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The Duelist by Hawkins

The Duelist


Chapter 8: Preparing for the Second Task

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and don't profit.

In the library, Hermione pulled him close for a quick discussion. He suspected that the old Harry would have procrastinated solving the egg. He'd really been influenced by Hermione, though, and was happy she was already working on it with him.

"Harry, I've been thinking about the noise." She whispered, "When I first heard it, I thought that shrieking could be some sort of bird speech, but as I've thought about it more, I think it sounds more like dolphins. Now, I didn't know if dolphins might sound like any magical creatures, but a little research has shown that mermish can also sound like that out of water, but in the water it's much more easily understood. It doesn't exactly make sense according to physics, but magic never does. So maybe if we listened under water, we could understand."

"Does it have to be a large body of water or do you think any water would work?" Harry asked.

"I think any water, but if we try something small and it doesn't work, we might have to try the edge of the lake to be sure." She offered.

"Where are we going to find water?" Harry asked.

"Not sure, but I'll ask Winky. House elves know everything about the castle." Hermione replied.

In transfiguration, Professor McGonagall told them of an unexpected task, the Yule Ball. Harry's first impulse had been to feel sick. He didn't dance. A quick look at Ron convinced him that Ron felt the same way. However, a burst of excitement across the bond caused him to look at Hermione and she positively glowed with excitement. He caught a quick snatch of thought as she hoped he would ask her, but feared that he wouldn't, before she put up occulmentic shields, calming the emotions and thoughts across the bond. He was surprised she would even wonder, but briefly thought about how hard it would have been to ask without knowing she wanted him to and without knowing he wasn't in for epic, friendship ending rejection.

They stood to leave and Professor McGonnagall called out, "Potter, a brief word with you, please."

"I'll be in the library." Hermione said, eyes downcast and ready to hurry out.

"No, wait a few seconds. I don't think this will take long." Harry urged, glancing at Professor McGonagall to see if he was right. He was surprised to see a brief flitter of a smile cross her face.

"No, Mr. Potter's right, Miss Granger. I just wanted to mention to him that as a Champion, he would be expected to lead the first dance and Gryffindor honor was at stake. "Be sure to be ready, Mr. Potter. Remember, Gryffindor's Charge!"

"Ok, Professor." Harry replied, puzzled. Maybe that made sense, but despite his recent strides, he certainly didn't know what she meant. A quick glance at Hermione showed a small, almost missed shared smile between the two.

In the hall, Harry took a deep breath and reminded himself of the house motto. This shouldn't be hard, he already knew she wanted him to ask, but it was still a leap to put himself forward. They'd never really gone anywhere as official dates and that seemed like such an official step.

"Willyoucometotheballwithme." He said, relieved when he got it all out.

"What was that, Potter? I don't think I quite understood what you were asking me." Hermione said with a smirk. She relaxed her defenses at the same time, though, and Harry was overwhelmed with her feeling of joy. He suddenly wasn't scared at all.

"Hermione, would you please do me the honor of escorting me to the ball?" he tried again, more suavely now that he had her support in his mind.

"Of course!" she squealed.

"Do you think you might have time to teach me to dance?" Harry asked.

"I think we can do that. I took lessons as a girl." Hermione said with a smile.

Harry was relieved. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

That night in the common room, Ron pulled his friend aside.

"Did you ask her?"

"Hermione? Yes, of course. We're going together."

"Well, that's ok for you, then, but what do I do?" Ron whispered fiercely.

Harry sent a quick plea for help across the bond. Hermione came over. Ron seemed uncomfortable, but didn't run away when she sat next to them.

"Just ask, Ron. Seriously, what's the worst that could happen? Most girls will be flattered to be asked."

"I could be shot down, a disgrace!"

Hermione shook her head. "If you're that scared, ask one of the third years. "You heard the Professor. They can't go unless they're invited by a fourth year or above, so if they want to go, they'll be hoping for dates."

Ron smiled, "I think you're on to something! Maybe it's good to be friends with a girl." He took off, seeming in a hurry to ask someone.

"Well, at least he realizes I'm a girl." Hermione shrugged.

"I'm glad he didn't figure it out sooner." Harry smiled.

"He wouldn't have had a chance, Potter." Hermione replied, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend.

H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr

They all studied furiously for midterms, driven by Hermione's relentless study schedule. Harry felt confident they had all done well. With the end of the term, they had more time for their extracurricular activities, which was lucky when Hermione found him in the common room after their last test. There was a quiet party as everyone celebrated the end of term. She had a backpack with her, which was curious, since she shouldn't need to study for at least a few days.

"Grab your cloak and the egg." She whispered, "Meet me in the hallway."

He did as she asked and soon they were pressed tightly together, creeping down the hall, Marauder's Map showing the way clear of any staff.

Where are we going? He thought across the bond.

You'll see. She said, her mental voice seeming amused.

They came to a statue of a wizard, Boris the Bewildered, with gloves on the wrong hands. Hermione took them to a nearby door.

"Pine fresh." She whispered and the door opened. They walked inside and Harry realized they were in the most luxurious bathroom he'd ever seen. It was all white marble, with a tub the size of a swimming pool. Hundreds of gold spigots surrounded the pool. A candle filled chandelier provided light, dimming gently at Hermione's wand gesture. She opened up several taps and the pool started filling much more quickly than Harry expected it would have in the Muggle world.

Once it was full, Harry felt a sense of dread. He hadn't realized where they were headed and what their mission was. He was completely unprepared.

"Um, Hermione, I didn't realize what you had in mind. I should have when you sent me for the egg, but I didn't. I didn't grab a suit."

"Neither did I." she said with the mischievous grin he'd only ever seen since they were together.

Was this his Hermione? He felt his heart beat fast and knew he was as red as Ron sometimes got. Luckily, he could tell she was also flushed, which made him more confident. They tacitly cooperated to spare some of their embarrassment and each turned away from the other to take off dressing gowns and pajamas. Hermione had dry towels already situated at the edge, with the egg indenting the thick Turkish cotton. As soon as they were both undressed, they slipped into the thick bubbles. He had peeked and he knew she had, too, but they pretended not to. He felt himself regain equilibrium once they were shoulder deep in the bubbles.

"Ok, Harry, on the count of 3. We'll dip our heads down, open it, and listen. Ready?"

They dipped into the water and he opened the egg. They heard a singing voice reciting a song-riddle. He knew Hermione would have preferred to write it down, but he thought maybe she just did that as she did many things, out of an abundance of caution. He had begun to wonder, as he gained more access to her mind and talents, whether she had a perfect memory. He heard the riddle, but was also distracted. The dim bathroom was even darker under the bubbles, but he could still see Hermione's luminous form, gently sweeping her arms as she listened on the other side of the egg. He hoped she couldn't see too much detail, while wishing he could see more. Once the riddle was complete, they surfaced, breathing quickly. Without speaking, they came together in an embrace. He couldn't believe how much wet skin he could feel, pressed against him. If he hadn't known already, he could feel how she was developing, now that she had every inch pressed to every inch of him. They gentle kissed until even the magically heated water grew chill. The room was lit by the glow of their magic, their bond sparking like lightning between them.

H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr

Once they knew the riddle, they quickly figured out what it meant. There was only one body of water nearby. Hermione might have had some difficulty being sure what Harry would miss most, but Harry knew without question and he convinced her. The trio started brainstorming.

H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr H/Hr

A/N: This chapter is not fully connected, but is important to set the stage for what's coming.