head to toe, including his turtleneck, slacks, and shoes. His hair was still somewhat long, the hair at the nape brushing the base of his neck and the hair in the front falling lightly into his silver-gray eyes. He had a frown on his face as he gave his mum another annoyed look for touching him and I quietly took note of the scar he now had over his right eyebrow. Something new from the last time we had been together, a small burst of anger flowed through me as I realized that it was most likely a result of his torture.

My eyes greedily roamed his lean form, drinking in every detail like a woman who had been living in a desert and had just found an oasis. The curve of his lashes, the line that appeared on his face when he grimaced, the way he seemed to glide down the hallway, how his lips moved when he spoke to his mum, the slight swing of his arms when he walked. My eyes stilled on the single silver watch that hung limply from his wrist, recognizing it immediately as the one that Tiffany had given him for Christmas. Hurt speared through me and I looked away.

"Weasley," Lucius Malfoy drawled when they were about a foot or so away.

Draco's gaze snapped forward, flying over my father and Harry before fixing on me. Breathing became a task completed only by sheer dent of will when his granite eyes honed in on me. A frown pulled at his lips and something flashed in his eyes, but before I could read it he looked away his gaze fixing on a distant point on the wall.

"Potter," continued is father, "oh and look it's the girl Weasley."

I frowned at the way he said it and noticed Draco stiffen a bit out of the corner of my eyes. "Mr. Malfoy," I murmured softly "Mrs. Malfoy… Draco…"

He didn't look at me, but his posture became rigid.

His fathers gaze flicked between the two of us and he gave me a cold smile. "You speak my son's name as though you know him girl. Why is that?"

I pulled my eyes away from Draco and glared at his father. "Girl? I'll have you know I'm a grown woman -and have been for a while. Do not call me girl you overgrown-"

"Ginny!" My father hastily cut in. "I believe we're late for lunch. What do you say we go ahead and get out of here? I'll finish talking to Harry later."

"Lunch? Of course," drawled Lucius, "and which homeless shelter will the esteemed Weasley's be receiving their handout from today?"

My father stiffened beside me and Harry glared. "Sod off Malfoy."

"What? Have an issue with facts? I trust it is still common knowledge that the Weasley's are no more than-"

"Father we have to go," Draco frowned; I shivered from the sound of his voice.

"I suppose you're right," his father sighed looking at his pocket watch. "Our flight is the day after tomorrow and you haven't finished packing." My eyes shot to Draco, but he was looking past me once more. "Let us be off."

The family headed towards us again, having to pass us to get to the lift.

"Here you are Arthur," Narcissa said in a haughty tone. I heard the clink of coins as they fell to my father's feet. "Please go and purchase the poor dear a decent outfit before she heads out into public again," she commented motioning in my direction.

I ignored her, my gaze fixed in on Draco. As they passed my hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, he froze and frowned down at me.

"Where are you going? Why do you need to pack?" I asked quickly.

He scoffed and attempted to pull his wrist free, but I held on. "Let me go Weaslette."

"No, not until you talk to me. Draco? … Blondie."

A pained expression flitted across his face and I moved closer to him. My right hand slid from his wrist to his hand and my left gripped his upper arm, holding me closer to him. Draco stood completely still, the only indication that he was in fact a real person, being the rapid rise and fall of his chest.

"Let me go," he hissed.

"What is your brat doing?!" Lucius demanded.

"Ginny… sweetheart, what-"

My father cut off when Harry placed a hand on his shoulder and lightly shook his head.

"Why do you need to pack?" I insisted again.

"For his trip," his mother stated, "not that it's any of your business you little ragamuffin, but my Draco has decided to return home to the States with us."

I looked at her in surprise before looking up at him once more. "You're leaving the country?" I whispered aghast.

"Yes," was the clipped reply.


"Because I want to."

"But why?"

He scoffed and pulled at his arm. "Let me go Weasley."


"You know Arthur, if you won't control the brood of animals you've procured then it falls to others to show them how to give the proper respect," Lucius Malfoy sneered, lifting his walking stick.

The movement was so quick I almost didn't catch it. One minute I was next to Draco holding his arm, the next I was behind him as he held his fathers walking stick, having caught it when it was coming down towards me. He snatched it from Lucius's shocked hand and glared at the older man.

"Father, if you ever do anything like that again I swear to Merlin…"

Lucius frowned. "Draco, what the hell are you doing?"

"You can't just go around hitting people," Draco glared.

"She had her ruddy hands on you."

"So? That's my problem and I will handle it, but if you ever raise your cane or anything else to her again, so help me-"

"So help you what Draco? You'd actually threaten me -your father, over this… this… Weasley?" he spat the name.

Draco tossed the stick back to his father and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm not trying to argue or threaten, let's, let's just go alright?" He stated moving away, I grabbed at the back of his shirt.

"Draco wait, please -you can't just leave. We need to talk."

He turned and glared at me. "We don't need to do anything."

He gave me one last contemptuous look and turned away, pushing past his shocked parents and heading down the darkened hallway.

"Draco!" I called when he had gotten a few steps away; also pushing past his mum and dad I grabbed his wrist again. "Please… Draco -I -I love you."

"What!" I heard his father and my dad say in unison, but I kept my gaze focused on the blond in my hand.

He stood very still, his head down and his breathing unsteady. After several seconds he turned to face me, his gaze flicked to my hand holding his wrist before returning to my eyes. He studied me a moment longer before a cold smirk pulled at his lips, reminding me of the obnoxious Slytherin that I had known in my Hogwarts days and I took a deep breath steeling myself for his reply.

"What we had was good while it lasted," he arched a blond brow, "but I don't love you Weasley."

I recognized the words as soon as they came out of his mouth, how could I not? I had replayed them in my thoughts and dreams every night since I told them to him over a month ago. Though, I had expected it the moment that cold glint entered his eyes it still hurt like I had never imagined it would. I had lost him. He would not forgive me. And I had no one to blame but myself.

The pain increased in my chest so rapidly it took me by surprise. I wanted nothing more than to collapse into a ball and cry. To go to sleep and not wake up -to live in a land of dreams where I had not pushed the man that I loved into a world of hate. The sob escaped before I could stop it, but I would not stand there and humiliate myself in the middle of the hallway at the Ministry anymore than I had. Giving a shaky nod and a watery smile I dashed the tears from my cheeks before letting him go. Then, taking a few steps back I muttered that I was `going to go now' to my father and ran quickly to the lift. Luckily God decided to take mercy on a poor fool and it opened just as I arrived. Quickly rushing in I pressed a button -any button to get me away from here. The doors began to close and I lightly hugged myself as my eyes took one last longing look at the man that I wanted more than anything and would never have again. He was standing where I had left him, his body rigid, his head down and his fist clenched, as though it were still holding my heart.


I listened to the doors close on the lift, refusing to even look in that direction. I hadn't done anything wrong. Just told her what she had told me. I wasn't some fucking puppet on a string that she could pick up and play with when she wanted. It was too late. I didn't love her anymore… I didn't.

"Draco, what the hell was that about?!" My father demanded.

"You fucking prat!" Potter exclaimed before I could reply to my father. "How dare you do that to her?!"

My head snapped up. How could I do that to her? Who the hell did he think he was, what did he think he knew? What about what the fuck she had done to me? Before even I realized what I was about, I was on Potter. Face to face, nose to nose, my anger and frustration so near their boiling point that I couldn't slow the rapid pace of my heart or control the slight tick in my jaw.

We stared at one another for a moment, neither saying anything. The hallway eerily silent as our parents waited nervously to see what would happen next.

"Don't. Judge. Me." I told Potter in a deadly whisper, my pulse humming and my hand itching to hex or hit someone. He would do.

However, instead of making some type of smarmy retort Potter just stared at me for a moment longer before giving a stiff nod. Pissed at myself for letting her still get to me and pissed at him for not replying in the appropriate manner, one that would have justified the fight that I was craving I glared at him and took a step back.

"Draco-" my father started, I turned my heated gaze upon him.

"Not now," I stated shortly.

Then, pushing past him and my mother I finished my walk to the lift, it opened as soon as I got there and I stepped on. As I pushed the button I closed my eyes in an attempt to regain my sense of control. To remind myself that I was over her and assure myself that all I was feeling now was the end result of closure. So what if it burned in my veins, so what if I couldn't get the look of her tear-filled eyes out of my mind or the guilt out of my chest, so what if I could still smell her perfume in the lift and it was driving me to distraction. So what. It didn't change anything. I was over her, I was moving on with my life and she would not be a part of it. I was over her -so what… now?


I knelt on the floor and withdrew my wand. With a small sweeping motion I pulled all the items from under my bed, going through them to decide if they were rubbish or keepers. I had already gotten rid of several old sweaters and had just thrown my box of Muggle DVD's in the bin when I saw it. Frowning I reached forward and plucked the tiny Muggle game system off of the floor. My eyes roamed over the dark surface and my mind flashed to Ginny and I sitting on the couch at her flat. My arms around her as she sat nestled between my legs, her back against my chest and her thumbs tapping furiously at the controls trying to beat up some poor sod in a fighting game. When she won she turned looking up at me with bright eyes and a small smug grin and I leaned down to give her a victory snog, when our lips touched…

I scoffed silently. What the hell was I doing? "Rubbish," I muttered. However, I couldn't make myself throw the game in the bin, silently cursing myself I tossed it onto the bed instead.

"Draco?!" my mother called.

"Yes," I replied, rummaging through the wardrobe and trying to ignore the small black game system screaming at me from the top of my new cotton sheets.

"You have… uh, visitors?!" She called back a second later.

I pulled back and frowned. Visitors? Who the hell would be visiting me? With my curiosity quite peeked I quickly stood and hurried towards the door, kicking a small box out of my path along the way. As I headed down the hall and into the living room I was shocked to see not only Harry Potter standing there, but also Ron Weasley. I frowned.

"Potter, Weasley… what do you two want?"

Potter grinned, the cheeky bastard, while Weasley valiantly fought a glare.

"We need to talk to you," his gaze flicked to my mum, who was standing by the door giving them both disapproving looks. "Alone, if you don't mind."

I arched a brow.

"We only want to talk Draco," Potter stated, holding both his hands up.

I studied them both for a moment longer before looking at my mother again. Her brows rose in surprise and she shook her head no. When I nodded `yes' and pointed towards the hallway she huffed and gave one last glare to Weasley and Potter before walking stiffly down the hallway and to the guest bedroom where she and my father were sleeping. I watched her go, rolling my eyes at the extra slow way she walked to the room and when the door closed I looked at Potter and Weasley once more.

"Talk," I stated arching a brow.

The two looked at one another for a moment before Weasley sighed and spoke.

"We want to talk to you about my sister," he stated, I scoffed and shook my head. "Look Mal- er, Draco, you know that I would never come here -ever," he stressed, "unless it was important."

"Is she alright?" I inquired with a frown before I could stop myself.

Weasley gave a cynical laugh. "What do you call alright? Is she sick? Technically no -unless you count love sick."

I rolled my eyes. "Look Weasley-"

"No you look Malfoy -for some reason I don't understand my little sister is arse over tilt in love with you. I heard about what happened yesterday at the Ministry and there was nothing that I wanted to do more than find you and beat the shite out of you-"

"Well you're welcome to try," I taunted with a mocking smile.

Weasley sighed. "You don't get it do you? The reason I'm not is because it would hurt Ginny if I did -if we fought. You asked if my sister was alright. I don't know, do you think it's alright that she doesn't eat? Doesn't sleep? Barely speaks to anyone? Spends hours on end locked in her room crying over you? Does it sound like she's alright?"

My jaw clenched and I looked away.

"Well? Does-"

"What the hell are you doing in this flat?!" My father demanded storming down the hall, presumably tipped off about my visitors by mother.

"We're just here to talk to Draco sir," Harry said calmly.

"What could you possibly have to talk to my son about?" he sneered.

I closed my eyes; I really didn't need this crap right now.

"Just a small personal matter," Harry replied smoothly.

My father looked at my blank face then back at them. "Is this about that Weasley filth from yesterday?"

I felt my hand tighten into a fist and took a breath to control my temper.

"Don't call my sister filth Malfoy," Weasley spat, glowering at my father.

"Why, does it hurt to hear the truth? After the pathetic way that she clung to my son's robes yesterday like some vagrant beggar. I thought you people would have realized that you didn't belong in company such as ours. We Malfoy's prefer being around people with at least some semblance of class and decorum."

"Look you stuck up prat. My sister-"

"Father," I interrupted quietly, "please leave, and let me handle this."

He frowned at me. "You mean like you handled it yesterday? Practically making a mockery of the Malfoy name by allowing that piece of rubbish to hang all over you."

"Father," I warned.

"What Draco? You can't actually be entertaining a conversation that is about her. She is beneath you. -Look I don't know what happened between the two of you while we were in the States, but I do know this: You do not get serious about a Weasley. -You can tumble her all you like, but she can and will never be more than a quick hard shag, a slut you use to get your jollies-" he cut off with a strangled yelp.

I watched my father fly backwards, his arms flailing comically and his eyes and mouth wide as he sailed down the hall and into to the guest bedroom with it locking securely behind him. Looking back at Potter and Weasley I arched brow and placed my wand calmly back into its sheath.

"You were saying?" I drawled with a bored look.

Both men stared at me in shock for a moment before Weasley cleared his throat. "I…uh, was saying… I was saying," he frowned. "Oh! Right, I was saying that my sister is hurting a lot and I think you should give her a second chance."

I arched a brow. "No."

He glared. "Don't you care that she's making her self sick over you?"

"Should I? After all, it's not my problem."

"Not your problem? Not your problem?!" Weasley began to turn a violent red and snapped his mouth shut. After taking several breaths he spoke once more. "You know, you're right Malfoy, it's not your problem. It's ours, her family's and we'll handle it. Just like it wasn't your problem the day you turned her away at the hospital and she apparated home, collapsed onto the floor and curled into a ball crying her heart out for a sorry blither who doesn't deserve her anyway. I carried her then, I comforted her, and I'll do it every day she needs me to until she's realized as I have that you don't deserve her. So fuck you Malfoy, go on with your life, and keep being a selfish prat. -The people who really love her will be there for her as always."

With one last contemptuous look, Weasley disappeared from sight. I stared at the spot he had been for a while longer before a clapping Potter pulled my attention away. Redirecting my gaze I glared at him.

"What are you going on about?" I demanded.

He laughed, "Great show Malfoy, very convincing. You know maybe you really should go into acting."

I glowered at him. "What are you talking about Potter?"

He wandered over to the dining room and picked up one of the wine glasses. "Real crystal -not surprised," he commented softly before looking at me. "I'm talking about you. Come on Malfoy, cut the act. You and I both know that you're nowhere near over Ginny," he smirked. "You even still flinch when her name is said."

I scowled at him. "I don't want-"

He brushed me off with a wave of his hand. "Yeah, yeah, you don't want her. You don't love her -blah, blah, blah," he cocked a brow in my direction. "Tell that to someone who isn't trained to sniff out lies Draco."

My jaw clenched. "I am not lying," I ground out.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah because when you have no feelings for a woman what so ever you banish your father for talking bad about her," he smirked and I fought a flush. "And when you don't give a damn about someone, you care if they're `alright' or not. When someone doesn't matter to you," he took several steps so that he was directly in front of me, "you call out their name and reach for them when you're in the hospital."

I felt shock run through me. "What?"

Potter smiled. "That's right. I was the only one in there with you, kind of keeping watch and what not just in case the Death Eaters got any ideas about finishing you off." He cocked his head to the side and studied me. "You called out for her no less than seven times you reached for her at least three."

I felt my face flush. "Yes well… I was medicated; I wasn't in my right mind."

He smirked "Perhaps, in fact I thought that just might be the case until I saw your reaction to her yesterday. To her proximity, to her voice, to her touch," he chuckled. "You know if apparation was possible from within the Ministry walls I have no doubt you would have disappeared as soon as you saw her instead of having to face her."

I felt my ears burn and looked away.

"Not to mention your reaction to her declaration of love," when I looked at him he held up a hand. "No, not your words. Your reaction to her leaving and to what I said, the look on your face -in your eyes," he shook his head and frowned. "If they didn't scream `poor sod who is a complete goner' I don't know what does."

I glowered. "I am not a "goner" I am over her -completely and the only thing the `look in my eyes' said was `say one more smarmy thing and be ready to draw your wand'."

He smirked and shrugged. "Whatever Draco," he took a few steps back and looked around. "Well, I guess I'll let you finish packing then."

"How good of you," I commented sarcastically.

He nodded. "I thought so -oh and by the way, just in case you're curious. I lied."

"About what?" I asked automatically.

"That day when you asked me how she was and I said that she was great and had even gone on a date." Potter shrugged. "I lied. She was miserable; she would only come out of her room to go to the loo and to see me in hopes that I'd tell her something about my meetings with you." He looked down at his nails. "She never went out with anyone else, Hermione tried to fix her up, but she refused, and she was very far from happy."

I looked down at the floor as my mind processed this new information.

"Look Draco, I don't know what happened between the two of you. All I know is that Ginny keeps telling us not to be mad at you because of some horrible thing that she said the night that you guys broke up and that your anger towards her is not your fault. What else I know is that you still love her and she still loves you, but she may not love you forever."

I looked at him and frowned.

"If you walk out of her life Draco then we're going to do everything in our power to help her move on from you. To find a bloke who will make her smile instead of cry, someone who loves her unconditionally. So, years from now don't be surprised when you see an announcement in the Prophet saying that she's marrying someone else. And try not to let it eat you up that if you weren't so bloody stubborn it could have been you. Don't let it bother you that he's the man she'll have children with -the one whose arms she will die in from now on." My tortured gaze snapped to his. "I know a lot Draco; it's my business to find things out." He shrugged. "In a couple of weeks we're throwing Ginny a small party for her birthday. It'll mainly be family and friends, not too much just a little something that's being held at the Burrow. Her parents are hoping it'll lift her spirits. However, you and I both know that there's only one person that can do that…"

I opened my mouth to respond, but he cut me off.

"Just think about it Draco, I know that you guys leave tomorrow -but if you decide that you're ready to come to your senses. Ready to work things out so that you can be with the woman you love then you know how to reach me. I'll do whatever I can to help you… so just -just think about it, yeah?"

He instantly disappeared with a pop and I stood like a stature, staring dumbly at the spot that he had just been and trying desperately to grasp what he had just said.

A.N. Well that's it for this chappy, let's hope Drakie comes to his senses soon, yeah ^_^ So we can stop all the angst *lol* Thanks to the six of you who reviewed I appreciate it, always!! Thanks for still reading! Please review and Ja!!
