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Soul Thief by Barton Fink

Soul Thief

Barton Fink

Meetings Made, Meetings Missed

Harry sat silently in the corner of Kingsley's office and ignored his companions as he waited for the Minister's arrival. The reception he had received upon entering the courtroom had been more than he had anticipated and he'd been glad when the Judge had finally called a halt to proceedings and ordered Harry and the relevant lawyers into his chambers. It was there, in camera, that Harry had been sworn in as Draco Malfoy's investigator. After that, an owl had arrived from Kingsley instructing the Malfoys to go to the Minister's office as soon as possible.

Accompanied by their Soul Thief.

He had never heard the expression before but decided he liked the term. Harry Potter - Soul Thief. It had a certain ring to it.

Now he sat and studiously ignored both Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy as they hissed urgently at each other. He didn't need to be an investigator to know what they were talking about. Lucius had looked physically sick as Harry had taken the oath and since then had completely ignored him. The elder Malfoy looked almost fearful at the prospect of having his former enemy so close. Narcissa on the other hand, had embraced him and whispered a soft 'thank you' into his ear. He had winked at Lucius as she had done this and the elder Malfoy's anger was a sight to behold.

Harry had decided at that moment that this whole affair might prove an amusing distraction after all. If nothing else, he would get to annoy Lucius, and that was always a worthwhile enterprise.

He looked up as Kingsley entered the room with a broad smile on his face.

'Harry. Good to see you,' he said, offering his hand.

'Minister,' replied Harry stiffly, as he briefly shook hands. 'You wanted to see us?'

Kingsley looked taken aback by the coldness of Harry's tone but made no comment. Instead, with a frown, he indicated that they take a seat. He cast a quick glance at Harry before turning to the Malfoys.

'So, Narcissa,' he began, once all were settled, 'you have what you wanted. Your seven days start now. I have asked you here to lay down a few ground rules. You should know that Harry is entitled to review all evidence, witness statements and prosecution documents. He is also able to interview anyone he thinks may help in his investigation - including me, I might add. This applies only to Harry. He is allowed to appoint an assistant, but the assistant can only conduct interviews if Harry is also present. Also, the assistant does not need to meet the same criteria that Harry did. I can also tell you that should you face any obstacles or non-cooperation, you are to contact me immediately. Is that fair?

'More than fair, Minister. Thank you,' replied Narcissa. She turned to Harry, expecting him to speak, but he remained silent. 'Can Mr Potter commence immediately?' she asked.

'If he so wishes,' Kingsley confirmed.

A long silence stretched out as each person in the room waited for Harry to say something. He just sat morosely and stared at the floor.

'Well,' said Kingsley after a while, 'I think that is everyt….'

'The seven days start from tomorrow - not today.'

Kingsley looked surprised at the words. 'But, Harry, your appointment was ratified this morning. The seven days must start from now.'

'Not so; we are nearly halfway through the day and I have not even had a chance to familiarise myself with any aspects of the case. Even now I am being prevented from beginning my investigation by answering your summons. My time is valuable; Draco Malfoy's very existence depends on it. Or are you deliberately trying to obstruct me?' He asked icily.

'Of course not!' Kingsley sounded affronted.

'Then the seven days start from tomorrow.'

Kingsley took a long moment to reply. Finally, he nodded. 'OK, Harry; I can agree to that. I will speak to the judge.' He noticed a thin smile on Narcissa Malfoys lips as she realised Harry had chiselled out yet another day of reprieve for her son. He ignored this and continued. 'What is it you need to familiarise yourself with the case?'

'Who was leading Auror?' asked Harry. His tone was like a whip.


Harry nodded, satisfied. 'Then tell him I want everything he has on the case sent to Malfoy Manor by nine tomorrow morning. Everything,' he stressed. 'And I want him to do it in person.'

'Harry, he is a senior Auror. Surely he can send…'

'I don't give a fuck if he's just been made Pope; I want to see him. I also want an office here at the Ministry and access to all Auror files - not just those relating to this case. I want to see the Chang family and a list of names of everyone who communicated with Draco in the two weeks prior to his arrest. And I want to see Draco in person. Right now.'

Kingsley looked shocked - first at the profanity and then at the demands, but Harry couldn't care less.

'I don't know if I can agree to that Harr…'

For the third time, Harry cut him off. 'It wasn't a request, Minister. This is straightforward. Either you give me what I want or I instruct Mr. Blackhouse to move for an immediate discharge for Draco owing to Ministry intransigence. How long do you think you would survive as Minister if Draco gets off on a technicality?'

Kingsley's eyes flared for a moment. He was not used to this Harry Potter and was unaccustomed to anyone speaking to him in this manner. Then he remembered just what this young man had been through. And if he was honest with himself, he was aware of the consequences if Malfoy were to get off for such reasons. He calmed himself. 'It will be as you say, Harry. I shall pass on your instructions to Dawlish and make arrangements for you to see Draco. Is there anything else?'

'I want your personal authority in writing. Just a short note telling everyone to do as they are bloody well told. Then I will not need to bother you further.'

Kingsley nodded and - pulling out some parchment and a quill - wrote a short note and handed it to Harry. Then he stood.

'If you wait here a moment, Harry, I will make the arrangements for you to see Draco straight away.' He left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

Harry sat back morosely in his chair, aware of the astonished stares of the Malfoys but ignoring them for the moment. He read Kingsley's note and gave a small smile. It was exactly what he was looking for.

'Harry?' asked Narcissa in a small voice. 'What was all that about? It's not that I'm ungrateful for you obtaining another day, but I don't think it is a good idea to annoy Kingsley at the moment.'

Harry took a moment before replying. 'It was necessary. I needed to establish my authority.' He sighed. 'It's like this; if Draco has been framed and there is a conspiracy against your family then that conspiracy goes to the very top of our society. Despite the frequent fuck-ups of your dear husband,' - he ignored the sudden flush of anger on the elder Malfoy's face - 'the Malfoy family is still a major player in the magical world. This isn't some prank instigated by a disgruntled yob. Your enemies are powerful and influential people. That being the case, it would be extremely stupid to underestimate them. We can trust practically no one; but one person who will play this straight is Kingsley - he's as honest as they come. I suspect that your enemies will have people placed where they can obstruct me, so my initial demands had to be made directly to Kingsley. I now have his authority to do whatever I want, which means I will not have to take anyone else into my confidence. I cannot trust anyone else, so I had to play hardball with the one man in authority that I can trust.'

Both Malfoys regarded him with a look of respect, but Harry turned away once again. He did not look up until the door opened and Kingsley entered.

'Lucius? Narcissa? You are free to leave. Harry must see Draco alone for the moment. I'm afraid that there are a lot of people downstairs. Harry's return seems to have attracted half of the people in our world to the Ministry this morning. It might be a bit of an ordeal for you to get through the throng. Harry can join you at Malfoy Manor later.'

He waited until the two Malfoys had departed before turning to Harry, an awkward expression on his face.

'Harry? My secretary tells me that Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger are here. They have asked to see you.'

Damn! thought Harry. He had known that they would want to see him, but he did not want to face them right now. In fact, he did not want to see them, period.

'Can you have someone tell them that I have left? I can floo down to the holding cells.'

Kingsley nodded; a sympathetic look on his face. 'Harry? Can I speak plainly to you?'

'Of course.'

'I don't know where you have been these months, nor do I know what you have being doing. But I do know that you have changed. Ginny and Hermione care a great deal about you. So do I. Do not shut us out. Please.'

Harry closed his eyes. He did not need this right now. He temporised. 'I just don't feel like seeing them right now. I have enough on my plate with the case. I don't need the distraction.' He looked directly at the Minister. 'I'm sorry, Kingsley. I don't know what you were expecting but I have changed. I am not the man I was. Things…have not been easy for me - I need time.'

Kingsley nodded. 'I understand, Harry. But I want you to know; you can come to see me about anything. My door will always be open.'

Shit, thought Harry. He didn't need this. Shouts, threats or attacks he could handle. But Kingsley's common decency and concern would be his undoing.

'Thanks, Kingsley. I appreciate it. And I'm sorry for speaking so roughly. You didn't ask for this.'

'That's OK, Harry. Don't worry about it. Now, come on. We can go down to the cells together. Give me a minute; I'll have Susan tell them you have already left.'

Harry nodded his gratitude. 'Thanks, Kingsley.'


Draco Malfoy sat in his holding cell and considered his position. His relief at the adjournment of the trial had finally disappeared, being replaced by the returning sense of dread that had plagued him since his arrest. Whilst the postponement of his trial by seven days was undoubtedly a good thing, he reckoned that it might be a case of simply delaying the inevitable. Unless Potter found something, of course.


He still could not get his head round the fact that Potter was going to be working to clear his name. How his mother had managed to track him down - never mind persuade him to return - was something that was beyond his comprehension. That Potter had agreed to investigate on his behalf was a final twist that his brain refused to acknowledge. Why was he doing this?

As if in answer to his unspoken question, Draco heard the keys jangle in the lock on his cell door. He had a good idea who this was and was not surprised when the door swung open and Harry Potter - his enemy for so many years - stood before him. The door was shut behind him, leaving only the two men alone in the fetid cell. They regarded each other for a long moment in silence before Harry smiled. A smile that did not reach his eyes, Draco noticed.

'Well, well, well,' began Harry. 'You've really gone and done it now, Malfoy. Of all the piles of shit you have been in, this one tops them all.'

Draco flushed. 'Not funny, Potter. This is serious!'

'I know it's serious. But I have to confess; it amuses me too.'

'Is this why you are here? To gloat?'

Harry shrugged. 'Who knows? Perhaps I just have a soft spot for bastards. It won't be the first time that I've saved your scrawny arse, will it? This is becoming something of a habit. I didn't realise you found being rescued by me so…invigorating. I should warn you; I don't swing that way, sweetie.' He blew Draco a kiss.

Draco stood, his hands balled into fists. I didn't ask for your help, Potter,' he spat. 'This is my mother's doing. You can go to hell for all I care.'

'It's possible that I will, eventually,' replied Harry airily. 'But when I get there, I'll have plenty of company. Not you though; your soul seemingly belongs to someone else.'

'Fuck you!' snarled Draco. 'Why don't you just leave?'

Harry blinked at the words, a stark reminder of the words spoken by Hermione all those months ago. His face hardened. 'Leave? Of course. I will go right now. I'll tell the judge he can restart the trial. I'm sure the Dementors will be delighted.' Harry watched his words strike home like hammer blows. 'I'm your last chance, ferret. No one else will touch the Malfoys with a barge pole. So sit the fuck down and tell me what happened.'

Draco did as he was bidden. Defeated, he slumped onto his bed and told Potter what he knew. This didn't amount to much.

'So you remember nothing at all?' asked Harry, once Draco had related the events of that morning.

'Not a thing. I might have murdered Chang for all I know. I don't remember a thing.'

'What's the last thing you do remember?'

'I'm fed up repeating myself. I have explained this to everyone already,' replied Draco.

'Now explain it to me.'

Draco sighed. 'I was at home the previous day. I had just finished my lunch when I heard a knock at the front door.'

'Who was it?'

'I don't remember. The knock is the last thing I can recall.'

'What did you do that morning?'

Draco flushed. 'Nothing. I was not long out of bed. I had been out the night before and didn't get home until very late.'

'Who were you out with?'

'Just some friends. I left them about three and went home. Alone. It's all in the reports. I really do not remember anything.'

'Had you been in contact with Cho at all?'

'No. I hadn't seen her since we left school. You have no idea how surprised I was when I discovered her in my bed that morning. I have no idea how she got there.'

Harry nodded distractedly. That was the one thing that really didn't add up. Draco Malfoy was emphatically not Cho Chang's type and - whilst he could not claim to know her well - he did not think she was the type to have a casual one night stand either. This was a lead worth pursuing, he realised. Why Cho?

'What happened after that?'

'It was all so fast. I had just discovered that she was dead when a squad of Aurors burst in. I don't really remember much else.'

'So soon? The Aurors arrived so soon? How did they know?'

'No idea. You will have to ask them.'

'I will,' replied Harry, grimly. 'Believe me; I will.' He looked thoughtful for a moment. 'I want to try something with you, Draco, if you permit me.' He ignored the astonished look Malfoy flashed him at being addressed by his given name. He regretted antagonising the man, for what he needed to do now would require Draco's full co-operation. It was just that old habits die hard, he realised.

'What?' Draco replied guardedly.

'It seems obvious to me that some type of memory charm has been placed upon you. I want to try some legilimancy to see if I can break through.'

Draco sighed. 'You're not the only one to think of that. The Ministry already swept me for charms - they found nothing.'

Harry smiled. 'I'm not the Ministry. I just want a look. Did they try legilimancy?'

'No - they didn't think it necessary. They think I am lying.'

'They would. Well, I want you to let me try. Don't worry; I won't be prying into your sordid little secrets,' he added.

Draco rewarded this comment with a stony look. Finally he nodded his submission. 'Fair enough. It's probably a waste of time, but it's not as if I have anything else to do, is it?'

Harry nodded, and sat down on the bed next to his erstwhile enemy. 'Now it's important that you just relax. Open your mind to me as much as you can. I'm not an expert, but if you allow me access, I should be able to do this. Let's see what I can find.'

Placing his hands on Malfoy's temples, Harry shut his eyes and allowed his mind to wander. What he had told Draco was true; he was no expert at this form of magic but he had picked up a few things at the Auror academy. Like a lot of his magic, Harry found that he could achieve great things if he put his mind to it. Right now was one of those times.

At first he encountered some resistance but soon felt Draco lower his guard and he found himself able to cut his way through. It was just as the man had said; he saw Draco eating his lunch and then heard the knock at the door and then…

Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. Just a white, vast emptiness. Second after second of nothing whatsoever. Draco Malfoy's mind was a vacuum; a blank void.

And then there was something. Just before the images of Draco waking up that fateful morning began to materialise there was the merest flash; the briefest hint of a presence that flew by so fast that Harry nearly missed it. He let go of Draco and stood up abruptly before beginning to pace the room.

Draco followed his movements for a moment. 'What is it?' he finally asked.

Harry stopped pacing. 'Who was the elf?' he asked urgently.

Draco looked astounded. 'Elf? What elf? What the fuck are you talking about?'

'There was a house elf in your thoughts - just for a fraction of a second. It appeared right before your memory returned.'

Draco looked nonplussed. He strained his mind but drew a complete blank. 'I don't know,' he finally answered. 'I can't remember!'

Harry wasn't listening - he expected nothing less. His mind was working furiously as he considered the implications of his discovery.

'What did the Ministry say after testing you for spells? What were their exact words?'

Draco looked up, curiosity written all over his face. 'They said there was no evidence of wand work; that I had not been cursed.'

Harry nodded as if expecting the answer. 'There wouldn't be. Elves don't use wands. We don't fully understand their magic and so we have never given it the attention it deserves. Most people don't consider them worthy of study, never mind investigation. It would never occur to Dawlish to look for elf magic.' He looked grim. 'Whoever has done this to you is a very clever bastard.'

'You mean you believe I am innocent? You can get me off?'

Harry laughed bitterly. 'Yes; I believe you. But this is not enough to prove your innocence. They will claim that I planted the memory myself. No; in order to prove your innocence, we will have to find that elf. Do you know of any?'

'Apart from the one you freed? No; not personally. Only the ones that remain at the Manor. I don't pay any attention to other people's elves. I mean; you don't pay attention to tools, do you? Why would I remember an elf?'

Harry shook his head. 'That elf I freed died to save my life, Malfoy,' he snapped. 'And don't let Hermione hear you speak like that. The Dementors will be the least of your worries if she hears you...' He stopped himself. Why had he said that?

'That's right,' said Draco, ignoring Harry's abrupt halt. 'She works to free the damn things, doesn't she? Isn't she the head of the DMC?'

'She is,' replied Harry evenly, the realisation hitting him like a slap in the face. Oh, shit. She is, too. I'm going to have to speak to her. Shit. He shook his head.

'Is there anything else you think I need to know?' he asked.

Draco considered the question. 'Not right now. I will let you know if I think of anything.'

'OK,' said Harry. 'I think it would be for the best if we keep this little discovery between ourselves for the moment. Tell no one; I don't know who we can trust. If your enemies think we have a lead, they will do everything in their power to thwart us. In the meantime, I want you consider what you do remember, especially anything that has happened to you in the past few weeks.' He stood to leave, making for the door and banging hard on it to indicate he was finished. As he waited for it to open, he turned to his onetime enemy.

'For what it's worth, Draco; I believe you are innocent. Someone has set you up and I intend to find out who it is. I'll be going over the general aspects of the case today and by tomorrow morning I will have read the initial reports. I will be back tomorrow to speak to you further.' He turned as the door opened and exited the cell, leaving an astonished Draco Malfoy to consider the turn of events that had led to Harry Potter becoming an ally.


Hermione Granger sat in the kitchen of the Burrow and tried to hide her frustration as she listened to the hubbub that surrounded her. Just like in the old days, the Burrow had once again had become something of a headquarters as just about everyone that cared about Harry had gravitated to the Weasley home in the search for news. It seemed as if they all expected Harry to show up in person.

She and Ginny had headed straight here from the Ministry to see if Molly and Arthur had heard the news but they had been beaten to the punch. George, Bill, Fleur and Charlie had all arrived before them and even Percy had turned up to see if he could find out anything. When Minerva and Hagrid had arrived, Hermione began to suspect that no one had a clue as to what Harry would do next. She had noticed the sympathetic glances cast towards Ginny, but what had really disconcerted her were the questioning looks directed at her. It was as if they all expected her to know what he was doing.

'So, did you actually see him at the Ministry, dear?' asked Minerva. Hermione sighed; she had already answered this question to three different people.

'No, Minerva. Susan Bones told us that we had just missed him. Apparently he slipped out quietly by another exit to avoid the crowd. We came straight here after that.'

Minerva smiled knowingly. 'He never did like the attention, did he?'

'No; and after what happened to him the last time he was in that building, who can blame him?' she snapped. She noticed Minerva stiffen at these words and cursed herself inwardly. 'I'm sorry, Minerva; you didn't deserve that. This has unsettled me. I have waited so long for news and now this happens. I always thought he would come to see me - I mean Ginny and me - first if he ever returned. Not Narcissa bloody Malfoy,' she added bitterly.

'Who knows what Harry is going through,' said Minerva. 'He has never had his troubles to seek and I think the events of last summer unsettled him considerably. He blames himself for Ron's death, I think.'

'I know he does, the bloody idiot!' she exclaimed. She did not notice that everyone had turned to her raised voice as she let out the hurt and anger she was feeling. 'Always playing the bloody martyr is our Harry. It's not enough for him to grieve; no, he has to shoulder the blame too!' Tears of frustration were forming in her eyes as she spoke.

'Well, we can hardly blame him this time,' said Ginny in a small voice. 'I blamed him for Ron's death in public, remember? I didn't mean it; I was…overwrought. I have thought about little else since he left. I just want to tell him that it's not his fault.'

'Me too,' said Hermione. 'He needs to come home and "home" is not with the Malfoys. Why is he doing this?'

'Maybe it's his "saving people thing,"' said Ginny sadly. 'Even Malfoy,' she added.

Hermione reddened at the reminder of that other time - in fifth year - when her words had cut Harry to the bone. She made to reply but the words stopped in her throat as she turned to the sound of tapping at the window. It was an owl, but not one she recognised.

Arthur leaned across and opened the window, allowing access to the brown barn owl that carried a message. The bird cast a glance around the room before settling on the worktop and extending a talon. Arthur removed the letter and scanned the name on the envelope.

'It's for you, Hermione,' he said simply, crossing the room and handing it to her. Curious, she tore it open immediately. She lurched forward as she recognised the writing.

'It's from Harry!' she exclaimed and, immediately, all attention on the room was on her, although she was oblivious as she began to read.


As you have probably heard by now, I have had to show my face in your world once again. I did not want to, but I have undertaken to help Draco in proving his innocence.

I would like to meet with you - alone - to discuss something. If you agree, please go to the café we fled to the day of Bill and Fleur's wedding. You know where it is and I am fairy certain no one else does. It was just the three of us there that day, after all.

If this is acceptable to you, please go this evening at seven thirty. I will be waiting.


She re-read the letter again, looking for some sign of intimacy and friendship. Nothing. Not even the merest hint of their friendship; the close relationship they once enjoyed. There was only the brief reference to "the three of us." Now there was only two. She remained sitting in silence, her head down, and only reacted when she heard Minerva clear her throat loudly. She looked up into the questioning eyes of her former teacher.

'This may be none of my business, dear; but would you care to tell us what he has to say?'

'He wants to meet,' she replied. 'Tonight at seven thirty.'

'That's fantastic!' exclaimed Ginny. 'I can't wait to see him! I knew he would come back here.'

'He's not coming to the Burrow. He wants to see me alone, Ginny,' said Hermione, quietly. She watched the impact of these words strike her friend like a physical blow.

'Alone? Why would he want that?'

'I have no idea. Here; see for yourself,' she added, handing the letter over.

Hermione watched as her friend devoured the words, with Minerva reading the letter over her shoulder. Her former teacher finished first for she suddenly looked up, an expression of deep concern on her face.

'Oh dear. This does not look promising at all. What does he mean by "Your world"? What has been done to him?'

Hermione suppressed the tears that threatened to form at these words. She knew exactly what Minerva meant, for she knew exactly what had been done to him. He'd had his soul ripped out from within as if by a Dementor. The coldness of his letter proclaimed this fact to the world.

She closed her eyes. Oh, Harry.

'I'm coming too!' exclaimed Ginny fiercely. 'I don't care what he says! We're engaged after all and….' she stopped, unable to continue as the tears began to fall. Molly consoled her with a hug.

'I'm sorry, Ginny. I don't know why he wants to see me alone. He doesn't say in his letter. He doesn't say anything.'

'Where is it he wants to meet you?' asked Arthur.

Hermione shook her head. 'I can't say. Only the two of us know. We went there once; the three of us.'

Arthur nodded his understanding and felt his own pang of grief at the allusion to Ron. 'Fair enough, Hermione. Go to him then. And be sure to tell him how much we love him.

Hermione nodded her understanding but her mind was dwelling elsewhere. She was beginning to wonder if words of love meant anything to Harry Potter anymore.