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All That She Wants by Ryoko Blue

All That She Wants

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: No way are any of the original HP characters mine they totally belong to J.K. Rowlings. You are nuts to even think that I own this, where do you people get your information. Honestly :)

A/N: Cameo appearances (as in many) by my beta reader, you know who you are. Lol,

All That She Wants

Chapter 2- He's Man Enough For Me?

Hermione woke to the sounds of two people talking quietly, she opened her eyes. She was still on the train and it was still moving. Hermione had ended up lying flat on her back, her head on a pillow with a cuddly warm blanket over her. She rubbed her eyes then tilted her head to the side. She found Harry who was already in his Hogwarts robe talking with some nameless girl, just someone Hermione didn't know. The girl was smiling goofily at him, and he was sucking it up like a sponge. Hermione laughed to herself as she at up.

"Look Harry, your girlfriend is awake." The nameless girl said.

"Oh she's not my girlfriend." Harry said casually.

"Yeah, he only wishes I were." Hermione said sleepily.

"Is that true?" The gullible girl asked as if it pained her to hear such a thing.

Hermione looked oddly at the girl. "No, it's not true."

"Well then you shouldn't spread such false rumors, besides what would he want with a frizzy nobody like yourself?" The girl smirked.

Hermione stood, she was going to hurt that little tart. But Harry also stood getting in between the two girls holding each of his hands in both their directions. "Now, now girls. Let's not fight over me. There's plenty to go around, I'm man enough for both of you."

"In your dreams Potter." Hermione said with a half grin.

"I would gladly fight for you Harry." The girl gushed, looking at him adoringly.

Hermione rolled her eyes and turned to fold up the blanket, she laid it neatly on the bench and placed the pillow on top of it.

"Well I think I've taken up enough of your time Harry, I should go change into my school robes, we should be arriving at Hogwarts soon. I'll look forward to resuming our conversation, when there's a little more privacy." She looked him right in the eye.

"I can hardly wait, until then my little flower." Harry said, lightly touching her on the chin. The girl couldn't help but let out a giggle; she turned and quickly left the train compartment.

Hermione busted up into laughter as soon as the compartment door closed. Harry turned to her.

"What's so funny?" Harry glanced about her face.

"I can hardly wait?" Hermione mimicked in fits of laughter. "Until then my little flower?" She shook her head still fighting off the laughter, "Honestly Harry, who talks like that?"

"I do for one, the ladies find it very endearing."

"Yeah if you were living in eighteen fifty six." She continued to laugh.

Harry shook his head back and forth, "Oh what do you know about it? Your idea of sweet talk is….Oh tell me about the periodic table of elements one more time." His voice was oddly high pitched as he looked up towards the ceiling of the train, clasping his hands together against his chest and batting his eyes like a flirty girl.

Hermione planted her hands firmly on her hips. "Hey, some people find it endearing about what you can put together and create something pretty special while using the elements, but I don't suspect someone of your low brain waves to understand that." Hermione said with a smile, she then bent and opened her trunk and pulled out her Hogwarts Robe and tossed it gently on the chair.

Harry sat down again and picked up a cup from the cup holder and sipped at his Cherry Fizzy he had gotten from the cart lady when she passed by. Hermione had been asleep and he tried to wake her several times, but she was really bent on having that really interesting dream, whatever it was she was dreaming about. He cleared his throat and set the cup back in the holder, "Aren't you even going to thank me?" He looked right at her.

"For what?" Hermione was slightly confused.

"The blanket and pillow genius." Harry said with a grin.

"Oh those were yours?" Hermione unbuttoned her robe and pulled it on over her clothes. She buttoned it up again. "Well then thank you." She picked up the blanket and pillow handing them back to him.

"Yeah those are mine," He put them back in his trunk. Harry shifted and threw his legs long ways over the rest of the soft bench of the train.

Hermione sat down again. "What made you think of my comfort?"

"You were shivering and you looked cold." He said plainly.

"How could you tell?" Hermione moved a bit so she was sitting with one leg under the other.

"Well." Harry pointed to her breasts, "Your two lovely ladies were popping out saying hello to me."

Hermione scoffed. Her face didn't even turn red, two years ago she would have blushed so brightly she would have looked like a Christmas tree light. But she's been around him for years now she had become immune to his way of teasing and having fun. "Were you checking me out Potter?"

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't." Harry said with a smirk.

"I hope you got a good look; because you're never gonna see anything more." Hermione said.

"Oh I don't know, I bet if I worked my Harry Potter charm on you, you would too fall under the spell." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"The day I fall for you Harry Potter is the day I stand on my head chanting I love Professor Snape and I want to rock his socks." She said crossing her arms defiantly.

"Ugh," Harry made a disgusted face. "What a horrible visual, thank you so much for that Hermione, thank you so very much." He shook his head of the horrible visions, his head snapped up and looked right at her with a smirk plastered across his face. "Hermione, do you know that you talk in your sleep?"

"I do?" She was confused.

"Yeah, what exactly do you dream about?"

"Why do you want to know?" Hermione eyed him suspiciously.

Harry brought his legs down straight, pressed his elbows onto his knees and leaned forward, resting his chin in his hands. "Probably cause you were moaning, making noises, and telling someone what you wanted done, it was as if you were…Oh how do I say this without sounding like a pig… Screwing someone senseless."

At least this time Hermione had the decency to look embarrassed, her face flushed just a bit. She recovered quickly. "What, you don't think girls can have those types of dreams too? Believe it or not, we of the female persuasion have those urges too."

"Hermione, baby, sweetheart. That's what you have me for. I would gladly help you out with your, um… urges.." Harry said taking on the look that makes girls follow him around like little lost puppies.

"No thanks, I at least want to be fond of the person I'm with."

"Ouch, you're not fond of me? That really hurts Hermione." Harry crossed his arms in mock hurt, pouting.

"Oh stop it," She lightly laughed, "you know what I mean."

"Actually I don't." Harry said watching her closely.

Hermione took in a breath and leaned back against the cushion, "I have this vision of how and what I want."

"I'm listening." Not that Harry was planning on going after Hermione, yet for some reason he was really interested in what she had to say.

"Okay," Hermione searched her mind and a cute, tiny smile found its way upon her lips. "I want someone, who wants only me. They have to be kind and not worried about what people think. He has to be gentle yet strong at the same time. He can't be overly protective but he has to watch out for me as I would for him. He has to care about what I have to say and not try to keep me quiet or beat me down; I would in return listen to him giving him the same respect. Most importantly all that I really want, is someone to love me for me."

Harry nodded. "That's quite a list there Hermione, I hope you find what you're looking for."

"I think I found what I've been looking for." Hermione said with a smile.

"And you need my help to get him." Harry thought a moment, there was something nagging him in the back of his mind but the thought wasn't strong enough and it didn't push through. Harry saw someone he was going after last year pass by the window of the compartment windows and stop talking to her friend. He watched her for a moment.

"Unresolved infatuation Harry?" Hermione asked with a smirk.

"You could say that, she's is tough to snag. I have to work extra hard on my attempts this year. This is our last year you know, I don't have all that much time."

"Ah Harry, you know that Kelly is almost nearly impossible to get. She's not easy at all."

"Nearly impossible is not impossible, remember that Hermione."

Hermione looked at Harry's cup, "Can I have some of your drink there?" She asked.

Harry nodded, "Sure." He picked up the cup and handed it to her. He continued to watch Kelly a bit, while Hermione drank from his cup. Kelly left his sight and he sighed. "Does she realize how extremely hot I am for her?"

An evil thought crossed Hermione's mind, "How hot are you for Kelly?" She stepped closer to him.

"Very." He said. Harry felt the train coming to a stop.

Without warning Hermione dumped the entire cup of ice cold cherry juice onto his head. He stood up in a flash, Hermione couldn't help the fits of laughter flowing from her. "There-you-go, that should cool you off."

Harry just looked at her stunned, he was dripping with sticky cherry juice, the corner of his mouth curved to a half grin. And he said one word. "Run."

Hermione's eyes widened and a little squeak burst from her and without a second thought she tore open the doors and ran out of them.

Harry chased after her for awhile until he lost her in the crowd of students, he would so get her back for that. She finally got one up on him, he started chuckling to himself. Harry had to admit it was pretty funny.

He followed the students to the horseless carriages and found one, he sat down and to his surprise he was sitting next to his main target of the year, anyone else is just a bonus. She was reading silently to herself, there was a Nightlight bird sitting on her shoulder so she could see. Harry noticed she was reading a romance novel. "Good book?"

Kelly lowered the book a bit, her eyes were visible over the rim. She lifted a brow just staring for a moment. She didn't even give him an answer, she just brought the book back up covering her face.

"You do know it's rude when you're asked a question and you don't give an answer." Harry said.

Kelly dropped the book looking at him "I would really appreciate it if you did not bother me while I am trying to read." She brought the book back up and continued reading.

He heard two guys laughing who were sitting across from him; Harry just turned and glanced out the window ignoring them. He would have to find some way to get that girl to at least pay attention to him. Harry stayed silent the rest of the journey to Hogwarts thinking up a plan of action.

The carriages pulled up to the school and the students quickly filed out and into the great hall. They sat down at the respective tables and waited for the first years to arrive and get sorted.

The Gryffindors got six first years while the, Ravenclaws got seven, Hufflepuffs got ten and the Slytherins got three. After everyone was seated. Headmaster Dumbledore stood.

"Welcome students to another great year, first on the list is to introduce our Head Boy and Girl. Mr. Harry Potter of Slytherin, and Miss Hermione Granger of Gryffindor." Dumbledore waited for the applause to die down and the then he continued. "I would like to remind you all that, the forbidden forest is off limits to any and every student. Now please enjoy your feast, and have a great evening." Dumbledore waved his hands and a great feast appeared on the table.

The students began eating all they wanted, soon after they were finished Professor McGonagall called Harry and Hermione over to her, and she led them up a flight of stairs, "What would you like as the password dears?"

Harry and Hermione looked at each other.

"How about Sugar Quill?" Hermione suggested.

"Yeah all right that's fine." Harry said.

The three of them walked into the Head Boy and Girl's common room, it wasn't as big as the house common rooms, but then again it was only the two of them. There was one flight of stairs which the students climbed and went to their respective doors. Head Boy and Girl were in gold letters on the doors. They walked inside and found that there was a bathroom in between the two rooms, both Harry and Hermione opened their bathroom doors at the same time. Hermione waved to him and he waved back.

The rooms were both neutral colors, and there was another door that led into each of the house common rooms, it was neat how Harry's common room was all the way down in the dungeons but he had access to his room through the mystical door. Just as Hermione's house common room was all the way at the top of the tower.

Hermione unpacked her belongings and put her clothes away in the wardrobe and the dresser drawers. She sat down on the bed and looked up at the clock on the wall. There was still two hours until curfew, she would make use of the time. She went through the bathroom and into Harry's room.

"These are some rooms aren't they, we actually get them all to ourselves." Harry said. "Imagine how much more action I'm gonna get with my own room and no one to bother me."

"Do you think everyone is gonna fall for that so called charm of yours?" Hermione said with an amused statement on her face.

"Well why not, I'm irresistible." Harry said with an adoring smile

"Sure, okay whatever." Hermione's tone was a bit sarcastic. "Well I'm gonna head to the library for a bit."

"Why, classes haven't even started yet. They wont even start till Monday." Harry always wondered why she spent so much time studying.

"Well we do have N.E.W.T.S this year, not to mention the apparating test. I want to get a good head start." She said

Harry looked at her with concern, "Hermione with all joking aside, don't work your self sick. Studying a lot is one thing, but don't ruin your health over it okay? Promise me you won't hurt yourself over this."

"All right, all right keep your shirt on. I won't risk my health." And she quickly left through his door.

Harry could have said something to her comment, but she was already out the door and gone.

* * *

Hermione had spent two hours in the library working trying to get ahead of everyone else, she wasn't at the top of her class for nothing. She packed up her books and placed them in her bag and raced out of the library. Hermione only had fifteen minutes to get back to her room before Filch would start wandering the halls looking for students. Of course she could say she was just out making the rounds as well, she was in fact Head Girl. And some privileges come along with being Head Girl, being out late was one of them.

She heard footsteps behind her, so she picked up her pace trying to hurry to get back. The footsteps behind her also picked up their pace. Oh, Hermione didn't like this at all. She stopped, dropped her bag on the floor and pulled out her wand. Hermione turned around to face her stalker. She wasn't at all relieved to find that it was Ron Weasley following her.

"What are you doing following me?" Her eyes narrowed in anger.

"We have to talk Granger." Ron said as he stepped closer to her.

"About what?" She so hated him.

"About what in the world do you think your doing being friends with a-"

Hermione cut him off, "Oh please, don't give me that again. You're not in charge of me Weasley, mind your own business."

"This is my business; I will not allow you to associate with such a vile piece of trash like that Slytherin Harry Potter." Ron spat out.

"Just where do you get off telling me who I am allowed to be friends with. If you hate me that much then just leave me be." Hermione's voice was rising in anger. She turned to walk away but Ron grabbed her making her turn around to face him. "Let go of me or I swear to God I will make you suffer." Her teeth were clinched.

"Look Granger, I don't want to hurt you but if I have to beat some sense into you, I will."

"Let go." Hermione said firmly.

"Hey!" A voice echoed through the corridor

Both Ron and Hermione heard a shout from behind them, and they both turned to look at who was talking. Harry was standing right in back of them.

"Let go of her." Harry said, he was angry.

Ron removed his hand from Hermione's arm and stepped back from her. "Oh if it isn't Super Slytherin, coming to save the poor damsel in distress."

"I'm not a damsel in distress you prick." Hermione glared at Ron, "I can hold my own against you any day Weasley, I'm just smart enough to know when not to use magic or violence, although I can't say the same for you."

Harry looked at Hermione, "Why don't you go back to the dorm while I have a little chat with Ronnie here."

Hermione nodded, "Alright," Hermione bent and picked up her bag from the floor and quickly walked in the direction of the Head Boy and Girl's dorm.

As soon as she was out of site Harry turned to Ron, all his pleasantness was gone. He was as angry as Hades. "If you ever touch her again I swear they will find pieces of you all over the school. It is none of your business who she wants to be friends with, even if it's me or that wimp Malfoy."

"Ah, what do you care she's just a stupid Mudblood who doesn't understand the way things work here

Harry enraged grabbed Ron by the robes and shoved him up against the wall, Ron's head hit the wall. "You listen here you little bastard, don't you ever call her that. If you so much as cause her grief, well lets just say there will be one less Weasley kid to worry about." Harry dropped Ron's robs which cause Ron to also fall to the floor. "Stay away from her, or I will-" He couldn't even finish his sentence he was so angry and he stalked off towards his dorm room. He spoke the password and went inside.

Harry walked up the stairs and into his room, he looked down through the bathroom at Hermione's open door. She was sitting on her bed in her bathroom sorting through some type of flash cards. He walked into her room and stood in the archway. "Hey."

She looked up from her flashcards. "Hey." Hermione said with a smile.

"That git didn't hurt you before I got there did he?" Harry's eyes were narrowed.

"Nah." Hermione waved her hand, "I could have handled him myself you know."

Harry grinned, "Yeah, your probably could have."

"But, thanks for showing up anyway Harry. You are a good friend."

"Yes I am." Harry said with a smile, "Well it's getting late, I better get some shut eye." He looked at her flash cards, "And so should you, remember what I said Hermione."

"Yes, yes, don't make myself sick with studying. I got it." Her lips formed a half grin.

Harry chuckled and backed out of the room closing the door behind him.

Hermione yawned, and pushed her flashcards into a pile and placed them on the night stand by her bed. She blew out the candles and pulled the blankets back on her bed and cuddled down into the soft warmth, and closed her eyes. She once again visited the land of dreams


Well that's its for chapter 2, I hope it was better than the first one. Well read and review, thanks Ryoko