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Draco's Favorite Nurse by burgosdamasco

Draco's Favorite Nurse


Draco puzzled over the power this witch seemed to have on his senses. Perhaps it was her red-hair. He became quite the redophile after the war. How ironic that every woman who caught his fancy was a red head. How the Weasley's would eat that bit of information up. Ginny must not know his weakness, but it was becoming increasingly hard to hide it.

They were pressed tightly together now. Of course it was because the dance floor was becoming even more crowded. Draco had to be the gentleman that Ginny doubted he could be. Musn't run my dance partner into anyone. The excuse was good enough for Draco, that is, until Ginny slowed her movements. Her pupils widened with the knowledge of what was happening. His body was hardening against hers and there was no way he could hide his desire now.

Mentally Draco swore. In the years following the war, he took great pride in never losing control mentally or physically. How could a simple dance bring him to the brink? She would run off again for sure. Leave him to be the laughing stock of the dance floor. People would wonder again, what did that evil man do to make such a lovely girl run off? How many dates had broken up with him in healer school when his past had become known? But Ginny…Ginny was different. She already knew his past. No use hiding it. Yet, she didn't run. Ginny stayed, her arms wrapped tighter around him.

He would never admit this to anyone, not to Philip nor the few friends he had left. One thing Draco missed was the touch of a woman. Holding her, kissing her, waking up with her. He might have been considered Death Eater for life, didn't mean he couldn't be gentle with the ladies.

Bloody hell! I'm going soft! Mentally that is. Physically, he was quite the opposite. Maybe his bout with celibacy had just gone on far too long.

What he wanted to do was take Ginny Weasley home. He could practically bring people back from the dead. Surely he could accomplish something as easy as ravishing the living daylights out of Ginny. Draco could already picture the redhead prancing about in her little nurse outfit. They could play healer and nurse all night long.

By gods! I am going mad!

He saw her eyes closed, grinning that wicked wanton smile of hers. That gave him the courage to do a most impulsive thing. He blamed it on the music, her body pressed close to his, tempting him to make an utter fool of himself.

"I want to kiss you Ginny." Draco said, hearing the rough scrape of his own voice.

Ginny swallowed hard, her eyes slowly opening to meet his, "Then kiss me."

Ginny reached up on her toes, Draco bending down to meet her. Brushing his mouth against Ginny's, her lips parted for him, his tongue tangling with hers in a wild dance of need.

Ginny lifted her head, causing a bit of alarm in Draco. Perhaps she didn't want this. Maybe it had all been a mistake. He had been caught in a rush of hormones and Ginny had come to her senses. He was relieved when she whispered," Not here, everyone can see."

She dragged Draco off the dance floor and he gladly followed to a remote area of the park, hidden by a grove of trees.

"I've always wanted to play healer and nurse." Ginny managed to say in between their kisses and heavy groping.

"Yes…oh yes. " Draco moaned into her mouth. This was much too good to be true. "I'm going to do a thorough exam Nurse Weasley. Would you like that?" The gods had never answered his prayers but it seemed like his luck was about to change. Draco took out his wand, ready to apparate and tear off that little dress he had been imagining her not wearing the entire night.

Just then Ginny let out a scream of fright. His wand at the ready, Draco turned around ready to do battle.

"Lavender! Parvati!" Ginny exclaimed trying in vain to make herself presentable. She rolled down her hiked up skirt, and tried to fix her hair before holding out her hand to them both. "How nice to see you!"

"Ladies." Draco smiled woodenly, fingering his wand wishing he could strike them both down with the Avada Kedavra. They had ruined a perfectly good snog. A snog with potential.

Damn them both for ending his healer- nurse fantasy.