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All That She Wants by Ryoko Blue

All That She Wants

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: No way are any of the original HP characters mine they totally belong to J.K. Rowlings. You are nuts to even think that I own this, where do you people get your information. Honestly :)

All That She Wants

Chapter 10-I'll Make Love To You

Harry glanced up; he saw within her eyes that she was tired of this. Tired of him? No, that would never happen. But he could see that she was tired of him chasing her around. But he also saw that she really did care about him, yet she was afraid. It was odd seeing her scared like this, she was usually so brave and relatively easy going, except for when it comes to her studies, but that's different. She had never been one to run away from a challenge. But this, Harry could see, scared her to death.

"Hermione, I know I could never take back what happened. But all I ask is for you to give me one month. Just one month of your time to see if you really could trust me again, I know I'm far from deserving of it. But I love you, I do. Just let me prove it. Please." His voice trimmed with a slight desperation, he no longer cared about the tones in his voice. He would speak from his heart no matter how desperate it sounded.

Hermione was suddenly aware of where they were, people were gathered around them. The air about them was so quiet not even the birds chirped. "Harry get up, you're embarrassing yourself." She glanced back at him.

"I don't care about that; I'll embarrass myself to the end of time if that's what it takes for you to give me another chance. I'll even dye my hair blue, would that make you happy?" He was dead serious.

The vision of Harry in blue hair ran through her mind, she couldn't help but laugh about it. "Well now, you don't need to be doing anything like that." She said fighting back her laughter. Hermione grabbed his hands pulling him to his feet; then looking up at him. "One month, that's a long time for someone who has a new girlfriend every week you know?"

"Go on honey, give him a chance." An old lady shouted from the circle of viewers.

Hermione chuckled lightly at the site of the old lady's wide grin.

"Yeah Hermione, go on give him a chance." Harry said with a smile. "And you should never ever argue with your elders." He pointed out with an even sillier grin on his face.

Hermione looked extremely serious as she said, "Advice given from people over sixty tends to be outdated." She noticed that he looked ready to cry again; she couldn't take that. Just something about Harry in tears made her feel all warm and bubbly inside.

Harry nodded; his head lowered slightly, all of his hope for them ever being together vanished with just those words uttered by Hermione, he glanced at the ground feeling very depressed, his heart was aching and he felt sick to his stomach. "Look, I can see you really meant it when you said you didn't love me. I'm so sorry I wasted your time, I won't bother you anymore." He turned to go, but a hand on his shoulder made him stop. He turned around.

"It's not that Harry, it's just I need build up my trust in you again. It won't be a quick fix, but I am willing to give it a chance to see if there really is something between us." Hermione saw a flicker of hope flash in his eyes with what she had said.

Harry looked around at all the people gawking at them; and he smirked. "All right you all, go on with your business, nothing left to see here." He playfully shooed them away with his hands. A few chuckles escaped the crowd as it started to break up and people did in fact go on with their business. He turned his attention back to Hermione; he couldn't help but smile. "You really mean that, you'll give me a second chance?" He still sounded a bit unsure.

Hermione nodded, "Yes, I really meant it."

"Woohoo!" Harry shouted and jumped around, causing Hermione to laugh, he too laughed right along with her. "Hermione, you don't know how much that means to me, you giving me another chance like this. You won't regret it, I promise you." He took her hands in his, rubbing his thumbs along her knuckles. Before he realized what he was doing he had leaned forward ready to press his lips against hers, the thing that stopped him was the hand the came up and pressed against his chest and the lovely voice ringing in his ears.

"Hold on there, lover boy not so fast." Hermione said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Huh?" Harry was confused as he pulled back regarding her.

"No kissing," Hermione said wagging her finger like she was scolding him.

Harry was shocked. "What, why?"

Hermione tilted her head to the side a bit, "Because one has to keep a clear head when dealing with you." She smiled, tapping him on the nose. "I tend to lose my mind when kissing you."

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Harry teased.

"It's not really a bad thing, but I want to make sure that your feelings for me are real, and that I'm not just the next one, the unobtainable one as you have often called your unfulfilled conquests." Hermione was pleasant, but still very serious.

"Yeah all right, I understand I guess. Of course it doesn't mean I won't stop trying, as you know I never give up." His smile was wide.

"All right I'm sure it's nearly dinner time back at Hogwarts so we better get going." Hermione replied.

Harry quickly grabbed her hand, "I'm allowed to hold your hand at least, right?"

"Sure, I don't see why not." She smiled as they walked hand in hand back towards Hogwarts.

~*~*~*Almost one month later~*~*~*

Harry appeared to be dancing on air as he swept into divination. "Good morning again to you Blaise." He said sitting at the table in front of hers.

Blaise shook her head back and forth, "You are just too happy," She looked up at him. "It's nauseating." She smirked.

"Ah you're just jealous. Jea…lous." He drawled out slowly while wearing a silly grin on his face.

"I am not." Blaise's eyebrows crinkled together. "Besides you ain't that great."

"Yeah, yeah." Harry shrugged.

"I assure you Harry that I am not jealous, in fact I have my eye on someone myself." She said going back to her book.

"Oooh really and just who might that be, hmm?" Harry said as his eyes peered over the rim of her book.

"Don't laugh, but I like…" She leaned closer so only he could hear her and she spoke in a quiet whisper. "Draco Malfoy."

"DRACO MALFOY?!...THE HUFFLEPUFF?!" Harry was astonished, not to mention completely taken by surprise. Several students turned in their direction at hearing Harry's loud voice.

Blaise glared at him, "You know I don't think they heard you in…BRAZIL!"

Harry laughed a bit. "Heh, sorry. It's just really shocking. Draco Malfoy huh, what do you see in him?"

"He's nice." Blaise smiled to herself, "And thoughtful, and cute and well... He treats me like I'm special you know." She glanced down at her book. "When we're like studying or something he's very considerate. He gets really shy too, I think he wants to ask me on a date but he seems to lose his nerve." She said while trailing her fingertip along her book's page.

"Well I hope everything works out for you." Harry said then grinned cheekily, "Now back to me here, you are going to help me prepare for my perfect evening with Hermione, tonight, right?"

"Of course I am, you made me a list of everything she likes right, her favorite foods, music and such right?" Blaise smiled, she loved planning things like this. She probably would have a good future as a decorator.

Harry took the list out of his pocket within his robe and handed it to her. "I hope this is good enough."

Blaise nodded looking at the list, "Yes it's perfect. Now don't let her come up to the dorm until seven O'clock, that's when I'll have everything ready. Oh and don't let her eat anything at dinner." She heard the professor start the class and gave Trelawney her attention.

In the Great Hall, Harry stood by Hermione's place sitting, she always sat there he was sure of it. He pulled out his wand and charmed her plate. It flickered a moment then was its normal neutral silver color. He rushed back to his seat just as Blaise was sitting down to dinner.

"And just what were you doing over there?" Blaise said, gracefully crossing her legs underneath the table.

Harry was smirking as he drank from his cup, "I just made sure that Hermione doesn't eat anything till later tonight."

"Oh and just how did you do that?" Blaise was intrigued.

"I charmed her plate; she won't be able to eat anything." Harry sniggered.

Blaise shook her head amused, "I'm just gonna grab a small bite and then I'm off to prepare the rooms for you and your lady fair."

Harry nodded, "Well I had to show up so she won't think something is up. Hermione knows that I for one never miss a meal." Harry said as he barely nibbled on the food in front of him.

Hermione was nearly starving as she strolled into The Great Hall for dinner; she was sure going to pig out tonight. The boys no longer swarmed around her, she was glad of that. Of course the near death threat that Harry gave all the males nearly scared the stuffing out of them, she wouldn't have used that approach. Hermione sat down, she was ready to eat.

She put on her plate a scoop of potatoes, some veggies covered in cheese sauce and a small baked Cornish hen. Hermione lifted her knife and fork when she heard a soft murmuring, it sounded like something saying 'No please don't.' She shook her head a bit and finally stuck the fork into the meat, she heard a loud squeal and she threw the utensils down in horror. Heads turned and looked at her; she smiled nervously at them and looked back down at the plate of food. She lifted the chicken up looking at it; it wasn't making any noise at all. Perhaps it was all in her mind.

Hermione took a breath and lifted her fork over towards the veggies, and she neared a piece of broccoli, she was going to stab the stem when two eyes popped out. She stared at the vegetable in shock, her lip curled slightly. Hermione heard a faint popping sound as two arms also came out of the stem and waved frantically in the air.

"Please don't eat me." The broccoli begged.

A small squeak escaped Hermione's lips. "Great Gods." She breathed out nervously. The fork dropped from her hand, she picked up the chicken again and was just going to rip into it, but it started talking.

"No, please I have a family. Don't eat me. Eat the potatoes." The chicken said and two eyes popped out of the potatoes.

"Don't listen to him she's a bald face lair. Eat the chicken, she deserves it." The potatoes argued,

"The potatoes!" The chicken yelled

"The chicken!" The potatoes squealed.

"Potatoes!" The chicken sort of turned and what looked like glared at the potatoes.

"Chicken!" The potatoes glared back.

That was it, Hermione couldn't take it anymore she threw the chicken down, jumped up from the table and bolted screaming from the Great Hall, which was Harry's cue to leave as well.


It was forty minutes till seven, Harry kept looking up at the clock every two seconds, time seemed to slow down considerably, or perhaps he was just nervous. He didn't understand why or how he could be nervous, the great Harry Potter was never nervous, he kept tapping the end of his quill against the table in the library where he and Hermione had been studying.

"Is something the matter?" Hermione suddenly said not lifting her eyes from her page.

"Something the matter?" Harry repeated, his voice sounding oddly high pitched; he coughed a bit to clear his throat. "No, why would something be the matter?" He grinned oddly.

Hermione finally looked up at him, her left brow was raised slightly in disbelief, "Well you have been tapping your quill against the table here for sometime, and usually you only do that when you are thinking about something really serious." She casually turned a page in her book while returning her gaze to it. She was really confused; he was acting so strange that whole day, she had not once ever seen him acting like that.

While her face was still tilted downwards toward the book, she lifted her eyes a bit watching him. Was that sweat on his forehead? She watched as he lifted his arm and wipe at his brow. Hermione continued to watch him, his eyes were shifting about like crazy, and he kept looking in all different directions as if waiting for something. Earlier that day in potions he had added wrong ingredients into his potions because his gaze was constantly on her. When he had come over to her table to borrow some Taro root he was stuttering like mad.

"Harry?" Hermione calmly, gently said

Harry nearly jumped up out of his seat, "Uh, what?"

"Something is bothering you, I can tell." Hermione said with a tiny smile, "Whatever it is you can tell me. I'm here to listen." She put a tender hand over his on the table.

"What do you mean, I'm fine." He gave a little nervous chuckle, which made Hermione tilt her head to the side; the expression on her face clearly told him that she did not believe him. "No really, everything is just fine." He grinned again.

Nodding, Hermione closed her book.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Harry looked at her as she was putting her book back into her bag.

"Well I'm finished studying, and I don't know about you but I could use a nice soothing bubble bath. So I was gonna head on-"

Harry abruptly stood interrupting her, "No!" He shouted. He heard the voices around him shushing him.

"No?" Hermione stopped as she was swinging her bag onto her back. "What do you mean no?"

"I mean, I just need some more…uh…help on this." He pointed down to his book.

Hermione looked down at the book that Harry was gesturing too, "Harry your book is upside down, I think you are very tired, you should get some rest." She started walking towards the library doors with Harry trying to catch up with her.

"Hermione, I really need help." He said following her, hoping it would slow her down if he could get her to talk.

"Harry we can work on it tomorrow, it is Saturday and all. Besides I'm completely worn out, I've been working hard all day I deserve a nice relaxing evening." Hermione did not slow her pace one bit.

Harry took one last look at the clock, for him it seemed to say a half hour too early to go up, stall her. Harry shook his head; he was starting to see things the clock seemed to be speaking to him. It was then he heard the library doors close and he ran towards them dashing out. He tried to catch up to Hermione, she was way ahead. He had to think of something and quick. Since he was a very good actor he took a dive and yelled… "OW!!"

Hermione abruptly stopped and turned around she saw Harry on the floor clutching his ankle; he looked like he was in pain. She rushed over as fast as her feet could carry her. "Harry what happened, are you all right?" She was very worried as she kneeled down resting her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"I-It's my ankle." He breathed out in pain, or in other words faked. But he was doing a good job since she believed him.

"Oh here let me take you to the hospital wing." She offered.

"No, just walk me back to the dorm. I'll be fine I just need some rest." He laughed to himself thinking, 'This would surely slow her down, and I'll make her walk really, really slow.' Harry continued to laugh inside his head. He abruptly stopped when he saw her take out her wand pointing it at him; for once he was confused with her intentions. "Hermione, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to levitate you silly," Hermione said with a kind smile.

"No! I mean you can't do that. No magic in the corridors remember? You might get in trouble." Harry reminded her.

Once again Hermione looked at him oddly, "Since when do you care if I use magic in the corridors? We've been doing that for years and have yet to be caught as you have said all seven years that we've been here."

"It's just that…um…I hear Filch, yeah that's it." He put his hand next to his ear cuffing it. "Shhh if you're very quiet you can hear him." Harry listened to the air around him it was still as still can be. "Yep that's him all right."

Hermione listened carefully while looking in both directions of the corridor, "I don't hear anything."

Harry sighed, "Just help me all right." He looked like he was attempting to stand.

"All right," Hermione stood. "Here lean on me for support." She smiled a bit and started helping him back to the dorm.

After what felt like an hour and at least seven or more rest breaks later they finally reached the entrance portrait.

"That's the last time I listen to you Harry, I swear the next time you are hurt I'm gonna use magic I don't care what the consequences are." Hermione stretched out her back, it was sore from helping Harry through the corridors; he was heavier than he looked.

Harry was casually leaning up against the wall, he couldn't help but smile thinking about what Hermione was going to find when she steps through the portrait hole. He now understood why he was acting so nervous and possibly ridiculous. He had never been in love before, but now that he is, love makes you do crazy silly things. His grin was getting wider and brighter.

"Harry, I thought you were in pain, why are you grinning?" Hermione couldn't understand him at all today, something was off; something was well, strange.

"I'm not grinning, I'm uh grimacing." He said trying to make his face look pained rather than happy.

"That looks like a smile to me." She was about to say something else when Harry stood up on both feet, he started pacing. Now she knew something was up. "Harry what is going on, a second ago you were writhing in agony and now you don't even notice that you have a hurt foot?"

'Oh no I forgot.' He thought to himself "Well…um. Promise you won't get mad?"

"No." Hermione said crossing her arms in front of her.

"My foot wasn't really hurt, in fact its fine and dandy, see" He wiggled it back and forth. "Nothing is wrong with me." Harry grinned.

"I think you are mistaken, there is certainly wrong with something up there." She smacked him on the forehead.

Harry took her hand, "I'm sorry about tricking you with my foot, but I had to do something and I couldn't think of anything else."

Hermione's anger melted with her hand resting in his. "Why did you trick me?"

A pure smile appeared on Harry's face, "I wanted to show you something, but first you have close your eyes." Harry saw Hermione's brow arch in disbelief again and he quickly said, "It's a surprise."

Hermione took a breath and closed her eyes; Harry waved his hand in front of her face testing to see if she was cheating.

"I swear my eyes are closed Harry, and I can feel you waving your hand about." Hermione said seriously.

A very large grin graced Harry's face and he started waving both hands in front of her face. He saw Hermione's serious face fade away he could tell she was fighting her laughter. He couldn't help but laugh. "Why Hermione Granger, are you laughing?"

"No, of course not." She tried to look serious again, her lips pursing.

That sight made Harry nearly fall to his knees. He so longed to feel her lips, her mouth. He wanted to kiss her so bad and her pouty face seemed to make it worse. He sucked in a breath trying to keep his self-control. 'Later.' He told himself, later. Harry then spoke the password and the portrait opened. Harry and took both of her hands and pulled her inside.

"Can I open them?" Hermione asked pleasantly.

"No, not yet." Harry pulled her in a little further.

Hermione felt she was being pulled into their common room a little slow, she could feel the warmth from the fireplace on the side of her face, "Now can I open them?" She asked, not impatient just curious.

"All right, now." He waited.

Taking a breath Hermione opened her eyes. Her jaw dropped in utter amazement; she was speechless. What was laid before her was absolutely breath taking.

There were literally hundreds of roses about the common room; they were changing colors softly. There were about four large stained glass vases of green roses, which would turn yellow; to the left of them were five tall stained glass vases of red roses that turned white. And all woven up the banister were blue roses that turned silver. Although the amount of flowers was much, the scent about the room stayed pleasant and soft. "Oh my, did you do all of this?"

Harry could see that she was in the verge of tears, but she held them back. "I arranged for it yes." He said almost shyly, he looked down at the floor. What was the matter with him, Harry Potter wasn't shy, or nervous or silly. Yet everything today had been just that. Why couldn't he act like his normal self? 'Because you're in love.' His mind said and Harry well, he had to agree.

In the middle of the room there was a table set formally for two people, the dishes were white china trimmed with gold. Sitting in the center of a salad plate was a box wrapped in pearl shimmering paper, with white iridescent and gold ribbons tied around it. Hanging down over the table were once again roses they were turning from pink to purple.

Hermione stepped over to the table and as if my magic an enchanting song began to play lightly in the background. She recognized the piece. "Is this music from Carmen?" She asked in astonishment and saw Harry nod vigorously. "Oh I love Carmen, that's my favorite opera ever." Without realizing it she started humming along with the tune.

"Are you surprised?" He asked innocently.

"Yes I am, this is absolutely amazing." Hermione still glanced around, she couldn't believe it.

"Well it's all for you, I wanted this evening to be really special." Harry looked over at her, she was really happy; he could see the tears now filling in her eyes. "Oh hey now no tears, I thought you liked it?" He lightly teased taking her hands gently.

"Oh I do, it's really thoughtful. It's just no one has ever done anything like this for me. Ever." She wiped her eyes.

Harry stepped closer, "You deserve this and a lot more. I want to give you everything you could ever wish for."

Hermione tilted her head looking up at him, "How about just you."

Once again the urge to kiss her was strong; he could feel it in the pit of his stomach. But he had to wait until the most perfect moment. 'Don't get ahead of yourself there Harry,' He thought to himself. Harry lifted her knuckles to his lips, giving her hand a tiny kiss.

Hermione swallowed, she felt her knees ready to give out with just his simple gesture.

"Would you care to have dinner with me fair damsel?" Harry flashed his perfect smile.

She blushed at the complement, "Well I am hungry, and for some reason I couldn't eat a bite at dinner earlier." She said remembering the horror as that baked chicken talked and begged her not to eat it. Hermione shook her mind from that horrid thought as she let Harry lead her to her seat. Hermione thought it was really sweet when he pulled the chair out for her. As soon as she sat down the present levitated off the plate and dangled in front of her face. She couldn't help but laugh, "Persistent little present isn't it?"

Harry sat down across from her, "Well it is a present after all, and it wants to be unwrapped." He grinned watching her. "That's what a present lives for, of course its life expectancy doesn't seem to last too long"

Hermione plucked the package from the air, "Well perhaps I should ease its suffering and bring its life to an abrupt halt."

"Oh Hermione, I didn't realize you were so violent." He smiled, "I like it."

She looked at the wrapping a minute, then without warning she tore into it like a little child on Christmas morning. When all the wrappings were discarded, she held a gray velvet box and carefully lifted the lid. "Oh my..." Hermione slammed it shut, "Harry this is all too much for me."

"Nothing is too much for you." Harry honestly said.

"You don't have to buy me anything, you know that." Hermione sighed looking at the closed box.

"I know that, but I really wanted to. See this was made special for you from me. There is nothing like it anywhere." Harry shifted in his seat leaning over his place settings more.

Hermione nodded as she lifted the lid on the box again, inside was a bracelet, which looked like it would only fit her. Kind of like Cinderella. She smiled while looking down at the stones, one was red a ruby she thought, another stone was blue, probably a sapphire or topaz she couldn't be sure. In the center was what could only be a diamond. She was truly impressed.

"This is really important to our relationship." Harry said interrupting her thoughts. "The red stone, the ruby is my birthstone that represents me. And the blue one, the sapphire is your birthstone that represents you. And in the center is the diamond, which represents our feelings for each other." He smiled sweetly. "This represents-"

"Love." Hermione interrupted quietly.

"Yeah, love" Harry said, blushing. "Our love." He could feel the heat in his cheeks. 'Man she makes me feel so vulnerable, but in a good way.' He thought to himself.

"This represents us you say? Well why don't you just wear it then?" She looked up a moment.

"Well I would, but I don't think it suits me. I think it would look much more attractive on you." Harry grinned taking the box from her hand and removing the bracelet from it. He gently lifted her wrist and clasped the jewelry on. "See how it sparkles, it was meant to be worn by you."

Hermione's eyes danced over the sparkling jewels, it really was breathtaking, it seemed like Harry spent a long time thinking of the perfect gift for her, even though she never asked for anything, her thoughts were interrupted as Blaise walked into their common room from what looked like the Slytherin common room door. Also what was more shocking was that she walked in with none other than Draco Malfoy. Yet it was really adorable that they were both dressed as waiters. They both wore the same exact thing, a pair of black Muggle slacks with a white shirt and burgundy tie.

Blaise smiled as she approached the table, "I think you will enjoy tonight's meal." She said looking at Hermione then winked. Blaise waved her hand gracefully and watched as Draco quietly filled the wine glasses with sparkling cider. "Now for the wonderful meal that I have prepared..." Blaise heard Draco cough, "Excuse me that we have prepared." She looked over at Draco who was smiling now.

She waved her wand over the plates and they filled with a green salad with creamy Italian salad dressing. That plate moved over to the left as the large plates filled with what looked like Fettuccini Alfredo topped with little shrimps, the bread plates held two pieces of garlic bread each. And finally for dessert a dark chocolate pudding with raspberry sauce immediately began filling up in tall slender champagne glasses.

"No remember to start with the salad and work your way to the dessert, if you need anything just whistle and either Draco or I will be here in a flash." She bowed lightly as did Draco and they headed back towards the Slytherin common room door, leaving through it quickly.

Hermione couldn't help the fits of laughter that fought its way out of her. Just the way they looked, it was just too funny. "Okay how much did you have to pay them to dress like that?" Hermione said trying to calm down.

"I owe her for that, it's true." Harry looked guilty of something.

Hermione knew that look. "What is it?" She was curious.

"Next week, we're gonna have to dress like that for her and Draco, that's there specially planned evening, and she has picked out. Well…" Harry rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Authentic German lederhosen." Harry's face blushed bright red.

Hermione nearly fell out of her chair in fits of laughter; she just pictured Harry wearing green and orange shorts with a pair of suspenders and a feathered hat. "Oh…great…gods… Are you serious?"

"Very." He looked down at the plate of food embarrassed. "I think she's doing it on purpose. To make me suffer."

"And that's definitely a way to make you suffer." Hermione took a breath to calm herself.

"Actually having me wait an entire month to kiss you is suffering enough," Harry grinned.

"If you think that's suffering, then you ain't seen nothing' yet." Hermione grinned the same grin as Harry.

Harry feigned shock, "Oh my gods, you just used bad grammar. Shame on you, you should be punished. Here climb over my knee so I can spank you." He saw Hermione tilt her head to the side. "Or not." He quickly said bringing up his glass drinking from it.

Hermione shrugged, "Hmm, maybe later." She mumbled.

Harry nearly spit cider out all over the table. He was choking on the beverage. "Did I hear you correctly?" He cleared his throat.

"Maybe you did, maybe you didn't. Another one of the world's greatest mysteries." Hermione looked down at the plate of food, hiding her grin. Hermione picked up her fork and delved into her food without another word.

"Hungry?" Harry asked, hiding his smile as he thought about her talking chicken once more.

"Extremely." Hermione answered. "I'm ravenous."

Harry watched her eating as she put each bit of food into her mouth, her lips closing over the fork ever so gently, how he longed to be that fork. He sucked in a breath, "So am I." Harry said very quietly.

"Why aren't you eating?" Hermione asked looking up at him, fork ready to go into her mouth.

He shrugged, "I got distracted a moment." Harry picked up a piece of garlic bread and stuck part of it in his mouth then taking one last look at Hermione he smiled a bit then gave all his attention to his food.

Dinner went smoothly, food was eaten and a very full Hermione gave her tummy a nice pat. "I don't think I could eat another bite that, was really good."

Harry had to agree as he nodded his head, "Here come with me, there's something else I want you to see." He stood holding his hand out for her.

"There's more?" Hermione was even more surprised.

"Yes there is." Harry smiled as held out his hand, which Hermione took, her soft palm resting in his. Harry sighed quietly and led her towards the stairs. "Remember how you said earlier in the library about you wanting a nice soothing bath." He brought Hermione through her room and towards the bathroom and opened the door.

Hermione saw a lovely setting about the bathtub; candles large, small, slender and fat were placed in perfect alignment about the tub, the air felt really romantic and smelled of sweet vanilla. "This is so beautiful Harry." She said stepping into the bathroom.

"Come on." Still holding her hand, Harry led her to the tub. He sat down on the edge and started to remove his shoes.

"What?" Surprised by his sudden boldness. "What are you doing?" she squeaked out.

"You and I are going to have a lovely bath, together." Harry wiggled his eyebrows.

"To-together?" Her voice sounded high pitched even to herself. "Like as in you and me, naked in the-the tub?" She gulped, her eyes wide.

"I should think so, how else do you take a bath." Harry said sounding innocent.

"But…Harry… naked…us?" Hermione was way too nervous; she couldn't even form full sentences.

"Hermione, it's perfectly natural to be naked. After all we are naked underneath our clothes." He spoke really casual, and for once today he didn't sound like an idiot.

"I don't know." She glanced at the tile flooring.

"Look, I won't do anything that you don't want to. I just want to know what it feels like to hold you, without the clothing. I hate clothes; you can never feel the real person.

"Oh come on, that is like the worst pick up line I had ever heard come out of your mouth." Hermione still looked at the floor.

"It's the truth; I promise I won't do anything." He held his hands up innocently. Harry could still see her trying to decide. "Have I done anything to break your trust at all this month?"

"No." Hermione quietly said.

"I'm not about to break your trust ever, you can trust me." Harry touched her chin with two gentle fingers lifting her gaze to his. "You know you can."

Hermione sighed. "All right fine, just mind your manners."

"Here I'll be a gentleman and close my eyes, how does that sound. But first…" He continued to remove his socks. Harry saw her turn around so she couldn't look at him. He laughed lightly, "You know you have seen me in the buff before. There is no need to turn around."

"I know, but I just feel better this way. So hurry up and then let me know when you get in the tub." A thought popped into her head. "Oh how are we going to do this without you seeing me?"

"Why don't you want me to see you?" Harry said as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Because." Hermione answered.

"Because why?" Harry asked.

"Because um…well… we aren't intimate. And besides I don't want people looking at my body, I rarely like looking at it myself." Hermione said, she felt really uncomfortable.

Harry smiled, his hands touching her shoulders as he turned her around to face him. "You are beautiful Hermione, here I'll prove it." His fingers went to the buttons on her shirt. He saw her hands come up and grip his wrists.

"What are you doing?" She said in half alarm, her voice shaking with nervousness.

He looked her right in the eye, "Just trust me."

Hermione took a breath and nodded. She closed her eyes as she felt the top button on her shirt open, then the next one, and the next one, and the next one, until all the buttons on her shirt were gone and the material only half parted.

Harry could see that she was shaking and the goose bumps on her skin where the material wasn't fastened together. He moved her over to the mirror in front of the sink, turning her to face it. He brought the shirt down from her shoulders and set it neatly on the sink. "Open your eyes."

Hermione sighed, and opened her eyes. She saw her reflection from the waist up; she was still in her brassier. "So what it is that I'm looking at, I know it's me."

"You are a beautiful woman Hermione, look you have curves that every female would kill to have, and you are shaped so lovely you should be a work of art." Harry was very honest.

Hermione felt her face flush, "Oh you're just saying that."

"No I'm not just saying that, I happen to think that you are the most beautiful thing ever created." He cupped her cheek and placed a tiny kiss to her forehead. Harry restrained himself from grabbing her and pulling her against him and kissing the senses out of her.

Harry took her hand and brought her back over to the tub, "Now come on, before you lose your nerve."

Hermione nodded and hurried out of her clothing, she turned around until he was finished.

A smiled appeared on Harry's face as he glanced down at her hips, her derriere. "You are aware that even if you're turned around I can still see how nice a butt you have."

Hermione gasped, she flushed even brighter she was sure all of her skin was red.

Harry chuckled lightly as he got into the warm water.

Hearing the water splash a bit Hermione turned around, her arms crossed in front of her covering her chest from anyone's view, although it didn't do much good at least the important parts were covered.

"All right fine here," Harry closed his eyes and Hermione hurried over and got into the water, she was scooted towards the front, her legs were brought up and up against her chest as she hugged them with her arms.

"Hermione, stop being silly." Harry moved forward a bit leaning his chin on her shoulder looking up at the side of her face. "I won't do anything to you, honestly I won't." He said softly, comfortingly. Harry circled his arms around her neck resting them against her chest, above her breasts and pulling her back against him. "There now, that's much better." He smiled

Hermione feeling a tad more comfortable let her head fall back resting against his chest, she felt his chin rest on the top of her head. 'Perhaps this would be all right' Hermione thought to herself, 'Its actually quite pleasant' her head commented.

"There now, this isn't so bad is it?" Harry softly said into her ear.

"No, it's really nice." She answered quietly. Hermione lifted her hand and took up one of his, looking at it. "I never realized how big your hands are." She measured them against hers. "Look how much bigger yours is than mine."

"Well you know what they say about guys and big hands." Harry said which earned him an elbow in the gut from Hermione. "Ow." He laughed, "Hey how did you what I was gonna say?"

"Because I know you," She laughed lightly. "You were going to say something pertaining to your family jewels."

"Oh you dirty girl I wasn't going to say anything like that, I was going to say, Guys with big hands need bigger gloves." Harry smiled.

"Oh you are such a liar." Hermione couldn't disguise the amusement in her voice. She heard Harry laughing right along with her. She smiled and snuggled closer against him. "So this is what it feels like to be one of Harry Potter's dates."

Harry hugged his arms about her tighter, "No, this is something I have never done."

"What you have never bathed?" Hermione tried to sound shocked.

A tiny laugh escaped from Harry, "No not that silly." He pinched her arm lightly and he heard her laugh too. He loved her laugh. "You are special to me Hermione, no one else makes me feel the way you make me feel."

"And how's that." Hermione said looking at the bubbles.

"Like I mean something to you, when we talk its only me you see. Not some famous guy who destroyed evil and saved the world." He said a little proudly causing Hermione to chuckle a little. "I always look forward to seeing you, talking with you, even just sitting with you. You well, you light up my life."

"Okay, if you start singing there's gonna be trouble." Hermione said with a smile.

"Oh so you think my singing is bad do you?" He poked her gently in the side, making her squeal softly with laughter.

"No not at all, just if you sing how are you going kiss me?" She said confidently.

Harry blinked a couple of times, 'Did she just say that…yes she did what are you waiting for? I don't know, I seem to be frozen in place, damn it I can't move, what a time for-' His thoughts were immediately silent cause Hermione had turned around, pressing her lips against his.

Hermione wasn't getting any response so she pulled away. "Was that wrong?" She asked unsure of what to do.

Harry blinked as if coming to; He stared at her for a long moment then cupped the back of her head and pulled her mouth against his. He heard Hermione sigh as he tugged on her mouth with his own, her lips parted and he dived in tasting everything she had to offer. His tongue was slowly and skillfully playing against hers. Her taste was sweet and tangy, he could still taste the chocolate from the dessert they had.

His hands gripped her shoulders, rubbing and moving down her smooth wet back. His arms closing around her so tight as he kissed her again and again. The feel of her naked breasts pressed up against him caused him to shiver pleasantly, he moaned softly into her mouth.

Hermione needed air so she pulled back, taking in air. Her eyes were closed and her face was flushed. As she took a breath she felt his lips touch her neck, she gasped. Harry's fingers were gently massaging her shoulders, her skin felt like it was on fire, everywhere he touched she felt little sparks of desire shoot through her.

She didn't even realize that she had her fingers completely buried in his hair, clutching at his head. His mouth returned to hers and she kissed him back just as fierce. She was growing hotter and it wasn't from the warm bath water.

Harry pulled away, "Hermione, I think we should stop." He said breathlessly.

It was Hermione's turn to blink at him, "Why?"

"I just want you, too much. I don't want to rush you or anything." He took a breath.

Hermione also took a breath, she was feeling so different tonight, perhaps it was the food, the romantic setting, everything. She knew she would probably kick herself in the morning, but she didn't want to stop. If anything she worried about happened it was her own fault and she would blame herself. But right now all she wanted to do was be with him mostly because she loved him. She made her decision, "But I don't want to stop."

"You don't?" Harry was confused. "Do you even know what you're saying?" He searched her eyes carefully.

"I know what I'm saying," Hermione leaned her forehead against his chest and circled her arms about his waist. "I know exactly what I am saying; I want to be with you Harry. I really do."

Harry rested his cheek on the top of her head, "All right Hermione." He took in the scent of her hair, like fresh blackberries and cream. "Then we should get out of the tub now." He said moving her hair off her back, stroking his fingers through her soft locks. He then lifted her out of the tub and she immediately circled her legs about his waist. "Hermione can you stand up? We need to dry off."

"But I don't want to let go." She smiled into his chest.

"We have to dry off, come on please. There's nothing I would rather do than hold you all night, but I don't want to get the sheets wet with water. There's other things I would like to do with you to make my sheets wet."

Hermione gasped loudly. "Harry!" She almost let go out of pure shock.

"What?" Harry said innocently, as he felt her slip down from him then finally standing on her feet. He grabbed the towels from the side of the tub, wrapping one around her and then one around him; he dried himself off and then waited for Hermione to dry herself off. Harry thought she looked so cute wrapped up in that fluffy white towel. Harry took her hand and pulled her through the door into his room.

"You know if you want to back out now you can, it's your choice." Harry said after feeling her hand trembling in his.

"No, it's fine. I'm just a bit nervous." She smiled uncomfortably

Harry immediately took her into his arms, hugging her tightly. "I don't want you to be afraid or anything, this is really once of the most wonderful of things two people can actually share together." He pressed his lips firmly against her forehead.

"That's easy for you to say, you've done this probably at least a hundred times already." She said uneasily.

Harry laughed a bit, "Well not quite that much." He kissed the side of her head, his lips moving downward, he heard Hermione sigh.

Hermione's arms went around him as she felt his mouth nearing hers, she couldn't wait he was taking to long so she met him half way covering his mouth with her own. Harry moaned as his arms went around her, practically lifting her up against him, he didn't want to let go.

Her skin was soft and warm as his fingers danced over her shoulders, down her back where he was halted by the fluffy towel. Harry brought his hands around the front where he undid the secure towel and it fell, crumpling at her feet. 'There, that was much better' he thought to himself, his hands immediately flattened against her back and he felt her shiver with the contact from his hands.

What happened next surprised even him, Hermione had grabbed him about the shoulders and pulled him until the both landed on the bed Harry being on top of her, she then lifted her leg and snaked it around him, her ankle coming to rest in the back of his knee. He gasped breaking their kiss. Harry looked down, Hermione's eyes were half closed and her lips were swollen from their kisses. She never looked better. He cleared his throat, "I'm not too heavy am I?"

Hermione shook her head, "No." She said quietly, her hands rubbing up and down his back. "You feel wonderful."

Harry actually turned red with the compliment, he watched her a moment. His gaze roaming over her face, her full very kissable sweet lips, her cute nose. The way her cheeks wore a slight blush, but then one look in her warm chocolate eyes and he seemed to forget anyone else ever existed, within her eyes he felt complete. He watched her lips part as she took in a breath and wet her bottom lip with the tip of her soft pink tongue; he shivered and leaned in kissing her again.

This time the kiss wasn't soft or sweet, it was hot, burning, devouring. Mouths fused, tongues clashing powerfully, hands caressing every bare inch of skin, Harry's hands wandering down over her breasts where he felt her jump and clutch at his shoulders when he teased her nipples with his thumbs gently barely brushing against them. He heard her delighted moan, she was so sensitive already, and that pleased him.

Hermione seemed to purr when his mouth left hers and moved to her neck, she tilted her head back a little giving him more access to the areas on her neck where his lips and tongue touched. She felt him suckling a little on the spot just between her neck and shoulder; she gave a delighted moan, and smiling just a little.

Harry's hand cupped her full breast in his hand, which she gasped from the contact as he gently caressed her soft yet firm skin. Hermione felt as his lips gently closed over the hardened tip and play with it with his tongue. A soft cry escaped her lips as the new hot sensations his mouth and hands were creating rushed through her. Her eyes closed in complete bliss.

His mouth wandered back up to hers where he kissed her full and deep as he cupped her cheeks within his hands, running his thumb along the bottom of her cheek. Harry felt her heart beating through her chest up against his. He reached around and removed the towel that was still secure around his waist. Hermione pulled away and gasped in surprise as his erection pressed right up against the area between her thighs.

He took one of Hermione's hands in his own and brought it down between the both of them, Harry needed to feel her soft hand around him, he just had to. Seeming to understand what he wished of her, Hermione allowed her hand to be brought down and rub gently against his erection. She let her fingers close around him and then it was his turn to gasp. She smiled and was still amazed at the way he felt, she continued to experiment a little, she found if she moved her hand a certain way Harry would let out some kind of strangled moan.

Harry wondered if she was torturing him on purpose, well if she was he didn't want her to stop, her hand felt really good. He gasped out her name, it sounded purely desperate.

As Hermione touched and handled him she seemed to be growing hotter, wanting to feel what it would be like with him inside her. She couldn't believe her thoughts, good girls don't think like that. 'They very well can.' Her mind argued. Hermione didn't want to think, she wanted to feel so she pushed her annoying thoughts away.

"Hermione?" He asked breathlessly.

He didn't need to finish his question; she answered it already knowing what he was asking by the tone in his voice. Hermione opened her legs and shifted a bit so he was positioned right at her entrance. She gasped as he slowly pressed into her. Hermione couldn't believe it, the feeling was completely amazing, words couldn't describe all the feelings and sensations rushing through her. She opened her eyes and could see that he was straining to keep himself from just plunging into her; he really was sensitive when it came to her. She watched him until the pleasure became more intense and her eyes closed.

She often heard from other females around Hogwarts that it hurt when they had first been with their lovers, but she didn't feel any pain at all. Hermione then remembered that ladies who often rode horses, which was a constant past time of hers when she was at home; well they hardly felt any pain when they had lost their flowers. She didn't have time to think about it because Harry stared to move just a little faster.

"All right?" Harry breathed out.

Hermione nodded, she couldn't speak for the amount of pleasure that was running through her caused her to lose all coherent thought. She grabbed harder at his shoulders panting and making small appreciative noises. Harry leaned down kissing her as he grabbed her about the waist pulling her against him as he thrust inside her, he heard her squeak with surprise.

Harry wanted her to feel really good too so he would help her out a bit; he hoped he wasn't hurting her. She didn't seem to feel any pain or discomfort when he first entered her, but he couldn't be sure. Some girls had really thin hymens she just must have been one of them. He was glad he didn't cause her pain he hated seeing her like that. She seemed to get the hang of it because she was now moving with him and he could tell by the looks and the wonderful noises she was making that she was enjoying it much more.

He moved in and out of her harder, but she didn't seem to mind for her legs wrapped around him. "Am I hurting you?" He panted.

"No." Hermione said giving him a soft smile then gripped him about the shoulders hard, and wrapped her arms around him tightly bringing his lower body down up against hers as he moved harder and faster inside her. "Oh…Gods…" She panted, not believing these kind of feelings and emotions were even possible. Until now. Harry felt her moving beneath him, harder she pressed up against him increasing both her pleasure and his. He was on the edge and by the way Hermione was moving she was too, he increased his speed after a couple of minutes her head flew back, her back arched and a loud wonderful scream of a most electrifying release

Her skin felt like it was on fire; every inch of her was seething with nerves of hot pleasurable sensations. Hermione didn't even hear Harry cry out his release she was still reeling from her own, she didn't even know where she was. She was in a pleasingly numb state, heck she didn't care if the world was coming to an end, she did not want to move or even think.

Harry buried his face in between her neck and shoulder, breathing hard, he could hear Hermione panting and calming down from their shared experience. He looked around noticed the covers were all messed and crumpled. He didn't realize they had gone that crazy, he smiled as he pulled the covers over them. Harry rolled them over on their sides as he pulled out of her, he heard her gasp at that. Yep she was very sensitive all right and he smiled again, moving the hair off her forehead as he gazed at her.

"You are so beautiful Hermione." He said quietly, nuzzling close to her. Harry felt really sleepy, "I love you." He waited and when he didn't get an answer he lifted his head looking at her. He tiled his head to the side and smiled, she was asleep and on her face was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. Harry kissed the tip of her nose "I love you." He whispered then laid his head against her shoulder, throwing his arm over her and pulled her close. He closed his eyes and sleep soon found him.


Ah the end of chapter 10, was that a long chapter or what? Heehee well the next chapter is the last and final chapter of All That She Wants, Yes *Sniffle* I am sad too, but all good things must end. We until then, C-ya all later. Don't forget to review. Thanks for reading I love you all, Ryoko Blue