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All That She Wants by Ryoko Blue

All That She Wants

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: : I don't own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well

All That She Wants

Chapter 4-It's In His Kiss

Harry walked into the Great Hall; he was next to the doors when he turned to talk to Hermione one last time before going to his table. He was shocked to find that she just disappeared. He looked around he could have sworn she was just there. "Hermione?"

"I can't go in there looking like this." She said hiding behind the wall next to the door.

He walked back out of the hall and looked at her, "What are you talking about?"

"Everyone will stare at me." She said glancing down at her toes.

Harry leaned against the door and gave her a half grin, "Yes everyone will. And do you know the one person that is included in everyone?" He saw her look up in an adorable knowing smile. "That's right, the all wonderful man of your dreams. Me."

Hermione tilted her head to the side. "You know I always associated you with man of my nightmares."

"Ha, ha." He laughed dryly. "Okay let's be serious here for a moment and I don't mean my Godfather, yes your Justin Finch-Fletchley will be staring at you too."

"Well okay, here goes nothing." Hermione stepped into the Great Hall and began walking towards the Gryffindor table while Harry went and sat at the Slytherin table.

A hush fell over the Great Hall; only a few students could be heard as Hermione felt many pairs of eyes on her. She took her seat without saying a word. She could hear the students whispering, "Oh my god is that Plainy Brainy," and other such insults. Along with a few quiet compliments such as "Wow she has breasts and she looks hot." Hermione wanted to crawl away and hide, this was all very uncomfortable. She bent over her plate and reached for an orange but it was picked up before she could grab it.

"Hey Hermione, let me peel that for you." A sixth year Gryffindor offered and immediately began to peel the orange.

She looked up at him. "Uh yeah, sure."

Neville from Ravenclaw wandered over to the Gryffindor table, "Hermione would you like a muffin?" He offered her his blueberry muffin.

"No thanks," Hermione was confused and she turned back towards her plate.

Colin Creevy, a sixth year Hufflepuff wandered towards the Gryffindor table, he stopped at Hermione and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and looked up at him.


"Would you like my granola bar?" Colin smiled.

She was about to say something when Seamus roughly ran into him, pushing him out of the way. "Oh get that crappy bar out of her face, she would much rather have my-" He was interrupted by Hermione abruptly standing.

Hermione was able to take a glance at the Hufflepuff table in between swarming bodies of males he were trying to give her things and breakfast foods. She saw Justin who was calmly eating his breakfast, he even yawned he looked relatively bored. He sure seemed to be the only one not affected by Hermione's change, probably because she was shielded by these other vultures. She needed to get away from them. "Stop it, go away!! Leave me alone I don't want anything from you guys. Stop this right now!" She demanded. The boys quieted down.

They all stared blankly at her, it was as if they didn't hear her cause they all began asking her and trying to get her to take what they were offering her once again. She roughly pushed her way through the small crowd of the four annoying boys, but couldn't get out of the way without a confrontation from some other male. Another small crowd gathered around her. This was really starting to get annoying. She tried talking to them but her voice was drowned out by the powerful male voices all around her. One voice even more annoying stuck out.

"Oh what's the matter, the ugly Mudblood not happy with her new found fame?" Ron was smug.

About four boys turned around glaring at Ron, he felt the room close in on him as the four of them approached him. He started backing up

"You insulted the lady Weasley, apologize." A tall, very muscular boy said while cracking his knuckles as the other three just glared menacingly. When Ron didn't apologize the tall boy swung his fist hitting Ron square in the jaw causing to fall backwards. He got up and ran smashing his whole body against his enemy. A large fight broke out, one which consisted of more then half the student body.

Hermione didn't have time to react when someone from out of nowhere had lifted her up and swung her over their shoulder and carried her from the Great Hall and out of the uncontrolled fighting. She glanced down and knew who it was immediately. "Oh hey Harry, thanks."

"How did you know it was me?" Harry asked, "You didn't get a chance to see that I, the great Harry Potter had rescued you." He sounded very heroic.

"Oh I know your fat ass anywhere." Hermione smirked.

"Hey, did I insult your ass? I think not." Amusement clearly rang in his voice. "Your ass is rather nice. In fact it is so nice that I think I'll show my appreciation by giving it a nice smack."

Her eyes widened and she started to squirm a bit, "You wouldn't dare?"

"And you've known me how long?" He said with a hint in his voice that he very well was going to do it.

She squirmed a lot more "Put me down." Hermione demanded

"Alright, alright." He said and stopped walking.

Hermione relaxed a bit, which was a mistake since she felt his hand smack against her rear end, "Ah!" She yelled and was immediately set down on her feet. She turned around and saw him smirking. "I'm going to get you for that." She said stepping closer to him with a sneaky look in her eye.

"What are doing?" He knew that look; she really was going to get him. "Ha, just get what ever it is you're planning to do to me out of your head. Unless it's to make wild passionate love with me, then I don't mind so much." He started backing away from her, as she neared him with just a simple smile on her face. Harry turned and started running from her, of course she was following after him. They ran through the halls until she tackled him bringing him down to the ground.

"Wow Hermione, I didn't realize you wanted me that badly." Harry grinned looking up at her.

"Yeah I want you like I want a hole in the head." She replied as she let the corner of her mouth curve to a half smile, "I've decided to torture you."

He knew what that meant and he tried to move her off of him, but she was too fast and quickly started in on her tickle torture. Her fingers were everywhere as he was laughing hysterically, "Will you apologize for smacking my ass?"

"Yes! Yes! Just stop." He said in a fit of laughter. "I-I can't take it."

"Oh my goodness, call the presses the great Harry Potter can't take it." She was sarcastic. "Say Hermione rules and Harry drools."

"No, I'm not-" He was cut off as she tickled him in his really, really ticklish spot. "Fine! Fine! Hermione…Rules…Harry…Drools." He felt her stop her torture and get off of him.

"Next time you'll think about twice before messing with me Potter." She said with a smug smiled upon her face.

Harry sat up calming down from his torture. "Oh I always think about messing with you." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

As Harry got to his feet and stood next to her, Hermione opened her mouth to speak her snappy come back, the door to a vacant classroom opened disrupting her train of thought. Three boys walked out, they certainly looked happy about something. Not more then a second later Ginny Weasley stepped out of the classroom, looking a right mess. She was holding her school robe draped over her arm. Her hair had been roughly messed up, and her dark eyeliner had been smeared around her eyes. The sheer black shirt was torn in places and her bra that she wore was inside out.

Hermione glanced about the girls face and noticed something rather milky white on the side of her mouth, it looked like a glob of-"Oh my God!!" She stared at the red head and looked down the hall as the boys rounded the corner.

Ginny looked at her innocently "What?"

Hermione watched as Harry leaned closer to Ginny's ear whispering something into her ear. He pulled back and stared at her also with a bit of disgust. He never really liked Ginny; she was the easiest witch in the school. She would do it anywhere and with anyone. She probably already had a number of diseases. Harry liked sex as much as the next guy but doing it with her was like; well one would have to be really desperate.

Hermione watched as Ginny licked the side of her mouth getting rid of that glob, she turned to Harry, "I think I'm going to be sick." Hermione said already feeling the chunks rising up into her throat.

Harry nodded, agreeing with her.

"What?" Now Ginny was offended.

"You are such a tramp." Hermione said.

"Yeah well, well." Ginny couldn't think of anything, "At least I have fun and I'm not ugly."

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Hey, Hermione's not ugly." Said Dean Thomas, he had heard the conversation and came towards them. "I happen to think she is very, very, pretty." He looked right at Hermione and smiled.

Harry rolled his eyes at Dean's comment.

'Not another one.' Hermione thought to herself. She looked at Dean and gave him a polite smile.

"Yeah, whatever." Ginny said. She glanced at Harry and batted her eyes. "I was wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmeade with me tonight, being that it's Friday and all."

"Uh, no thanks Ginny I already have a date for tonight." He was repulsed with just the thought of going anywhere with Ginny.

"Well you could cancel you know," Ginny said almost hopeful.

"Actually, I'm quite fond of the date I have thank you." He turned to Hermione, "Can we go and look over that Transfiguration problem I was having trouble with?"

Hermione glanced at Harry oddly, He didn't have any trouble with Transfiguration, and she saw him give her a little eyebrow signal. And it hit her. "Oh, right. Okay yeah sure."

"We have to go to our rooms and get our books for class anyway." Harry said with a smile.

Hermione nodded, they turned to go when Professor Snape rounded the corner. His normal sneer etched into his cold, hard face.

"What are you students doing lurking in the hall?" Snape crossed his arms, He glared at Harry even though he was in his house he still hated the boy with a passion.

"We were just going." Dean replied.

Snape nodded once, he turned to Ginny. "Remember Miss Weasley we have that schedule to look over this morning."

"Of course." Ginny said with a smile, Snape started walking away with her following after him.

Dean, Harry and Hermione were staring after them.

"Okay, now that's just wrong on so many levels." Hermione said in pure disgust. "For one it's illegal and another, that's just really, really gross.

Both Dean and Harry nodded, agreeing with her completely.

Harry reached down and grabbed a hold of Hermione's hand and started dragging her away from Dean, "Let's go get our Transfiguration books for class."

"Okay." Hermione replied as she was being drug along the corridors towards the Head Boy and Girl's quarters while Dean stared, watching them walking away.

After a lovely and tasty lunch Hermione walked into the library, her eyes immediately were drawn to Justin who was seated at a table reading his History of Magic book and writing on a scroll. She brought up that so called Gryffindor bravery and walked over to his table. She cleared her throat and he looked up at her.

She couldn't think of anything to say. "Do you mind if I sit here?" 'That sounded lame' her mind shouted.

Justin shook his head, "No, go ahead." He returned to his reading as Hermione walked around the table and sat down next to him.

Hermione watched him for a moment, and then decided to speak to him. "Doing homework?" 'Lame!!" Her mind shouted at her.

He turned looking at her oddly, "Uh yeah, that's generally what you do in a library." He shook his head and then turned back to his book.

'I know that!' She said to herself.

Draco walked into the library and right up them, he did a double take looking at Hermione. 'Whoa!' He thought he looked at Justin who appeared to be ignoring her. He just shrugged and walked over to the table. "Hey Justin I've been looking for you. It's time."

Justin smiled; "Yeah!!" he got up from his chair and started walking with Draco.

"Is that Hermione Granger?" Draco asked him.

"Yeah I guess so," Justin shrugged. "I wasn't really paying attention."

They left the library.

Hermione sighed and flattened her head against the table. She heard the chair across from her scrape along the floor and she lifted her head looking into the smiling face of Dean Thomas once again.

"Hello Hermione."

"Hello Dean." She inwardly rolled her eyes.

"I was thinking that tomorrow night, that you would go with me to Hogsmeade, you know as in like a date maybe?" He asked.

Hermione noticed he looked like he was going to wet himself, "You're asking me on a-a date?" She found this odd, he never paid her any attention before and now he's following her around asking her for a date. "I don't know."

"Oh just say yes, you won't regret it. I promise you." Dean so hoped she would go.

Hermione glanced at the table and thought a moment; she had never been on a date at all before. Sure she was curious of how it felt and what it was like. So out of experimental reasons only she agreed. "Alright Dean."

"Excellent. I'll meet you at the bottom of the stairs at seven." He stood up from the chair and made was way out of the library.

The bell rung telling the students they now had five minutes to get to class. Hermione stood up from the chair and she too left the library heading for her Herbology class.

Hermione rounded the corner and practically ran into Harry who had his nose stuck in a book. "Harry what are you reading?"

Harry looked up from his book, "Uh nothing." He guilty shoved it behind his back.

A smirk crawled onto Hermione's face, "What are you reading Harry?"

She tried to grab it from him, but he kept holding it out of her reach, Hermione needed to out smart him. She looked passed his shoulder. "Oh hi Kelly."

Harry turned around and Kelly certainly wasn't there, Hermione grabbed the book from him.

"Hey, give it back." He sounded like a child who just had his favorite toy stolen.

Hermione glanced at the cover of the book and laughed, "Oh so Harry you're reading a sappy love story huh?" She handed it back to him, "Oh I bet your just looking for the sex scenes."

Harry grabbed the book from her, "For your information, it's got a great plot, and excellent characters." He said seriously.

Hermione noticed he was serious, "Oh my, you're actually reading it?" She started laughing and started walking away from him.

Harry followed and caught up with her, his next class was Care of Magical Creatures, which was in the same direction as her so he could walk with her. "Okay at first I was just going to read it so I can get in good with Kelly you know."

Hermione nodded.

"But to tell you the truth, it is very interesting."

Hermione shook her head, "Oh Harry you're really starting to scare me." She laughed. And they went their separate ways to class.

* * *

Harry opened the door to his room and his date Julie stepped inside.

"So this is the Head Boy's room?" She turned to him with a smile. "I've always wanted to come in here."

'Oh I'm sure you will.' Harry thought to himself with a smirk then his smirk faded and was replaced by a sincere smile. "Did you enjoy the evening?"

"Very much so." Julie looked about the room. "It's kind of plain in here don't you think?" She walked towards the closed door of the bathroom and opened it. The tiles of the bathroom were white. "What's that door for?" She asked as Harry came up behind her seeing what she was talking about.

"Oh that's Hermione's room, you know the Head Girl." Harry said.

"Ah," Julie moved towards the door and opened it. She was awestruck. The Head Girl had great taste; the room had different colored silk like banners across the walls. There were a few candles about the room in decorative positions. The bed was bigger then what ordinary students got and it was made with what looked like a crushed velvet comforter. "I like this room, it's very nice."

"Yeah." Harry said.

Julie flipped her blonde hair behind her and then turned around facing Harry, "So are you disappointed that our date is over?"

He stepped nearer to her, "It's not over yet." He bent down, and gently covered her mouth with his, her mouth opened underneath his ready to receive him. His tongue confidently tangling with hers, he started pressing her backwards towards the bed. Julie landed on the soft comforter with him on top of her. He lifted up off of her a moment and removed his glasses setting them on the nightstand next to the bed. Harry returned his mouth to hers and his fingers found their way to the hem of her shirt as her fingers found their way to his.

Hermione yawned approaching the portrait, "Sugar Quill." She said quietly and the portrait swung out of the way and she entered the Head Boy and Girl's quarters. She was so tired, it was at least twelve thirty and she needed sleep. She yawned again and started climbing the stairs to her room. Hermione wondered if Harry was still enjoying his date. Oh well she would ask him about his date in the morning after a wonderful, restless slumber. She opened the door to her room and was before her was not expected. The flash of Harry's rear end caused her to scream out loud. "AHHHH!" She covered her eyes. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!!" She knew very well what they were doing.

Harry and Julie fell off the bed onto the floor when they heard Hermione's scream. Julie and Harry scrambled into their clothing and Harry quickly stood grabbing his glasses from off the nightstand.

"Are you decent, after what I saw I'm surprised I'm not blind." Hermione spat.

Julie looked at Harry in disappointment, "Well I guess I better go." She shook her head and started for the door. She looked at Hermione, "you do have a beautiful room though." And with that Julie left through the door.

"Ah Hermione, why did you have to ruin a wonderful date like that?" Harry asked also disappointed.

Hermione brought her hands down from her face looking at him; she walked over to her bed. "Oh gross, you guys were doing it in my bed." She took her wand out. "Have you no consideration for other people's bed sheets?" Hermione waved her wand in the air spoke a spell and the sheets disappeared. She turned to him. "I think I'm scared for life I actually saw your naked fat ass."

"My ass is not fat." He retorted. "And sense you've actually seen my ass I think I should be compensated for the little show that you got. Why don't you give me a couple of a galleons, that should do it?"

She turned looking at him as if he were insane, "I'm not going to pay you because I saw your ass," Hermione smirked, "Okay Harry." She walked over to her dresser and took out her little moneybag, then pulled out a Knut and tossed it to him. "There you go. That's how much the view of your ass is worth."

"A Knut? Only a Knut. Oh come on I'm worth at least twenty galleons." Harry pointed out

Hermione shook her head "Nope I think a Knut will do quite nicely." She smirked.

"Hermione, honey, I used what I had on my date tonight and I need a little cash. I want to buy her something I totally have to make it up to, to-" For some reason Harry couldn't remember her name.

Hermione turned to him with a smirk on her face, her arms crossed in front of her. "You don't even know her name?"

Harry glanced around the room and then back at Hermione, "I know her name, it's…it's." Harry thought hard he saw Hermione tapping her toe against the floor.

"Well?" She was trying so hard not to laugh.

"I'm thinking." He concentrated hard, her name flashed in his mind, "Julie, her name is Julie."

Hermione laughed. "I'm not paying for something for your date Harry. If anyone should be paid here it should be me, in fact you should pay me for the use of my room."

"Aw Hermione I'm sorry about your bed. We got a bit carried away it won't happen again." He promised.

"No apology is going to make me give you money, so forget it." Hermione waved her wand again and a fresh pair of sheets and a blanket appeared on her bed.

"Oh all right fine," He sighed then sat down on the edge of her bed. "So Hermione how did my ass look?" Harry

She looked at him, "You know I think I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of my life."

"You're not very nice."

"Harry it's like one in the morning, I'm tired, I just discovered you finishing off your date in my bed, in my room. I have no reason to be nice." She said with a force smile.

"You're just jealous, you wish it were you." Harry smirked.

"Nah, sorry but Julie's not my type." She said returning his smirk.

"That's not what I meant."

Hermione yawned. "Good night Harry." She grabbed his arm and pulled him off her bed. "I would like to change my clothes now."

He leaned against the nightstand, "Oh go right ahead don't mind me. You know, since I really didn't get to finish with Julie how about you and I-" He was cut off as Hermione interrupted him by turning around.

"Good night Harry." She said quickly.

Harry sighed and for some reason he was even more disappointed now. "Good night Hermione." He walked towards the door and turned around on last time, "You know I am very frustrated so why don't you just give me-" He was cut off again as a pillow hit him square in the face.

"Out" Hermione grinning pointed towards his room, She knew what he was going to say."

Harry shook his head back and forth and left threw the door, he closed is behind him.

Hermione pointed her wand to the pillow on the floor, "Accio pillow."

The pillow flew at her and she grabbed and placed it on her bed. She got out of her clothes and into her pajamas ready to sleep.

Early Saturday morning as Blaise walked towards the Great Hall doors for breakfast she heard a funny noise in the closet to her left. She sure hoped that Ginny Weasley and her lover of the day weren't in there. It was really horrifying to see that guy with himself up her butt. She shuddered with the thought. Blaise took the chance and pulled it open. She laughed seeing Hermione Granger in there. She looked around for any sign of her company. There wasn't anyone.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm hiding." Hermione said quietly.

"Why?" Blaise started to laugh.

"They won't leave me alone." She looked around.

"Who won't?"

"Practically the entire male population of Hogwarts if you want to know."

"Oh Hermione you should just enjoy it."

"I don't like it. It's freaky."

"Oh come on, let's get breakfast. I'll make sure no one attacks you this morning." Blaise promised.

"Alright, besides I am a bit hungry." Hermione came out of the closet (A/N: No she's not gay)and walked with Blaise to the Great Hall for breakfast

* * *

She was so bored. Hermione yawned as she listened as Dean went on and on about various topics that didn't interest her. They were mostly about wrestling or other Muggle sports. Hermione glanced at her watch it was only nine O'clock but it felt like midnight. "Dean can we go? I'm tired and I need to get up early tomorrow."

"But tomorrow is Sunday." Dean reminded as he sipped from his drink.

"I know but I always get up early, I have to study for the N.E.W.T.S they are very important. You know you should-" She was cut off as Dean stood.

He didn't want to hear her ramble on and on, the only reason he had asked her out was because she suddenly was the most sought after female at the school and he wanted to beat everyone to her. "Okay Hermione we'll go."

They returned to the school and Dean acting like the perfect gentleman walked her up to her portrait. Dean was smiling.

"Well thank you for dinner Dean." She smiled back.

Harry climbed the stairs as he closed his book he saw Dean and Hermione, she was standing against the wall and he was smiling at her. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall watching them.

"You're welcome Hermione." He leaned in.

Hermione tensed and took a deep breath, gulping down air. She looked around nervously as Dean was nearing her. At the very last second she turned her face out of the way and glanced down at the floor.

Dean pulled back confused; he saw her hand extending in the form of a handshake. And out of reflex he grabbed it, and she shook his hand vigorously.

"Thank you for a lovely date Dean." She said with a wide smile.

"Uh yeah, sure." Dean said not really sure what was going on. He dropped her hand and turned to go.

Hermione waited till he was gone and she sighed relaxing against the wall closing her eyes. She heard footsteps coming towards her and her eyes popped open.

"Interesting way to end a date Hermione, a nice handshake is a nice way to show how much you care for a person." Harry mocked.

"Oh shut up." Hermione said and turned towards the portrait, she spoke the password the picture moved out of the way.

"What's this, no snappy come back." Harry continued to joke as he followed her into the common room.

"Just leave me alone Harry." Hermione replied.

"Okay what's the matter?" He asked, knowing something was up she wasn't acting like herself. Harry tossed the book on the couch.

"Nothing." She lied.

"Did you have a bad date?"

"Well not really." Hermione sat down on the couch and picked up the book Harry had been focused on lately. On the cover were two people held in a passionate embrace. She sighed and threw it to the floor and kicked it away. It slid across the room. She hated feeling like this and her arms crossed in front of her.

"If you didn't have a bad date, then what was with the handshake back there?" He pointed with his thumb towards the portrait.

"Because I have never-" She almost blurted out the truth. "I just didn't feel comfortable with him, that's all."

Harry thought a moment, "This was your first date ever." He thought some more and the answer popped into his head. "You've never kissed anyone before." He smiled.

Hermione jumped up from the couch knowing that he was going to laugh at her inexperience, "I have to go." The redness was already creeping upon her face and she quickly fled towards the stairs.

He moved and got in her way, "Where you going?"

"To my room." Hermione went around him and moved away, but he swiftly grabbed her arm.

"You're running away aren't you?"

She turned looking at him irritation clearly in her eyes. "No, I just want to go to my room is that okay with you?"

"Then why are you in such a rush?"

Hermione didn't have an answer, "Could you possibly let go of me?" She tried to pull her arm from his grasp.

"No, we're going to talk about this."

"I don't want to talk about this; it's none of your business." She said.

Harry wasn't listening to her as he dragged her back to the couch and he sat down, "Come on sit down and talk to me. I'm your friend, maybe I can help you."

"You-you're not going to laugh at me?" Hermione narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

"Why would I laugh at you?" He patted the seat next to him

Hermione shrugged "I don't know, it just seemed like you would."

"No, I'm not going to laugh at you."

Hermione sighed and sat down next to him.

"Okay now, it's nothing to be ashamed about." He leaned back against the couch cushions. "You had a perfect opportunity up there to finally get your first kiss, why did you pass it up?"

Hermione folded her hands and glanced down at her fingers, "I don't know. I suppose I got a little scared. That probably doesn't make any sense to you, but it's a scary thing."

Harry nodded, "It is a little nerve racking, but other than that. It's really nice and fun."

"I was really nervous and scared, I backed out at the last minute. I just couldn't do it. So much for that Gryffindor bravery." She laughed to herself.

An idea flashed in his mind. "Then you're in luck, I'm going to do something for you that I have never done for another friend in my life."

"Oh yeah what's that?"

"I'm going to give you kissing lessons."

"Ha, ha yeah right. Good joke there Harry." She turned away for a moment. Hermione noticed it was awfully quiet. She turned back looking at him, "You weren't joking were you?"

He shook his head, "No I wasn't."

Hermione abruptly stood "I can't do that."

Harry looked up at her, "Why not? Am I repulsive?"

"No," She took a breath "It's just I can't. I want to kiss someone I like."

"What you don't like me?" Harry was feeling slightly offended here.

"It's not that, I-it's uh-" Hermione put her finger to her sinuses as a headache was coming on. "Think of the position you are putting me in."

"Oh I always think about what position I would put you in." He smirked.

"Harry this is no time for jokes."

"Sorry, I couldn't help it." He stood up. "What's there really to worry about?"

"You are my friend, I can't go around kissing my friend."

Harry nodded. "Hermione we are friends, the best person to learn this from is a friend. Mostly cause you trust me. You didn't trust Dean so you didn't feel like you could kiss him. I saw how you were when he was saying good-bye to you. You clearly don't trust him at all. And I wouldn't if I were you, he's false if you know what I mean."

"Yes I know." She glanced down.

"So let me be a good friend to you." He stepped closer to her.

"Oh I don't know." She shook her head with confusion still looking down; she saw his shoes come into view, which meant he was standing right in front of her.

"You will find that after the first kiss it does get easier to kiss more people."

"And you are certainly the expert on that." She teased a little.

He cracked a smile, "Another reason why I should help you with this, I am the expert."

Hermione looked up, and she almost jumped back, he had never been that close to her in this position before.

Harry could see her fear, so he was going to make this as quick and simple as possible almost just a brushing of lips was all he wanted to show her. Easing her mind and she would get over her first kiss fear. At least she wasn't short like Julie; he bent slightly. He could still see her eyes open and he could sense her body was tense much like it was when he witnessed Dean trying to lay one on her earlier. Just as his lips neared hers she turned away at the last minute and he missed. He chuckled a little.

His mouth was near her ear, "Hermione, trust me." He whispered.

She took in a breath and he pulled back a little. Harry noticed her eyes were tightly shut. "Relax a little." He said, "It's not a life or death situation. It's only a little kiss I promise." He saw her face soften but her eyes remained closed. Quickly, Harry pressed his lips against hers.

Harry's brain shut down and his world faded away, her lips were so warm and soft that he found himself pressing against them just a little bit harder. The feel of her lips were completely inviting that he couldn't stop himself from running the tip of his tongue along the seam of her lips and at the same time nudging them open with his. He wanted in.

Hermione was slightly confused; she thought this was supposed to be a little kiss. But it did feel really good, who was she to put a stop to it? She felt his lips nudging against hers; she had no idea what he wanted or what to do. What did that mean? She then remembered from movies what that meant. So she took a chance, her mouth opened.

Her mouth open beneath his, Harry wasted no time as he was granted entry. His arms went around her crushing her against him at the same time as his tongue eased into her mouth and touching hers.

Hermione was startled a bit by the entry of his tongue into her mouth, that she tried to pull away but his arms around her prevented it. She felt the light, gentle strokes of his tongue against hers, and her worries disappeared as she attempted to do what he was doing.

Harry felt her getting the hang of it and actually began to kiss him back. He gave of a soft moan into her mouth as he began to kiss her harder and stronger. His hands wandering down her back towards her arms, which were at her side. He lifted them and slowly rested her hands against his shoulders and finally pulled her closer, so that she was completely pressed up against him, the feel of her breasts pushed up against him made groan in frustration. "GOD SHE FEELS GOOD!!' his mind screamed and he held her tighter.

Thoughts flashed in her mind, 'Stop it, stop it now. But I don't want to, this is sooo nice. Stop, you'll regret it in a moment if you don't. How do you know? Just who do you think you are kissing, a nice guy? He is a nice guy. Guess again honey. You have just been added to the list. No, he wouldn't treat me like that. YES HE WILL!! YOU KNOW HE WILL! THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT! That's why you are just his friend;you are worried about-SHUT UP!! FINE, YOU WIN!!' Hermione started pushing against him.

Harry felt her pushing against him, he sooo did not want to let her free. This just felt so good. Nothing at all like the many, many times before. He felt her pull her mouth away from his. "Harry, Harry stop." He heard her voice, but her words weren't making sense. She kept saying it over and over and using all her strength to push away.

Finally his brain started working again, she was pushing really hard against him. 'Oh God what am I doing to her?' He questioned himself and he let her go. He saw her step back, her eyes wide with fear, she was scared of him. "Oh Hermione I am so sorry." He stepped towards her but she quickly took another step away. He wanted to kick himself really hard. He realized that he had taken advantage of her; she trusted him and he just crossed the line. He took another step closer and she took another step back.

"Just stay there." She managed to squeak out.

"Hermione, you don't know how sorry I am. I got a little carried away." He admitted, and he did. He couldn't take it if she wouldn't forgive him, she was really important to him and it killed him inside that he had hurt her like that.

"I just need to gather my thoughts," Hermione replied she took a breath and looked him in the eye. "Why didn't you listen to me?"

Harry was confused, "When?"

"Just a few moments ago," Hermione said. "I had to tell you to stop at least seven times and push away from you so hard before you did."

"I wish I could take that back, I do." He was going to be honest. "I don't ever want to hurt you, you have to believe that. But it's like my brain stopped working and nothing was making sense, no words, no nothing. So I admit it was my fault and if you never want to talk to me again or end what friendship we have I do understand. I so took advantage of you, but I didn't mean to.

Hermione glanced at the floor for a long moment, it was a bitter silence, and she lifted her head. "Well at least you told me the truth and well I would never want us to not be friends. And I'm sorry your brain doesn't work right, I mean did it ever?" She smirked.

Harry was so relieved, she cracked a joke. That meant everything was all right between them. He totally wanted to throw his arms around her and hug her tight. He had better ask first. "Can I hug you?"

She answered by walking over to him and her arms went around him, they seem to melt into each other's embrace. Hermione closed her eyes as she felt his arms tighten around her.

He was content to hold her just like this; he rested his chin on top of her head feeling her soft hair. He glanced down he was a bit disappointed. Harry missed her big hair; she often wondered why she thought of herself as plain, he never had. Her hair was part of who she was. She really shouldn't change for anyone but herself. Harry kinda knew that she only saw herself plain when she saw Justin fawning all over Lavender. Oh well he would help Hermione any way he could, and if she wanted to change he won't tell her how he really feels about it.

Hermione pulled back and Harry immediately let her go, he didn't want a repeat of earlier. He couldn't take it when she was afraid of him like that.

"Well Harry I think I should hit the sack." She stepped from him. "Good night." She turned and went up the stairs to her room and closed the door quietly.

Harry ran his fingers through his hair, he was so mad at himself. Why couldn't he control what he was doing? He sat down on the table and held his face in his hands. He had just made the biggest mistake of his life. He promised a tiny, simple kiss and he just totally went at it he wanted to ease her mind not make her worries more intense. No matter what she says, she will probably never trust him again. And for some reason he had this odd feeling that their friendship will never be the same. He looked up the stairs at her closed door and decided to go and get some sleep himself.


Well that's it for chapter 4 stay tuned for chapter 5, remember to read and review. Thanks Ryoko