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All That She Wants by Ryoko Blue

All That She Wants

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: No way are any of the original HP characters mine they totally belong to J.K. Rowlings. You are nuts to even think that I own this, where do you people get your information. Honestly

All That She Wants

Chapter 5- Kiss The Girl

Hermione stared up at the ceiling still thinking about earlier, she wondered if it always felt like that to kiss someone. What she didn't understand was why would Harry kiss her like that, she remembered it was suppose to be small and it ended up a full blown assault, but it was a rather nice assault. It even seemed that he rather liked kissing her. She found herself smiling, but then her blasted head had to interfere. Hermione sighed, ah but who was she kidding, she knew her friend had a different girlfriend practically every week. She did not want to be one of those; she would rather just stay his friend. Being his friend was safe, that's right safe and secure. Nothing to worry about being his friend, and she was happy just being that.

Hermione also thought about how things would be tomorrow, will he ignore her now? Would he still be the same? She wouldn't want him treating her any different. How would she be? Would she be a stuttering fool and nervous around him now? Would she blush in front of him? Could she still be herself? Or would she put up a false front now? Nah, things wouldn't change that drastic over one silly little kiss, a kiss that was the first one she ever had, sure she would feel a little different.

But then it seemed that Harry didn't want to stop. 'That's right.' Her mind said 'He didn't want to stop. He wants to make you think that he cares about you, because you are harder to get into bed then a Catholic Nun. No, no don't say that. It's not true. He's my friend; he's been a good friend. Yeah but for how long, now that you let him cross one line, it will be even easier to cross the next one. You're defenses are weakening. No they aren't I'm as strong as I always have been. Why did you let him kiss you then? He said it was better to learn with a friend. That's right, it's better with a friend but what kind of friend? One that takes advantage of you? You better be cautious, next thing you know you'll be flat on your back and then-SHUT UP!! He would never treat me so callously, Never, now stop it!!! Fine, just say I didn't warn you. GO AWAY, LEAVE ME ALONE!! Geez you don't have to get bitchy.' And her thoughts stopped bothering her.

Now all that was left was-oh man she was thinking about that blasted kiss again Hermione had to get her mind off of that kiss. 'Okay, okay think about Justin yeah, you need a way to get him to notice you tomorrow, yeah forget about Harry' Hermione nodded. 'Ugh why did I have to think of his name? Damn, damn, damn. Hermione shook her head. She took a deep breath and finally after a few moments she started drifting off to sleep thinking of Justin, she wondered if it would feel the same way kissing him. There was only one way to find out, she would have to make a bigger effort tomorrow. Her mind faded and she was entering the dream world.

Harry woke up early the next morning; he hurried through the shower and got into fresh clothing and his school robe. He stared at Hermione's door wondering how she was doing this morning. How would she react to him now knowing that he had no control last night? He still felt extremely guilty over what happened. Hopefully it was already long forgotten, hopefully. Harry didn't want anything to seem out of the ordinary, he did not want to treat her any differently or for her to treat him any differently. After all last night it was just a kiss; he'd had plenty of those. 'Why was that one any different?' His mind questioned.

Unconsciously he lifted his fingers to his lips, he could still feel her there. The taste of her mouth was so sweet; she wasn't even wearing any lip-gloss nor had anything sweet to eat. But her entire mouth and her lips had a flavor, one that he could only describe as Hermione, 'she should sell her essence she would make a fortune'. He shook his head of the thought, 'what's the matter with you. Snap out of it. That's right it was nothing, its fine I was just frustrated from the other night when I got interrupted with Julie, yeah that was it'. He really had no desire to kiss Hermione, only to help her.

Well she learned a lot then, for some reason he found himself smiling, she was sure a fast learner. 'Stop smiling it was just frustration' His mind shouted at him. Yes, it was simply frustration. That's why he was staring at the door holding himself back from breaking it down and rushing to her only to kiss her like that again. 'No, no, no. Stop it!! No more of those thoughts. But you liked it, you wanted it. No I didn't. Yes you did and you know it. You had no control because you wanted it so badly and so much, that you didn't even hear her tell you to stop. That is so not true. She liked it too. Oh yeah how do you figure? She kissed you back moron. Uh, it doesn't matter I'm not going to think of this anymore. I have to help her with Finch-Fletchley.' For some reason just the thought of that name made his stomach churn. 'Ugh, what is that feeling? Maybe I'll just skip breakfast if I'm not feeling well. No go eat, you'll feel better. Okay.'

Harry knocked on Hermione's door, "Hermione?" His voice sounded oddly high pitched and he coughed clearing his throat. "Hermione are you ready to go down for breakfast?" He pressed his ear to the door and he heard shuffling around.

"Yeah just a second though." He heard her muffled voice from the other side.

"Can I come in?" Harry asked.

"Of course," Hermione answered through the door.

Harry opened the door to her room and stepped inside, she was waving her wand over the bed and the coverlet was gliding over the bed neatly as she was straightening it up.

"You know they do have house elves for that sort of thing?" Harry pointed out.

"I know that, but they do enough work as it is. They don't need to pick up after me." Hermione replied as she fluffed her two remaining pillows and set them on her bed. She had a total of six pillows; she liked to be surrounded in a soft and warm protective shield to keep out the cold, cruel world. And her pillows seemed to do the trick.

"But Hermione it's their job to pick up after you."

Hermione finished with her bed and turned around with a very serious statement on her face. "Harry you know what it's like to pick up after people, it's not fun is it?" Hermione's hands found her hips and she started in one of her long lectures.

Harry couldn't hear a word she was saying, his eyes were focused on her perfect pink lips, talking. The tip of his tongue ran across his bottom lip, she just kept talking and talking. The mere movement of her mouth was sending chills up his spine. Not chills of fear but chills that made him want to feel her mouth on his again; he even took a step forward, he now seemed out of control again. 'Snap out of it, come on wake up. Oh but look at those perfect lips, just one touch that's all. No be a man, forget about it you don't want to kiss her again, think about what happened last time. Does no control ring a bell? But just look at those full beautiful lips, so soft. So sweet. Get a hold of yourself, you don't want-' Harry was shaken out of his thoughts when Hermione was calling his name.

"Harry? Are you listening to me?" Hermione was irritated.

"Uh, yeah. Yes of course I was listening to you." He fibbed. "And I really think you take this house elves thing a little too seriously. Next thing you know you'll be starting some organization like…" He thought a moment. "The Society for the Promotion of Elf Welfare? Which you could shorten to SPEW."

"SPEW?" Hermione scoffed, "That sounds like something I did after I saw your ass the other night." She smirked.

"Oh you know you liked it." He returned her smirk.

"Ha, you think your ass is all that? Let me tell you. It's not worth anything." Hermione said as she picked up her bag from on top of her trunk.

"I wouldn't say that, you gave me a Knut for it." He smiled sweetly.

Hermione shook her head and started towards the door that led into the common room.

"YES!!" He pumped his fist in the air like a crazy fool. "I won a round of wits with you, my first one HA, HA, HA Take that!!" He'd never been happier.

Hermione started laughing as she and Harry started towards the Great Hall for breakfast, "Do you really spend most of your time trying to match wits with me, you couldn't keep up. Your brain is far less developed than mine."

"You're brain isn't the only thing that's developed." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Can't you get your mind out of the gutter for two minutes?" Hermione asked already knowing the answer.

"What do you think?" Harry said with an attractive grin. He was so relived that not much had changed between the two of them, all because of that one kiss he had experienced with Hermione. She was still her same, good ole self. And that's just what he wanted. 'Are you sure that's what you want? Yes, that's what I want. I don't believe you.' His head said to him in a singsong like voice. 'I don't really care' Harry thought back in the same tone. He opened the door to the Great Hall and the two of them entered, going to their tables.

Harry sat his bag on the bench and sat down; he was across from Blaise as usual. "Morning." He said then reaching for the cup filled with juice.

Blaise looked up at him with a smile, "You look like you had a rough night?"

"Uh, yeah." He scratched the back of his head. "I didn't get much sleep. Too much on my mind I'm afraid."

"Like what?" Blaise asked, genuinely concerned.

"Oh it doesn't matter, I'm pretty sure I have everything worked out." Harry said with a smile, and he helped himself to a chocolate chip muffin. Blaise started talking to him but he was more interested in the muffin then to hear the latest gossip, it was usually about him anyway. He got pretty tired about hearing the same things day after day. He wondered if Hermione was one to gossip, and what would she say about him? He hoped whatever it was, that it was good. Why did he even care about what Hermione's opinion of himself was? It's not like he wanted to kiss her again. Nah, of course not.

"You do too want to kiss Hermione Granger." Harry heard and his head shot up looking right at Blaise. "What did you say?" a look of utter shock on his face.

Blaise was downright confused, "I said," She leaned forward on the table. "Did you hear? That boy from Ravenclaw, Hugh Dewtoo wants to kiss Harmony Ginger." She eyed him carefully, "What did you think I said?"

"Nothing, I'm just shocked." Harry coughed, trying to cover up his uncomfortable feelings. "I've just assumed that Hugh was well gay." He glanced around nervously.

"Oh Harry, Hugh is not gay. Far from it." Blaise gave off a soft laugh.

"Well you can never tell these days." Harry said and he put some of the muffin into his mouth. With his other hand he ran his fingers through his unruly hair in frustration, without really realizing it he shifted his gaze to the Gryffindor table. He spotted Hermione looking at that Colin Creevy, the boy just handed her a peach and she accepted it with a smile. Another one of those vultures, Seamus tapped her on the shoulder and she turned her attention to him. Seamus with his arm extended offered her a small collection of violets. Hermione took them with a polite smile.

Hermione sighed. 'I so wish they would stop doing this, but I don't want to cause a riot like last time. You got that right, just accept whatever these low life scum boys want to give you and then be done with them. But I'm not a tease; it might make them think I like this sort of thing. Yeah well Lavender loves this sort of attention, and do you know who's crushing on her. The man of your dreams…Justin. You had better learn to like this; it might be the one thing that gets him to notice you. Are you sure? Trust me Hermione trust me, I know what's right and besides that Blaise gave you a few pointers, listen to her. She knows what goes. Okay then.' Hermione accepted every little present that was offered to her with polite smiles.

Harry scoffed loudly, which caused Blaise to look up from her plate at him. "What's the matter Harry?"

"You don't think she's really falling for all that do you?" Harry said pointing towards the Gryffindor table with his palm extended.

Blaise looked in the direction of where Harry was looking. "What do you mean?" She couldn't really see what he was talking about.

"I'm talking about Hermione, look at that." Harry barked. "Those guys are almost throwing themselves are her feet and she's smiling and having a grand ole time." His tone was bitter but he didn't notice.

Blaise noticed and she smirked, "Well I told her to enjoy herself a little. It's not everyday that someone who's a zero goes to a ten in a matter of a few days. I think it's a good experience for her."

"Yeah, well I don't think its right. Most of those guys, no practically all of them are just...Well they are not right for her." Harry glared down at his half eaten breakfast and poked his fork brutally into the ham, almost as if he intended to kill it.

"Oh, and just who are you to judge who is right for her?" Blaise said crossing her arms on the table and leaning forward.

"I've been her friend for six and a half years, I think I'm a pretty good judge of who would be right for Hermione." He turned slightly; glaring at the Gryffindor table sneering at Hermione's now many admirers. "And it's certainly not any of them."

"Harry, if I didn't know any better I would say that you were jealous." Blaise kept her smirk hidden this time.

"I am not jealous Blaise," he answered a little too quickly. Harry felt his stomach churn and his insides twisting into tight knots. "Not in the least." Harry really hated seeing those other guys giving Hermione all that attention. For some reason it was really, really bugging him.

"Right," Clear disbelief leapt from Blaise's voice.

"I'm just thinking about her welfare, she's supposed to be trying to win Finch-Fletchley's affections. These others are just getting in the way, making it more complicated for her." He said. "In fact I'll make it really easy for her." Harry stood and grabbed his bag.

"Where are you going?" Blaise asked

"We have Charms this morning; I'm going to get a head start." Harry swung his bag over his shoulder and started walking from the Slytherin table over towards the Gryffindor table.

Blaise now totally wondered what he was doing; this wasn't like him at all. She knew for a fact that Harry never left food over on his plate, nor did he rush off when there was at least twenty minutes before class started. She watched Harry as he finally reached the Gryffindor table and rested his hand on Hermione's shoulder. Blaise saw Hermione look up at him as he was talking about something, she couldn't quite make out the words. But Hermione nodded and stood from the table, she too grabbed her bag and if Blaise weren't paying attention, she would have missed Harry reaching down and grabbing a hold of Hermione's hand as he led her from the Great Hall.

Blaise leaned back a little, putting her hand to her chin in thought. She started laughing to herself. "Well this is interesting." Blaise said quietly and returned to her breakfast.

Harry was pulling Hermione from the Great Hall.

"Harry what's up? You don't need help with Charms, that's your second best subject." Hermione pulled her hand from his.

"I know, but you looked like you needed rescuing." Harry said plainly.

"Oh thank God, I was going out of my mind in there." She breathed a sigh of relief.

"So you didn't like all that?" He looked towards the Great Hall doors as they continued walking away.

"Oh of course not, a few days ago those boys didn't even know of my existence and now they are all over me like ants on honey." She shook her head.

"Well you are awfully sweet." Harry said, 'Why did I say that?'

That was odd, 'Why would he say that?' Hermione thought, oh well she shrugged and pushed it to the back of her mind. "It's just that Blaise said that I should enjoy this time, I don't know why I listened to her." Hermione shook her head.

"Well if you want my opinion, you should do what you want. And not worry about Blaise. Blaise is kinda a flirty and well that's just not who you are."

Hermione stopped, "What do you mean that's not how I am?" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, she felt kind of insulted; how dare he think just because she is a bookworm doesn't mean she can't be flirty as well. "I could be flirty if I wanted too."

That was the last thing he wanted, he did not want her being flirty. He could barely take what he saw in the Great Hall. But he felt that she was insulted so he had better try to set it right. "I didn't mean it like that; of course you can be flirty. But you really should be yourself, don't try to copy Blaise."

"If you didn't want me copying Blaise then why did you ask her to help me?" Hermione's hands found her hips in irritation.

"I just wanted her to help you feel better about yourself, not to be an exact copy of her. I certainly wouldn't want that." Harry paused realizing what he had said; "I mean one Blaise is already more than enough." He added quickly.

Hermione laughed, "Well you certainly have a point there." She sighed, "Thanks for coming to my rescue and all. But I must get to History of Magic. I'll see you at lunch." Hermione smiled and took off down the corridor.

She saw Justin heading in her direction, so had to think of something quick. Her mind snapped and she had just the thing. Hermione held her head down as she walked towards him, and just as planned she walked right into him knocking them both to the ground. Both Justin and Hermione looked at each other for a moment. But he immediately bent and started picking up his belongings from off the floor.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." Justin said. "I wasn't looking where I was going." He started gathering up his book and papers that were everywhere.

"Oh no, no it's my fault. I should have paid more attention." Hermione said as she helped him pick up his papers. She was handing to him, but he wasn't looking at her. Justin was looking over her head at Lavender who was talking to her friends. He didn't even thank Hermione as he took his papers from her hand and stood up. Without so much as a backwards glance he headed in the direction of Lavender. Hermione turned around a bit seeing Lavender, how pretty she looked in her robes of peach. Hermione sighed and stood up, collecting her bag and continued on down the corridor to her class.

* * *

Hermione tried several times that week to get Justin's attention, but nothing was working. He was a dense and dense could be. Hermione had one more chance, she rushed up to Justin who was walking with Draco from their Herbology class, and she had come from Care of Magical Creatures.

"Excuse me but do you happen to know what time it is?" Hermione asked while batting her eyes in a similar fashion to what Lavender does.

Justin looked at his watch, "Uh yeah." He lifted his head to tell her. "Um, are you okay, do you have something in your eye?" Justin asked clearly concerned that there might be something wrong.

"No." She sighed quietly and she stopped looking ridiculous. Hermione didn't hear Justin tell her the time, she wasn't interested. She watched as Justin and Draco continue on walking towards the school for dinner. Hermione felt awful, nothing was going right for her, absolutely nothing. Hermione headed in the direction of the Great Hall when she heard a rude, arrogant voice behind her. It was none other than Ron Weasley.

"Well, well trying to get your claws into Finch-Fletchley I see." He chuckled.

"Leave me alone Weasel." Hermione said.

He quickly jumped in front of her stopping her in her tracks. "I don't think so, this time there is no Potter around here to protect you, I will say what I've been wanting to say. You have a habit of picking the wrong people to associate with. You hang around with scum like that Slytherin Potter. Lavender is sexy and beautiful, nothing at all like you. You are just ugly, and nasty. One look at you and people might turn to stone. Even though you fixed your hair, it still looks like shit. Ugh brown, how common, how dull. Not to mention those eyes. Gah, stab me already, end my misery from looking at you. Finch-Fletchley sees the exact same thing I see. Someone should drown you; the world would be a much better place without you in it.

"You're an asshole." Hermione spat out.

"And you're just a Mudblood bitch," He laughed. "No matter what you do to yourself, you will never be worth anything. You will always be a nobody, a worthless pile of hair and you probably have fleas as well. You should get out now, spare yourself from further humiliation." Ron smirked evilly. "Furthermore I think you should- " Ron was cut off as Hermione lifted her wand saying "Petrificus Totalus. " And he fell to the ground stiff as a board.

Hermione pocketed her wand and walked over to Ron, She stood over his face and bent down a bit, she opened her mouth and gathered a nice glob of spit within her mouth, she let it drop slowly from her mouth, landing right on his forehead. "Have a nice evening Weasel." She said with a smirk and walked away from him.

She didn't feel too hungry anymore; Ron was enough to make anyone lose their appetite. Hermione knew she shouldn't let Ron's words get to her, but they did just the same. They were very hurtful, enough to bring tears to her eyes. But she would never show the enemy weakness. Hermione decided to skip dinner; she made her way up to her room and closed the door behind her.

While entering the Great Hall, Harry saw Kelly ahead of him. He moved quickly so that he was walking next to her. She was reading 'The Finer Things'. "How far have you gotten?" He asked pointing to her book.

"Near the end." She answered plainly.

"Did Violet already leave for Paris?" He asked.

"Yes." Kelly shook her head and then dropped the book looking up at him in shock, "You've read this? The whole thing I mean." She asked.

"Yes I did." He answered proudly.

"Really?" Her eyes lit up, and she gave him a small smile.

"Really." He smiled.

"Did he let her keep the baby?" Kelly asked politely.

"Ah, I wouldn't want to spoil it for you. Why don't you finish it and then we can discuss it sometime."

Kelly smiled, "Yeah, why not. I would like that. Not too many people around here read these books you know, it's hard to find someone to discuss it with."

"Well as soon as you finish we'll make a night of discussion." Harry smiled, and she smiled back before heading off to her table.

'YES!!' Harry shouted in his mind. He continued towards his table as well.

"I see you finally got more then two words out of Kelly." Blaise said as Harry sat down in his usual seat.

"Yep, that book idea was brilliant." Harry said with a smile.

Blaise sniggered. "Hermione told me you were actually reading it, and she mentioned that you really liked it."

"Well I'm so glad you find my reading a laughing matter." Harry said as he piled food onto his plate. He listened carefully to everything Blaise said, over the past week he had been hearing things about him wanting to kiss Hermione. He was losing his mind. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

"Did you see how hard Hermione was trying to get Justin's attention, poor girl on Monday she even knocked him down on purpose." Blaise glanced down into her roast beef. "Sometimes I really feel for her, she's trying much too hard. In fact where is she, she's not over there at the Gryffindor table."

Harry shrugged, "I don't know where she is. And that Finch-Fletchley is an idiot Blaise." Harry said shaking his head, "Someone would have to actually hit him over the head with the information for him to be able to see past his nose. Hermione is a great girl, he doesn't know what he's passing up."

"Is that so Harry, how great of a girl is she?" Blaise asked, she listened as Harry went on explaining to her why Hermione was so great. Blaise hid her snigger; he didn't even realize he was smiling as he talked about Hermione. "It sounds like you know her pretty well Harry, better then anyone."

"Well we have been friends awhile." Harry answered.

"It also sounds like you might have certain feelings for her." Blaise said carefully.

Harry's eyes narrowed in thought, "What kind of feelings, the only feelings I have for Hermione are friendship."

"Harry I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but you know what feelings I'm talking about." Blaise saw him look away from her, she was going to explain. "You don't realize how protective you are of her; you don't let anyone hurt her. And if they do you turn right around and hurt them. She's the only one that can ease your troubles, I've seen it. And lately you haven't been too keen in helping her with Justin. Sure in the beginning you were all for it, and even then I'm not sure you were. What happened, what changed?"

"Nothing, everything is the same." Harry said in irritation. "I don't care of Finch-Fletchley is the one she wants." His voice was slightly bitter, but he still didn't catch it.

"Harry, have you heard yourself lately. You are extremely jealous, its all over you face, and I hear it in your voice." Blaise sighed, "Well at least you don't go and take your jealousy out on her, but you take it out on every other male within Hogwarts that looks at her twice.

"How can I be jealous? I have never been jealous a day in my life. How am I supposed to know what that feels like?"

Blaise shook her head in disbelief, "Sometimes I really feel sorry for you, you are in the pit of denial."

"Actually, denial is a river in Egypt." He said not really trying to be funny, that was the lamest joke he had ever heard.

"Harry you need to get some new material, that's joke is so old." Blaise said with a smile.

"Just to prove to you that I am not jealous, watch this." Harry stood. He had something on his mind. He was going to tell that Justin Finch-Fletchley exactly what to do. Harry moved quickly towards the Hufflepuff table.

Draco looked up and saw Harry coming towards them and patted Justin hard on the shoulder. Justin looked up at Draco.

"What?" Justin was a bit irritated with Draco hitting him, he saw Draco pointing ahead to Harry.

"I think he knows." Draco said.

"Knows what?" Justin said confused.

"You know." Draco made a little eyebrow signal.

Justin looked up at Harry and his eyes grew wide as he heard Harry's voice.

"Finch-Fletchley we have to talk." Harry said very seriously.

Justin gulped down a breath of air and stood, "Sure." Justin felt so nervous as he followed after Harry. The two boys left the Great Hall.

As soon as they were out of the Great Hall, Justin immediately started rambling, "Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to knock her down it was an accident, and then I didn't even look at her long. Sure she was looking really pretty, but I didn't stare."

"What are you talking about?" Harry stood there confused.

"You're not going to beat me up?" Justin asked carefully.

"No, why would I do a thing like that?" Harry noticed Justin was confused. "I did not bring you out here to beat you up; I wanted to talk to you about Hermione." He felt himself tense, but he stayed the course.

"Okay." Justin eyed him carefully.

"Since the beginning of the school Hermione has been trying to get you to take notice of her, she really likes you." Harry felt his stomach tighten again.

"She-she does?" Justin looked towards the ground. "Why are you telling me this, is this some kind of joke?" His eyes narrowed.

"It's no joke, why would you think that?" Harry crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well she is your girlfriend, why would you be telling me this unless it was a joke?" Justin looked up at Harry. He hated being less than six foot it was so annoying. But then again Harry was only six two but it still felt horrible for him to be only five eleven.

"What?" Harry shook his head, "You think Hermione is my girlfriend?" For some reason that sounded rather nice, but he pushed that thought away. "What makes you think that?"

"So she's not your girlfriend? That means she's available." Justin's face seemed to light up, "I've been going after Lavender because I thought Hermione already belonged to someone. And it turns out she doesn't. Oh wow."

Harry thought he looked ready to hover off the ground, "Whoa there, don't go and float away. Hermione thinks you don't like her at all."

"Oh I have always liked her. She looks even better now that she pressed down that big bush of hair." Justin admitted.

Harry's eyes narrowed as his fists clenched at his sides, he wanted to punch him for that comment; he thought her hair was just fine before. But he restrained himself; it wouldn't get on Hermione's good side if he rearranged her lovers face. "Yeah, sure." He said through clinched teeth.

"Well thanks for setting me straight about you and Hermione, now I don't have to chase after Lavender anymore." Justin started walking away, "Wow Hermione likes me."

That was the last thing Harry heard before Justin went into the Great Hall to finish dinner and he glared horridly at the doors. 'He's totally wrong for Hermione, what a superficial geek. She deserves so much better. Yeah, true but Justin is what she wants. But still, there are way better wizards than him. What like yourself? No, I didn't say that, no but you're thinking it. Ugh, no I'm not. Stop plaguing me with these thoughts; I do not want Hermione no, no, no. That's right you don't just want her, you love her. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! I DO NOT LOVE HER, I DO NOT LOVE ANYONE!!! Then go tell her the good news about Justin. Fine I will.' Harry started down the hall and he came upon Ron who was lying on the ground, he started laughing. He moved over towards Ron and looked down at him, the red headed boy's eyes were darting back and forth in nervousness. Harry noticed a nice big spit glob on his forehead. He continued laughing as he walked from Ron.

Harry searched everywhere for Hermione, the library. The classrooms. Finally he decided to check her room. Harry went right up the stairs and knocked on the door. "Hermione are you in there?"

"Just go away Harry." Her voice was muffled through the door.

Harry pressed his ear to the door, "Hermione."

"I want to be alone, go away."

He could sense the cracking in her voice, she certainly had been crying. "Come on Hermione, I'm not going to go away. Is there a reason why Weasley is lying petrified in the hallway?"

"Because he's an asshole."

"Hermione? I have some good news, will you let me in?" He waited.

"The door is not locked, do what you want." Hermione said.

Harry opened the door and stepped inside and closed it after him. He saw her sitting on her bed, "I have great news for you, I was talking with-" He stopped in mid sentence seeing her in pain, she was still in tears. All thoughts of Justin leapt from his mind. "Oh, what's wrong?" Harry stepped nearer to her deep concern etched in his face.

"Nothing." She looked down into her lap and rubbed her tears away. "Just the things that red headed asshole says."

Harry felt his temper boil; he was going to hurt Ron as soon as he's done here. "I should have been with you." Harry said bitterly.

"Oh Harry, you can't be with me all the time. It's not your fault what Ron said or did." Hermione sniffled.

"I don't care, no one should hurt you. No one." He reached out and pulled her to him, holding her safely in his embrace.

"I know they are just words, but what if he's right? No matter what I do I will always be just some nobody with a bush for hair." She sniffled.

Harry pushed her back from him and looked her right in the eye, "You are not a nobody, you are very amazing and caring young lady. You are not just a bookworm, you are gentle and honest. The most honest girl I know." His hands gently cupped her cheeks, "And if they can't see how truly amazing you really are, then they just aren't worth it. They are not good enough for you."

She gave a soft smile. "Really?"

He nodded and saw her smile, he felt his heart flutter with how bright and beautiful her simple smile was. Without really thinking he pressed his lips against her forehead, lingering longer than he should. He pulled back a little; his eyes were closed as he moved down and pressed his lips against her cheek. He could still taste the salt from her tears, but to him it was a taste as sweet as honey. Harry pulled back looking at Hermione, her eyes were half closed. Without any control he found himself nearing her mouth, he was watching her so carefully but he couldn't find the strength to pull or push her away. His mouth was a not even an inch from hers when she spoke.

"What are you doing?" She whispered breathlessly, her heart pounding hard inside her chest.

"I don't know." He answered just as quiet.

"Har-" She was cut off by his mouth taking hers.

His kiss was much different then the other night, this time he did not hold anything back. Harry kissed with such a hungered need that he didn't even let her have time to closer her mouth in way that would tell him no. He wanted this so much that nothing was going to ruin it. What was more surprising was that she was kissing him back just as vigorously. His tongue explored her mouth, running along the roof and to clash powerfully against hers, she let out a soft gasp, which in turn made him kiss her harder. One of his arms circled about her waist pulling her tight against him.

Harry ripped his mouth from hers, only to attack her neck with his lips, Hermione gave out a moan of pleasure as she felt his tongue and lips glide down her neck, the hollow of her throat. 'God this feels good!!' Her mind shouted, 'But it's not right, he's your friend he shouldn't be doing this.' "Harry you-" She was cut off again with his mouth returning to hers where her thoughts of stopping him were pushed away. She wasn't even aware of him pressing her down against he soft comforter, his mouth continued to take hers, but this time slowly, almost as if wanting to make the moment last longer.

Hermione groaned when she felt his hand travel down over her breast, she gasped loudly at that, no one had ever touched her. Ever. It was a glorious feeling, one she didn't want to stop. Oh she wanted more. Her arms went around him so tightly that he was pressed against her. Hermione's mouth was nearly attacking his, harder and harder she kissed him, she did not want to let go. Hermione cried out when his hand went underneath her sweater, his fingers resting on her tummy. That startled her a bit, she never knew him to be so bold, especially with her. Hermione tried to pull away but he wasn't letting her, her protests soon faded as she fell into his kiss again. Lost to the sensations, she felt his fingers rub lightly against the side of her breast, her heart lurched and she felt her stomach tighten. Harry kissed her harder, stronger and more persistent.

A strange fear crept over her when she felt his other hand travel lower on her tummy, heading towards the V between her thighs. 'Oh my God, this has to stop.' Her mind shouted. 'This is my friend, he's not suppose to be doing this.' Hermione pushed against him and pulled her mouth from his. "Harry you have to stop."

Once again he didn't hear her words, but something in the tone of her voice made him stop as if waking up from a dream. He was looking down at her. This time he wasn't sorry, he had wanted that. But from the looks of it she wanted it too. He wanted to kiss her again, and he tried to but she moved away at the last second.

"No." She said. "Uh, please let me up." Hermione said without looking at him.

Harry then noticed he was practically on top of her, she felt so good beneath him that he really didn't want to move. Maybe he could persuade her to stay like this just a little longer. He lifted her chin with gentle fingers so she could look him in the eye; his hand caressed her cheek tenderly, his emerald gaze staring intensely into her deep brown.

She saw an unfamiliar look in his eyes, something that could be described as passion, but was it passion for her as herself or just because she is the next female. Why did she even care if he was looking at her like that? It was affecting her so powerfully that she felt it hard to breathe. She was weakening against whatever power he had. She felt his breath on her cheek as his mouth was nearing hers again. Harry felt her tense.

"Just relax, I won't hurt you." He felt the strong urge to kiss her again.

Hermione did the exact opposite; she panicked. "Get of me!" She practically yelled, and Harry totally jumped off of her and she rolled off the bed landing on her feet. "You-you can't do this, not to me." She said backing up slowly.

Harry tried to reach out for her but she quickly jumped back, out of the way of his grasp. "Hermione I-" He stopped in mid sentence because she had turned not even waiting for an explanation and she raced out the door. The last thing he heard was the portrait slamming shut. She was gone.

Sighing with the deepest regret Harry sat down on the edge of Hermione's bed, what had he done, he rested his head in his hands squeezing his eyes shut tightly. Harry couldn't believe it; he had just ruined their friendship. He blamed himself he couldn't resist kissing her, or even thinking about her. All week he's had thoughts of nothing but her. Why was she affecting him like this? Waves of emotions come over him, he was confused. Maybe Blaise was right was he in love with Hermione. 'OH GOD NO!' He did not want to be in love, not with anyone. 'NO, no I'm not in love. There is no such thing as love. Then explain what you are feeling for Hermione. It's not love. It can't be. Then what is it smart guy? It's just infatuation. Yeah well infatuation never felt like this. I am not in love. All right if you're not in love stay away from her, that should cure you of your infatuation. Stay away from her? Yes, stay away from her and make her stay away from you. Stop your friendship, you don't need her anyway.' Harry nodded to his thoughts. He would get her to stay away; he couldn't deal with these emotions, not now. Not ever. Harry made his decision; he was going to end his friendship with Hermione. It was the only way to save himself. Hermione was a big girl she can take care of herself, petrified Ron was clue enough. Tomorrow it would all be over.


Well that's it for chapter 5 stay tuned for chapter 6. Remember read and review. I'd like to say that I did not make up the book The Finer Things, it's a romance novel by my favorite author Brenda Joyce, check out her work. It's excellent