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All That She Wants by Ryoko Blue

All That She Wants

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: No way are any of the original HP characters mine they totally belong to J.K. Rowlings. You are nuts to even think that I own this, where do you people get your information. Honestly :)

A/N: If you haven't read Heaven's fic Hogsmeade Pizza go and read it, its really awesome. Also go and read Sirius Potter's fics, he's 100, no 1000 no, 1,000,000 times better a writer I am ^_~

All That She Wants

Chapter 8- Can't Stop This Thing We Started

Hermione yawned as she walked towards potions; her first class of the morning had dragged on and on. She was so tired from trying to avoid 'Him' last night. Her eyes narrowed in bitterness as she thought it was his fault she was so tired. That settled it; she would just try to ignore him in her class today. A moment later she stopped short; right in the entrance of the classroom, her eyes widened. How could she possibly avoid him he was her potions partner. As soon as she saw Harry who looked like he was waiting for her, she got a most brilliant idea. She really didn't want to be partners with him anymore and decided to see Professor Snape about it. Hermione gave Harry a stern glare before walking right up to the professor's desk, she cleared her throat.

"Did you need something Miss Granger?" He asked obviously irritated by her mere presence.

"I was wondering if we students could possibly change partners." Hermione held her head up high.

Snape felt a smirk creeping on, but he held it back. "And just why would you want to change partners? You two love birds not getting along anymore?"

Hermione glared at the professor for a moment then continued to speak. "I was just thinking that if we switched partners Harry Potter would fail this class, you and I both know he's nothing without my brain. But I can understand if you want him to pass with really high marks, its not like you despise him or anything." Hermione sighed. "I'll just take my seat, thank you for your time." She started walking away from Snape.

"Miss Granger." Snape spoke up.

Just like Hermione knew he would, she smiled a bit but the smiled faded as she turned around to face the professor. "Yes sir?" Her tone was innocent and careful.

"I just had an idea, you and the other Gryffindors." He spat bitterly, "Shall change partners. I would like to see what you all are capable of without the help of Slytherins."

"What a grand idea sir." Hermione sounded impressed with his decision, but secretly held her grin of satisfaction. "How ever did you come up with such a wonderful idea?"

Snape glared. "Don't start with me." He stood up from his desk and approached the front of the classroom and cleared his throat to speak. Everyone immediately gave him their attention. "I have decided that you shall change partners, go and partner up with someone from your own house. Do it now."

Seamus went right over to Hermione and sat down next to her, when the other male members of Gryffindor glared at Seamus for beating them to her, he stuck his tongue out and made a silly grin. Seamus then gave all his attention to Hermione as he turned to face her a bit. "Did you suggest switching partners?"

Hermione shook her head "No," She lied. "I was just asking about my grade. It was all Snape's idea."

Blaise rolled her eyes over hearing Hermione's conversation with Seamus; she knew the Gryffindor convinced Snape to change the partners. Blaise sat down next to Harry, who looked ready to explode, he had his quill in his hand and it appeared it would snap in two any minute now. She opened her mouth so speak when Harry beat her to it.

"She did that on purpose." Harry threw his quill down next to his cauldron.

"Yeah she did." Blaise agreed and set up her station. "But look at it this way; she learned how to get people to do what she wants from you."

Harry glanced at Blaise, "Is that suppose to make me feel better?"

Blaise chuckled "No I suppose not."

"Let's just get started on the lesson," Harry grumbled. He then took a look over at Hermione who had just swatted Seamus hand; she looked a bit peeved as she stuck her finger in his face. Returning his attention to his own work Harry took a deep breath; it was going to be a long hour.

As soon as the bell rang Hermione had packed up pretty fast and bolted for the door. She was out of the room in a flash but she heard footsteps right on her tail. She didn't have to turn around to know who it was. 'Damn half hour breaks' she cursed in her mind.

"Hermione, wait a minute." Harry said from behind her.

"Leave me alone." She said without stopping. Hermione turned corners quickly, rushed inside rooms to hide. After waiting long enough to see if he had gone she stepped out. And as the fates would have it Harry had been waiting there leaning up against the wall.

Harry grinned at her "I just want to talk to you."

Hermione rolled her eyes and started down the corridor again, Harry just wouldn't let up, and he kept following her. Hermione came to an abrupt stop; she turned right around giving him such a glare. "You know, some people would consider this stalking."

"Hey is it my fault you won't listen to me and I have to chase you around the school?" Harry said still grinning.

"Yes." Hermione was blunt, but her tone was sharp. "I have no des-" She was cut off by a swarm of girls that gathered around Harry, pushing Hermione out of their way. This was her perfect chance to make her escape.

"Is it true Harry, do you read romance novels?" A brunette fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"I think it's so sensual for a man to read romance," A blonde touched his shoulder gently.

Harry looked above the group of girl's head watching Hermione walking away. He looked down at the females who were crowding him. "Yes it's true; I do read a romance novel on occasion."

A lot of ooh's and aww's filled the hall, there was so much chatter about romance novels and it was at that moment that Ron Weasley walked passed Harry and the girls chatting. An idea popped into his head, he would ask his sister to borrow one, and perhaps the ladies would flock to him as well. Who knows it's possible he could pick up a few pointers, like techniques, the ways to please the opposite sex. 'Oh yeah definitely.' He thought to himself. Ron smirked and went off to find his sister.

"Ladies, ladies please. I would love to talk with you all about this, but I really must be going." His smile made the girls almost melt into puddles as he made his way through the group. As he was walking away, he heard one of the girls say, " He is just so cute I could eat him up with a spoon." Another girl said, "Oh I know what you mean, I would love it if he took me to bed." She sighed longingly. Those words just had no affect on him this time; he was in search of something greater. Harry saw Hermione just a few feet in front of him; he would hurry to catch up.

He rushed towards her, "Hermione."

"Go back to your flock Harry." Hermione shouted.

"But I don't want them." Harry was almost upon her, one second more and he could grab a hold of her arm and make her listen to him.

Hermione went down the stairs, jumping over the trick stair. She was moving faster now. Harry didn't like it that she was going to get away; he knew if he lost sight of her he would never find her again at all. She would disappear. He watched Hermione pull open the doors that led outside. She rounded the corner and found a group of Gryffindor boys just hanging around by a bench. Hermione ran right into the group, Harry of course not too far behind. He stopped and looked at each of the Gryffindor boys.

"Come on Hermione, I just want to talk to you."

"Just leave me alone, how many times do I have to say that to you?" She glared. Harry stepped forward but was stopped by a very large Gryffindor.

"I don't think so Slytherin, you aren't coming into our territory." The Gryffindor's eyes narrowed. He was the biggest and the toughest of the Gryffindors, Gorno Jenkins was his name.

"Look Gorno I just want to talk to Hermione, that's all. Now let me pass." Harry said sternly, he tried to take another step forward, but the large Gryffindor put his hand against Harry's chest holding him back. Harry was getting more then a little peeved over this.

Gorno pushed against Harry, "I don't think so. It looks to me like you're bothering the lady." He heard Harry scoff, so he turned to Hermione. "Is this Slytherin bothering you?"

Hermione nodded, "Yes," She sighed loudly. "He just won't leave me alone Gorno, I just don't know if I feel safe anymore." She appeared sad and frightened in Gorno's eyes. The other Gryffindors were glaring menacingly at Harry.

Harry couldn't believe it; she would do anything to keep him from talking to her. Even pretend to be a damsel in distress. He tried to pass by again, but was held back.

"Don't even try it Slytherin. For one this is Gryffindor territory, another reason. The lady here doesn't want you near her."

"Just let me pass." Harry was very annoyed.

"You may be able to kick Weasley's ass, but you can't fight all six of us Potter, be smart and hit the road."

Harry held in his growl and started to turn around, he caught a glimpse of Hermione, she was smirking. She turned around and walked further into the Gryffindor's territory. He shook his head, if she thinks this is going to slow him down, well she was wrong. He would get her to listen to him. Harry glared at the Gryffindors before turning around and heading back inside.


Over the next week Hermione had done a really good job of avoiding Harry. She was sure tough. Harry knew once Hermione made up her mind about something she could be down right stubborn; it would take a miracle to get through to her.

Harry left the Great Hall nice and full from lunch and decided to make another search for Hermione. She will come to see that he never gives up, no matter how difficult the task may be. He headed along the upstairs hallway when he came to the balcony when he heard two people in conversation. Harry immediately recognized their voices. It was Hermione and Justin, and they seemed happy. Harry felt his stomach churn with just the thought of Justin in Hermione's company.

He gripped the railing tightly watching the pair below, they were leaning closer. Harry was going to race down there and stop them from getting any closer. But he wouldn't have enough time to get down there and pull her away. A large pail to the left of him caught his attention. He smirked and snatched it up quickly, it was filled with water, some caretaker Filch was just leaving a full bucket of water lying around. Harry would remember to thank him later. He hurried back to the railing he looked down at Justin and Hermione; they were so close almost kissing. Harry would put a stop to this. He held the pail over the side and tipped it upside down.

"AHHHH!!!" Hermione and Justin shouted at the exact same time, they were drenched in cold water; Hermione's clothes were plastered to her, as were Justin's. Hermione looked up to see Peeves hovering by. "PEEVES!!!" Both Hermione and Justin yelled.

Harry was pressed up against the wall away from the railing, trying not to burst into laughter. Thank the fates for Peeves.

Hermione searched herself for her wand and then remembered she left it on her nightstand. Since it was Saturday she didn't think she would need it, boy how wrong she had been. "Justin, do you have your wand with you?" She was expecting some kind of snappy smart-ass comeback, but it never came.

"No, I left it in the dorm. I didn't think I would since its Saturday and all." Justin was serious.

"Well that's what I thought, man now I'm going to have to go and dry off the Muggle way." She started walking away from Justin until he spoke up.

"What time should I meet you here for tonight?"

Hermione turned around "Tonight?" Her brows furrowed together in her confusion.

"Yeah…the dance, remember?" Justin reminded.

"Oh…right the dance." She had forgotten all about it. "Well we can meet here at seven."

Justin nodded once and turned he headed towards his common room while Hermione headed towards hers

Hermione shook her head; he was so serious all the time she wondered if they would have any fun at all tonight. Well she would definitely find out. Hermione started up the stairs; she didn't even see Harry come up beside her until it was too late. Before she had time to react she was pushed into a vacant room. The door closed, Harry was standing against it, preventing her from getting away.

"Harry! What's the meaning of this?" She stomped her foot, there was a small puddle of water collecting on the floor around her.

"Do you know how hard it is to keep track of you?" Harry said pleasantly, he crossed his arms against his chest in such a stance telling her there was no way she was getting past him.

'Oh if I only had my wand, he would pay. Oh yes he would pay.' Her head commented bitterly. "Let me out of here, I need to change." She would use any excuse to get away from him.

"Oh allow me." Before Hermione had time to protest he brought out his wand and used a drying charm on her wet clothing. "There now all dry." He smiled as he saw Hermione glare at him. "What did I ruin your excuse?" Harry heard her mumble something incoherently.

Hermione felt herself shake with anger. "Just get out of my way."

"Hermione, this is very silly. Avoiding me like this." Harry replied as if he didn't hear what she said.

"It is not silly, why can't you just accept that I don't want anything to do with you and just move on."

"You don't mean that." Harry stood straight, staring directly into her eyes.

Hermione felt herself shiver as a warm heat spread through her with the intense stare in his eyes, so that was how he was able to get any girl to do exactly what he wanted. He can manipulate with just a simple look. "Yes I do."

"No you don't." He took a step away from the door and towards her.

Since he stepped away from the door, Hermione felt she had a bit of a chance in getting away from him. She quickly side stepped him and reached out for the door handle, but his hand came down on hers as she was pulled away from the door. Harry had turned her around to face him.

"Hermione." He said, his voice sounding strong and gentle at the same time in Hermione's ears. She saw his eyes darken; she knew that look from a few times before. Her heartbeat sped up and her chest tightened. She had to get away from him now but she couldn't find the strength to make her legs move.

"Harry." Her voice sounded oddly thick it almost startled her; she didn't know she could sound like that. "Please don't."

"Don't what?" His voice held the same intensity as his stare.

"D-don't look at me like that." She swallowed hard, Hermione tried to turn her head away to break that enchanting stare of his when his hands came up and cupped her cheeks with in them.

Hermione didn't understand why she didn't move, she could have taken this moment to slap him and run from the room. But the hold his eyes had on her made her unable to move. She saw his gaze travel all over her face.

Harry felt her wiggle a bit; his gaze roamed over her face, her eyes mostly. He could see within them she did love him, but she was being just so stubborn about it. Of course he had hurt her really bad, if he could take all that back he would. But he couldn't, Harry knew he had to prove that he loved her. Right now he just wanted to talk to her, with really no plan to kiss her. It just seemed so natural when he was with her, he didn't have to think to kiss her, he just did it. And he was going to right now.

He pulled her mouth up against his kissing her softly, Harry heard her soft whimper as his tongue gently swept across her lips, asking, begging, wanting in. Hermione really couldn't think anymore, every coherent thought leapt from her mind and she opened her mouth to him. She felt his tongue dip into her mouth as he was kissing her full and deep. She was an equal participant, wanting this much more then she realized. Harry pulled his mouth from hers, only to kiss her neck, lightly suckling on the tender flesh, Hermione moaned loudly in extreme approval. It was when Hermione fell back against the door that Harry pressed himself against her, his mouth returning to hers, creating a wave of emotional bliss and arousal within her own body; Hermione gave a strangled gasp feeling his body right up against hers, telling her how much he wanted her.

Ron was walking through the corridor when he heard a group of girls giggling; he listened carefully on their conversation. Of course it was still about Harry and how adorable he was for reading mushy gushy love stories. He rolled his eyes and headed straight for the group. "Excuse me girls, but I couldn't help but overhearing, you say Potter reads romance novels?"

A pretty girl eyed him with disgust as she flipped a long flock of platinum hair behind her. "Yeah so?" her voice tipped with annoyance.

"Well I happen to read them too, in fact I have one with me."

"Oh really?" A raven haired beauty grinned at him, "Lets see then."

Ron nodded and pulled the book from his inner robe pocket showing the girls the cover. "See."

"Ewww gross!" A redhead exclaimed as she examined the cover

"What?" Ron was confused not to mention embarrassed as the other girls crowded around him, in disgust.

"You're reading Burning Loins of Passion by Hilda Humpme Nowah?" The blonde said.

"Yeah I am, is there a problem with that?" Ron said feeling a bit uneasy.

"Anything by Hilda is just plain nasty, there's no love or adventure. Just every page there's nothing but sex and male domination."

Ron stood there with a blank statement on his face, which cause the girls to erupt in heavy laughter. They were laughing at him.

"You think you can compare yourself to Harry Potter." One girl giggled so much she almost fell over.

"Yeah Weasley. Harry's got class, charm, and sex appeal. Everything you don't. Save yourself some dignity and quite while you're ahead." A witty brunette said. "Come on girls, let's go." She was obviously the leader of this group of giggly girls. The girls left Ron standing there, he was so mad you could probably see steam rising from the top of his head. Oh how he hated Harry Potter, he would make him pay. Oh yes he would.

Finally finding the strength to pull away from him, she did. Hermione pushed against him and he backed off. She was breathing so hard and so fast the she almost thought she would pass out from lack of oxygen. "I-I won't let you do this to me."

Harry ran his hand through his hair, "I'm not doing anything to you, I really do care about you Hermione, I lo-" He was cut off in mid sentence.

"Just stop it, just stop." Hermione took a breath. "Don't come near me, I swear on the gods if you do I will be forced to take very drastic measures. Stay away from me; this is your final warning."

"Oh come on Hermione, you don't think I'm still trying to trick you?" He asked, which was stupid because he already knew the answer. "You know if I could take back what I said, I would. But can't you just accept that I made a mistake, and forgive me?"

Hermione stared at her feet for a moment, trying to think of something. 'Sure he made a mistake. But you've seen him over this past week, yes I have but. No he's been flirting with that Kelly from Gryffindor; you know he's wanted her all along. This is a trick; he's been using you to get her to notice him. Don't trust him.' Hermione looked up at him, for the first time in her life she masked everything she felt, betrayal, love, and sadness. "I'm sorry, I can't believe you."

Harry's eyes closed tightly "Hermione please." He almost begged, 'Get a hold of yourself man; she doesn't want to hear you beg. Then what should I do? You have to prove you love her, not just say it over and over again. How can I possibly do that, I don't know figure it out.' "Hermione, I love you and you love me, I could feel it when we kissed. Don't tell me you didn't feel anything I know you did."

Hermione shrugged, "What can I say the body responds to something nice, even if it's something you're doing."

Harry chose to ignore that, "You like it when I hold you and touch you, caress and kiss you. And I like it too."

"Well I know you like it, you're just a slut." Hermione said in bitterness.

Again Harry ignored that statement. "Why are you being so stubborn?"

"Why are you, take a hint and leave me be! Or do I have to get mean." Hermione spat.

Harry grinned, "You can say anything you want to me I don't care, nothing you say will make me believe any of it." Harry stopped grinning and was very serious. "Now why can't you have that much faith in me?"

Hermione almost lost her mask the wave of tears that was building up, she really wanted to throw herself at him and hold him close, tell him how much she loved him. But she dared not, she knew what he was like with other girls, she saw how much effort he put in the chase, he was not one to give up until the other gave in. It was the same thing he was doing with her. Hermione was not one of those girls. She would not give in. "Stay away from me, just stay away." She turned the door handle and fled from the room.

Harry stepped out of the room watching Hermione in great speed flee down the hall. 'She almost gave in, you were that close. No, that wasn't working; all I was doing was making her think about it. Hmm Maybe I should try a different approach. Yeah try making her jealous, nothing fuels the fire like jealousy.' Harry nodded. Yep he would try that. Well that dance was tonight, it just so happened that he saw Kelly walking with her friends walking from the Gryffindor tower. Harry straightened his shirt collar and approached Kelly and her friends.

"Hey Kelly, what's up?" He smiled.

Kelly smiled back, "Hi."

Harry nodded, she was actually pleasant now. It's a shame he wasn't chasing after her anymore. But right now, he really needed her help. "Kelly, lets talk. I have something very important to tell you."


Well that's it for chapter 8, I hope you liked it.