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Stories by vinofaerie

  1. Touch by vinofaerie

    This is really a continuation of a fic I wrote a few years back called Taste for the dgficexchange on LiveJournal. The requester had asked for an unhappy ending and it's always been in the back of my head that was not how I wanted to leave things. Unfortuately this is not a stand alone, you have to read the other one to get this one. The first one is from mainly Draco's POV so I wanted this to be in Ginny's. Also, please ignore Deathly Hallows. It didn't happen, never existed, put your fingers in your ears and sing loudly if it comes up while you are reading this. Also, unbeta-ed, so any and all mistakes are mine.

  2. Unexpected Places by vinofaerie

    Never hire someone from your past. They may become other parts of your life. Written for one of the dgficexchanges. I just realized I haven't been on portkey in a while and decided to put up some stuff.

  3. Taste by vinofaerie

    Classic case of boy loses girl... sort of. Told mostly from Draco's POV but not first person. Writen for a fic exchange where I had to incorporated the line: 'When love is not madness, it is not love.' (~Pedro Calderon de la Barca) and give an unhappy ending. So, be warned!

  4. One Upon a Time in London, A Christmas Story by vinofaerie

    Written for serpentandlion for a Christmas exchange. Prompts: Tattoos and Muggle alcohol. Draco tells his children about how he and their mother came to be... sort of.

  5. The Way to a Man's Heart... by vinofaerie

    Ginny gets a job as the chef in Malfoy Mannor. I swear this story is better than my summary! NC-17 for later chapters (I actually try to develop the relationship before smut)

  6. Cake Mix by vinofaerie

    Hermione bakes a cake and Harry helps. And there is left over cake mix...

  7. The Hardest of Monuments by vinofaerie

    There are ways for a heart to break that aren’t visible to the outside world. Downcast eyes and long periods of silence. Her hands braced together to prevent herself from clawing at her skin. The way she sees him looking, sees him staring at her in pain and all she can do is look blankly away.

  8. The Desires of Adulthood by vinofaerie

    OneShot, first person POV. Ginny tries to come to tems with where she is in this point of her life. Warning: Mild violence, nothing too bad but thought I'd say it anyway.