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All That She Wants by Ryoko Blue

All That She Wants

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: : No way are any of the original HP characters mine they totally belong to J.K. Rowlings. You are nuts to even think that I own this, where do you people get your information. Honestly :)

All That She Wants

Chapter 7-That Thing You Do

Harry dashed down the hall, Snape yelled at him to slow down or he would be given a detention for running in the hall the slimy professor would not take points away from his own house, but that doesn't mean he won't give Harry a detention whenever he could. Harry did not want a detention so he slowed down his pace a bit, and when Snape turned around Harry jumped into a run. 'Where could she be?' Harry thought to himself. The first thing that popped into his head was Hagrid. Hermione sometimes liked to help out Hagrid with his pets. It was worth a shot to try her there first.

He was heading in the direction of Hagrid's hut when he saw the retreating figure of Hermione heading towards the green house. Harry was lucky. He followed her trying to catch up. He even called out her name, but she seemed to not hear him for she didn't slow down to wait for him, she kept going. No change in her pace, she moved no faster or slower.

Hermione opened the greenhouse door, and Professor Sprout looked up at her with a smile.

"Lock the door dear, you wanted to help me with the Mandrakes, we don't want anyone coming in."

Hermione nodded and turned towards the glass, she saw Harry coming towards the greenhouse she narrowed her eyes. As soon as he reached the door, she made it seem that she didn't even see him. She continued to lock the door and turned back to face Professor Sprout.

Harry didn't like that, it was if she didn't even see him. He knocked.

Professor Sprout heard a knock on the glass door and she turned to find another of her prize students Harry Potter standing there. She walked to the door, unlocking it. She opened it slightly. "Oh are you volunteering to help with the rest of the Mandrakes as well?"

Harry glanced at Hermione for a moment who wasn't looking at him but gathering red pots and setting them on one of the long tables. He looked back at Professor Sprout. "Yes I am." He smiled.

"Excellent, we'll get done twice as fast with an extra pair of hands helping. Why don't you go and help Miss Granger get the rest of the pots ready." Professor Sprout smiled as Harry stepped into the greenhouse. She closed and locked the door.

Harry went and stood next to Hermione he watched her for a moment, he noticed her eyes didn't even shift to give him a glance; she continued to work as if he weren't even standing there. He opened his mouth to talk to her but before he could get one word out Hermione had lifted a pair of ear muffs that were hanging in front of her and slipped them on over her ears. 'Well perhaps she just wants to get to work quickly' Harry thought to himself. He nodded and also grabbed for a pair of ear muffs, he placed them on his head and over his ears.

Hermione, Harry and Professor Sprout managed to repot forty Mandrakes, during that time Harry tried to talk get Hermione's attention but she was really bent on getting the work done, so he had to give up and just continue to work on the repotting. When they were finished the three of them removed their ear muffs and set them on the rack that was sitting on the table.

"Thank you Miss Granger for your help." Professor Sprout smiled.

"No problem Professor Sprout, I will get extra credit won't I?" Hermione asked with a smile.

"Certainly." she turned to Harry, "Same for you too Mr. Potter." She saw Harry smile a little, the boy was probably starved. "Now I'm sure lunch has started why don't you two get a move on?" Professor Sprout said and her students left the greenhouse. Hermione continued on up towards the school with Harry following after her.

He rushed to catch up to her, man she was moving quickly now. When he was coming out of the greenhouse, Hermione had almost banged the door on him and that slowed him down. He wasn't sure, but he thought he saw her smirk at that. She wanted to cause him pain. 'Well what did you expect? Shut up.' Harry argued with himself. He continued to follow after her; he was going to talk to her now.

"Hermione!" Harry called out and waited a few seconds she usually gave him her attention fairly quickly, she didn't respond or turn to face him. Nothing at all. 'Is she ignoring me? It sure looks like it.' Harry shook his head and continued to follow after her, this time he broke out in a run. He almost reached her.

Hermione pulled the heavy door open to the school and stepped inside, the door closed behind her and she heard someone moaning ooow in agony. She grinned wickedly 'ha ha serves him right.' She saw a crowd gathered by the bulletin board. Hermione walked up to the group. "What's going on?"

Another student handed her a flyer, she read it silently to herself. 'Dance at The Three Broomsticks, Saturday night at seven. Be there or be square.' Hermione cringed at that last bit. "Be square? What did this person think of when they were writing this?"

"Something from the movies about the fifties no doubt," Justin's voice said from behind her. "Some muggleborn like us I'm sure." Justin saw Hermione turn around and face him, he smiled. "I think it would be fun, would you like to go with me?"

"Oh I'm not much of a dancer Justin." Hermione said biting her bottom lip.

"Aw come on, it'll be fun." Justin's grin widened, it almost looked cartoony. Hermione couldn't help it she started laughing.

"All right, I'll go with you." She said while in fits of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Justin asked still grinning.

"Nothing, it's not important." Hermione said trying now to calm down. Justin nodded and the two of them proceeded to The Great Hall for Lunch.

Justin pulled the Great Hall doors open; it was usually customary for a gentleman to open the door for a lady. But he went inside first which caused Hermione to stop abruptly so she wouldn't run into him. 'Harry always opened the door and let you go fist. Be quiet I don't even want to think about him. Too late. Shut up!' Hermione followed Justin into The Great Hall, he walked towards his table and she headed to hers.

Blaise was hunched over her plate when she felt the table shake; she glanced up as Harry sat down. She noticed a large bruise forming on his forehead. "What happened to you?"

Harry shook his head, "A door sort of slammed in my face."

"Which door?" She looked at the bruise. "You should go to the hospital wing and have Madame Pomfrey fix that up for you."

"It's all right, I'll live. It's not like my life is over because I got hit with a heavy door." Harry said as he helped himself to a chicken leg from the center of the table and some pasta salad.

"So how did your search go?" Blaise asked with a smile.

"I don't want to talk about it." Harry said as he tore into his chicken.

"What's the matter Harry?" She arched her brow in her no nonsense way.

Harry swallowed his food and glanced up at Blaise. "I get the distinct feeling that Hermione is ignoring me." He saw her trying to stifle a laugh; Harry's eyes narrowed in anger at her. "I don't see what's so funny, why you think you can laugh at my misery and pain." He touched his bruise and cringed.

"It's not exactly funny, more along the lines of she's treating you no better then you deserve. If I was her I would ignore you too." Blaise leaned back from her plate a bit regarding him. "But then again, I never knew you to give up so easily."

"Oh I'm not giving up, this is only the beginning." Harry said twirling his fork in his pasta salad.

"That's the Harry spirit, but I honestly think that you really messed this one up. But if you want my help you know where to find me." Blaise stood and walked to the other side of the table, she noticed Harry's unhappiness as he slowly poked a spiral noodle with his fork. "You'll be fine Harry, you will."

He nodded, "I will get her to accept me back into her life, it seems to me she's pretending that she doesn't even know me. Can she really throw away almost seven years of friendship because of some stupid things I said?"

"Harry," Blaise sighed resting her hand on his shoulder "What you said...You were very convincing, I know you didn't really mean it. But what you said and how you said it. Well she's not going to trust you ever again. I know it sounds hopeless, but do you really expect her to talk to you, she can't trust anything that comes out of your mouth." Blaise removed her hand from his shoulder. "Good luck Harry, you are going to need it." She moved quickly from the table and towards The Great Hall doors.


Harry spent most of the day trying to get Hermione's attention; she was not having any of it. Every time he tried to even go near her she would switch directions faster then the golden snitch. He followed her into the hospital wing when she was doing a chore for Madame Pomfrey which again would earn her another extra credit. She was sitting down filling out forms and Harry came towards the desk. He again opened his mouth to speak, when she reached into her bag and pulled out her Wizarding Wireless hand compact headphone set; Hermione had placed the headphones on her ears and switched on the compact to a very loud music station. So she would rather blast her eardrums out then listen to him.

Harry had one more chance, this time he was going to get her to talk to him. It was after dinner and he was waiting in the common room, it wasn't until much later that night that she came inside. She looked startled as she came through the portrait hole; obviously she waited long enough to make sure that he was asleep before she came in to bed. Harry immediately got to his feet.

"Hermione we really have to talk." Harry stressed in nothing but pure desperate emotion. He saw Hermione take a breath, she shook her head and started up the stairs. "Hermione please, don't almost seven years mean anything to you at all?"

"Obviously they don't mean anything to you, so why should they to me?" Hermione said quietly. She hoped he didn't hear that, but knowing how good his hearing was it was more than certain that he did hear her.

"Just five minutes, hear me out for five minutes. That's all I ask." Harry was at the bottom of the stairs in an instant.

Hermione turned around to face him. "All right, you have five minutes."

Harry took a breath then started, "Okay then. I have been trying all day to tell you something very important, that I had just realized. I've been an idiot it's true." 'Hurry up and tell her, she looks ready to bolt up the rest of the stairs to her room.' I want to tell you that I am in love with you."

Hermione was silent, thinking. 'Oh no, he's not going to get me to fall for that now is he? Honestly. He looks really sincere though. Stop it remember what he said, and that was only yesterday. Hey you're right. No one is going to fool us…er me again. Ever. That's right Hermione; tell him what you think of him. Let him have it good.' Hermione's eyes narrowed slightly. "You really expect me to believe that?"

Harry glanced around nervously, "Uh yeah I do."

"You must think I'm a real idiot." Hermione said her voice rising as well as her temper.

"I've never thought you were an idiot." Harry said.

"Yes you do, what makes you think I'm going to fall for your tricks a second time? You must have been counting on my stupidity." Hermione's hands found her hips as she stared down at him horridly.

"It's not a trick. Hermione you know me I would never trick you." Harry said as he felt the chunks rising in his throat.

"I thought I did, I have never been so wrong about person in my entire life. You will not-" Hermione was interrupted by Harry as he quickly ascended the stairs, he was two steps below her, they were right at eye level.

"Why do you think I'm trying to trick you?" Harry asked quietly.

Hermione gave a little sarcastic smile. "Oh let me think. It was just yesterday a few hours earlier than it is now. You told me a few things, like I was annoying, a downright pest, how could anyone even want to love me. Would you like me to repeat the words exactly?"

Harry shook his head, "No." Harry felt the sting of his betrayal finally erupt in his heart. He was really cruel.

"And now you come here and tell me oh you're in love with me," Hermione laughed harshly. "You had a brainstorm, oh wait she said she loves me, and even though I told her the truth I can tell her I didn't mean it and then finally get my prize." She said sarcastically. "I don't think so." Her face looked very serious.

"But I didn't mean it, I didn't." He said quietly. "I love you Hermione, and you love me."

"No I don't." Hermione lied and she turned to walk up the stairs.

"Yes you do." He shouted to her retreating back, "I know you so well; I know that you don't fall in and out of love that fast."

"I do not love you," Hermione said glaring at him. "How can I love someone who treated me worse then Weasley ever treated me, you must think I have a serious mental condition for me to want that kind of treatment. Besides I'm happy with Justin," She added.

"Justin!" Harry screeched, "That idiot is all wrong for you."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I am not having this conversation with you or any other conversation with you ever again."

"I love you Hermione and I'm not giving up," Harry said. He was full of confidence.

"Stay away from me," Hermione demanded, this was something she did not need. She did not need him chasing after her. Hermione knew that when Harry had his sights on someone he always got her, no matter what. She was not going to be the flavor of the week. Not at all. "I don't even want you speaking to me; I want it to be as if we had never met.

"We do have a few classes together you know? You won't be able to ignore me forever." Harry pointed out.

"I've been doing fair job of it."

"Up until now Hermione, I managed to get you to speak to me. Its only been a day since the incident." Harry grinned.

Hermione hated him. How dare he look so adorable with that grin of his, and those piercing green eyes that would just make anyone believe every thing he said. She was already melting. 'No, get a hold of yourself. It's a trick, you are stronger than that. That's right I am.' Hermione took a breath, and composed herself. "Leave me alone." Was the last thing she said before she took herself completely up the stairs and into her room.

Harry stared at Hermione's closed door, his eyes lowered to the step he was standing on, he hadn't moved an inch. 'She will believe me; I will get her to believe me. I'm not going to lose her. Lose?' Harry thought a moment as Trelawney's love prediction came back at him full force. He could just hear her all annoying mystical sounding voice. 'You will love and you will lose' His head shot up, the ole bat was actually right about something. 'Oh hell!' Harry took a deep breath and he raced from the common room.

He hurried up to the divination classroom. Harry knew that Trelawney always slept in her class room, but in the back room. He pounded violently on the door, after a few minutes the door opened and a very tired looking Professor Trelawney stood there in a fuzzy pink bathrobe with stars on it and curlers in her hair, she had a very unpleasant sneer on her face.

"Mr. Potter, do you realize that it's one in the morning?" She growled sarcastically.

"Yes I do, but this was urgent." Harry said as he tried to catch his breath from his run up to the classroom.

"Whatever it is, it can wait until class tomorrow." Trelawney tried closing the door on him but Harry stuck his foot in between the door and the archway.

"No, I need you to read my hand again and tell me what you see." Harry demanded while holding his hand out to her.

"Mr. Potter go to bed." Trelawney ordered. She noticed he wasn't budging. "Don't make me give you detention." She threatened.

Harry had an idea; he would get her to do what he wanted. He inwardly smirked. Harry appeared sad. "Okay I'll go. I'll just be sure to inform students that you really can't predict anything; I thought you could see the future any time night or day, tired or awake. I guess I was wrong, there will be so many disappointments." Harry turned to go he heard Trelawney sigh.

"Come in." She said plainly.

Harry smiled and followed the professor inside her classroom. He sat down in a chair in front of a large crystal ball. Trelawney sat in the chair directly across from him.

"Okay what's all this about me needing to read your hand again?" The Professor yawned.

"Well I made a terrible mistake and I need you to tell me if there's any chance of it being corrected." Harry held his hand out to her.

The professor nodded and took his hand; she glanced down at his palm. "I take it you fell in love." She smiled. Even though her head was bent she could still see Harry nod. Trelawney didn't see anything different. She looked up at him a sorrowful expression on her face. "I'm sorry, there's nothing different here."

"Are you sure?" Harry asked, swallowing hard and he even looked into his own hand.

Trelawney let go of his hand, "Nothing is different. Sometimes things don't go the way we want them too."

"I won't believe that." Harry said as he glared down at the floor.

Trelawney smiled at him, she lightly touched him on the shoulder which cause Harry to lift his eyes to hers. "Look Mr. Potter, nothing is set in stone, No one's fate has been written yet. If anything is going to change it would have to be because you want it to."

Harry nodded, "I understand." He stood. "Sorry to have wakened you for nothing." He glanced at the floor.

Trelawney yawned while waving to him. "It's all right."

With a sad sigh Harry left the class room and returned to his. He sat on his bed facing the door that led to the bathroom. He had to see Hermione, even if she was sleeping. But if he went into her room she would curse him without so much as a second thought. That made him think of his invisibility cloak, it would be the first time in a few years since he used it. It was time to get the old thing out again.

Harry went to his trunk, and quickly dug through it. He found the cloak buried underneath other clothing. He pulled it out and slipped it over him. Harry went to the door in the bathroom that led to Hermione's. He tried to turn the handle. It was locked. She never locked her door before. 'Things have changed, she hates you now. No she doesn't. Yes she does.' Harry sighed, he wasn't going to win that war with his head. He took out his wand and pointed it at the handle and whispered "Alohomora." The door handle clicked a little. Harry turned the handle and pushed the door open quietly.

The room was bathed in bright moonlight, since it was a full moon that night. Harry didn't even need to light the end of his wand to see; he stepped inside the room and gently closed the door behind him. Harry quietly moved towards her bed, he nearly stopped breathing at the sight of her asleep surrounded by soft pillows. She was hugging one snuggly against her. Hermione's hair was fanned out behind her, lightly resting on a blue pillow. Her face looked soft no traces of anger or betrayal upon her face as she slept. She had left the world of reality and entered the world of her dreams.

Harry gently leaned over so that he was half way lying on her bed, the mattress didn't even shift since he really didn't put his weight on it for his knees were on the floor. Harry's face was next to hers; he lifted his hand and gently moved the hair away from her forehead. He sighed. 'Oh please forgive me, please.' His fingers lightly traced her cheek. 'I love you. You'll see, you will.' He stared at her for what seemed like an eternity, and without really thinking he pressed his lips lightly against hers.

That was a mistake, Hermione immediately shot up in her bed. She lifted her fingers to her lips and touched them. Hermione glanced around the room, she didn't see anyone. She looked suspiciously at her pillows, and slowly reached out her hand. Her palm flattened against her pillow, she even moved her hand around in circles, not really knowing what she was feeling for. But something in the back of her mind told her to do that. Her eyes shifted from side to side. She was sure she felt some kind of pressure on her mouth, perhaps she was just dreaming. Hermione shrugged oh well and snuggled back down into her pillows. She closed her eyes to sleep.

Harry was lying flat on his stomach on the floor. 'Stupid, stupid' His mind shouted 'Why did I have to go and kiss her? Because you wanted to. So what I could have gotten caught. But you didn't. That's right I didn't.' Harry started to smirk but he quickly pushed it away 'It was still wrong, true it was. But it doesn't matter now, its over. I should return to my room.' That was true but now he had to wait awhile, Hermione would probably fall asleep any minute now.

After about fifteen minutes he heard Hermione's gentle breathing, he stood since he was shielded by his cloak. He looked about her face and saw her chest gently rising and falling. She was asleep. Harry crept quietly from Hermione's room and into his own. He threw off the cloak and quickly shed his clothing; he jumped into his bed and pulled the covers up against his chest. He removed his glasses and leaned into his pillows.

Tomorrow they had Potions, Hermione was his partner there was no way she could avoid him there. Ha, he would be able to start her on the road to trusting him again. Yes tomorrow would be the start of something new.


Well that's it for chapter 7, I hoped you liked it. Stay tuned for chapter 8 it will be a blast. Please review thanks Ryoko