A/N: This is it you guys - one more chapter left after this! It's so weird, wrapping up another story. But where one thing ends, another begins. I'll do all of the sappy "thank you" stuff next chapter. For now, read on!
Disclaimer: Harry Potter isn't mine.
Chapter 23: The Final Dictum
"Mother!" Clara said, aghast.
Elizabeth's head turned towards her daughter and her face softened. It seemed like she just noticed her presence. Hermione grabbed Harry's hand and squeezed tight. He returned the pressure and took a step forward.
"Elizabeth, I have a few questions to ask you." He said, his voice so straight and unwavering it reminded Hermione of a sword piercing enemy armor.
"Of course, your highness." She replied, her voice at least an octave lower and ten bars quieter. Her demeanor changed to one of a polite Lady, a radical change from her outburst.
Harry refrained from grinding his teeth together. If her previous outburst didn't prove their findings, he didn't know what would. But he had to remain civil and fair. No matter how much he wanted to bind and trap her behind bars - to avenge Hermione's banishment. To make up for the months he had missed out on the growth of their child.
Oh, fuck it.
"How comfortable are you with binding charms?" He asked coolly.
"Your majesty?" She asked, her face noticeably paling.
"Bind her." He said, motioning to Sirius.
The elder wizard didn't hesitate, walking behind her and clamping her wrists together. Thin, snakelike chords erupted out of his wand and bound them together. A look of horror molded onto her face.
"What is the meaning of this?" She said, looking frantically around the room.
"Elizabeth Fowl you are under arrest for treason against the kingdom of Gryffindor. You will remain so impending a trial, the date of which shall be decided upon after presenting your case to the Court." Harry said, stating the facts like a true diplomat.
"May I ask what I'm being charged with?" Elizabeth asked, looking at Harry with narrowed eyes.
"Framing the Lady Hermione, leading to her banishment and compromising the position of the king." He stated simply.
Hermione inhaled a large breath and clutched onto Harry's forearm. Hearing him say the words she knew to be true caused her stomach to drop. He really would have given up the kingdom for her. She felt him relax into her touch.
"Compromising the position of the king?" Elizabeth asked, a look of true confusion dawning on her face.
"The specifics will be discussed at your trial." Harry said lowly. "Sirius, please escort her to the castle dungeons. Inform the king of Ravenclaw of the present situation and he will give you further instructions. I will meet with you in my chambers later after discussing the matter with the Court."
"Your highness." Sirius said, bowing his head.
He tugged on Elizabeth's bound wrists and led her out of the door. Elizabeth struggled, training her eyes on Clara.
"Clara, darling," She pleaded "Surely you cannot believe this. Please, tell them! You know I would never do anything to-Ë®
"Save it, mother." Clara said, her voice so cold it sent shivers down her own spine.
The look of hurt in Elizabeth's eyes was almost enough to break the young Ravenclaw. This was her mother that was being escorted to the castle dungeons. She glanced over to where Harry and Hermione stood. Hermione was clutching onto Harry's arm as if he was the only thing keeping her upright. He stood just in front of her, his body mirroring a protective stance she had only read about in books.
The door slammed shut and she was brought back to reality. Her mother nearly permanently separated two people that were destined to be together - who were on the verge of starting a family. No matter how much she loved her mother she could not overlook the facts. She wasn't the woman she knew anymore.
"Clara, I'm sorry you had to see that." Harry said.
"It had to be done." She said evenly.
"Thank you." Hermione said, stepping forward so that she was now directly beside Harry. "For everything. I realize how hard it must be to help convict your own mother."
Clara nodded, smiling sadly. "I know it's for the best."
Cedric, who had remained silent throughout the entire ordeal, stepped forward and put a comforting hand on Clara's shoulders. She stiffened and looked up at him. He gave her a small smile and she couldn't help but relax. Any act of support or kindness right now was welcome.
"So," he said, turning towards Harry and Hermione. "What next?"
"I have to go send a message to the Court. Call a meeting for the morning and set up a trial."
Cedric nodded. "Do you need me to come with you?"
"No, that won't be necessary." He said. "I'll do it alone."
A look of hurt flashed on Hermione face. "But Harry we-Ë®
"I know we still need to talk." He said, turning towards her. "And we will. But before we do any of that I need to put all of my efforts into lifting your banishment. We are so close, `Mione - so close to finally ending this. You know I have to go." He lifted his free arm and cupped her face. "I'll be back before you know it."
"Should I wait up for you?" She asked.
"No you get your rest. You look exhausted." He framed her face by bringing up his free hand. "I don't want you straining yourself any further for my sake. I want you and the baby to be healthy and well taken care of."
Hermione knew he was right but the selfish part of her wanted to scream in protest. It could wait, I could go with him. She didn't feel tired nor did she think Harry had the right to remove himself from her side after only minutes of being reunited. The logical and more prominent part of her mind, however, agreed with every word Harry said, knowing that he only had the best of intentions and wouldn't do anything to harm or upset her if it wasn't absolutely necessary.
She nodded, agreeing to his terms, her eyes beginning to fill with unshed tears. She cursed herself for appearing so weak. Although when it came to Harry, she always had a tender heart.
"Hey." He said softly. "I love you."
She smiled. "I love you, too."
Leaning down he captured her lips in a real kiss. One filled with the passion and love time had robbed them of. They held onto each other as if they were the only people in the world. And in that moment, in each other's minds, they were. When they were done, their foreheads rested against each other and their breathing was noticeably heavier.
"Oh go on, you prat." Hermione said, gently hitting him on his chest.
Harry sniggered and gave her lips a final peck before turning back to Cedric and Clara who had immersed themselves in their own conversation.
"Cedric." He called, gaining the Hufflepuff's attention. "Would you mind staying here and making sure Hermione and Clara are looked after?"
"It would be my pleasure." He said sincerely.
Harry nodded and left Hermione's warm embrace. They locked eyes and silently said all they had to say in that moment. He left the estate with a heartfelt goodbye and a promise to return as soon as he could. Hermione's eyes never left him until the door shut softly with a quiet click.
Cedric cleared his throat. "Well, now that we have a few hours to burn, who's up for some dinner?"
Clara nodded. "I could go for some food. Hermione?"
Hermione felt a pang of hunger at the mention of food and hurriedly agreed.
"Great. I'll go inform the cook and he'll whip up something for us." Clara said. "Any preferences?"
"After the lovely turn of events, I say we celebrate with a good-old-fashioned celebratory feast." Cedric said, his voice bubbling with newfound peppiness.
Clara giggled. "I'll see what I can do. Back in a tick!"
She turned on her heel and began a trek to the kitchen, leaving Hermione and Cedric alone in the entranceway.
"She's a fireball, that one." Cedric said with an appreciative tone. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone with so much on her plate bounce back that quickly."
"She certainly is very strong." Hermione agreed. "It took me months to get back on my feet when I was banished."
"Ah, it took less than that." Cedric said. "You met me only a few weeks after arriving in Hufflepuff. I must have had some sort of positive effect on you."
"You certainly did." Hermione agreed, her tone turning thoughtful. "And I've never properly thanked you for it."
"What do you mean? You've thanked me loads of times. And after every one of them I told you it was no bother because you, my dear, are well worth it."
"I highly doubt I'm worth all this trouble." She said, making a grand gesture with her arms, metaphorically encompassing all of the events that they had been through.
"Hermione." Cedric said in a displeased tone. Walking over to her he put both of his hands on her shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes. "If you weren't worth all of this trouble, than I'm a squandering hippogriff."
"Well, you do have quite the beak on you." She teased.
His face contorted to one of faux-repulsion. They both shared a laugh and embraced. Hermione didn't know how she came to be so lucky as to find a friend like Cedric. She wasn't even sure she deserved it. But she dared not mention that in front of him as he would probably throw another fit.
"Things are going to work out, Hermione." Cedric said rubbing her back. "I promise."
"I hope you're right." She said, squeezing him tight before letting go.
"Dinner will be ready soon." Clara's voice popped up from a nearby hallway. They both turned and saw her walking toward them with a smile. "Luckily we had some leftovers so it won't take long to reheat and prepare them. I hope you guys are hungry."
"Starving." Hermione answered, rubbing her enlarged stomach. "I don't think I've eaten since earlier this afternoon. I've been so sick with worry I must have forgotten."
"Oh well we can't have that!" Clara said. "Come on, let's go wait in the dining hall."
Together the three of them ventured into the large, ornate room and waited for their food to be prepared. When it arrived they shared a pleasant conversation, talking about how life was going to be after the trial and what they all wanted to do if it ended the way they wanted it to.
"We all know what Hermione wants." Clara said teasingly.
Hermione blushed as Cedric spoke. "And she'll get it, too! She'll get married to a king, start a family, live happily ever after. Every woman's dream, I imagine."
"Oh stop it!" She said, though she was grinning from ear-to-ear. "I don't just want those things. I also want to reapply for a position in the Court and introduce bills I've written, propose more equal rights to house elves and the treatment of magical creatures."
"Oh, politics." Clara said with a wave of her hand. "Please can we not discuss the horridness at the dinner table? I would like to keep my food down."
"You don't like politics?" Cedric asked.
"Not particularly." Clara said off-handedly. "I'm more interested in what Hermione wants to name the baby." She finished with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
Cedric looked at Hermione with a cocked eyebrow. "Have you considered any at all? I would have thought you would have forgotten in all of the excitement and plotting."
"Oh please." Clara said. "Expecting mothers always have time to think about the names of their future children. Right, Hermione?"
"Well… I have thought about it a little." She confessed. "But I haven't really given it too much of my time."
"Go on, tell us!" Clara said excitedly.
Hermione looked at Cedric and he nodded for her to continue. "Um, alright. If it's a boy, I was thinking of naming it after Harry's father, James."
"That's so sweet!" Clara cooed. "And if it's a girl?"
"I'm not sure yet." Hermione said. "Like I said, I haven't really given it much time. I've thought of a few but none of them really seem to stick, you know?"
"Yeah." Clara said. "I'm sure you'll think of one, though. And who knows, maybe Harry will have some ideas."
Hermione smiled. "Yeah, I'm sure he will. He's wanted to start a family ever since I can remember. He's probably given it more thought than I ever have."
Cedric chuckled. "That's surprising. I didn't think anyone could outthink you."
"In matters of the heart Harry's always been much better than me." Hermione said, smiling fondly. "He always knows just what to say and how to say it, when to act upon what you know is right… he's going to be an amazing father. And when all of this is over I hope he has the chance to be. After all he's been through…" Hermione paused, laughing softly. "After all we've been through I think that it's more than deserved."
Clara sniffed, feeling tears well up in her eyes. "You're going to get what you deserve, Hermione."
"Yeah." Cedric said, reaching over and grasping her hand. "Don't even give it a second thought."
"Thank you." She said, smiling and looking warmly at the two people before her. "But please, enough about me. Let's talk about something else."
Cedric squeezed her hand and let go. "How about the last forty years of political history and how each one has become more polluted and corrupt than the last?"
"Don't you dare." Clara said warningly. "I will kick you out of my house."
"I highly doubt that." Cedric said with a teasing smirk.
"You highly underestimate what I'm capable of." She said seriously, glaring at him with her crystal blue eyes.
"A tiny, well-behaved Lady like you couldn't possibly affect a strong and capable man like me." He said. "You might break a nail."
"You chauvinist pig!"
Hermione watched the exchanged with good humor. After the events of the past few days, she needed a normal dinner with friends. And she couldn't be more thankful that they were still capable of having one even with all of the pressure surrounding them.
They finished their large meals accompanied by more pleasantries. Hermione announced that it was time for her to retire to bed as soon as she took her last bite of cherry pie. She felt fatigue begin to sneak up on her during the main course and knew it would do her wonders to at least rest her eyes.
Clara led her to one of the guest chambers. It was rather small but very homey in appearance. The sheets and curtains were both a deep sapphire color with ornate patterns sewn into them. There was a small bureau and desk, both matching the bed's mahogany frame. Hermione thanked Clara with a hug.
When she pulled away she asked one more favor. "Do you have any large sleeping gowns by any chance?"
Clara nodded. "Everything you need should be in the bureau. If not, I can fetch one of the maids to search for you."
"Thank you again." Hermione said.
"You know it's no trouble." Clara said in assurance. "Get some rest, Hermione. We have an exciting few days ahead of us."
Hermione nodded and shut the door behind Clara as she departed. Turning towards the room she walked up to the bureau and filed through the hangers and drawers for an appropriate nighttime garment. She dug around for a full minute before finding what appeared to be a tent with sleeves and a head hole sewn into it. Perfect.
She slipped into the crème gown and sighed as she felt the silk against her skin. It fit her almost perfectly with some extra room on the sides. Content with her choice, she took down her hair and buried herself underneath the warm sheets. She didn't even bother removing the extra pillows as they made her feel as though she was resting on a cloud. If anything would help her get to sleep it would be them
Her eyes drifted close and what seemed like an instant later she was disturbed by a warm hand pressing against her cheek. Her eyes drifted open and adjusted to the darkness. Before she could react at all to the new presence looming over her bed, a familiar deep voice spoke.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."
"Harry." She said, her voice groggy. She propped herself up on her elbows and stifled a yawn. "Was I really asleep?"
"Yeah," He said with an amused smile. "I was quite surprised myself. You must have been exhausted."
"I guess so." She agreed in a daze. She hadn't fallen asleep that quickly since she had been in Gryffindor. Looking out of the window to her right, she saw the moon's position in the sky. It must have been well into the night. She went to bed just as the sun was setting.
"Well I'm glad." Harry said. "I was afraid you were going to ignore my advice and stay up anyway."
"I wanted to." She said. "But as soon as I got into bed I fell right asleep. You were right, I suppose. I needed a good night's rest."
"And you still need one. It's not morning quite yet."
"You're one to talk." Hermione pointed out, leaning her back fully against the headboard of the bed. "Have you been awake this entire time?"
"Don't worry about me." Harry said. "I'm not tired at all."
"Poppycock." She said, squinting her eyes to gaze at him through the veil of darkness. "I can see the tiredness in your eyes from here. You need rest just as much as I do."
Harry shook his head, chuckling lowly under his breath. "That may be so but you know I couldn't care less."
"Well I do." Hermione said hardly. "Get under the covers. Now."
"Yes ma'am." He said, stifling a grin.
He slid underneath the covers and turned to face her. She craned her head to the side and maneuvered her hips so that she was facing him. He greeted her with a smile.
"Hi." He whispered.
"Hi." She replied in the same tone.
He leaned forward and captured her lips in a chaste kiss that nearly took her breath away. He pulled back and inched closer to her so that their bodies were nearly touching. Only one thing was preventing them from hugging each other tight until the sun rose.
Harry reached down and placed a hand on her inflated stomach. There was an instant reaction with her and the baby as it kicked directly where Harry's hand was placed. His eyes widened and he looked from her to his hand multiple times.
"Did it just…?"
"Yeah." She said. "It knows you're here."
"How?" He asked in wonder.
"Well," Hermione said, her face coloring. "Every time I see you my heart races. I think the baby must pick up on that."
Harry laid there in silence, rubbing her stomach. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he spoke. "It's incredible."
Hermione nodded, looking at where Harry was now tracing circles around her abdomen.
"I wish I could have been there." He said quietly.
"I know. I wish so, too." Hermione said sadly. "But we both know why that couldn't have happened."
"I would have given up the entire kingdom to see you… to help you…" Harry trailed off, lost in thought.
"I know." She repeated. "But none of that matters now. We're here, together, and my banishment is going to be lifted. We can forget the whole thing ever happened."
"But it did happen." Harry said, looking her in the eyes. There were tears beginning to form in his emerald pools and Hermione felt her heart drop. "I couldn't be there for you when you needed me most."
"You're here now." Hermione said. "And that's all that matters."
He smiled sadly and kissed her brow. She leaned into his touch. They laid there in silence for what felt like eternity, neither one drifting to sleep. All that mattered in that moment were that they were together. After a while, Hermione spoke up.
"Did the Court receive your message?"
"They did." Harry said. "I got replies when I was talking with Sirius."
"And the trial?" Hermione asked. "Is a date set?"
"Tomorrow afternoon."
"Tomorrow?" Hermione asked, her voice laced with surprise.
"Well, technically later today." Harry said.
"That's so soon!" Hermione said, excitement and worry bubbling up inside of her. "How did you manage that?"
"I didn't." Harry said. "The members of the Court have very busy schedules. It was tomorrow or in a few weeks. I figured that the majority of people involved wanted this case to be handled sooner rather than later."
"Tomorrow." Hermione repeated. "This could all be over tomorrow."
"No, Hermione." Harry said. "This will all be over tomorrow."
Hermione grinned at leaned up to kiss him. It was a kiss of relief, of love, but most of all of promise. In a few hours time they could finally be rid of the burden that had been plaguing them for what felt like an eternity. They could finally have the chance to start a new chapter in their lives.
No, Hermione thought to herself as Harry wrapped his arms around her from behind and snuggled against her. They would.
"We are gathered here this afternoon to try Lady Elizabeth Fowl for treason against the king of Gryffindor." The king of Ravenclaw, Erys Pelrine, announced.
Erys was a taller man, just growing into his first gray hairs. He was a kindly man but as soon as he entered the hall and stepped onto the judge's podium he developed an authoritative air about him. His face was neutral as he read off Elizabeth's rights and stated the purpose of the trial.
Harry, Hermione, Clara, and Sirius were all seated in the audience's stands off to the side. Harry and Sirius, though still members of the Court, were not allowed to participate because of their involvement. Cedric was seated at the far left end of the large table surrounding the judge's podium.
Elizabeth remained stiff in front of the Court. Hermione watched her movements with a calculative gaze. Harry's hand was grasped firmly in her own. Though they received many judgmental and curious looks, there was no law that said they couldn't be together outside of Gryffindor.
"How do you plead, Miss Fowl?" Erys asked.
"Not guilty, your grace." Elizabeth said evenly.
Unbelievable. Hermione thought in disgust. She's still denying she had anything to do with it.
Harry squeezed her hand and she let herself relax a little. The Veritaserum would set her straight.
"Bring forth the Veritaserum." The king ordered.
A young boy that Hermione assumed worked somewhere in the castle brought forward the vial of truth serum. She vividly recalled her own experience with the potion and shivered. This entire environment was too familiar.
Elizabeth drank the potion and waited further instructions. The king waited a few moments for the potion to sink in before continuing.
"Did you or did you not have assistance in the Lady Hermione's banishment?"
Elizabeth bit her lip. She was biting back her answer.
"Miss Fowl, you must answer the question." The Ravenclaw said patiently.
"Yes." She blurted, the word spilling out of her mouth like a newly opened dam.
The room let out an audible gasp and neither Harry nor Hermione could hold back their pleasant reactions.
"You are aware that it is considered treason to meddle in the affairs of the hierarchy?" Erys asked, writing on the parchment in front of him.
"What, then, were your motives in attempting such a scheme?" He asked, looking pointedly at her with his dark brown eyes.
"I wanted to get her out of the picture so my Clara could marry royalty." She said, her voice beginning to waver.
Clara's face darkened and Hermione offered a comforting hand for her to hold. The blonde took it and trained her eyes on her mother, her gaze filled with hurt.
"Did your daughter have any part in your plans?" Erys questioned further.
"No, she wasn't aware of them." She said, tears beginning to spill down her cheeks.
"Were there any other involved parties?"
"Dmitri Sondheim."
The crowd let out another audible gasp. Members of the Court looked affronted. Heads turned to look for the mentioned culprit. Sondheim was nowhere in sight.
"One of the Ravenclaw representatives?" Erys asked in shock.
"Yes, your grace."
"What was his role?"
"To infiltrate the Court so that the sentence could not be overturned." She said quickly. She was beginning to look feint.
"Was he aware of the repercussions and overall goal of this plot?"
"Do you know where he is now?"
"No, your grace." She said, wiping her cheeks. "I believe he left the city after the meeting last night."
The king said something to the representative to his right and he nodded. There was talking amongst the Court. The crowd began to grow restless as whispers started breaking out amongst the people. Harry, Hermione, Clara, and Sirius remained silent, not wanting to jinx the change of events.
The deliberation carried on no longer than ten minutes. When the gabble was struck on the wood of the podium, the room fell silent once more. Elizabeth looked as though she were about to pass out, her hand gripping the front of her defendant's podium so tight it turned white.
"Elizabeth Fowl, Lady of Ravenclaw, you are herby sentenced to twenty years in Azkaban prison pending probation for treason against the kingdom of Gryffindor." The king announced, his voice booming around the hall. He looked at the audience. "All actions by cause of this woman's betrayal are herby revoked in the land of Hogwarts. Court dismissed."
The room was abuzz with commotion as Elizabeth was led by the guards out of the hall. Harry and Hermione looked at each other with wide eyes. They had done it. It was over. Just like that. Unable to believe it they simply molded into each other's arms, embracing as the crowd began to file out of the hall.
When it was nearly empty, they pulled apart. Harry helped Hermione up as they stepped out of the stands and onto the marble floor. Sirius and Clara were waiting for them, both sporting wide grins.
"Congratulations." Sirius said. "You've won your freedom back, Hermione."
Hermione nodded, still in a daze. "It's… I can't… believe it."
Sirius chuckled. "Well you've got plenty of time. Our carriage for Gryffindor leaves tonight. You're coming home with."
"I'm going home." Hermione said to herself, staring at the floor. She looked up at Sirius and then at Harry. "I'm going home!"
Harry grinned and embraced her as tightly as he dared. He kissed the top of her head and held her close to his side as they detached. He looked at Clara.
"Thank you for all of your help, Clara. We couldn't have done this without you."
Clara smiled. "It was my pleasure."
"Hey!" A voice erupted from behind them.
Cedric bounded beside them with a wide grin. "Congratulations, Miss Hermione!"
"Thank you, Cedric." Hermione said.
"How do you feel?" He asked.
"I'll let you know when I've wrapped my head around it all." She said.
Cedric chuckled. "Will I ever see you again after you begin your grand life back in Gryffindor?"
"Don't be silly!" She chastised. "You're more than welcome. Right, Harry?"
"Of course." Harry agreed. He stuck out his hand and Cedric grabbed it. "Thank you, mate."
The Hufflepuff bowed. "Any time." He let go of the king's hand and looked around for a moment. "So, when do you leave?"
"Tonight." Hermione said. "Which reminds me, I have to start packing!"
"I'll help you." Harry said.
"Thank you. I just need to - oh." She paused, looking at Cedric. "Most of my belongings are still in Hufflepuff."
"Don't you worry. I'll send them right away. I'll leave tonight." Cedric said. "I just need to send word to Celine. Lady Clara, would you mind accompanying me to the local Owlery?"
Clara looked confused for a moment but nodded. "Sure."
Cedric extended his arm and Clara looped her own through it. They both waved, promising to return later for a proper goodbye before they departed for their separate kingdoms.
Sirius looked at Harry and Hermione after they left, his eyes shining. "So, what are you going to do next?"
Harry looked at Hermione, a small smile touching his lips. "We have our whole future to figure that out now. What do you think we should do next, `Mione?"
Hermione smiled, leaning into him. "Let's just start by going home."
"Sounds like a plan." Harry said, leading them out of the hall.
The three of them walked out of the castle and into the afternoon sunlight. The birds were singing, the wind was gently blowing, and Harry and Hermione couldn't have felt more content. As they continued their walk to the Fowl's manor in silence, a thought struck Hermione.
"You know, I think we forgot to consider something for when we arrive home."
"What's that?" Harry asked.
She looked down at her stomach. "What are we going to tell Ron?"