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Gaia's Champion by Kai_Lun_Mau

Gaia's Champion


Chapter 4: Understandings

Hermione lay there completely speechless as she looked into a pair of very familiar eyes, the fact she was wearing only a towel forgotten as she slowly reached up and brushed the hair away from the mans forehead and very softly almost tenderly traced her finger along the lines of the lightning bolt shaped scar. "Harry..."

Harry stared up into warm chocolate eyes and felt himself drowning, seven years and his feelings for her were still the same. "Mione..." He didn't get a chance to finish talking as he felt her full strength slap connect solidly with his face.

"You bastard, seven years, your gone seven years and you have the audacity to just pop up like nothings wrong!" Hermione climbed to her feet taking great pains to make sure her elbow buried itself in Harry's stomach. She glared at a laughing Dumbledore before turning and storming out of his office the fact she was dressed in a towel forgotten.

Harry looked at Dumbledore apollogeticly before he darted out the office after her. "Hermione!" She ignored him and kept walking. "Mione please stop, we need to talk!"

She rounded on him her face flush with anger. "TALK!" She prodded him in the chest with her finger. " bloody years, Ron told me you died, god Ron he's going to explode when he finds out your alive."

At the mention of Rons name Harry's face darkened and he started Shouting in her face. "Oh he'll explode all right I'll make sure of it." His eyes glowed a soft emerald and the whites of his eyes were consumed by the glow as his temper boiled. "He left me to die Hermione..."

Hermione looked at him horrified. "No...I know he can be a bit of a Prat these days but he wouldn't try to kill you."

Harry shook his head his anger melting to be replaced by a sad lost look. "After I had blasted Voldemort to bits the roof started to cave in" He leaned back against the wall closing his eyes as the memory washed over him. I had lost my wand in the explosion and when i got to my feet Ron was standing in the door way, I had started towards the exit when he raised his wand and used the Reductor curse on one of the pillars supporting the roof and blocked the way out."

Hermiones face paled as Harry recounted his tale, she couldn't believe that Ron would do something like that. "But why, I mean I suspected he lied about being the one to finally beat Voldemort....but to leave you to die?" Without thinking she stepped forward and wrapped her friend in a hug and together they stood there in silence Harry in his poncho and her in her towel.


Springing apart the two turned to the sound of the voice and came face to face with a stern looking Professor Mcgonnagal. "Would you two care to explain why you are out of your.....Ms Granger!" Mcgonnagal shook her head in suprise. "Might I ask why your running around this school in a towel?"

Hermione blushed a bright crimson whilst Harry busted a gut laughing, tears rolling down his cheeks. She glared at her friend. "Why didn't you say something!"

"I tried to in Dmbledores office, you were kind of worked up!" Wiping the tears from his face he blinked to find himself face to face with a stern Mcgonnagal.

"And you Mister who.....Oh my goodness...Harry?" McGonnagal stared into a face she had longed thought dead. ""

Harry frowned as his eyes flashed emerald for a brief moment. "I'm sorry Miss but i don't know who this Harry is." Hermione looked at her friend shocked at his blatant lie and was even more shocked when Mcgonnagal shook her head and steps back.

"Oh I'm sorry you looked like an old student of mine, as for you Miss Granger as much as I am pleased to see you back in the Halls of this school your dress sense leave much to be desired."

Hermione glared at Harry even more causing him to gulp and step back in fear for his manhood if not his life. "Sorry Miss McGonnagal but I'm afraid i was summoned rather unexpectedly to see the Head Master."

"Well then If I were you I wouldn't keep him waiting now would I." She raised an eyebrow at the two young adults and watched as they proceeded back up the stairs into the Head Masters office.

Having the good graces to look embarrassed Harry slipped off his Poncho and handed it to her. "Look getting you here undressed wasn't intentional."

Hermione sniffed in a near aproximation of their former head of house and just pushed open the door stepping into Dumbledores office.

The headmaster smiled as two of his favourite students sat down facing him. "Now that seems to be taken care of perhaps you wouldn't mind telling us where you have been for the past seven years Harry."



AN: Yes its short but thats because I want to annoy all you readers and make you wait for the next chapter before you all find out about what happened to Harry after the temple collapsed.

Sorry about the semi short chapters whilst some of you may write several thousand words a chapter thats just not my writing style I prefer a chapter per part of the story, keeps the suspence flowing

Yes I would just like to acknowledge the fact I am Evil so there is no point in complaining about it