Unofficial Portkey Archive

Deceptions by lilymione1203



Okay, scratch everything you know about "Sectumsempra" except for the very end- H/G's first kiss. This chapter is in two segments- basically because the point of view is split up. I am attempting to make this fit back into original HBP with a slight detour lol. Some of the details and motives have changed from original HBP, but it should tie in by the last chapter. Anyway, happy reading!

A torrential storm was brewing beneath golden frames, fogging the glass that guarded the world from sparkling jade. Harry bolted from his rooted stance and tore across the silent room, snatching Ron's wand from trembling fingers. The charms door slammed to a close, the smack of wood against the metal ringing in the ears of those left behind.

"Can't everyone just keep their own bloody wands?" Ron shouted at the exit, face drooping slightly at the sight of closed partition. Clearly his message would not reach its recipient.

A smirk tugged at Hermione's lips as she straightened her uniform, the only clothing that could be found after the passion that occurred what seemed like an eternity before. Plaid skirt in place and every button through its hole, she tore off after Harry and left Ginny dangling by an invisible thread- Ron stopping her in her tracks with the arch of a brow.

"What now, Ronald?" Hermione asked in a huff, lids heavy with impatience as her foot tapped the ground.

"You can't just leave…her here!" he said with distaste, gesturing broadly to a murderous-looking Ginny.

"We've got to help Harry, or at any rate see what he's going to do with Malfoy. I'd like to at least pick up the pieces…" Hermione trailed off with a sneer.

"Do you honestly believe Ginny can be trusted here alone? Don't you think somebody ought to stay he-" SMACK.

But he didn't get a chance to finish. As he turned to make his leave, Ron's face had a close encounter with the freshly closed door. A very close encounter.

"Oooooh," Hermione hissed, her button nose crinkled in an unpleasing scrunch.

"I can't feel my face! Is it still there? I'm blind as a ruddy bat," Ron wallowed, running his hands over his freckles as if trying to find them.

"Here-" Hermione thrust the door open with the palm of her hand and shoved Ron into the icy corridor, tawny tendrils whipping about her face as she checked to see if the coast was clear, "You stay out here and watch for me and I'll be out momentarily. I'll take care of everything," she said with a grin, that familiar gleam returning to her orbs of blazing brown.

"But I can't even see-" click.

She could feel the solid oak beneath her fingertips, rough and cool as her back pressed against the door. Hermione eyed Ginny with utmost distaste, twirling Harry's wand between long, slender fingers. The redhead refused to meet her gaze, pointed chin quivering with detained rage. Hermione rounded on her prisoner, circling the chalkboard with the slink of a cat as memories of their previous encounter came flooding back to her mind.

But before she could spring, Ginny suddenly broke the silence-

"I don't care what you think of me. I would have never in a million years told you my secrets. You're just lucky you were present," she said with a snort, still avoiding Hermione's line of sight. "I love Ron and Harry. I know there's no way you'd understand that, considering what I've done, but I do. And I owed them the truth. But you-" she spat, leering at Hermione with scorching eyes, rings of scarlet burning in the chocolate brown, "I don't owe you anything. Forced to share MY room with you every summer and constantly telling me I wasn't good enough for Harry when we were younger. I should have known you were nothing but a god damn selfish cunt."

Rosy lips twisted into an uncharacteristic grin, Hermione merely smiled. Fiddling with the wand in a nonchalant manner, she flicked a strand of curls behind her shoulder and crinkled her eyes, stepping as close to Ginny as she possibly could without succumbing to vomit.

"Ginny, Ginny, Ginny," she mused, her eyes sweeping the floor as she played with the supple willow. "You really are far less intelligent than I gave you credit for. 'Stupidity' doesn't even begin to define the inner workings of your vacant mind. The only reason I ever told you you weren't good enough for Harry, is because I never tell a lie. But I guess you wouldn't know anything about that would you, now?" she said almost sweetly, nearly enough to make Umbridge proud.

Hermione began looking Ginny over, her eyes continually flickering to her mane of frazzled strawberry ringlets, "You pride yourself on your looks, don't you, Ginny? I can't really see why- pasty skin and freckles aren't really my cup of tea, but I digress," she said with a shrug, her eyes darting to the ceiling as she took another step, "Have you ever heard of Samson and Delilah?"

Ginny furrowed her brow and released a small grunt of surprise, watching Hermione as she sauntered toward the door. Her captor lightly placed a hand on the silver knob and slowly swiveled to face her, cocking her head to the side as she squinted her eyes into a grimace.

"Maybe you should look it up," Hermione said in a condescending tone, her voice barely above a whisper as she swatted her wand in Ginny's direction, "cunt," she muttered under her breath. Hermione was out the door in a flash, a gasp escaping Ginny's lips as sheets of scarlet fluttered to the floor.


Feet pounding the pavement with unrequited vigor, Harry raced down the corridor with his heart beating twice the normal limit. Green eyes gleaming with a vengeful thirst, he rounded another corner and leapt over a startled first year, bent over to tie her quivering shoe.

Where he was going, he wasn't entirely sure, but a sudden instinct pulled him through the halls of Hogwarts to a very familiar high-pitched voice-

"I can help you, I promise!"

"For the love of Merlin, shut up you horrible hag," a steely voice drawled, echoing off the marble sinks and ringing throughout the second floor.

Harry wrenched open the door to Moaning Myrtle's 'glamorous bastion' and stood with fists clenched in the entry, staring down the second greatest enemy of his immortal soul:

Draco Malfoy.

"Well, well, well…look who it is. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I was looking at Romeo himself. Haven't we been busy, eh, Potter?" Malfoy sneered, hands placed firmly on the granite basin in front of him, glaring at Harry's reflection as his face twisted into a smirk.

Harry said nothing as he attempted to control his temper, violent fits of anger coursing through his veins as his heart continued to pick up speed.

"I wondered when I'd be getting a little visit from you," he persisted, leisurely drying his hands as his gaze never left his intruder's. "You're not one to take things lying down- unless it's from Granger."

His blood boiled beneath his collar, Harry's vision soon shrouded by seething red as Malfoy laughed in the mirror.

"Once I lost track of Weasel I figured I'd see "The Potty" sooner or later. It's only fitting that it should occur in a bathroom," Malfoy sniggered, turning to face his opponent. "Tell me, did you enjoy the little redhead's shagging as well as I did? I never dreamed she could actually be decent at something other than looking like she crawled out of a hut in the Amazon."

"We didn't shag," Harry finally spoke through gritted teeth, nearly splitting Ron's wand in two.

"That's too bad," Malfoy said in mock sincerity, taking a step toward the decrepit stalls, "you wouldn't believe what she does if you tickle her c-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH," Harry bellowed, a faint squeak slipping under the second stall, followed by a tiny splash.

"Hmmm…seems I hit a nerve. I'm done with her now, Potter, she's served her purpose. All yours, mate. Maybe if you play up that 'chosen one' rubbish a bit you can get her in the sac with that mudblood and have a really good time- by your standards of course. I wouldn't touch that thing with a ten foot po-"


"HA!" Malfoy blocked Harry's disarming curse with a graceful flick and narrowed his eyes in a malicious glare, "That the best you can do, Potter? You ought to get your mind back in the game and off that flea-ridden dog…or what's another name for it? Ah, yes- or rather, disgusting bitch."

Harry roared a Leg-Locker Curse at the jeering Draco, who dodged it just as it hit the back wall. He straightened up in an instant and fire blazed in his blistering eyes, molten steel sizzling with anger.



Malfoy gasped and fell backward, torrents of blood gushing from beneath his robes and spilling onto the grimy floor. Harry watched in horror as he staggered back to the marble sinks, clutching his chest and panting for gulps of air.

"Oh, God-" Harry whispered, face white with shock as he froze in the doorway- fighting the urge to retch up the entirety of his digestive system.

"MURDER! MURDER IN THE BATHROOM! MURDER!" Myrtle screamed from her stall, zooming over Harry's head and out into the corridor, opaque eyes wide with fear and amazement.

"No, I-" Harry floundered, the ground spinning as he tried to retain his composure, watching the blood pour from Malfoy's face and body…

Snape entered the room with a bang and was hovering over Malfoy in less than three strides. Muttering under his breath and tracing his wand over Draco's wounds, he flitted his eyes toward Harry- black holes of purest loathing and detestation. Harry shivered and continued to watch, still in a daze and struggling to stand.

"There- you need to go to the hospital wing immediately. An ounce of dittany may prevent the scarring. Come," he said coldly, turning his gaze to Harry as the most toxic of poisons oozed from his mouth-

"You wait here for me."

A/N: Take THAT stupid Malfoy! Hahahaha! And you too, Ginny. Such a foul mouth on that girl. At any rate, hope you liked a little action. Not too much more to go I'm afraid. I'm going to tell you now that I'm not finishing the storyline of HBP- MY story is very near the end. The last segment came very close to the original (with several rearrangings) but it happened for different reasons now. And kind of in a different order lol. My fic was just how Harry and Hermione would have gotten together in Half-Blood Prince; I didn't elaborate enough on the rest of the story to justify "re-doing" the ENTIRE ending of JKR's original work (I don't think). Plus, this story was for the most part from Hermione's pov- which I am most comfortable doing- and now that I've pretty much tied back in to the original story, much of what I write would be the same. The only difference would be Harry holding on to Hermione at Dumbledore's funeral. And then I wouldn't have him break up with her at the end. Someday in a land far far away I MIGHT do a Dumbledore funeral piece to sort of add on to this one, but I highly doubt it. So, once again, thanks for reading and PLEASE review!! Next chapter up shortly! : )