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All That She Wants by Ryoko Blue

All That She Wants

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: No way are any of the original HP characters mine they totally belong to J.K. Rowlings. You are nuts to even think that I own this, where do you people get your information. Honestly :)

All That She Wants

Chapter 6-I Won't Say I'm In Love

Hermione sat at her usual table in the library; this was always a comforting place to run to when she was troubled. And boy was she ever troubled. She opened Hogwarts; a History and began scanning the pages. As Hermione was lost within the world of her book, a group of girls came wandering into the library and sat at the table next to hers. They were gossiping and loudly at that. Hermione heard several different topics but one perked her attention more than usual.

"Oh and Cybil I totally agree with you. Yes what gentle hands that Harry Potter has too." She sighed.

"I mean I'm not even jealous of you, he treated me with the utter most respect and patience. He never rushes, always takes his time." Cybil said with a smile.

Hermione didn't like eavesdropping, it was wrong. She closed up her book and was going to leave.

"Oh Holly look it's his friend, let's go talk to her." Cybil announced.

"Yeah, she has got to know more about him then we do," Holly replied.

Both girls walked over to Hermione's table smiling goofily at her. "You are Harry Potter's friend right?"

Hermione looked at the two girls, "Yes." She tried to get up.

"Oh please don't leave; we want to talk to you about him." Cybil smiled.

"It sounds like you know him pretty well already." Hermione replied as she tucked her book underneath her arm and turned from the table.

"Well we want to know what he's like, without all the romance and flattery he feeds us." Holly replied jumping in front of Hermione. "What's he really like?"

"Couldn't you please stay and talk with us for a little bit?" Cybil whimpered joining her friend in front of Hermione.

Hermione noticed the girls looked like they were ready to cry if she didn't share what she knew about Harry. "Look if you want to know about him, ask him yourself."

"It's not that easy, we've tried." Holly said. "He never tells us anything like that, but I'm sure you being his friend and not anything more, would know." Holly clasped her hands together in a begging fashion. "So please tell us." Her lower lip stuck out in a pout.

"Alright, what do you want to know?" Hermione sighed giving in.

"What's his favorite holiday?" Cybil's eyes were wide with wonder.

"Christmas," Hermione answered.

"His favorite food?" Holly asked.

"Anything he can fit in his mouth." Hermione sat down again at the table.

"His favorite color?" Cybil sat next to Hermione.

"Blue." Hermione leaned back a bit.

Holly and Cybil went back and forth asking Hermione trivial questions, just simple things. The questions started getting much harder. Like when was Harry's first romantic experience, Hermione of course knew, since he ran to her after telling her how great it was. And why does he hate Ron Weasley so much. Hermione told them that it was a number of things, but more importantly that Ron was just a jerk. Hermione actually started laughing and having a good time with these two girls as she just talked with them about Harry and how many really idiotic things he had done, but mostly about how nice and wonderful he really was.

"So it seems that you two really look out for each other." Cybil said with a smile.

"Yeah, I suppose so." Hermione glanced down at her fingernail that she was tracing along the tabletop.

"It also sounds like you might have a little thing for him yourself." Holly wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Hermione's head snapped up, as she looked right at Holly. "What makes you say that?"

"We just spent a whole hour and half talking about Harry, and you know everything about him, and your face lights up when you talk about him." Holly said with a smile.

"Yeah, I noticed that too." Cybil replied she watched Hermione looked between both of them. "It seems like to me anyway that you might be in love with the guy, and if how you described him to us, that he might be in love with you too." Cybil said as she and Holly stood.

Hermione was speechless, as the two girls smiled knowingly at her. Holly and Cybil left the library and Hermione to think about what the girls had just told her. Hermione sighed and leaned back in her chair. 'In love with him, me? It is possible. No I can't be. Yes you can, after all you didn't stop him from kissing you twice, you wanted him to. But that doesn't mean anything. He always makes you happy, he protects you. He has never let you down, he knows you're thoughts and he cares about what you have to say. Remember your list? He fits every aspect of your list. Except the wants only me part. Then admit it, you base your list on his qualities and how he treats you. You are in love with him. Yes okay I am in love with him. I LOVE HARRY!! But there's still the part about the wanting only me, remember? Well you won't know that until you find out.'

She nodded. Hermione summoned up her so called Gryffindor bravery, she was going to tell him exactly how she felt and hopefully he would feel something other then just friendship. But if he didn't it would be all right, she wouldn't push him on it. Hermione left the library in search of Harry.


"You what?" Blaise asked not really shocked.

"I kissed her, twice." Harry said shaking his head; he wondered why Blaise was smiling. "Didn't you hear what I said? I kissed her; I can't believe I let myself get carried away like that."

"Yes I heard perfectly, you kissed her. And it seems that you liked it." Blaise's smile was even wider.

"Well yeah I did, but that's not the point." He leaned against the wall of the corridor, burying his face within his hands, a sign of distress.

"Harry." Blaise rested her hand on his shoulder. "It's not the end of the world. Just admit that you're in love with her and you liked her."

"I won't say I'm in love Blaise, I won't because I'm not." He shook his head 'at least out loud you won't say you're in love. NO I'M NOT, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! STOP THIS!! There is not such thing as love.' Harry stood to his full height, shaking the thoughts from his head. The next time he saw Hermione, he would end their friendship. He had to, to save his sanity.

Hermione stopped her search, he wasn't anywhere. She checked the Head Boy's room, a couple of hidden rooms he liked to stay in when he felt things were getting to hectic and he wanted to be alone. Hermione sighed thinking that she wasn't going to find him, and she continued on down the corridor. She heard two people talking and much to her relief and surprise there was Harry talking with Blaise.

She felt a new nervousness sweep over her, why should she be so nervous to talk to him. It wasn't that big of a deal, was it? 'No, of course not, don't be silly. Just go talk to him, see where it stands, just friendship or possibly something more.'

Harry heard footsteps coming toward him; he turned and saw Hermione coming down the corridor carrying a book. 'What else would she be carrying?' He smiled a bit, knowing that Hermione loved to read; no matter what it was she would find a different world written within the pages, only imagination to fuel the fire. He shook his head 'No, no stop thinking about her.' She walked right up to him, with a sort of uneasy smile. She was certainly distressed about something.

Hermione cleared her throat. "There's something we need to talk about." She said looking up at him. She looked over at Blaise. "Privately."

Blaise smiled and moved away from them; of course she didn't go far. She wanted to be able to hear what was being said.

Harry crossed his arms over his chest, something he never did when talking to her. "What is it?" He said no emotion in his voice.

"Well about what happened earlier, I'm sorry I freaked out." She glanced down at her feet. "I was just confused." Hermione noticed he seemed distant and almost cold towards her. Maybe it was just her own mind playing tricks on her again. 'Just say it!!' Her mind shouted at her. "What I…I wanted to say was, that I…think… Uh what I mean to say is-" Her mind interrupted her thoughts 'He almost looks bored listening to you ramble on and on. Just say it and get it over with.' Hermione took a breath. "I think that I love you." She waited.

'No!! She didn't just say that, did she? Yes she did. Hell.' Harry took a deep breath 'I'm sorry Hermione but this is for your own good, as well as mine. You will thank me for it later.' He gave off a slight chuckle. "You do, do you?" He laughed again. "Well then my plan worked, just a little too late."

Hermione was confused; she wondered what was so funny and what was too late. She was about to ask when Harry spoke again.

Harry said with a smirk, "I have already given up on you, I had tried for years."

"What are you talking about?" Hermione was still confused.

"I suppose I had better be blunt, you just aren't grasping it. And for someone who's as smart as you I assumed you would have figured it out by now." He saw Hermione's left hand clinch, she was getting mad. He just insulted her intelligence. Harry took in a deep breath. 'I am so sorry Hermione, but I have to do this. I'm so sorry.' "You think I was spending my time with you for fun?" He laughed. "I don't do anything for free; there is always some kind of reimbursement of my time, if you understand what I am saying."

"I'm afraid I don't have any idea of what you are talking about." Hermione's eyes narrowed.

Harry smiled "You told me that you love me, oh how sweet. How nice for you." His grin faded, "Did you think I would return your feelings?" He laughed, almost cruelly. Man this was killing him; he saw tears swelling in her eyes as well as her other hand clutched her book, hard as she held it at her side. "Oh my you did, didn't you? Well, well my easily deceived Hermione. I don't love you, I could never love you. I was never really interested in being a friend to you, I can barely stand you." He said with disgust. "You are horrible. Irritating. Annoying. A down right pest. Who in their right mind could ever want to love you?"

Harry kept well in character as he saw that her tears were now spilling over and running down her cheeks, he felt sick. 'I am so sorry Hermione.' Yet he continued. "You just grew into an amazing body so I added you to my list; I figured if I were closer to you, it would be fairly easy. Boy how wrong I was." Nothing but pure sarcasm echoed through the hall, Harry's eyes narrowed in false bitterness. "You just took too damn long and I got tired of waiting. So I'm finished." He waited for what was to come, whatever it was he could take it. If she retaliated with curses, he could dodge them. If she was going to hurt him physically he could hold her off. He was ready for anything.

Her tears were flowing freely now; she didn't even try to hide them. This was far worse then anything, even worse than Ron Weasley. She trusted Harry Potter, boy what a fool she had been. Hermione had never felt so low, so betrayed in her entire life. She wanted to hurt him. Really bad. But she kept her dignity; he wasn't going to get a rise out of her. Hermione simply turned on her heels and left him standing there without so much as speaking a word to him.

"You're an idiot." Blaise said who seemed to appear out of nowhere. Her eyes were narrowed and she was looking at him with such disappointment.

Harry shook his head 'This is for the best; it's for her own good. Yes it is. I don't need Hermione, I'm fine on my own.' He noticed that Hermione was walking at a slow pace, she hadn't gotten very far, her head was lowered and she lifted a free hand to her cheeks wiping away some of her tears. A sudden surge of anger and bitterness engulfed him when he saw who was heading straight towards Hermione, she wasn't paying attention.

They wouldn't stop falling; she couldn't get them to stop. Hermione continued on down the corridor clutching her book to her chest. She wasn't looking where she was going and ran into something solid managing to knock her book from her hands. It fell to the floor with a loud clunk. "Crap" She muttered. Realizing that she ran into someone, she quickly apologized "Oh excuse me." Hermione bent to pick up the book.

"Let me get it." The male voice said. He bent and picked up the book for her. "Here you go."

Hermione looked up and saw Justin with a smile on his face holding her book out to her. "Thanks." She sniffled and took the book for him. Hermione wasn't even thrilled to see him.

Justin noticed the tears in her eyes. "Oh what's the matter?"

"Oh…n-nothing," Hermione paused a moment. "I…just received a bad mark, that's all." She lied. "Everyone knows how bent I am on perfection. Especially when it comes to education."

"Yes I had heard about that." He smiled. "Hey don't worry about it; I'm sure you'll bring up that bad mark in no time at all."

Hermione wondered what brought on his sudden change; he was actually talking to her. More then two words even. She was slightly confused. All Hermione wanted to do right now was go to bed. She didn't care how early it was, Hermione wanted to escape this horrid nightmare of a day.

"You know what always makes me feel better?" Justin asked. He noticed this seemed to get her attention. "Ice cream."

Hermione smiled lightly, though her tears were still silently falling.

"No really, whenever I'm sad or depressed, ice cream always makes me feel better. Would you like to accompany me to the kitchens for some?" Justin smiled.

"I'm afraid I wouldn't be very good company." Hermione tried to smile, but found it impossible.

"I'm sure they have chocolate, I heard you have a great love of chocolate ice cream." Justin said in a knowing voice.

"Where did you hear such a thing?" Hermione felt herself smiling.

"Oh just around, so what do you say?" Justin offered with a smile.

Hermione sighed, "Well, I suppose a little ice cream wouldn't hurt."

Justin's smile widened and Hermione started walking down the corridor. He caught up to her and they moved together down towards the kitchens.

Harry watched them walking away with an awful scowl on his face, Blaise noticed this.

"You brought this on yourself you know." Blaise said with a smirk.

"What are you talking about?" He glanced down at her.

"Harry sometimes, you just really…well you really just fuck things up." Blaise also walked down the corridor away from Harry.


Early Saturday morning Harry still sleepy walked into the bathroom and began his morning rituals. He had stayed up really late last night, why he was waiting for Hermione to come in was beyond him, but he had waited and she had never come back to the room. Either she had and not bothered to wake him since he had fallen asleep on the sofa in the common room. Or she stayed out all night. Harry felt a jolt run though him as he wondered what Hermione could possibly be doing all night. 'Oh no you don't stop it; you aren't suppose to worry about that. You ended your friendship; she can take care of herself.

Harry noticed the shower was already wet, that meant that Hermione had used it. Well maybe that proves she came back last night after all. He turned on the shower and stepped into it, giving himself a good wash. After at least fifteen minutes he turned off the water and dried off. He proceeded to get dressed for the day.

His morning rituals consisted of showering, dressing, brushing teeth and other small things like that. And to see if Hermione was ready for breakfast. Out of routine he knocked on her door and called out her name. He quickly made a face 'Oops I forgot.' Harry gritted his teeth waiting for a rush or curses or something from the other side. But nothing was heard, it was silent. He turned the handle to find the door unlocked, he pushed the door open slowly and peeked in. The room was empty; Hermione was not in there. He sighed, oh well it was time for breakfast anyway.

Harry walked into the Great Hall, he instantly spotted Hermione at the Gryffindor table, and she was noticeably quiet, simply picking at her food. Seamus who was next to her was peeling an orange for her, he held it out and Hermione without even looking at Seamus or anything took it from his hand and started pulling it apart. Harry shook his head and stopped staring at her. He made his way to the Slytherin table and sat down across from Blaise.

"So how was your night?" Blaise asked.

"Fine." Harry immediately began piling food onto his plate.

"You don't sound find." She continued eating her grapefruit.

"I'm fine Blaise." He said a little bitterly, not really meaning his tone.

A lone owl flew in the Great Hall and over to the Gryffindor table, hovering above Hermione. She could feel all eyes on her as the owl dropped something in front of her. He caught the package before it hit the table. It was wrapped in gold foil. Several girls leaned over to see what she had.

"What is it?" Someone asked to her right.

"I-I don't know." Hermione said as she glanced at the package.

"Well why don't you open it and see." Said Holly who was across from her.

Hermione nodded and took off the silver ribbon that was around the gold package. She ripped the foil off and found another plain brown box. She took a knife from off the table and plunged into the well-taped ends. Hermione pulled open the flaps and saw a most impressive silver box; it had engravings of doves on it. She pulled the silver box from it's confinement and placed it on the table.

"Oh wow." Holly breathed out, "I have seen these in Hogsmeade, and they are really expensive.

"Who would have given me something like this?" Hermione thought that accepting these silly little gifts from fellow students was all right, but this. This was something that actually cost money, and a whole heck of a lot of money at that. She looked about The Great Hall for any sign of the person who sent this to her. She saw Justin waving to her from the Hufflepuff table, he also pointed to his chest telling her that he gave her the gift. Hermione looked at him in amazement. She really didn't want gifts like this, but Justin was actually paying attention to her. She really didn't want to mess that up now; especially since Harry…well she didn't want to think about Harry at all. Hermione accepted the gift and gave him a soft smile and mouthed a thank you to him. She saw him smile.

"Now that's a gift." Blaise breathed out, she heard a grunt from across from her. She looked straight and noticed Harry was gripping his fork so tight that his whole hand was turning white. She reached out and grabbed the fork from him so he wouldn't hurt himself. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Nothing," Harry said glaring down at his plate, for some reason he really hated that Justin Finch Fletchley. He didn't hate him before, but now just thought of Justin made him want to hit something. 'Yeah his face.' Harry's head said. He quickly finished off his breakfast at rapid speed. As soon as he was done, he stood up and raced from the Great Hall without looking back at anyone.

Blaise never knew him to eat so quickly, and then out of the corner of her eye she saw students begin to leave the Great Hall for a fun relaxing Saturday. She was never in a rush so she let the mob of students go first. Blaise took a breath and saw Justin pat Draco on the shoulder and left his side. He was walking quickly over to Hermione who still had her bag with her. Blaise guessed she was going to the library, she wondered if she was going there to study or to stay away from Harry.

"I noticed you carrying you bag, would you like me to carry it for you?" Justin offered.

"Oh no that's alright, I can manage." Hermione said as she started walking towards the Great Hall doors.

"So what are your plans for today?" Justin kept in step with her.

"Well I was going to the library to study; we have a test in Charms and History of Magic on Monday. So I thought I would study a bit for it today." Hermione said.

"Well could I study with you?" He asked with a smile.

"Sure, I suppose." She smiled back. "Why don't you go get your books and meet me in the library?"

"Great, I'll just be a few minutes." Justin quickly fled from the Great Hall towards the Hufflepuff common room.

Hermione continued on her way to the library, she heard footsteps behind her and turned slightly around to find Blaise following her.

"Hermione, what are you doing?" Blaise asked.

"I'm going to the library." Hermione answered.

"No, I mean what are you doing with Justin when you love Harry?" Blaise said the wrong thing because Hermione stopped in her tracks and glared menacingly at her. Blaise felt herself actually cringe in fear.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you say that." Hermione tossed her hair back and started walking again.

Blaise took a deep breath and managed to catch up to Hermione. "Look, I know Harry was being an asshole-" She was cut off.

"I would appreciate it if you would not speak his name in my presence, ever again." Hermione's tone was bitter, the tears were threatening to swell in her eyes, but she held them back.

"He didn't mean to say those things; he really didn't know what he was doing." Blaise said sympathetically, she actually felt sorry for Hermione. She could see how much pain the girl was in.

"He always knows what he's doing; there isn't a time where he doesn't think his actions through first. He never goes blindly into anything." Hermione stepped closer to Blaise. "And you know that as well as I do." She crossed her arms over her chest, "Why are you even talking to me, I can't believe a single word that comes out of your mouth. You are Harry's." She spat his name in disgust, "Friend, not mine. Go be with him."

"I know he is being a jerk, but-" Blaise started to say but she was cut off.

"Look I don't care, just leave me alone, I only have about six more months of this damn school life left and I just want to get through it move on." Hermione pushed passed Blaise roughly and headed down towards the library.

Hermione wanted her table, but a few other students had grabbed it. She sighed. Oh well she glanced around for an empty one. Something caught her eye and made her feel sick, it was Harry and he was flirting shamelessly with Kelly, can't they go somewhere else and do that. This is a place of learning not of flirting. She wanted to go and kick him in the head. Hermione shook her head; no she wasn't going to let him get to her. She came to study and that's just what she was going to do. She heard someone calling her name and she glanced around in several different directions. Hermione found Justin waving her over, and she went to his table and sat down across from him.

"My usual table was taken over by fourth years." She said in huff.

"Yeah I saw that." Justin said. They took out their books and began a wonderful study session.

Harry let Kelly get back to her work; he lifted his head slightly, glancing at the table not to far from his. He saw Hermione talking quietly with Justin. He knew she would come in here, she always did. Harry just didn't understand why he needed to now be around her all the time. He had just ended their friendship last night and now he was trailing her and figuring out what she was going to do next. He thought that ending their friendship was going to set him free, and that he would actually feel relieved and be able to get back to his previous way of life. But now he felt even worse off without her around and hasn't even been half a day. This was not right, it wasn't normal.

Harry stood up and tried to leave the library but he only succeeded in going to a shelf and pretend to look for a book, occasionally he would shift his eyes to Hermione and Justin. She was smiling about something while looking at Justin. Harry felt that new twisting feeling, followed by a burning sensation in his stomach. He even grabbed a really large, heavy book from off the shelf and brought it back to his table. He remained standing still looking at them, he didn't lift his head much, but his eyes were still focused on them.

Justin smiled lightly at Hermione, "And then I cross referenced the time of the Great Giving, they are talking about the same thing here."

"You know, I wouldn't have ever caught that." Hermione said in amazement. "It's absolutely brilliant."

"Thank you, but you are even more brilliant then I, I just found something and it isn't even really that important." Justin leaned forward some.

"Oh I wouldn't be so sure of my brilliance, a lot of things which I thought were right well turned out so very wrong." She glanced down at her hand in distress; her eyes closed for a moment until she felt a hand cover over hers, her head snapped up she caught his blue gaze, a question in his eyes. Hermione leaned forward a little, as did he.

"Whatever that was wrong, isn't of importance anymore. We learn from our mistakes." He was leaning closer.

"Yes," She nodded. "Mistakes are what give us our edge." She said quietly. "Without them there is no way to learn."

They were closer now; their lips not even an inch from one another. Hermione's eyes closed as did his, they were making the final move to press lips against lips when SLAM! A loud echoing noise startled them both; Justin and Hermione jumped back, not getting their kiss.

Harry was positively fuming; he had lifted that book high in the air and slammed it down against the table wanting to interrupt Hermione and Justin. 'Why is that bothering you so? Because she can't kiss him. I won't allow it. You don't have a say. I don't care; Finch Fletchley is not going to kiss her. So just because you can't kiss her you won't let anyone else kiss her either? She doesn't belong to you. I could kiss her if I wanted too, it's just that… It's just a what? Never mind. He's not kissing her that's all there is to it. You don't have any rights to keep her from kissing whomever she wants. Don't tell me what to do, I will do whatever I want, and if I want to keep them from smooching, then I will. Think about this, why do you want to keep them from kissing? It's not like you love her and are afraid you might lose her.' And the annoying voices faded from his mind, he glanced over at Hermione.

Hermione glanced down at the table. "Well I better go; I think I've done enough studying for now." She stood and placed her books into her bag, "thank you for studying with me Justin, I really appreciated it." She smiled.

"Anytime." Justin said, he watched her turn to go. "Uh, Hermione?"

She turned around a lovely smile upon her face. "Yes?"

"Next weekend, how about you and I go to Hogsmeade, as in a date?" Justin asked hopefully.

Hermione thought of her last date with Dean, what a disaster. But something in Justin's eyes were different when she agreed to go with Dean. "Alright, it sounds like fun."

"Great, I'll talk to you more about it once it gets later in the week." Justin smiled.

Hermione nodded with a gentle smile and she turned, leaving the library while Justin returned to his work.

Kelly was staring at Harry, still wondering why he slammed that big heavy book down against the table. "Are you alright? What was that about?"

Harry glanced down at Kelly, "Uh, it slipped from my grasp. It's a heavy book." He then looked to the doors that Hermione had left from. "Excuse me."

"Where are you going?" Kelly asked, they were supposed to discuss the novel and she was looking forward to it.

"I have a few things I forgot about that need to be taken care of." He smiled, "Hey we'll discuss the novel don't worry."

"Well alright." Kelly smiled and went back to her reading.

Harry raced from the library and there wasn't any sign of Hermione, 'Where would she have gone now?' He thought to himself. Harry turned the corner and ran smack into Headmaster Dumbledore. "Oh sorry." Harry apologized.

"No harm done, no harm." Dumbledore smiled. "Tell me, why you are in such a rush Mr. Potter?"

"No reason." Harry lied.

"Ah, I bet it's a girl you're chasing after." Dumbledore said. "One that might get away, one that is special, one that you care about?"

Harry stood there expressionless, "Sir?" He was confused but he didn't let on.

"Remember our hearts are our most prized possessions, love, trust. They both go together."

Harry sighed, "Sir if I may?" He saw Dumbledore nod. "Why does everyone think love exists, it's just in our imaginations."

"Yes I know you don't put much faith in love my boy, how could you when you have never known. Right?" This time Dumbledore saw Harry nod. "Then answer me this, how do you know it doesn't exist when you have never felt it. Just because you have never known something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Take us for instance, no Muggle believes that we really exist, but we do." Dumbledore smiled and continued on down the corridor.

Harry stood there a moment, thinking, staring. Trying to grasp what Dumbledore meant. Reality hit him like a ton of bricks. He loved her. Love exists, and it exists in the form of Hermione. He didn't like it when she wasn't around; there was an empty ache, silence, a void that couldn't be filled. He felt half full without her. She has always been there for him, even when she didn't have to be. Her smile, her laugh. Her smell, her taste. Her thoughts, she always made him feel better, he never liked hurting her. 'Hurting her' His mind echoed. 'Oh what have I done?' Harry thought to himself. He closed his eyes tightly, "OH Hell I am such an asshole!" He shouted.

"Yes I agree you were." Blaise said as she came around the corner.

"I have got fix this." Harry said.

"I don't think you can." Blaise said, "I tried to talk to her this morning, she doesn't even want your name mentioned within her presence."

"I have got to try," He glanced down at the floor. "Where did she go?"

"Well I'm not to sure, you know her better then I do." Blaise said with a smile.

"I'm going to set things right," Harry thought a moment about all her favorite places and one flashed into his mind, "I think I know where she went." He took off in rapid speed heading outside. Harry was going to find her and really apologize.


Well that's it for chapter 6 I hope you all enjoyed it and, Stay tuned for chapter 7. Remember read and Review.

A/N: Thanks for all your wonderful reviews they were awesome