A/N: Almost done! One or two more chapters to go and then this story will come to a close. It's definitely bittersweet but this has been one of my hardest stories to finish. It's all college's fault. Damn education. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Thank you so much to those who have stuck around with this story. And to those who are just now finding it - welcome and thanks for giving it a chance!
Disclaimer: Harry Potter isn't mine.
Chapter 21: Thy Kingdom Come
The table was set, the tea was made. All that was left was the guest of honor.
Hermione didn't know how to feel. Nervous? Perhaps. Antsy? Definitely. With the ever approaching arrival of Clara Fowl her emotions as well as her brain didn't know how to function. She had sent out the invitation two weeks ago and had gotten a stealthy reply with a request to meet in Ravenclaw on the day of the next Court meeting.
At first Hermione thought about writing a bit fat "NO." in blood red ink as a reply. The next Court meeting? Was she insane?
The letter Clara had written her explained that she was not permitted to leave Ravenclaw unless checking in with her mother. More times than not she was always rejected permission in the past. Her mother always found a reason to keep her close and if Hermione's request was as urgent as she made it, she didn't want to take any risks by asking permission to leave.
At first Hermione was furious. She had invited her for tea, not the other way around. Didn't Clara know that travelling out of her safe haven was equally as dangerous? Of course she did. She was there at the trial. She knew what the stakes were. Why, then, was she playing the victim?
Then Hermione realized that Harry would be there. He would be in the same kingdom, maybe even the same building. The baby had kicked when her heart rate increased. He being there was an even greater risk. She couldn't act rationally around him - that much was proven when she nearly blew her cover at the coronation ball.
A million scenarios raced through her head: What if they ran into each other on the streets? What if she found herself looking for him? What if she forgot to apply the disguise spells while out in public?
What if her theory was right and she could confront Elizabeth in her home kingdom?
She confided her ponderings with Cedric. He shared the same sentiments as she did. He even suggested he take her place and meet with Clara by himself. She refused. She had to be the one to talk to her.
Back and forth letters and conversations went, trying to find a way to reach a happy medium. With both Clara and Hermione's circumstances it was nearly impossible. One had to give up their safety in order for this meeting to happen and, naturally, Hermione took it upon herself to relent and go to Ravenclaw.
It was a decision that came with many consequences. Hermione had to convince both Cedric and herself that this was the best option. What if Elizabeth ended up being the person they had been after? They would be close enough to her to perpetrate her. The added bonus of the Court being present in the kingdom aided that theory. The only thing working against them was Harry. He couldn't know about their plan, especially the fact that he and Hermione would be within the same kingdom walls.
And now here she was in the drawing room of the Fowl's estate. She had been assured that Elizabeth was busy in the castle for the day, helping arrange things for the Court. She had been greeted by a housemaid and directed into a plush seat by the fire. The maid said that Clara would be with her shortly.
Hermione couldn't help but fiddle about with nerves. After a few days' journey on the road paired with morning sickness and little to no sleep, she was beginning to resemble a walking zombie. She had made sure to clean herself up for this meeting but spells could only go so far.
Her chair was positioned so that her back was to the door. She craned her neck and smiled politely at the blonde witch. She returned the smile kindly and Hermione raised herself from the chair to greet her properly. Clara got within a foot of her before stopping and gluing her eyes to Hermione's stomach.
Oh, right. Hermione forgot to mention that little detail. In fact, it completely slipped her mind whilst making arrangements.
"You're…" Clara stumbled to find the right words. "You're with child?"
"Yes." Hermione said. "I forgot to mention that in the letters. I didn't think it was important."
"Not important?" Clara said, her eyes widening. "I just made you travel miles to meet with me because I was afraid my mother would smack me on the wrist. If I had any idea-Ë®
"I would have come anyway." Hermione said matter-of-factly.
"But why?" Clara asked, affronted.
"I'll get to that later." Hermione said. "Let's just sit for now. I'll explain everything."
Clara nodded and they both sat down. Hermione looked at Clara with a curious expression. She hadn't seemed to change a bit since the last time she saw her. She was still beautiful, poised, and perfectly mannered. She was dressed in a periwinkle gown trimmed with white fabric and laced with ribbon down the front. In comparison, Hermione felt dressed down in her olive green burlap sack of a dress.
"The tea should be ready soon." Clara said.
Hermione nodded. A long silence was threatening to take hold and she knew she had to stop it before she lost her nerve.
"Clara, you must know that I wouldn't have come to you unless it was absolutely urgent."
"Of course," She nodded. "I know you're not very fond of me so when I got your letter I was a bit shocked."
Hermione's face softened. Hearing Clara speak the feelings she had towards her wasn't something she was prepared to hear. The soft and yet blunt tint of her tone brought Hermione into perspective. She must be feeling just as awkward as she, if not more so. This gave her the confidence to continue speaking.
"It's about my banishment. I think your mother may have had something to do with it."
Clara's expression turned stony. "Why would you think that?"
Hermione reached to her side and brought out her notes that she had compiled the day of Harry's election. She handed them to her and continued to speak. "I found a connection to Mister Sondheim's vote into the Court and my trial. They are exactly a month apart and your mother is on the list of people who nominated him. I am aware that it may just be a coincidence but-Ë®
"Dmitri?" Clara interrupted, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. She looked up at Hermione oddly. "Dmitri Sondheim?"
"Yes." Hermione said. "The new Ravenclaw representative in the Court. The one who ran against Harry in the election."
Clara looked at Hermione with a thoughtful expression, as if she were trying to solve a riddle. "My mother and he have been spending a lot of time together these past few months. He's at the house all the time. I just thought he was a close friend of the family or something."
"You didn't know he was a member of the Court?" Hermione asked.
Clara blushed, averting her eyes. "I usually don't pay attention to politics. I find it all way to confusing and somewhat of a mind-bender."
"Well you're right on that." Hermione said with a cynical bite. "I don't know what's going through their minds half the time. It's as if their job to make the four kingdoms a more confusing and complicated place to live."
"My thoughts exactly!" Clara said. "When my mother started to get involved I tried to stay as far away as I possibly could. I feared if I got wrapped up in it all I may not escape."
"I know what you mean." Hermione said.
Clara looked to be pondering for a moment before speaking. "You think Dmitri and my mother have something to do with your banishment?"
"Yes. Well, your mother mostly. Dmitri didn't get involved until after I was already gone. I think she may have partnered up with him to stop Harry from winning the election."
Clara nodded slowly. She began to look distressed and Hermione felt panic begin to well up.
"Forgive me if I'm speaking out of term." Hermione said quickly. "I know me accusing your mother of such a thing may be hard for you to understand and I will leave if you ask me to."
"No, no don't leave." Clara said quickly. "Truth be told, I have been noticing my mother acting a bit strangely ever since the Freedom Ball. She seemed very eager to get Harry and me to dance. I mean, she was always for me pursuing him, even before we came here. But it seemed like the more we stayed in Gryffindor the more persistent she became."
Hermione furrowed her brow. "Do you have any idea why?"
Clara pursed her lips. "It's been like this for a while. My mother has been trying to marry me off ever since I became of age. I go along with it to humor her sometimes. Other times I write it off and do things on my own. When I meet someone I like I do it on my terms. With Harry… she seemed extra fond of him. I think it's because he's royalty."
"Clara… are you saying your mother is trying to marry you off for the money?"
Clara shrugged. "Ever since my dad passed she's been conning her way into the hierarchy and now that I'm old enough she wants me to do it as well. I keep allowing her to do it because in some weird sense I think I may actually find my prince charming along the way. I know it's silly but-Ë®
"It's not silly." Hermione interrupted, surprising both herself and Clara by putting a hand on the Ravenclaw's forearm. "Everyone deserves their soul mate. Who are we to judge how they go about doing it?"
Clara smiled. "You're one of the lucky ones. You found Harry."
Hermione pressed her lips together.
"Oh I'm sorry, let me explain." Clara said swiftly. "I talked to Harry before his coronation. I told him that I sensed the connection between the two of you from the start and apologized for being so selfish in trying to pursue him."
"You sensed our connection?" Hermione asked in bewilderment.
"Everyone within a hundred mile radius and a decent amount of common sense could." She said with a teasing smile. Her expression quickly darkened as her smile turned into a slight frown. "Including my mother."
Hermione narrowed her brow. "Do you think she was trying to get me out of the picture from the start?"
"Not from the start, no." Clara said. "Just when it became clear that you were a threat to her plan to get Harry and me together. Oh, I can't believe her!"
"Well hang on. We still don't have proof." Hermione said, though her stomach was beginning to do flips.
"I could find some." Clara said. "If my mother really did set you up there must be something around the house that could help us. The one thing I do know about the political system is that you must have evidence to set up a trial. You can't accuse someone without credentials."
"Right." Hermione confirmed. "Whoever set me up managed to plant my handkerchief in Harry's bedroom. Without that I would have never been called to trial."
Clara nodded. "I'll be sure to turn this place upside down."
"That's very kind of you…" Hermione said.
Clara looked at her softly. "If my mother really did set you up I want to do everything in my power to make it right. What happened to you was truly horrible and if I can do anything to help, I will."
Hermione's blank look caused Clara to speak up again in a monotone. "I understand if you don't want my help. I haven't done anything to deserve it."
After Clara said that, Hermione's perspective of her began to change somewhat dramatically. She didn't know if it was because of what she said or how she said it but she didn't see Clara as no long the threatening, overly bearing Ravenclaw that wanted to steal Harry away from her. She was now becoming the kind-hearted and trustworthy ally that would help her win her life with Harry back.
The old Hermione would have rejected her help in a heartbeat, playing Clara off as an accomplice in the plot. But looking at her now, Hermione knew she could trust her. By some unknown circumstance in the universe she knew that Clara wanted to genuinely help.
"I believe you." She said, somewhat in shock of her newfound feelings.
Clara grinned. "I'm glad."
The maid brought the tea in and Hermione helped herself to a few pastries off of the accompanying tray. When Clara giggled she gave her a sheepish smile.
"Sorry. I swear I ate an hour ago. It seems like whenever I see food I either vomit or consume the lot."
Clara giggled once more and Hermione took a large bite out of a raspberry pastry. A comfortable silence followed the two women as they ate and drank their tea. Clara was the first to break the absence of sound with a blunt statement.
"It's Harry's isn't it?"
Hermione looked at Clara with a wide-eyed expression before calming. Of course she would think that. She nodded her head. "Yes."
Clara smiled. "I'm glad you found some time together before you left. Does he know?"
Hermione pressed her lips together before answering. She looked guiltily at Clara. "No."
It was Clara's turn to go wide-eyed. "He doesn't? Why?"
"If he knew then he would risk everything, including his position as king, to find and be with me." Hermione explained with a sigh. "What kind of person would I be to ask that of him?"
"A normal hormonal mother-to-be." Clara said.
Hermione chucked. "Well I'm far from that. No matter how much I wish he could be here with me I know that if it would be for both of our benefits without any legal barriers. I can't rob Gryffindor of the greatest king they've ever had, knowing that it was because of my selfish intent."
"Selfish?" Clara asked, confused. "Hermione, wanting the father of your child to be with you while you wait for he or she to enter the world isn't selfish. It's normal. I wouldn't blame you if you rushed over to the castle right now and showed him how much you need him."
"I just can't afford to think like that." Hermione said with a sad smile, thankful for Clara's enthusiasm. "If we're lucky that may happen within the next few days. If we can find proof that your mother falsely accused me while the Court is still here we can hold a trial and prove her guilty. It would falsify my trial and banishment once and for all."
Clara looked at Hermione, her face molding into one of determination. "Then we'd better get a move on."
The Court meeting was well underway. Harry and Sirius had been hard at work compiling evidence and still had not come up of anything of value. He was set to meet with Cedric after the meeting concluded to see if he had any good news for him. After the hectic schedule he had endured the last few weeks he hoped that the Hufflepuff had some good news.
Being Head of the Council turned out to be a lot more of a burden than he originally planned. He had a heavier workload consisting of decrees for not only Gryffindor but for the other three kingdoms of Hogwarts. It was mostly requests for grants and a few trial permission forms. But the extent of the paperwork was almost more than he could handle with Hermione's banishment and his duties as king. He remembered Sirius saying that there was a reason monarchs didn't run for Head when he asked him about him years ago. He should have remembered that before he ran.
But, of course, he would have done it anyway. It was for Hermione's sake.
"And that concludes today's meeting." He said with a nod. "Any further inquiries can be submitted via letter before the next meeting in a month's time. Until then."
The representatives began to get up and retreat from the room. Harry gathered the strewn papers in front of him and stuffed them in his bag. He prayed that no one came up to him. He was too antsy. He feared that if anyone did that he would hex them into oblivion.
Damn, he needed to loosen up.
Harry recognized the voice as Cedric's and he let out a breath of relief. He greeted him with a handshake.
"Shall we?" he asked, gesturing to the hall.
Cedric nodded.
Together, the two men made their way out of the grand hall and into the bustling hallway. Court members were chattering aimlessly and didn't notice them slip into a nearby corridor. Before they disappeared, Harry spotted Sirius and got his attention. He pointed in the direction he and Cedric were going and the former king nodded with understanding. He would join him when he could.
They found a room tucked away in a corner and shut the door behind them. It seemed to be a spare room with only a table, a few chairs, and some books strewn haphazardly. The place reeked of dust and Cedric had to perform a quick cleaning charm before they could speak.
"Please say you came with good news." Harry said somewhat desperately.
Cedric looked at him with sympathetic gaze. "I take it your search hasn't gone so well."
Harry shook his head. "Not in the least. I don't know whether it's because of my conflicting duties or if I'm really just that daft."
"Maybe a combination of both." Cedric said with a smirk.
Harry snorted and gestured to the chairs. The two men positioned them across from each other as Cedric began to speak. "Hermione think she's caught onto something."
Harry's stomach flip-flopped. "Really?"
Cedric nodded. "It's a pretty solid theory. She believes the Fowls have something to do with it, particularly Elizabeth."
"The Fowls?" Harry asked with a puzzled look. "Why on earth would she think that?"
"She was doing some research and came across a ledger of all of the people who elected Dmitri Sondheim as a representative to the court and Elizabeth was at the top of the list."
"Sondheim." Harry said in thought. "The Ravenclaw representative that ran against me in the election?"
"The very same." Cedric said. "The vote to elect him into the council was held exactly a month after Hermione's banishment and soon after he expressed his interest in running for Head. He was the only one who didn't drop out of the election when you put your name in the running."
"He has spirit, that's all." Harry said.
"Sprit and a puppeteer named Elizabeth Fowl." Cedric said with a meaningful look. "Hermione met with Clara and she said that her mother and Mister Sondheim had been meeting together for quite some time."
Harry narrowed his brow. "Hermione met with Clara?"
"Yes, they had tea."
Harry found the image of that to be quite amusing and he chuckled.
Cedric continued. "They've also been in the process of hunting down any evidence they could find pertaining to Elizabeth's involvement in Hermione's banishment and found something that might-Ë®
"Looking where, exactly?" Harry asked, cutting him off.
"At the Fowl's estate." Cedric blurted without thought. When he realized what he had just said, his face went pale.
Harry's eyes widened and his pulse increased to an alarming rate. "When did they do this?" He asked shakily.
"Harry, I can't-Ë®
"When?" Harry asked, his voice increasing in volume.
"This afternoon." Cedric said but continued on in haste. "But listen, Harry, you can't-Ë®
Before he could finish his sentence, Harry bolted out of the room. He didn't listen to Cedric's pleading calls or care when he heard rapid footfalls trying to catch up with him. Hermione was here! In Ravenclaw! She was less than a mile away from him!
His thoughts were going a thousand miles per hour. He was so caught up in them that he didn't notice Sirius walking down the hallway. He ran straight into him and nearly threw them both to the floor.
"Wha - Harry?" Sirius said, balancing them both with his arms. "What's the matter?"
"Can't talk now, Sirius." Harry said. "Gotta run!"
Sirius kept a firm grip on him. "Harry, what's going on?"
Harry shook himself from his grasp. "I'll tell you later."
"Sirius!" Cedric called from a few yards away from them. "Sirius! Stop him!"
Harry shot his godfather a grin and began to sprint the rest of the way down the hallway before he could get a grip on him again. Sirius watched him go with a befuddled look on his face. Cedric caught up to him and stopped with his hands on his side, completely out of breath.
"That man… can run… like a hippogriff on Felix Felicis."
"What the hell is going on?" Sirius asked fiercely. "Why did you want me to stop him?"
Cedric's face colored slightly though Sirius couldn't tell if it was from running or embarrassment. When he spoke, however, it was clear that it was not because he was out of shape. "I… I kind of let it slip that Hermione is at the Fowl's estate."
"She's what?" Sirius said. "Harry's going to… oh Gods, we have to stop him!"
"My thoughts exactly!" Cedric said, finally regaining his breath. "But he's probably at the apparition point by now."
"I know a shortcut." Sirius said. "Follow me!"
Cedric followed the monarch and prayed that they reached the Fowl's estate before Harry did. If not, they were in for a definite problem.