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Soul Thief by Barton Fink

Soul Thief

Barton Fink

Honour among Thieves

Harry sighed as he made his way down through the various levels of the Ministry in order to reach the cells in the basement. He had just remembered that he had said to Malfoy yesterday that he would visit at some point today and he now regretted making such a promise. For one thing, he'd had an extremely busy day and just wanted to kick back and relax for a few hours. For another, he'd just disappointed Hermione by rejecting her request to go out for dinner together.


He hoped she understood - he really, really wanted to go out with her, but there was just too much to do at the moment. Draco had to be seen; Narcissa had to be consulted and then there was Ron's files…

Why the fuck did I agree to do this?

He allowed himself a rueful smile, realising that he was a victim of his own conscience. He couldn't have walked away from this case; not after the suggestion that it might be related to Ron's death. It finally occurred to him that Narcissa had been right all along and his respect for Draco's mother went up yet another notch. He just hoped she approved of his latest scheme.

But he was still annoyed that he had disappointed Hermione. He had been totally sincere at the Burrow when he had thanked her for not giving up on him. He knew that his life had been spiralling out of control and had it not been for the spar she had thrown him he would have been even further down the road to self-destruction. Hermione was once again proving to be the rock that anchored him and he did not know what he would be doing right now if she had decided to give up on him. She'd been right; they really only had each other now.

He had been surprised when she had spoken of the events in the chamber - when she had told him of what the Horcrux had shown her prior to its destruction - and it had taken all of his willpower not to blurt out the truth of what he and Ron had seen that bitter night in the Forest of Dean when they had destroyed the locket.

He cast his mind back to that fateful night; that night he had lied and had changed the destiny for all of them; the night Ron had saved his life and had put him on a five year path of deception.

First, after opening the locket, there had been the eyes; the eyes that had looked at them much as a hunter regards its prey. Then the apparitions; the sight of me and Hermione embracing; kissing and taunting Ron for his folly in thinking that Hermione could ever love him. And of course, there had been the words; those damning words that had nearly broken Ron and threatened to compromise them all.

"I have seen your dreams, Ron Weasley, and I have seen your fears. All you desire is possible…Least loved, always, by the mother who craved a daughter…Least loved, now, by the girl who prefers your friend…Second best, always, eternally overshadowed…"

Harry stopped walking and closed his eyes for a moment as he remembered the final moments of that fateful encounter. The moment after Ron had destroyed the locket and had looked so defeated. The moment when he had been unable to look his friend in the eye and had told him that he only loved Hermione as a sister.

The moment I lied and changed everything.

In a life full of regrets, this was the one that haunted him the most. He had lied; lied to Ron and lied to himself. He had even indirectly lied to Hermione and even now he still felt the repercussions of that lie reverberate down the years. It was no consolation to him to know that Ron and Hermione had seemed happy together for he would always wonder if it could all have been different. He opened his eyes and commenced his walking again, lost in his thoughts.

Maybe Hermione did love me then? But I couldn't break my friend that night. Ron - for all of his faults - had returned and had saved my life. He had looked so crushed by the mere possibility that Hermione did prefer me that I couldn't destroy him. I needed his help destroy the Horcruxes and if I had admitted that I was in love with Hermione then he would probably have left again.

Harry sighed. He had so many regrets from that fateful winter. He had behaved appallingly towards Hermione; ignoring her tears and not even attempting to console her after Ron had left. It had been fear, he knew. Fear of where such consolation may lead them both.

Besides; she preferred Ron, didn't she? Her behaviour after he left was proof of that.

But it still didn't excuse his behaviour. For once, she had needed him to be her rock and he had rejected her. He told himself that his reasons had been for the best; that he did not trust himself to offer her comfort and succour without taking advantage of her. That he would have been unable to keep the secret he had guarded so carefully from both of his friends.

This was the crux of his current dilemma, he knew. He loved Hermione - he had loved her for as long as he could remember. But if he was to now profess these feelings to her, he would have to admit to her how long he had loved her. Admit that his relationship with Ginny had been a sham. If he told Hermione he loved her he couldn't keep this information from her; he couldn't hope to enjoy an open, honest relationship if he began by lying to her about something of this magnitude. And if I do tell her?

Then the shit will really hit the fan.

He suddenly felt the temperature drop and he realised that he had finally reached the lower level of the building. He shivered but was glad to have been shaken out of his reverie. He stopped and considered his surroundings and it occurred to him that despite his general opinion of Draco Malfoy, he could not help but feel a degree of sympathy for his current plight. He was certain that his former enemy was innocent and yet here he was in a cold and fetid cell awaiting a fate worse than death. Whatever Malfoy had done in his past, he didn't deserve this.

No one did.

He nodded to the guards as he approached the cell and waited whilst one of them performed the necessary counter charms to unlock the door. Stepping inside, he saw that Malfoy sat by the rickety wooden table, his head in his arms as he leaned on the flat surface. Malfoy looked up as he approached his expression expectant.

'I don't have enough to get you out of here yet,' began Harry without preamble, 'but I do think there is some cause for hope.' He grabbed the other chair that sat by the wall and - swinging it over to the table - he placed it down across from Draco and sat astride it. He noticed that Malfoy now had the look of a hunted animal.

'I need to ask you a few more questions, if that's OK?' he asked.

Malfoy regarded him with a stony look. 'What's the point?' he finally replied. 'I'm running out of time and I'm sick of answering questions. I don't remember anything!' he exclaimed, his frustration and despair obvious.

Harry felt a sudden surge of pity for the man sitting before him, recognising the despair and empathising. After all, it wasn't so long ago that I felt something like this.

'Look, Draco,' he began softly; 'I know you are innocent and I do have a few significant leads. I really do think I will get you out of here, it's just that it will take time.'

'Time?' Draco sneered. 'In case you hadn't noticed, I don't have any fucking time.'

Harry closed his eyes for a moment, trying to work out the best approach.

'Did you see Cho Chang at all in the past year?' he asked.

Draco looked surprised by the question, but considered it. 'No,' he finally replied. 'I hadn't seen her since school. Why?'

'Because I have discovered that Cho was murdered for a reason. I am certain that she uncovered something and told Ron; that's why he was killed. Whatever she discovered must be huge.'

'And how does that help me?' asked Draco.

Harry sighed. 'It helps you because I don't think you were the main victim of this crime. I really believe that whoever did this was out to get Cho and thought that taking you down too would be a bonus. Unless of course you got yourself mixed up in something I should know about?'

Draco shook his head. 'This may surprise you, Potter, but I have kept my head down since the Dark Lord was destroyed. I have stayed out of trouble as best I can; I am on my last chance, remember?' He paused for a moment. 'You really think that I wasn't the target? That I was just a convenient patsy?'

Harry nodded. 'That's exactly what I think. I started this investigation from the wrong angle. I was trying to find out who would want to frame a Malfoy but then it occurred to me that it would be easier to discover who wouldn't.' He smiled to take the sting out of his words. 'No; Cho is the key to this. She was meeting Ron before he died so I think that whoever killed him did so to cover something up. They obviously didn't know that Cho was the real threat; not Ron.'

Malfoy considered this in silence for a few moments and Harry noticed a glint in his eye that had not been present when he first arrived. 'So do you have anything to go on?'

Harry nodded. 'I'm going to go through all of Ron's files and Hermione is going to visit Gringotts.' He noticed the surprise on Malfoy's face. 'Cho worked there and I - that is we - think that she discovered some irregularities in the accounts she dealt with. If we can nail what that is then we have a chance of discovering who is behind this. And do me a favour, will you? Don't tell anyone about this; only discuss it with your mother - no one else. Understood?'

Draco nodded his understanding, but then frowned. 'And if nothing turns up in either place?'

'Then I have a few other cards to play, Draco. I need to speak to your mother about something - has she been to visit yet?'

Draco nodded. 'Yeah; she comes every day to see me. I would have cracked up by now if it wasn't for her.'

Harry nodded his understanding before glancing at his watch. 'Well, I have to speak to her too. I'm afraid that I really need to go, Draco; I still have a lot to do today. I just wanted to update you and tell you not to lose hope. We will get you out of here,' he added firmly, hoping to hide his own doubts. He regarded him for one last time. 'Are you sure you have nothing else you can tell me?'

'Not a thing,' replied Draco flatly. 'I wish I did but I really can't think of anything that would be of use.'

Harry nodded. 'In that case, I best be going.' He stood to leave and was startled when Malfoy stood with him. He seemed very unsure of himself once more. Finally, to Harry's surprise, he held out his hand.

'Whatever happens, I just want you to know that I am grateful you are doing this, Harry. Thank you.'

Harry looked at the proffered hand for a moment before finally taking it and clasping it firmly. The two men - after years of enmity and rancour - shook hands and looked one another .in the eye.

'Don't mention it.'


Just over an hour later, Harry sat in the dining room of Malfoy Manor and watched as one of the House Elves placed a sumptuous dinner on the table in front of him. He was joined by both Narcissa and Lucius and he suspected that the latter was only present under sufferance. Narcissa probably had to physically threaten him to get him here, he mused.

He had briefly explained to Narcissa what he had discovered and outlined what he proposed to do next. He had not mentioned his meeting with Rita, however. Well, no time like the present. He waited until the elf had departed and turned to his hostess.

'Narcissa? I think I need to warn you that you might be getting some…visitors tomorrow afternoon, if that's all right?'

Narcissa dabbed her mouth with her napkin before replying. 'Visitors? I don't foresee any problems, Harry; but can you tell me who I can expect?'

Harry leaned back in his chair and placed his knife and fork on the table. 'I went to see Rita Skeeter today; I took the liberty of issuing a little appeal on Draco's behalf. It will be in the Prophet tomorrow.'

'Appeal?' asked Lucius, practically the first word spoken to Harry since he took up residence at the Manor. 'What sort of appeal?' He sounded aghast.

'An appeal for witnesses. I have requested for anyone who might have seen anything suspicious the day of Cho's death to come here at twelve thirty tomorrow. I am hoping to glean some information that the investigating Aurors might have missed. I don't have the time to hunt down potential witnesses so I am hoping this will induce them to come to me.'

Lucius barked a short laugh. 'Fat chance,' he replied. 'You'll be lucky if anyone shows up. People generally don't get involved in this sort of thing.'

'That's what I thought too,' replied Harry. 'It's why I said you would be offering a ten thousand Galleon reward to anyone who can help get Draco out of prison. That might pluck at the conscience of one or two people.' He took a moment to enjoy the impact of these words. Lucius turned red - no; almost purple, such was his state of apoplexy. On the other hand, Narcissa merely raised an eyebrow and he could see the cynical amusement in her eyes.

'How dare you!' spluttered Lucius. 'You had no right to presume so much. I will pay no such…'

'Oh, be quiet, Lucius,' Narcissa interrupted calmly. 'If Harry discovers something that proves Draco's innocence then it is cheap at the price.' She turned to face Harry. 'It's a very good idea, Harry, but isn't there a danger that you might attract the wrong sort? I expect that the Manor will be busy tomorrow with the promise of so much gold.' She was smiling as she said this.

'I think so too,' Harry replied, 'but don't worry; I have a trick or two up my sleeve to get rid of the timewasters.'

'I will not allow this,' snarled Lucius. 'I will not see my family home turned into some kind of circus. There is no telling what sort of person will turn up. There could even be Mudbloo…'

'Don't you dare!' snarled Harry. 'Don't you dare utter that word in my presence!' He took a deep breath, realising that Narcissa was eying him with something like fear. 'This may be your house but I will not tolerate that word spoken in my presence. If I hear it once more then I am walking from this case.' Lucius made to retort but Harry cut him off. 'In case you have forgotten, my assistant on this case is Hermione Granger. Remember her, Lucius? That's one Muggle born who has already "visited" this house, though I fancy she didn't appreciate the reception she received! I trust she will be better treated if she agrees to come here tomorrow?' He noticed the sudden flush of guilt on the faces of both the Malfoys.

'She will be welcome here, Harry,' replied Narcissa quietly, quickly casting a stern look at her husband as she spoke. 'She is another that we must make amends to, if she will permit it' She glanced once again at her husband before continuing. 'Never fear; that word will not be repeated in this house and I will do all that I can to make Miss Granger as comfortable as possible tomorrow.' She turned to face him directly. 'Many follies were committed in this house but I can assure you that I shall endeavour to atone for those mistakes for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, my husband seems to find that old habits die hard.'

'Thank you,' replied Harry, before turning to face the elder Malfoy. For a long moment the two men sat glaring at one another before Lucius suddenly threw his napkin on the table and abruptly scraped his chair back before strutting out of the room. Harry watched him go and did not attempt to disguise his contempt.

'I'm sorry, Harry. There is no excuse for his behaviour,' said Narcissa quietly. Harry turned to face her and despite the circumstances, managed a smile.

'There is no need for you to apologise on his behalf; he's supposed to be an adult - he makes his own decisions. And thank you for promising to make Hermione welcome - I'm not sure yet if she will come.'

Narcissa smiled but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. 'Well, if she does, I will do my best to make her at ease. She is helping my son, after all.' She regarded him for a moment before looking away. When she spoke next, her voice seemed to come from a distance. 'Do you really think you will get Draco out of there?'

'Yes,' he said, firmly. 'We will get him out of there. Draco is innocent and if I have to I will break him out of that cell myself. But I don't believe it will come to that. I know he didn't do it and when I do find out who is behind all of this they better hope that the Aurors get to them before I do. Whoever is doing this killed my friend too,' he added.

Narcissa nodded gravely. 'And you think the answer to all of this may be in Ron's files?'

'It might be. Cho Chang met with him before he died. I don't believe in coincidences - there must be a connection. If the answer is not in Ron's files then it is at Gringotts.' He smiled. 'Don't worry; if it's there then Hermione will dig it out. You've never seen her once she gets her teeth into a problem - she doesn't let go.'

'All the more reason for me to make amends,' replied Narcissa. 'Do not worry, Harry; I will make sure that my husband does not upset anyone tomorrow.' Her voice was like steel as she said this.

Harry smiled before picking up his knife and fork and continuing with his meal.

Lucius had better watch his step.


The next Morning, Harry found himself back in the Ministry approaching Hermione's office. He was not in a good mood; he had spent hours pouring over Ron's files and as yet had uncovered nothing of value. As a result, he was tired and irritable and was beginning to have doubts about this angle of the investigation. It was entirely possible that whoever was responsible for all of this might have covered their tracks.

He entered Hermione's office and was not surprised to see her bright eyed and in a chirpy mood. How does she manage it? No one should be so bloody happy this early in the morning.

'Good morning, Harry,' said Hermione brightly. Harry just grunted in response before helping himself to some coffee from the machine on her desk.

'Seen this yet?' asked Hermione. He glanced up and noticed that she held a copy of the Daily Prophet. 'Rita has been as good as her word,' she added, handing him the paper.

Harry took it and glanced at the front page. Rita had come through for them; the whole page was devoted to his appeal for witnesses and he smiled grimly as he realised that this ought to worry someone. He just hoped that it would bear fruit.

'So what do we do now?' asked Hermione. 'We have until twelve thirty to work on something else before we have to go to Malfoy Manor.' Her tone gave away exactly what she thought of this.

'Will you be OK going there? I know that the last time you were there…' he left the rest unsaid.

'I'll manage, Harry. 'I'll need to. So what do we do now? Find anything in Ron's files' she asked, keen to change the subject.

'Not a thing, but I still have quite a bit to go through. What about you; any word from Gringotts?'

She shook her head. 'Not yet, but don't worry - these things can take time.' She leaned back in her chair. 'So what's the plan today?'

'I don't know to be honest. I was hoping Ragnok would have replied by now so I'm…'

He stopped speaking. Stopped because a small barn owl had flown into the office and landed gently on the desk. To his surprise, it proffered a leg towards him rather than Hermione. Curious, he removed the rolled parchment and watched as the little owl darted out of the room. He shared a quick look of bemusement with Hermione before beginning to read.

'It's from Dung,' he finally said once he had read the missive. 'I think he's found something; he wants us to meet him at the Leaky Cauldron in half an hour.' He looked up, a smile on his face. 'Well, at least we don't have to worry about what we are going to do this morning,' he said.

Hermione didn't reply; instead, she raised an eyebrow and wondered what Dung might have uncovered. This day might prove to be very interesting.


Thirty minutes later, Harry and Hermione allowed themselves to be led into a back room of the Leaky Cauldron by Tom. A few heads had turned when they had entered the tavern but no one had passed comment and Harry was grateful that Dung had had the wit to book a room in order to remain unseen.

Wit? Low cunning more like.

He waited whilst Tom opened the door to one of the rooms and gave the old barman a curt nod as he entered, Hermione right behind him. The room was sparse; only a scrubbed wooden table and a few battered old chairs lay within but Harry did not care; what was important right now was the occupant and he smiled as he took in the familiar crumpled form of Mundungus Fletcher.

'Morning, Dung. You have something for me?' he asked, sounding more cheerful than he actually felt.

Mundungus waited until the door was closed before replying. 'Hiya, Harry; Hermione,' he began. 'I think I might have found something of interest to you.'

'Fire away,' replied Harry as he took a seat. 'We're all ears, Dung.'

Mundungus looked guarded for a moment. 'You did say there would be a reward?' he asked.

'If you have anything useful then Narcissa Malfoy will cover you in gold, Dung. Now what is it?'

The petty crook took a moment to reply. Finally he sat down across from Harry and waited for Hermione to take a seat too. 'Do you remember Willie Widdershins?' he finally asked.

'I remember him,' replied Hermione, surprised. 'Wasn't he the one who told Umbridge about our DA meeting in the Hogshead?'

'That's him,' agreed Harry. 'What about him, Dung? You're not telling me that he's the one behind all this are you? It's hardly his style; the last "major" crime he was involved in was those regurgitating toilets, wasn't it?'

'That's why I had to speak to you, Harry,' replied Mundungus. 'Willie is moving in more exalted circles these days.'

'Meaning what, exactly?' asked Harry.

'Meaning that he's suddenly become a major player in the criminal world and that he's absolutely loaded these days. I saw him at lunchtime yesterday in the Hogshead and he was rolling in coin. I tried to speak to him but I was told to bugger off by a couple of henchmen that were guarding him. That's not like Willie at all; me and him go way back and he's the worst bloody crook in the world.'

'The worst?' asked Hermione. 'He doesn't sound that bad - more of a petty thief rather than evil, surely?'

Dung shook his head. 'I don't mean "worst" as in evil, Hermione. I mean "worst" as in not very good at being a crook. He's even worse at it than I am and that's saying something.'

'So what's your point, Dung?' asked Harry.

'My point is that he's suddenly became a big shot and I can't get near him to ask him how he managed it. I asked around; spoke to some contacts I have. Someone is bankrolling Willie and providing him with some serious muscle. You ever heard of Jimmy Mullins?'

Hermione watched as Harry searched his memory for the name. She had to admit to herself that she found herself fascinated by this aspect of the wizarding world; she'd had no idea that it had such a seedy underbelly.

'Mullins?' asked Harry. 'Would that be "Leadpipe" Mullins?'

'That's the fella!' replied Dung. 'Well, Leadpipe had a good little racket going in stolen luxury goods - you know, broomsticks, invisibility cloaks - that sort of thing. Top of the range stuff and serious money changing hands.'

'And?' asked Harry.

'And Willie bloody Widdershins has taken over his racket,' replied Dung. 'Someone must have warned Leadpipe off because he didn't put up a fight. That's not like him at all.'

Hermione could not quite understand the profound silence that followed this statement. She felt the need to have something else explained, though.

'Why is he called "Leadpipe"?' she asked. Mundungus regarded her almost piteously.

'Let's just say that Jimmy Mullins takes a more…Muggle approach to anyone trying to muscle in on his territory. In the past he's used hammers, pick handles and even a shovel once, but a piece of lead piping seems to be his implement of choice when getting rid of business rivals.'

And Hermione suddenly understood. Mullins sounded like an extremely dangerous man and Willie Widdershins had somehow managed to take over his operation. Something smells here. She turned as Harry finally replied.

'Now that is interesting,' he said. 'Are you suggesting that he had help?'

'Of course I am. Willie could never have done this on his own; he's got very serious people behind him and some very heavy protection but he won't tell me how he managed it. If you ask me, he's doing some very dirty work for someone and this is his reward.'

'By "dirty work" you mean you think he might know where the escaped Deatheaters are? That he's been helping them?' asked Harry.

'I think he might, Harry. As you said; someone has to be getting them what they need and the only thing Willie was ever any good at was procuring things discreetly. If he's helping them then it would explain why he's suddenly become King Rat down our way.' He touched the side of his nose. 'I may not be the sharpest tool in the box but I do know how to find out what's going on.'

'How do you do that?' asked Hermione.

'I follow the money,' replied Mundungus. 'No matter whether the crime is big or small, you follow the money to find out who is behind it. That's what I did here. Harry asked me to check out anything suspicious and believe me, there is nothing more suspicious that suddenly discovering that Willie Widdershins is a rich and powerful gangster. It would be like Harry becoming a successful Deatheater or Lucius Malfoy becoming a top campaigner for elf rights. It doesn't add up.'

Hermione shared a meaningful look with Harry at these words. Follow the money. That's what we're going to do isn't it? That's why I'm going to Gringotts.

After a long pause, Harry finally spoke. 'Well, thanks, Dung. This is certainly worth checking out. It sounds like Willie and I need to have a little chat. Where can I find him these days?'

'You can still get him in the Hogshead most evenings, Harry. I suggest you try there but be careful; Willie does have some heavy companions these days.' He paused before continuing. 'If he is involved, go easy on him. Willie is a friend of mine and if he's mixed up in this shit then it's because he's stupid, not because he's evil. It actually makes me feel better telling you this; I normally wouldn't grass on a mate but if I'm right then Willie needs help; he's way in over his head.'

Harry smiled. 'Don't you worry about me, Dung; I can take care of Willie. But I should tell you, if he's been helping escaped Deatheaters then he's in a whole heap of trouble. He's looking at a stretch in Azkaban but I will see what I can do. It sounds like he doesn't know what he's gotten himself into. And if anything comes of this I will make sure that you get what's due, Dung. I'll be in touch,' he added as he got to his feet. 'C'mon, Hermione; we have a few enquiries to make. And Dung?' he added before leaving. 'Make sure you keep this to yourself.'

Mundungus watched them leave and considered Harry's parting words.

Don't you worry about that, Harry; more than my life's bloody worth to blab to anyone about this shit.