Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Duelist by Hawkins

The Duelist


Disclaimer: I don't own anything Harry Potter

A/N: I almost never write author notes at beginning, but nobody commented on my little cliffhanger. Is it that obvious or that obscure? You'll soon see, but I would have enjoyed seeing some speculation.

Chapter 35: Back to Black

Back at Grimmauld Place, Hermione called for Hedwig. Since their bond completed, both of their familiars responded equally to each of them. Which, of course, had prompted Hermione to test whether other magic responded to them as if they shared the same identity. That had been an interesting test and she thought the results might prove important later.

Hedwig flashed to her side so quickly, Hermione suspected she might have half anticipated Hermione's need to send a message. Hermione quickly wrote out a note on a scrap of parchment and handed it to Hedwig.

"Take this to Dumbledore." Hermione requested, "Wait for a response. If he comes here, you could bring him or he can come with Fawkes. If he wants us to come there, please come back and we can all go together. Ok?"

Hedwig nodded her head and disappeared.

Harry glanced at Hermione. "I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier."

"I know, me either." Hermione sighed, "We've been so busy. We need to take more time for just brainstorming. See what else we've missed. Our time on the island might be good for that. We should be careful not to overschedule it."

Moments later, Hedwig reappeared, carrying a reply from the Headmaster. He invited the Potters to join him at Hogwarts. Despite the strength of the wards on Grimmauld, nowhere were the wards stronger than at Hogwarts, particularly since the wedding night. Harry and Hermione grasped Hedwig's tail and flashed into existence in the Headmaster's office. While they could have taken themselves, Hedwig always had liked being useful.

"Ah, two of my favorite students." Dumbledore said, eyes twinkling, "Although I did not expect to see you during the holiday…unless perhaps I decide to deliver your OWL results personally."

"You might deliver them personally?" Hermione asked, momentarily distracted from her mission. Harry gently poked her in the side with his elbow and she refocused, "I mean, if you should decide to, that would be wonderful, otherwise we'll just get them with everyone else. On to the reason we asked to meet you. You were there when Alex told us about his missing friends. We started looking into it, going to the Ministry and meeting with the Aurors who are investigating…"

"I heard what happened." Dumbledore said, his face grave, but his lip still twitching showing mild amusement that someone who didn't know him would have missed altogether.

"You don't miss anything, do you?" Hermione smiled, "This just happened. Well, watching the forensic Wizards prompted Harry to say he wished he had a body, because with forensics, it could just about talk… well, that made me realize we could get any bodies to talk without forensics. If they're alive, it won't work, but if they've been killed, we can talk to them using the Resurrection Stone."

Dumbledore paused for a moment, almost a sign of shock in the emotionally controlled Wizard.

"I am surprised I had not thought of that." Albus said, "Despite the very real ethical concerns, I think this situation does merit the use of the artifact."

Hermione nodded. "Harry and I agree. We all decided not to use it to summon family members, at least not without extensive consideration, but I think summoning potential murder victims could save lives."

Dumbledore agreed, "I am very glad you decided to involve me. The Hogwarts wards will ensure no dark presences become involved. Harry, when you are ready, turn the stone over three times while holding the identity of the person you want to summon strongly in your mind."

Harry held the ring in his hand and focused on the identity of the longest missing duelist, one Segovia Molinero. They didn't know the man was dead, but they would try each of the missing in turn until they found one who'd passed or discovered they were all still alive. He spun the stone, which pivoted in its setting in the ring which was designed for this. A ghostly presence appeared.

"Who summons me?" a tall, goateed Wizard asked, his body translucent, allowing the office to be seen behind him.

"I am Harry Potter." Harry said, "I summon you to reveal the circumstances of your passing."

"Why do you care?" Molinero said, his face melancholy.

"I think you were slain by the killer of my parents." Harry said passionately, "I seek my own vengeance and to protect others from this murderer. Your information could help me end this threat."

Molinero looked into Harry's eyes, reading the young Wizard's sincerity.

"If you will agree to avenge me, I will tell you all."

"I will." Harry replied and a weak pulse showed his commitment in the form of a Wizard's oath.

"I was offered a teaching position with a British Pureblood family." Molinero said, "I was told I was to be discrete, because the young son had been challenged and they wanted no one to know who was preparing him. This is not uncommon, so I thought nothing of it and told nobody who had hired me. When I appeared, I was stunned. Despite my abilities, there were simply too many. I met with the Dark Wizard, Voldemort. He had so many of his lackeys with him, I knew even if I escaped, I would be killed before I could do anything significant. He offered me the choice of being tortured to death or training him. Hoping to live, I trained him. He was already clearly a talented duelist, but seemed to be rusty. I quickly honed his skills and then he was too good for me to accomplish much. I was locked in a dungeon for some weeks, I lost track of time since I could not see the sun, however I was fed well and not treated poorly otherwise. Then I was taken out and met one of my friends, Jacques Beauclerc. He told me he had done the same, but had quickly become useless. Together, we were more of a challenge for Voldemort and spent some weeks dueling with him until he could consistently beat us both. Then we were returned to our cells. The next morning I was taken out. I hoped I might have the chance to escape, but I was bound to a ritual altar. Some ritual was performed and I was killed. I think the purpose was to steal my magical power and transfer it to Voldemort, but I am not much of a ritualist. I am afraid my friend may have died the same way."

The three living looked sad at the lost of two more victims to Voldemort.

"Tell me more about this ritual." Dumbledore asked.

The horrifying details of the Dark Ritual were described, sickening both Harry and Hermione. The Headmaster looked grim, but had heard and seen many evil things in his lifetime, particularly during his opposition of Gellert and later Voldemort.

"It is as he said, it was a ritual to transfer his power to Voldemort." Albus said heavily, "Harry, you can dismiss Mr. Molinero. He has provided the information we needed."

"Wait!" Hermione said, "Mr. Molinero, can you tell us where you were?"

Molinero spoke, "I was initially summoned to the manor house of Lucius Malfoy. I could have been taken elsewhere, but that's where I was stunned."

"You have given us the information we needed." Harry said, "I will do as I agreed and do my best to avenge your death. Please go with my thanks."

"If you are able to avenge me, you will have my gratitude. I rest poorly knowing my death is unpunished." Molinero said, fading out.

There was silence for many minutes. Harry paced, but the other two sat still. The intellect in the room was staggering and each was thinking of the consequences of what they'd learned. This changed the delicate balance of their plans.

"I will need to consider this in more detail." Albus said, "On first consideration, however, it changes everything. I had thought to postpone the confrontation between Voldemort and Harry for as long as possible while Harry grows into his abilities. However, if Voldemort is stealing other Wizards power, he will soon become unmatchable. Luckily, the ritual is imperfect. Most of the power is lost, so each one only adds incrementally to Voldemort's already immense power, but in aggregate, they become very significant."

Tears began flowing down Hermione's face. She knew Harry would have to face Voldemort, but she hoped he might delay the next confrontation. Each time he faced the Dark Wizard, he'd risked his life. She couldn't bear to lose him. Of course, if he lost, she would die to, which didn't scare her, because she knew even if she hadn't died due to the bond, she could not live with the loss.

Harry pulled her closer. Her tears made his fears easier to deal with, because he was able to focus on his love. He knew she wasn't crying because she lacked confidence in his abilities, she just didn't want him to have to risk his life against the psychopathic Wizard.

"I agree and have thought it would come sooner rather than later." Harry said confidently, "The connection is broken, but along with the ability to speak Parseltongue, I think I gained some insight into Riddle. He is anything but lazy. I knew that given time he would come up with something. For now, we'll keep our plans the same for this summer. Meanwhile, if you work with Ron and run your simulations, we'll know our best options. I'll be ready at a moment's notice and make sure my closest allies are also ready. When you call, your army will be ready."

Dumbledore smiled, the reference to Dumbledore's Army touching his heart yet again.

"I will Harry." Albus said in his most grandfatherly voice, "Enjoy your summer. This will all be over soon."

"It will." Harry agreed, his statement carrying all the youthful conviction and passion the young Gryffindor could convey, "My parents, Neville's parents, all his victims will be avenged."

H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr

When they arrived home to Grimmauld Place, Harry pulled Sirius aside, despite his fatigue.

"Sirius, it's coming." Harry said.

Sirius immediately knew what he was talking about. The two had discussed the final meeting more than once.

"What's happened, pup?" Sirius asked, looking at his Godson intently.

Harry told him about their trip to the Ministry, realizing they could investigate the disappearances magically, and their discovery. Sirius listened intently and seemed to absorb all the information. He reminded Harry a bit of the Weasley twins. On the surface he seemed anything but intellectual. He was a rake, a decadent son of one of the ancient Wizarding houses. He was more interested in women and Quidditch than anything serious. However, all that was secondary to what really motivated him. Sirius had come from a broken home, never fitting in with the traditionally dark Blacks. At Hogwarts, he had found a family where he'd fit in, the Marauders. Particularly alongside his best friend James, whose large personality, leadership ability, sense of humor, and overall bonhomie had gained Sirius' respect and undying loyalty. James was just as generous with his friends as Harry and had adopted Sirius into the Potter family, where Sirius had spent much more time than with his own. So while not outwardly intellectual, Sirius had a powerful mind, necessary to relate to James and Remus. It was clearly in overdrive now.

"I think Albus is right." Sirius said, "It's coming sooner rather than later now. I'll tell Remus. We'll be ready, pup."

"Thanks, Sirius." Harry smiled tiredly at his Godfather.

"No problem." Sirius said, pausing for a moment. Their relationship, like Sirius' with James, was based more on male mischief making than emotional expressiveness, but there were times when even men had to open up. "You know you're not just my Godson? You're like the son I've never had. I'll be there for you, Harry. No matter what happens, I'll be there."

Harry started to grip Sirius' arm, but abandoned that and pulled him into a firm embrace.

"I know." Harry said, "Don't let anything happen to you. I don't want to lose any of my family. We've lost enough."

Sirius nodded, not trusting his voice. He stood and went to find Remus. The two would spend the night calling various acquaintances, starting to stand up old networks of friends loyal to the Marauders. Not telling them any details, they just told them old fights were coming to a head and to be ready.

Harry went to bed, finding Hermione had gotten it ready. They spent time exercising their bond, which was now so wide that it was always open. They practiced occlumency and legilimency together as they did every night. Finally, they poured their excess magic into the Grimmauld Place wards. They had conferred about whether it was a good idea to deplete themselves like that. Nobody knew when Voldemort would decide to strike. However, their cores were still developing and as they'd been taught early on in their bond, their growth was encouraged by depletion. Ultimately, they'd decided it was worth the chance they'd be caught magically exhausted. A good night's sleep always revitalized them, so it wasn't much of a window for Voldemort to exploit. As the final fight grew closer and closer, they'd have to consider whether they should continue, but for tonight at least they fell asleep drained.

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Tensions increased through the summer. The Ossuary, the Bones' family's ancestral manor, was attacked. Amelia Bones was the obvious target and would have been killed if it weren't for Dumbledore's preparations.

Unfortunately, their preparations were not universally successful. Emmeline Vance, a member of the Order, was killed. She was on a secret mission, likely protecting the Muggle Prime Minister, who survived.

A Muggle bridge was destroyed, fitting Ron's predictions for how Voldemort would seek to cause chaos in a campaign of asymmetric warfare. Despite knowing his likely tactics, it was impossible to defend every possible target.

Molly was as good as her word and they soon received invitations to a party at the Burrow. A manic little owl bumped into the window at Grimmauld, carrying the invitations. They would be celebrating Fred and George's graduation from Hogwarts. It was hoped their NEWT results would arrive before the party, although the timing would be close.

Harry and Hermione had a slower summer, trying to rest and still prepare. They spent most of their time together, some of it alone, but much of it with Remus, Sirius, and the elder Grangers. Although it went unsaid, all of them knew the confrontation was coming and nobody knew who would survive, so all of them tried to spend as much time together as possible. Tonks was over often despite frequent teasing.

The morning of the party, Harry and Hermione flooed over to the Burrow. They could have flame traveled, but it was more polite to Floo.

"Good morning, dears!" Molly said, rushing over to them while wiping her hands on a towel, "You're here early!"

She hugged Harry first, pulling him to her massive bosom and trying to squeeze the life out of him. Releasing Harry, she pulled Hermione into her embrace.

"We thought we could help you finish getting ready." Hermione said, "We know you probably don't really need it, but we thought we'd offer. Dobby and Winky said they'd like to chip in, too."

"Well…I'm on schedule for having everything ready, but it would be nice…" Molly said.

Hermione smiled and mentally communicated with Winky and Dobby. They had been able to communicate silently since they'd formed the House Elf bond and learned House Elf apparition. The two elves popped in and started working rapidly, happy to be able to contribute. Soon there were larger mounds of food than usual at the Burrow and the kitchen was spotless.

Molly's mouth opened and closed. She was not accustomed to House Elf help as the Weasleys had lacked House Elves since they were one of the few poor Pureblood families.

"I guess I'll go clean myself up." Molly said, "Ron and Ginny are upstairs."

The two Weasleys were still in pajamas. Hermione went into Ginny's room to prod her into getting ready, while Harry walked into Ron's room.

"Hey, mate, having a lie in?" Harry asked.

"Oh, yeah." Ron said, "I was at Hogwarts until late last night. Working with Dumbledore."

"Ah," Harry said, casting heavy privacy charms around the room, "what have you come up with?"

"Nothing changed from what you talked about." Ron said, "The simulations confirmed this changes the timetable. Based on the number of kidnapped duelists and your progress… well, the sooner the better. If you face him before the summer is over, you've got a good chance."

"Good?" Harry asked, looking at Ron penetratingly. His legilimency was strong and although he refrained from probing his friends, he detected some deceit automatically.

"Well…" Ron said, not wanting to say what he knew, "at least fifty-fifty. Of course, he knows you'll probably figure it out, so there are a lot of scenarios where he tries to kick off the final confrontation to catch you unprepared. So you have to be ready at all times. He likes to be the aggressor."

"True." Harry said, "He sought my parents out despite the Fidelius. Where?"

"Not Hogwarts." Ron said, "The wards there won't break. They're so overpowered after your wedding night that even Voldemort and all his Death Eaters couldn't break them before every Auror could be there. They would be caught between the wards and the Aurors. It would be a massacre. Not Grimmauld. The Fidelius there will protect you. Not Black Isle. We don't think he knows about it."

Ron seemed to gather himself.

"To be honest, the Burrow is a possibility. The Order is on high alert today. The wards here are strong, but nothing compared to Hogwarts and everyone knows where we are. The other big possibility is Diagon Alley. You go every year to buy things for the school term. He knows that and might try to ambush you."

Harry thought about that.

"That's a problem. One of our weaknesses is that we care about collateral damage. He doesn't." Harry mused aloud, "If he chooses Diagon Alley, we'll have to be careful not to hurt anyone else, while he'll take advantage of that."

"Yeah, mate." Ron agreed, "You could not go this year, but if you delay, the chances of him getting too strong for you to defeat get higher and higher."

"Ok, let's talk about something else." Harry said, "We'll keep our eyes open today, but I think he'll wait for Diagon Alley."

The Potters pushed the Weasley siblings to get ready and then they gathered in the Burrow's kitchen so they could eat a late breakfast. While they were sitting around the kitchen table, Luna and Neville walked in together, splitting up to go to their respective significant other.

"Hi, Ronald!" Luna said, kissing her boyfriend, totally unconcerned that his mother would see. Ron turned bright red, but Molly just chuckled, not saying anything.

Neville was more circumspect, giving Ginny a very proper hug. The fiery little redhead rolled her eyes and pulled him into a kiss, which he returned.

The group was all together when the twins flooed in from their flat in Diagon Alley. They'd obviously been working hard, as both looked tired, but exuberant.

"Good morning!" they both said simultaneously.

"Harry!" George said, "You'll be happy to know we're on schedule."

"We plan to open in two weeks!" Fred said, "We'll catch most of the Hogwarts business."

"Brilliant!" Harry said.

"Want to take an ad?" Luna asked, "We've still got space in the next issue."

The twins exchanged a look, communicating non-verbally.

"Of course!" they both said, "We should take space in the Quibbler. We understand your circulation has increased a lot recently, but we should probably take space in the Prophet and maybe Witch Weekly, too. We've started a product line just for Witches."

"Since the stories about Harry, we've seen an increase." Luna said smiling, "Daddy is so excited, because now we can get the word out about the Snorkack and the Rotfang Conspiracy."

A handful of post owls flew in to the Burrow, carrying letters. One stopped in front of Harry, one in front of Hermione, one in front of Ron, one in front of George, and the last in front of Fred. They all stuck a leg out.

"Oh, Merlin!" Hermione exclaimed, "OWL results!"

Harry smiled, "Calm down, Hermione, you know you did well!"

They each took the letter from their respective owls. Each opened them, but unanimously they waited for Hermione to read hers.

"I did it!" she cried, holding them aloft, "I got Outstandings!"

Harry smiled at his wife, gathering her into a hug. All her friends smiled at her enthusiasm. Far from being annoyed by her perfectionism, as she'd moderated it they'd become much more accepting.

"What about you, Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I got the same." Harry replied, holding up his results. His theory grades were sometimes slightly lower, but his practical exam grades were the same and in balance he'd gotten the same grades. One grade stood out on both, Defense Against the Dark Arts was an O+ with an asterisk.

"What does the asterisk mean?" Ron asked.

"I don't know." Harry said, reading through, "Oh, here it is at the bottom. Highest grade in the ICW this year."

The twins whistled. "Wow, Harry, that's really rare!"

"You must have tied!" Ginny said, "Hermione got another one, though."

They looked and Hermione also had an O+ with an asterisk in Transfiguration.

"Oh, Professor McGonagall will be so proud!" Hermione gushed, "I need to show my parents! I'll be right back. Wait, did everyone else get what you wanted?"

They all laughed at how excited the young intellectual was.

"I did ok." Ron said, "Passed everything, thanks to Luna no doubt. Only got an E in potions, so looks like auror is out."

"How about you guys?" Harry asked, looking at the twins.

"Our dear mother will be proud." Fred smiled.

"NEWTs in Defense, charms, transfiguration, and potions!" George called.

"We got outstanding in Defense, thanks to Harry!" Fred added.

"And potions, no thanks to Snape!" George laughed, "He refused to let us take the NEWT class, but we challenged the test and got O's!"

Molly had heard this discussion and ran into the kitchen squealing. She hugged both twins, babbling she was so happy. She'd half expected them not to take their NEWTs, but they'd taken them and gotten four NEWTs, enough to open up numerous careers when they got tired of their silly joke business, which she was sure they would do eventually.

Guests started showing up, including Oliver Wood, Angelina, Alicia, and Katie, all old friends from the Quidditch team. Some friends from the DA were invited, including Cedric and Cho.

They all moved out to the garden, where Dobby and Winky had setup tables full of food and drinks. A mild cooling charm kept the temperature comfortable despite the heat of summer. Given the friends the twins attracted, it was a very fun party with lots of laughter.

"What are you doing this summer, Cedric?" Harry asked.

"Going on a tour of Europe." Cedric replied, his arm loosely around Cho's waist, "My dad wanted me to take a vacation before I start work at the ministry in the fall."

"That sounds fun!" Hermione said, "Going alone?"

Cho blushed, "No, I'm going with, Hermione."

"That's great!" Hermione said, smiling, "That'll make it more fun."

"Yeah." Cedric said, smiling at his girlfriend, "It'll be a nice break for her, too, before she has to worry about NEWTs and probably Headgirl responsibilities."

"Headgirl?" Hermione asked, suddenly interested.

"Oh, I don't know, yet." Cho said, "Cedric thinks I'll be picked, but I don't think so."

"She'll be picked." Cedric said confidently, "After all, the outgoing heads are part of the nomination process."

The twins pulled Harry aside.

"We've got more news, besides the opening schedule going well." Fred said.

"We managed the animagus transformation." George said, grinning.

"Wow, that's fast!" Harry said.

"Well, to be honest, we'd already done a lot of research on our own." Fred explained.

"The book was dead useful, though." George continued, "It laid it out very clearly, so we were able to pick up our pace from where we already were."

"So what are you?" Harry asked.

"Well, it's a bit embarrassing, really." Fred said.

"Not sure it's a really useful form." George said mournfully.

"Lots of fun, though." Fred grinned.

"Well, you'll have to show me sometime."

"You know we will." The twins replied.

After hanging out in the garden for several hours, Katie Bell suggested Quidditch. Looking around the group, nobody was opposed, so they all grabbed brooms and headed to the Weasley's Quidditch pitch.

"We've got too many seekers!" Cedric laughed, looking at Harry and Cho.

"I can play chaser." Cho said, looking lovingly at Cedric.

"What if we have 'old school' and 'new blood' teams?" Oliver proposed.

"That could work." Harry said, looking around. The idea really played into his plan to get his closest friends playing Quidditch on the Gryffindor team. A trial run wasn't a bad idea.

"Harry could captain one team, Oliver could captain the other." Ron said, "Unless Cedric wants to captain the old school team? I just thought since Oliver was playing pro…"

"No, that's a great idea!" Cedric said.

"Ok." Oliver agreed, "I can be keeper, Cedric seeker, Fred and George beaters, Angelina and Alicia chasers?"

"I want to be on Cedric's team, too." Cho said quietly.

"I think we can do that." Harry said, "On my team Ron will be keeper, I'll be seeker, Hermione, Ginny, and Katie can be chasers. Neville will be one beater, Luna I know it doesn't really fit, but would you be the other?"

"Sure, Harry." Luna said, "I'd be happy to."

They all mounted up and started playing. Many had thought the game would be really poorly balanced, since the old school team had a professional player along with experienced players in every other position. Meanwhile the new blood team had inexperienced players in most of the positions, including Neville and Hermione who'd never played a Hogwarts game and Luna who'd never picked up a beater's bat. However, they didn't account for the Potters' phoenix affinity for flight and for auramancy. Harry could have ended the game at any time, since he could easily detect the Snitch. Hermione surprised everyone, flying like nobody except Harry could and scoring even against Oliver Wood, a professional keeper. Neville lacked confidence, but improved rapidly. Placing Neville in a position where he felt obligated to protect his friends was brilliant, because seeing Ginny in any danger drove him to insane bouts of courage and performance, almost knocking George off his broom when he hit the Bludger at her. Luna was equally protective in her weird way of Ron and since beaters typically protected the chasers and the keeper, that was a perfect setup.

They played until dark, Harry avoiding the Snitch until twilight, then rapidly swooping in and grabbing it to win the game 300 to 290.

"Good game!" Cedric said, characteristically sportsmanlike.

"I taught him everything he knows." Oliver said, smiling proudly at Harry.

Everyone laughed at that, knowing Harry was a natural at seeker.

"Wow, it's getting cold fast." Ginny remarked, hugging her arms to herself.

Luna looked worried. "Something's not right…" she started.

Harry and Hermione came to the same conclusion simultaneously.

"Dementors!" they cried, dropping wands into their hands and calling out the incantation loudly, "Expecto Patronum!"

Two shining deer sprang forth, a stag with a huge deadly looking rack and a doe with a protective glint in her eye and sharp hooves. They circled the Quidditch pitch and the feeling of cold and sadness seemed to lift, freeing the others from the descending pall. Soon all the DA members had their wands out and were crying out, "Expecto Patronum!"

Cho's swan flew out, staying close to Cedric's badger. Ginny's horse and Neville's lumbering bear stuck close together, too. Ron's terrier stayed close to Luna's hare. The twins shared an embarrassed look, but conjured their patronuses, a pair of orangutan monkeys. Katie summoned a common kestrel. Alicia summoned a red fox. Angelina summoned a stoat. Oliver stood wide-eyed, surprised at how many of the younger crowd could conjure patronuses. It was a really difficult spell and even though he'd seen it in NEWT level DADA, he'd never learned it.

The mass of patronuses broke up the cluster of Dementors before they could get close enough to affect the DA members strongly. The Dementors had been instructed to seek out Harry and his friends, which was lucky, because if they'd hit the house, they could have overwhelmed the Weasleys before they had a chance. Harry's patronus alone had driven away a hundred dementors two years previously. With Hermione's just as strong and over ten more to assist, the dementors fled like a fog evaporating under bright sunlight.

"Come on, let's get to the house!" Harry called out, "Keep your wands out and be ready!"

They formed up and jogged to the house, ready to face more dementors or Death Eaters, whichever confronted them. As they ran into the house, they almost ran over Molly, who was again drying her hands on a dish towel.

"Hello, dears." She said, startled slightly by how quickly they ran in, "What's gotten into you?"

"Dementors!" Ron called out.

"Excuse me?" Molly asked, "Did you say dementors?"

"Yes, mum!" Ginny said, "There were hundreds, but we drove them away. We have to get ready, there may be Death Eaters coming!"

To Molly's credit, she called for Arthur. The young Wizards and Witches told them the story and he called the Ministry via Floo. Minutes later a quick reaction team of Aurors surrounded the Burrow, led by Shacklebolt.

"Ah, Harry Potter." He said in his deep voice, "Why am I not surprised you are present?"

He directed the Aurors to set up a perimeter and then debriefed the guests. After getting the story from everyone, he seemed surprised when Rufus Scrimgeour, the head of the auror office, arrived on site.

"Shacklebolt," Scrimgeour said, "do you have everything under control?"

"Yes, Chief." Shacklebolt said respectfully.

"Very well," Rufus replied, "I want to do my own questioning. I'll start with…you, what's your name?" he asked, looking directly at Harry. Given that the entire Wizarding world could identify Harry by sight, Harry thought his pretense rather transparent. The Weasleys looked at each other, clearly not believing it, either.

"Harry Potter." He said dryly.

"Ah, Harry Potter." Scrimgeour said, "Come this way and I'll ask you a few questions."

Harry shook his head, but resigned himself to talking to the Head Auror. They walked out to the Weasley's garden.

[A/N: some text taken directly from HBP and belongs to JKR, as all Harry Potter does.]

"So, Mr. Potter," Scrimgeour started, "I have wanted to meet with you for weeks now, but Dumbledore prevented it. He's very protective of you. Your actions at the Ministry have caused quite a commotion. Minister Fudge is no longer Minister and the process has begun to choose the next one. I am one of the stronger candidates. Now that You-Know-Who is back, our world will be looking for someone who can confront his menace."

Harry nodded. There was nothing so far that he disagreed with. He was a little uncomfortable, given his new intern status in the Auror office, which he wasn't even sure if Scrimgeour was aware of. Given the apparent rivalry developing between Scrimgeour and Amelia Bones, Harry doubted it. He liked Amelia, perhaps predisposed to like her due to his friendship with Susan, but given his tendency to loyalty, he certainly wasn't going to abandon her for this stranger.

"I think you and I could work closely together." Scrimgeour said, looking closely at Harry, who could feel a fluttering probe against his occlumency shields, "There are many rumors circulating about a prophecy and whether you're the Chosen One. Have you and Dumbledore discussed this?"

Harry considered what he would tell the old auror. He didn't want to be rude, but at the same time he wouldn't reveal what he and Dumbledore had discussed.

"We've discussed a lot of things." Harry said, trying to be as polite and pleasant as the Chief Auror had been, "Those were private conversations and I'm not comfortable discussing them."

"Does it even really matter if you're the Chosen One?"

Harry had to mull that one over for a few seconds before responding.

"I don't really know what you mean."

"Well, of course, toyou it will matter enormously," said Scrimgeour with a laugh. "But to the wizarding community at large ... it's all perception, isn't it? It's what people believe that's important."

Harry said nothing. He thought he saw, dimly, where they were heading, but he was not going to help Scrimgeour get there. A gnome under the rhododendron was now digging for worms at its roots and Harry kept his eyes fixed upon it.

"People believe youarethe Chosen One, you see," said Scrimgeour, "They think you are quite the hero - which, of course, you are, Harry, chosen or not! How many times have you faced He Who Must Not Be Named now? Well, anyway," he pressed on, without waiting for a reply, "the point is, you are a symbol of hope for many, Harry. The idea that there is somebody out there who might be able, who might even bedestined to destroy He Who Must Not Be Named- well, naturally, it gives people a lift. And I can't help but feel that, once you realize this, you might consider it, well, almost a duty, to stand alongside the Ministry, and give everyone a boost."

The gnome had just managed to get hold of a worm. It was now tugging very hard on it, trying to get it out of the frozen ground. Harry was silent so long that Scrimgeour said, looking from Harry to the gnome, "Funny little chaps, aren't they? But what say you, Harry?"

"I don't exactly understand what you want," said Harry slowly. "Stand alongside the Ministry" ... what does that mean?"

"Oh, well, nothing at all onerous, I assure you," said Scrimgeour. "If you were to be seen popping in and out of the Ministry from time to time, for instance, that would give the right impression. And of course, while you were there, you would have ample opportunity to speak to Gawain Robards, who I envision as my successor as Head of the Auror Office. Dolores Umbridge had told me that you cherish an ambition to become an Auror. Well, that could be arranged very easily ..."

Harry felt anger bubbling in the pit of his stomach, he'd never hoped to hear Umbridge's name again now that she was in Azkaban.

"So basically," he said, as though he just wanted to clarify a few points, "you'd like to give the impression that I'm working for the Ministry? For you, in particular?"

"It would give everyone a lift to think you were more involved, Harry," said Scrimgeour, sounding relieved that Harry had cottoned on so quickly. "The "Chosen One", you know ... it's all about giving people hope, the feeling that exciting things are happening ..."

"But if I keep running in and out of the Ministry," said Harry, still endeavouring to keep his voice friendly, "won't that seem as though I approve of what the Ministry's up to?"

"Well," said Scrimgeour, frowning slightly, "well, yes, that's partly why we'd like…"

"No, I don't think that'll work," Harry said pleasantly, "I'm not sure I'm very happy with the Ministry at all. I'm starting to repair that relationship and have been working with Madame Bones, but I don't see where you come in at all."

Scrimgeour did not speak for a moment, but his expression hardened instantly.

"I would not expect you to understand." he said, and he was not as successful at keeping anger out of his voice as Harry had been, "Amelia may seem to be the best choice for Minister, but she does not have the right connections. These are dangerous times and they call for a firm hand. You're only fifteen, I don't expect you to understand."

"Dumbledore's a lot older than sixteen and he seems to believe Madame Bones is an excellent choice." said Harry, realizing Scrimgeour was trying to say that a woman couldn't be right during a time of war and knowing what Hermione would think of that. He himself wasn't comfortable with that kind of thinking. "I'm starting to think you're only concerned about your own prospects."

They looked at each other, long and hard. Finally Scrimgeour said, with no pretence at warmth, "I see. You prefer - like your hero Dumbledore - to make the wrong associations?"

"I won't be used," said Harry.

"Some would say it's your duty to be used by the Ministry!"

"Some might, but they'll never have my cooperation." Harry said sternly, "You're trying to pretend you've got the Chosen One working for you!"

"So you're not the Chosen One?" said Scrimgeour.

"I thought you said it didn't matter either way?" said Harry, with a bitter laugh. "Not to you, anyway."

"I shouldn't have said that," said Scrimgeour quickly. "It was tactless…"

"No, it was honest," said Harry. "One of the only honest things you've said to me. You don't care whether I live or die, but you do care that I help convince everyone you're the one to win the war against Voldemort. I haven't forgotten the last year."

He raised his right fist. There, shining white on the back of his cold hand, were the scars which Dolores Umbridge had forced him to carve into his own flesh:I must not tell lies.

"I don't remember you rushing to my defence when I was trying to tell everyone Voldemort was back. The Ministry wasn't so keen to be pals last year."

They stood in silence. The gnome had finally managed to extricate its worm and was now sucking on it happily, leaning against the bottom-most branches of the rhododendron bush.

"What is Dumbledore up to?" said Scrimgeour brusquely. "Where does he go, when he is absent from Hogwarts?"

"No idea," said Harry.
"And you wouldn't tell me if you knew," said Scrimgeour, "would you?"

"No, I wouldn't," said Harry.

"Well, then, I shall have to see whether I can't find out by other means." Scrimgeour said and Harry felt the mental probe he'd felt earlier hit him much stronger. He cut it off with the slightest effort, watching Scrimgeour recoil.

"You can try," said Harry indifferently. "But you seem cleverer than Fudge, so I recommend you learn from his mistakes. He tried interfering at Hogwarts. You might have noticed he's not Minister any more, but Dumbledore's still Headmaster. I'd leave Dumbledore alone, if I were you."

There was a long pause.

"Well, it is clear to me that he has done a very good job on you," said Scrimgeour, his eyes cold and hard behind his wire-rimmed glasses. "Dumbledore's man through and through, aren't you, Potter?"

"Yeah, I am," said Harry. "Glad we straightened that out."

Scrimgeour stalked off, gathering up his entourage and Flooing out. Harry worried he'd destroyed his chance of becoming an auror, but he'd grown enough to know he would be successful at whatever he chose to do. If Scrimgeour black balled him it would be his loss. He had a feeling Amelia was a better friend, anyway. Since she'd survived, Harry imagined she would be the next Minister for Magic.

Harry walked back in, Hermione catching his eye and joining him, leaning against him supportively.

"Don't worry love." She whispered, "You're right, he needs you more than you need him."

"Thanks, Mione." He said, filled with his love for this brilliant young woman.

They congratulated the twins on their NEWTs and graduation again before returning to Grimmauld Place. Harry amused Sirius by retelling the conversation with Scrimgeour before they all went to sleep.

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28 July

Harry and Hermione packed and shrunk their trunks down. They were ready to greet their guests. Neville showed up first, conscientious as always. Luna wandered over next, barefoot but otherwise dressed. Ginny and Ron Flooed in last, on the verge of being late as always. Harry brought them all into the kitchen where they enjoyed some breakfast.

"So, mate, what are we going to do this summer?" Ron asked.

"We're going to keep developing our skills." Harry said, "We won't have to be quite as intense as before, since we've already built a good foundation, but we really need to polish it and be ready."

"Sounds good." Ron said and sensing that Harry was nervous given their conflict last year he continued, "Don't worry about last year. I'm over all that. I know what's at stake."

"Good." Harry said, grinning at his friend, but then turned more serious, "This could be the last summer for any of us. I don't mind saying there's nobody I would rather spend it with. I think we're going to win, but if I die opposing Voldemort, there's nothing I'd rather die for and nobody I'd rather die with."

He looked around the table and everyone was able to look him in the eyes. They were all on board. It might seem strange for teenagers to be able to face this, but it was always the young who really fought wars.

After they'd eaten, Sirius came down and enchanted a portkey. They all took it to Black Isle, where it was still night. They all put their things away and then went to sleep for a short nap, hoping to reset their inner clocks. They didn't even pretend to have their own rooms this year. Molly wasn't staying, since Arthur was too busy at the Ministry, and Sirius didn't care. He just smirked and made totally inappropriate comments.

"If you need me to teach you the contraception charm, let me know." Sirius said, "If you don't and have children, you have to name them after me."

Harry woke when the first tendril of light peeked into the room. They'd planned the first day without any real commitments so they could get readjusted. They met on the porch and had a second breakfast. Harry considered his friends. They'd all changed in the last few years. His conversation with Ron had brought the changes to the top of his mind. Ron had lost an arm…and gained a replacement. He'd sworn his loyalty to Harry and while it seemed weird, it had seemed to resolve their intermittent conflicts. Harry wasn't sure whether it was the oath, Ron's training, or Ron's relationship with Luna that had really changed him. Luna was a good influence on him. Ron had been raised with a bit of a rigid sense of right and wrong or rather proper and improper. Women who exhibited any sexuality were "scarlet women", yet men were expected to be sexually aggressive. Luna, rather than being rigid, was just the opposite. She was such a free spirit that she was forcing Ron to loosen up just to keep up with her. She sat at breakfast in a nightgown and not much else and rather than be shocked, like he once would have been, Ron was placid. He had noticed. Harry had caught him giving his beautiful girlfriend the once over when she'd walked in, but he hadn't said anything and his ears hadn't changed colors. Whether it was his worldview that had changed or whether he just trusted Harry and Neville not to gawk, it all came to the same thing. Ginny was raised the same way, but had rebelled from her mother's beliefs. Harry thought Neville anchored her and kept her rebellion from getting out of hand. Harry and Hermione had both worried that when she decided to rebel, she might end up promiscuous just to set herself apart from Molly's beliefs. She hadn't and they both credited Neville's steady presence and influence. She was wearing a pair of knickers and a long camisole, which her mother would have never approved of. Ron didn't say anything to her, either, which was another change. Hermione was wearing a pareo tied under her breasts. Having watched her dress, Harry knew it was her only garment. He was wearing one around his waist. Ron was wearing Chudley Cannon boxers and tee. Neville was wearing a pair of flannel pants which showed off his impressive upper body development.

"We thought we might go to Hidden Bay and spend the day at the beach." Hermione offered, "Does that sound good to everyone?"

They all nodded happily.

"Ok, why don't we meet here in a few minutes ready to go?" Hermione suggested, "I've got sun protection potion and the House Elves will bring everything else."

"Then do we need anything else?" Luna asked, "We could go now."

"Do you need a swimsuit?" Hermione asked neutrally, not suggesting she cared about the response.

Luna giggled. "Not really. I told you last year they don't make a lot of sense to me. I think I convinced Ronald my way makes more sense."

Ron colored a bit, but nodded.

Hermione glanced at Ginny, who looked down for a minute, but then back up grinning. "I've got my knickers on. That's enough to start with."

Hermione shrugged, chuckling. "I thought we'd eventually get there. I didn't expect everyone had already decided the same thing I did."

"We'd live and die for each other." Ron said, "I know I've always been the prig of the group…well, when it wasn't you, Hermione, but that makes all the difference in the world to me. I had to decide. Am I Percey or more like Fred and George? Not much of a decision, really."

Neville cleared his throat.

"You're my friends. That's all I care about." He said.

They portkeyed to the beach and Harry showed Neville how well the Dragon Palms were growing. They'd survived the transfiguration during the Potters' brief honeymoon and thrived. With a complicated swish and flick of the Elder Wand, Harry transfigured them to a simpler sun-shade. The House Elves set up some carpets to keep them off the sand and some chests full of cold drinks, then disappeared.

Luna ran around in the sand, digging her toes into the warm white sugary sand. She giggled and then stretching her arms out 90 degrees from her sides, she spun in place, her blonde hair spreading around her head in a fan. Eventually she grew dizzy and would have fallen, but Ron caught her, flesh-and-bone arm on the right and silver arm on the left, both as gentle as could be.

"I think she likes it." Hermione giggled herself, looking out over the sand, the water, the beautiful bay. She loved this spot and felt no other spot belonged to her and Harry quite as thoroughly as this one. She could feel it resonating with their magic, their wards having gathered strength from the natural magic of the location. She felt like the earth itself welcomed them home. After enjoying a few quiet moments, she spoke aloud, her conscientiousness asserting itself for a moment. "Come on, everyone put on some potion before you burn."

Hermione tossed flasks to each of them.

Luna dropped her nightgown unashamedly. Hermione appreciated how beautiful the blonde Ravenclaw was, inside and outside. Her complete unselfconsciousness had left its imprint on their group as much as Harry's dogged heroism, Neville's loyalty, her own intellect. They had somewhere along the way become one in a way, a group of friends so tight it would never be broken. The Golden Trio had become the Black Isle six and they were siblings at heart no matter how they were actually related.

She untied and shed her own pareo. Harry started rubbing potion all over her body, making it a massage as much as a necessity. She sighed, enjoying her bondmates touch. She'd learned there was so much benefit to having the connection they had. She could never tell another person exactly how to rub her back to be just the perfect pressure, but she didn't even have to tell Harry. He knew.

He finished and they traded places. She rubbed potion on every inch of him, appreciating the lean muscle he'd developed. She glanced over and saw Ginny getting a protective coating from Neville. She'd apparently decided not to stick out and had ditched the knickers. Harry had removed his pareo, also nude. The other two had emulated him, although Neville was sitting modestly, trying not to flash anyone.

They spent the day playing in the water and basking in the sun. It was very restful and although at times they felt guilty for taking time away from their preparation, they all benefitted from the downtime.

"Hey, Nev." Harry asked lazily while he soaked up sunlight, "What are you planning to do when you graduate?"

"That's a good question, Harry." Neville said, "You know I really like herbology and I want to study with Professor Sprout, but I think I want to become an auror first. It would be a connection to my parents. I've really enjoyed the DA and I think I'm good at it."

"That's for sure, Neville." Ron allowed, "You've picked it up quicker than just about any of us."

"Thanks, Ron." The shy young man said sincerely.

"What about you, Ron?" Hermione asked, "You've always said auror, too, like Harry, but I've honestly always wondered whether you'd rather play Quidditch."

Ron stretched in the sun. If it hadn't been for the powerful sun protection potion, he would be red as a lobster, but with it he was completely protected.

"I've been looking into it." Ron said, "You can do both. After the Auror Academy, they'll make allowances for the Quidditch season, since it's only part of the year. You can do it part-time. There are too many people who've wanted to do both."

"I might do that." Harry said, "I think after this I'll want a break. I want to do some of everything."

Hermione laughed.

"It didn't help that you've got a bondmate that feels the same way." Hermione said, "You want to do everything and I want to do everything, so between us we'll be lucky to have time to do it all."

"You two will live forever." Luna said, "You won't lack for time. I want to work with you both in the Department of Mysteries and continue to publish the Quibbler."

"I want to play Quidditch." Ginny said.

"You will." Harry said, "All the teams will want someone who can play two positions. You could be seeker or chaser, whatever they need."

"Do you think we'll get the chance to do all this?" Ron asked, looking around at his friends.

"I hope so, Ron." Harry offered. They were all quiet for a long while, considering their own mortality.

"Who wants to do some diving?" Hermione offered, uncharacteristically deciding to be the one to break the mood, "Harry and I can carry you into the air and you can dive in."

She and Harry changed into their phoenix forms and carried their friends into the air clinging to their long tail feathers. They got over deep water and their friends would release, diving into the surf. Once they were no longer carrying anyone, they could turn back to human form and dive in. Each one tried to dive from higher and higher, laughing and trash talking as they debated who had gone from highest.

Finally, night fell and they grilled some fish on the beach, drank some butterbeer, and told stories around the fire. Harry and Hermione distributed copies of The Marauder's Guide.

"You're our closest friends." Harry said, "Hermione and I have joined the Marauders and want you to join us, too. This guide gives the best way to become an animagus and we think you all have the ability to do it. We'll help. Read the book and then we'll walk you through the steps." He taught them all the password, although they all already knew it from long acquaintance with the map.

They returned to the main Black beachhouse feeling rejuvenated and more deeply connected to one another.

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Master Auror Moody woke them the next morning. They picked up training under him again. This time, while they continued drilling with the combat dummies, there was less of a basic training feeling to it. Harry was still obsessive, continuing long after Ron, but so did Hermione and Neville. Moody just let them each work at their own pace, knowing he'd provided them with the basic tools they needed the previous summer and relying on them to use them to continue to develop. He circulated, providing tips to improve their technique and teaching them situations to use each of the spells he taught.

He added something new, which was tactical training. He started with something he called "Hogan's Alley". He, Sirius, and Remus would transfigure an entire building, changing the layout and placing combat dummies. Some were marked as enemies, some as friends, and some weren't clear which they were but might shoot spells. Moody would send individuals and eventually groups in with specific purposes. Usually it was just to survive, but once they'd gotten better, they were sent in to kill all the "Death Eaters" inside or to rescue hostages.

After weeks of practice at that, Moody had separated them into two groups, usually Harry and Hermione against everyone else, but sometimes it was all the young people against an equal number of Order members. As he found how good Ron was at strategy, he would often put him in charge of developing a strategy for the "Death Eater" side. Harry and Hermione were very skilled tactically and only their sheer abilities let them win consistently.

Bill Weasley showed up several times, teaching them how to take down wards quickly. Nobody knew under what circumstances they'd face Voldemort and if he was behind layers of wards, Moody wanted them to be able to get in after him before he had a chance to escape or to kill hostages or whatever he chose to do.

Remus taught them even more about defeating various dark creatures, including the werewolves they knew he would have.

Severus continued to work with them on occlumency. He pulled Harry and Hermione aside one night.

"Voldemort wants Draco to kill Dumbledore." Snape said with no inflection.

"Shite." Harry muttered, provoking a smirk from Snape, who'd hoped to shock them.

"What does Draco say?" Hermione asked.

"He doesn't want any part of it." Snape said, "You can't say no to the Dark Lord, though."

"No, that might not be healthy." Harry agreed, "So what's he going to do?"

"Luckily I've taught him occlumency." Snape said, "He's pretending to cooperate. Given that in the best case for Voldemort, it would be at the edge of Draco's ability, he should be able to delay almost indefinitely."

"Why are you telling us?" Harry asked perceptively.

"Perhaps you're not as worthless a Gryffindor as I always thought." Snape said drily, "That was actually a very good question."

Harry was actually almost shocked at the compliment.

"I swore an unbreakable vow to help him." Snape said.

"What?!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I had to or expose myself as Dumbledore's man." Snape said, "Luckily I was able to phrase it where I swore to help Draco. Knowing Draco doesn't want to kill Dumbledore, I will help him. I will help him keep from exposing himself and if worse comes to worse, I'll help him escape the Dark Lord, even if it finally reveals my true loyalties. This role could never last forever and I am beginning to think it is played out."

Harry looked at Snape, waiting for the rest.

"I…I wanted to tell you, Harry." Snape said quietly, "Just in case things go to hell. You should know. Someone should know I am not an evil person."

"I appreciate that, Professor Snape." Harry said respectfully, "I do understand."

Snape nodded and turned, his cloak billowing around him, and walked away into the darkness.

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Their friends read the Marauder's Guide. Once they were done, they came to Harry and Hermione to discuss it. The Potters told them what they'd done, including the decision to brew the potion themselves.

"I could brew the potion for you." Hermione offered, "I think you can do it for yourselves, though. I can help and with Snape's instructions I don't think it will be too hard for any of you."

She carefully walked them through each step and they carefully did it step by step together. She made sure nobody made any mistakes as they proceeded through it together.

Harry guided them through the meditation, tying it to what they already knew about meditation from Severus' efforts. Hedwig helped, but singing, making the environment an encouraging one and keeping anyone from becoming disheartened by the difficulty of the process.

Eventually they were all ready to try it.

Ron went first. Harry and Hermione had debated whether he would become a terrier, since often the patronus corresponded, but there were enough counter examples that they weren't certain that was a law. Ron drank the potion and concentrated on the transformation. He went to all fours and Harry thought he might become a terrier, but he swiftly became too bulky. When he transformed into a giant orange tiger, nobody was too surprised. He was tall for a tiger and gangly, if a tiger could be gangly, but he looked fast and deadly. He ran around the room, gaining his coordination after a few humorous flailing attempts at walking. Luna hugged his neck, burying her face into his orange fur.

"You're gorgeous!" she gushed, "I'm so proud of you!"

Luna went next after Ron had successfully changed back. She also sank to her knees. A horn started to protrude from her head.

"I don't believe it…" Hermione started to mumble, "she's becoming a crumple-horned snorkack."

As she continued her transformation, she developed pure white hair and graceful powerful proportions. Soon, it was clear she wasn't a snorkack at all. She was a unicorn.

Ron looked awed. He stroked her pure white coat. She whinnied, a noise that carried almost as much reassurance as phoenix-song.

"You're truly beautiful." Ron said, staring at the lovely form of his girlfriend. She carefully walked around the room, growing more confident as she adjusted. Once she transformed back, she was smiling ear to ear.

"It was wonderful!" she said, "I could feel all this purity and light. I never wanted to turn back."

Neville went next, turning into a giant bear. He was larger than any bear they'd ever seen. Hermione was muttering to herself as she tried to identify him.

"He's the size of a polar bear, but he's brown. I think he's a cave bear, but they're extinct!"

"Well, Luna's magical. Why couldn't Neville be an extinct animal?" Harry asked.

"No reason, I suppose." Hermione replied, "Some people think cave bears were herbivorous, which would actually make sense."

Finally, Ginny went, transforming into a peregrine falcon. She hopped and tried to fly, falling a few times before she got airborne. When she changed back, she looked almost as happy as Luna.

"I hoped I could fly!" she said, "Although if I were a horse, I wouldn't be too broken hearted."

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They sent invitations to Fred and George to join them on the island for a night. When they arrived, they were sequestered with Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Neville. They were wearing white robes.

"What is this?" Fred asked.

"It seems a bit shady." George asked, looking around. The twins had had to become very cautious about being pranked, as pranksters they were a favorite target.

Ron put his hand on his older brother's shoulder.

"Trust me, you'll like this surprise." Ron said.

They sat around, waiting. Eventually, someone in a black robe, with hood around the face so his or her face couldn't be seen came into the room.

"Come with me." Said the magically generic voice.

The six white robed Wizards and Witches followed the black robed one down a flight of stairs into a plain stone room, barely lit with banks of candles. There were three other black robed figures at the front of the room. Once the white robes were lined up, the tallest of the black robed figures spoke in the flat voice, unidentifiable.

"You have been summoned to be part of a brotherhood." The black robe said, "This honorable brotherhood is known as the Marauders. I am Padfoot."

The twins exclaimed in delight before being hushed.

"I am Moony." Said another.

"I am Smoke." Said the third.

"I am Fire." Said the fourth and last, "You have been brought here to be offered a position in our brotherhood. There are requirements which you are believed to have met, but you must demonstrate. Please show us your animagus form."

Ron changed into his tiger form and back. The twins gawked, clapping their youngest brother on the back, "Good job, Ron!"

Ginny turned to her falcon form and back, receiving more quiet praise.

Neville stunned them when he turned into a giant cave bear, but the reaction was nothing compared to Luna's transformation into a unicorn, second only to the phoenix amongst avatars of the light.

The twins exchanged half embarrassed looks.

"Well, I suppose we might as well get this over with." George said.

"Quite right." Fred answered.

They shimmered and changed, growing bow-legged and hairy, the hair almost the same color as their natural red. Where the twins had stood, there were now two orangutans.

A chuckle was briefly heard from one of the black robes.

The twins changed back, proud of having mastered the transformation even if their forms were not the most useful.

"You have met the requirements and are formally invited to join our brotherhood." Said Padfoot, "If you choose to join, take a step forward. If you decline, take a step back. You will be taken above and obliviated, never to be invited again."

They all stepped forward.

"Very well," Padfoot said, "you are now members of our brotherhood. You will receive your Marauder names."

Stepping forward, he tapped Ron on the shoulder, "You will be known as Stripes."

He went to Ginny, "You are Swiftwing."

He stepped over to Neville, "You will be Strongpaw."

To Luna he said, "You are Whitehorn."

He hesitated in front of the twins. What name could he give the two identical apes?

"You are Longarm." He said to Fred, "You are Cleverfoot." He said to George.

With a wave of his wand, Remus transfigured all their robes to black.

"Our password will always be "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." Remus said, "The completion phrase is "Mischief managed."

The existing members then lowered their hoods, revealing their identities.

"Harry!" Fred said, "How did you become a Marauder?"

"You know…legacy." Harry said.

"Awesome!" George said.

Harry and Hermione showed their animagus forms to those who hadn't seen them.

The Marauders were reborn, different than they had been, but complete again. Nobody could replace the loss of Prongs and nothing would ever make the betrayal from Wormtail right, but there were new Marauders for the first time in many years. Another wound from Voldemort was beginning to heal.

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A/N: I might have beefed up the Resurrection Stone. I'm not clear whether it can summon any dead the user wants or only loved ones. I decided to be as powerful as the other items, it had to be able to summon any. This may depart from canon as does my modification of the ring it's mounted on.

I've noticed a general trend that readers don't like when I follow canon too closely. I understand you don't want to simply re-read the books here. However, with the Scrimgeour scene, that was simply one of my top ten favorite moments and really revealed the relationship between Harry and Dumbledore. It's the main reason this isn't a Dumbledore bashing fic. So I had to include it, although I moved it, because it wouldn't work where it was. I hope you don't mind it.

Please read and review. I'd love to hear how you think it will end. I'm hoping to make a very action packed chapter next.