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Strangers in the Night by lilymione1203

Strangers in the Night


A/N: I know I haven't updated at my normal pace, so here's two chapters for the price of one! They fit together quite nicely, I believe- I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!


Countless scores of flickering candles floated above a magnificent ballroom, swirling with an ocean of regal gowns and costumes. Sparkling chandeliers twinkled in the moonlight that spilled from the enchanted ceiling, casting beautifully eerie shadows on the occupants below. Masks of every color obscured each dark visage, adding an air of mystique to the grand festivity underway. Haunted tones of merriment blasted from the splendid walls- a puppet master to the throng of gliding guests among the dance floor.

James stood among them, hands in pockets and face properly veiled, donning a small golden mask that covered the rims of his glossy eyes of hazel, lost in trepidation. His gaze was unfocused, transfixed on the luxurious empty staircase- looming menacingly in the hollow distance. An opaque figure repeatedly trotted down the marble steps until vanishing out of sight- only to reappear at the ascending balustrade to start the process over again.

The sea of shrouded faces enveloped James like a heavy fog, twirling about his motionless form as the breeze dances through the leaves. He stood like a solemn effigy, hidden within the bobbing waves- a flock of mysterious creatures waltzing about his statuesque composure. They glided up and down in a rhythmic trance, a fluid stream of elegance guided by a ghostly melody. James stood alone on his island, separated from the fervent crowd by unrequited want and longing, forever staring at the staircase that would reveal his eternal love.

"Oh, look at him, Remus, somebody ought to go get him."

"I agree, he can't stay out there all night- he'd wait there past dawn."

"Nah, he's fine! Dancin' it up out there! He's having the time of his life, leave 'im alone," Sirius discerned with the wave of his hand, leaning back in his wired chair to wink at a witch in plum robes.

"Wow, you're perceptive," Alice shot with a roll of her eyes, resting her elbow on the table.

"Not perceptive enough- you're wearing a ladies' mask, Padfoot."

"Crikey!" Sirius shrieked as he yanked off his feathery covering, tossing it at the back of a Ravenclaw's head.

"You know, I'm really starting to wonder about you…"

"Oh, sod off, Moony, it was a bloody accident! I wondered why that Hufflepuff broad looked at me like I was some sort of swamp-thing."

"That's because you are," Alice sneered, crinkling her eyes with malice.

Alice, Sirius, and Remus were sitting at a small round table, one of many strewn about the palatial Hall. Each was covered in a silken tablecloth of gold or silver, trimmed in one of the four house colors- sapphire, crimson, emerald, or amber.

"I don't see what the big deal is, Macmillan- 'least my friend didn't stand yours up-"

"Oh, so you think it's my fault, Black," she said with great distaste, his name spurring off her tongue like the plague, "I tried to knock some sense in to her, quite literally might I add, but nobody listens to me. I don't know where anyone I dwell with is."

"That's odd…" Remus countered, furrowing his brows as he continued to watch James.

"Well, some friend you are then. 'Least we got our bloke to show u-"

"Speaking of that, where are all these dates of yours, Black? I thought you had an army to choose from?" Alice interrupted, sending Sirius a haughty glare.

"Clearly, you don't know how this works. Macmillan, my dear, I have several dates, yeah? Now, I can't be seen waltzing in here with a gorgeous witch on my arm in front of all the others, can I? Ends in jealousy, it does. Then they all come marching up to me telling me 'I'm Sirius' date- no, I'm Sirius' date,' and the whole lot starts hexing each other and ripping their clothes off, and- wait, why was this a bad idea?"

"And you think Prongs is pathetic," Remus droned with a pertinent glance to his left, feeling his eyes graze the majestic ceiling in irritation.

"You're sick, Black. No wonder you can't keep a steady girl. Who'd want to be on the arm of a barmy git like you-"

"Anyway-" Sirius interjected, charcoal eyes fixed in a stony glare, "I set up…appointments, if you will, starting about half an hour after the shindig's already started. This gives me time to survey my respective escorts' locations on the dance floor, which is usually swarming by now. I wait 'til they're far enough apart and spend a few numbers with each bird 'til they've all had their go, and the best ones get accompanied-eh, hem- elsewhere."

"How disgusting! I can't believe you've gotten away with that for seven years and not a one has jinxed your privates off," Alice said in disbelief, turning to Remus with bulging eyes.

"Yes, I've witnessed this for quite some time. Let's just say, with the caliber of women he so delicately chooses, I'm honestly not surprised."

"So they're all duffers. Well I already knew that- you'd have to be to ask the git out in the first place-"

"I don't have to take this- I see a very saucy-looking Miss Fawcett simply aching to have my attention. Be back in a jiff," Sirius said with a wink as he gracefully rolled out of his chair, striding toward the dance floor in an utmost sophisticated manner.

"He needs help, that one," Alice intoned as she laid her pudgy cheek in her hand, her elbow propped up on the sumptuous silver tablecloth.

"I've been saying that for years," Remus mused with a smirk, turning his attention to the brunette on his left, "So, you don't know where any of your lot is? Lily wasn't still in her bed?"

"None of them were; I dunno if they all went to some pity-party in the dungeons or what. I don't even know if Marlene still lives wi- Marlene?!?"

Directly across from their quiet table, a laughing couple twirled across the regal floor- a long, silver dress opening its petals like a flower in bloom, swishing elegantly along the patterned ground. Glossy auburn locks were piled atop a slender face, blushing as a blond figure spun her on the spot.


"Oh- hi, Alice!" she gushed, rushing over to the tiny table.

"You came? I didn't think grand parties were really your thing?"

"Well, they weren't, but Edgar's been teaching me how to dance," Marlene said sheepishly, fixing her eyes on her glassy shoes.

"Edgar? Edgar Bones?" Alice stammered in incredulity, gaping at the pair standing before her, "You've been gone twenty-three hours a day learning how to dance with Edgar?"

"Well, you gave Lily such a hard time about James! I knew you wouldn't take it easy on me," Marlene spat, shaking her head so feverishly a brown tendril sprung out of place, lodging itself in her sparkling mask, "We've been dating nearly six months."

"Six months?? Merlin, Marlene, were you not ever going to tell us? We bound and gagged Lily for lesser crimes, there's no telling what's going to come of this."

"I really don't think they'll mind, seems they already know…"

"Already know?"

"Well, I- er, told them."

"WHAT? How come you didn't tell me?" Alice raved, clutching a plump hand to her chest.

"Well, last year you were always off with Frank, and Edgar and I sort of realized we fancied one another, and it's not like I didn't want to tell you, you just weren't ever…there," she finished softly, glancing up at Alice with eyes full of regret.

"I see…"

"Don't take it personally! I suppose I was rather secretive about it, and I do apologize," she added with blinking eyes, fluttering for forgiveness, "Forgive me, love?"

"Oh, I can't stay mad at you, dearest," Alice finally replied, softening her gaze, "I guess I'm more surprised than anything."

"I knew you'd understand! Well, we're off to the rose garden; Slughorn's really fixed it up this year- they say there's over a thousand twinkling pixies!" and with that Edgar gently took Marlene's hand and whisked her back on to the dance floor, giving her one last twirl before exiting the royal ballroom.

Remus, having stayed considerably quiet during this encounter, chanced a look at his dismal date, only to find her looking even more melancholy than before.

"Well, that's just perfect."

"Oh, it's not so bad. I've had my suspicions for a while, but I figured you'd know more about the situation than I."

"No, it's not that- I mean, other than her violating my trust and all- it just really makes me miss Frank. I didn't realize I missed out on so much by being with him. But I feel like I'm missing out on even more by being away…"

"Well, why don't you turn around, then?"

A/N: Mwahahahaha! Terrible place to end it, I know- but the other chapter's already up, so no worries, mates! Picks up right where this one leaves off. I like to keep the chapters at similar lengths, and the whole thing is just TOO long for one. I know you're waiting for some L/J, hold on just a bit longer- it'll be worth it in the end <3