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All That She Wants by Ryoko Blue

All That She Wants

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: No way are any of the original HP characters mine they totally belong to J.K. Rowlings. You are nuts to even think that I own this, where do you people get your information. Honestly :)

All That She Wants

Chapter 3-Pretty Woman

Hermione was walking down the corridor to Arithmancy when she saw Justin talking with Lavender. She kept her eyes on the pair but kept walking. She didn't see where she was going and ran right into an open door bumping her head, "OW!!!" not to mention dropping all her books. "Oh bugger." She cursed. Hermione kneeled down on the floor to pick up her books. Someone else also squatted down next to her helping her pick up her books.

"You know you really should be more careful." He said.

She turned and found Harry with an amused grin on his face, he the book he had picked up out to her. Hermione grabbed it from him, "thanks Harry." She placed it back on top of her stack and stood and continued on towards her class.

"Okay, what has you so distracted? Besides you thinking about me twenty four hours a day." Harry asked as he started walking with her.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Sure Harry, I was totally thinking about you. You're all I ever think about. I just can't keep my mind off of-" She stopped in mid sentence staring behind Harry watching Justin who was obviously fawning all over Lavender. "How in Hades can I even compete with that?" She lifted her hand, palm facing upward in the direction of Justin and Lavender.

Harry turned half way around and surveyed to situation, he thought a minute and turned back facing Hermione. "What do you mean?"

"I mean look at her, she's so beautiful and then well there's me." She glanced down at her plain black robes which underneath she wore a beige knee length skirt and plain white shirt she ran her fingers through her fluffed up hair. "Plain ole me." She said quietly. She didn't say anything more and started on down the hall.

Harry watched Hermione as she walked away towards her class, he turned and took one last look at Justin and Lavender. Harry's eyes narrowed in thought, a light bulb seemed to come on in the back of his mind with an idea. Sure Lavender was pretty, he had his chance with her and oh what a hot little number she had been. After his mind finished wandering down memory lane he had come to the decision, the ultimate conclusion and smiled in the thought. He needed to find Blaise immediately she would be able to help him.

He was about to head in the direction of his next class when Kelly rounded the corner, her nose stuck in that same book. Harry took a quick look in the shiny suit of armor and attempted to flatten his hair down, it would have none of it. He just shrugged, oh well the ladies always thought he looked so hot with messed up hair, it gave him that rugged, irresistible look.

Harry approached her, "Good morning Kelly." He said cheerfully.

"Mm." Kelly replied in some sort of non committal noise as she continued to walk while she read.

"Is that book really all that interesting?"

"Yes." She said quickly.

"What's it about." Harry wanted to have any conversation with her, he would talk about the blasted newts at the bottom of the lake if necessary.

"Nothing you would be interested in." Kelly said as she walked away from him.

Harry was a bit distressed, how would she know what interests him. He would get to her somehow he just needed the right angle. He walked towards the ladder that led up the divination class. The room reeked spice, it was way too much and he felt short of breath as he took his seat next to Neville Longbottom a Ravenclaw.

Professor Trelawney came out from behind a beaded curtain, her bracelets which dangled on her wrists clanged together making quite a racket. She pressed her finger up to her forehead, "Today is Love day. We will go over your love lines and I will make predications for all of your love lives. I'll start with" She closed her eyes and pointed a finger about the room. "Neville Longbottom." Trelawney said with a smile and Neville gulped and started up to the front of the classroom.

Harry turned around in his seat looking at Blaise who was also reading a book. "What is with these books lately?"

Blaise sat the book down and looked at him, "What on Earth are you talking about?"

"Well you know that Gryffindor Kelly, well she's reading a book that looks similar to that one." Harry pointed to the book.

"I take it this Kelly is the prime target of the year." Blaise said with a smirk, "Good luck in snagging her my friend."

"You know Hermione also gave me that same speech."

Blaise's face scrunched up hearing the name Hermione, "I can't understand how you can even be friends with such a girl."

"She's not really all that bad you know." Harry said and then smiled a little, "She's actually pretty interesting. I remember one time we were in the library and that asshole Weasley walks in. He had gotten some injury on his big toe; he probably tried to stick it up his own ass for all I know. But he couldn't wear a shoe." He started laughing. Hermione using an elevating charm floated one of her really large, heavy books over towards Weasley, the stupid git wasn't even paying attention as Hermione ended the charm and that book came crashing down on his big toe. He gave out the biggest wail and scream even more painful then when I heard Voldemort's last scream. You should have seen the large tears streaming from his eyes." Harry couldn't help the fits of laughter as he remembered that day as if it were yesterday.

"Well why did she even do that to him?" Blaise wasn't finding that funny at all.

"Weasley gets a kick out of tormenting Hermione on a daily basis, always cutting her down for being muggle born and such. So one day she just let him have her wrath." He cleared his throat, "so what kind of a book is that?" He brought his attention back to the problem at hand.

"It's a lovely romance novel by an exceptional, muggle author Brenda Joyce." Blaise said proudly.

"Ooo, a sex book." Harry grabbed for the book and opened it. He flipped through it looking for anything entertaining.

"It is more then just a sex book Harry, it's got a vivid plot and wonderful characters." Blaise said staring off into the distance.

"Yeah, yeah." He turned the pages quickly, "Come on where's the good stuff." Harry continued flipping though the novel.

Blaise reached over and plucked it from his hands, "You are a horny little devil aren't you?" She grinned.

"You better believe it baby." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Do you wanna have a go with me? You know during the half hour break." Harry smirked.

"Um, some other time. I have much more important things to do."

Harry scoffed, "what could be more important then me?"

"My homework." She said

Harry burst out into laughter, Blaise even sounded like Hermione. His plan wrung out in his mind, he had almost forgotten. "Oh Blaise can you come up to my room after dinner tonight?"

"What for?" Blaise asked with suspicion.

"It's not for anything like that, unless you want it to be." He smirked. "Actually, I'm going to need your help with something."

"Oh I bet you say that to all the girls." Blaise said with her own trademark smirk.

Harry shook his head in amusement, "Will you just please come to my room tonight?"

"Well alright then." Blaise glanced down at her book. "You know Harry, Kelly reads the same books as I do. If you really wanted to get on her good side, you would read the same book she's interested in right now. That way you two can talk about it, together." She added slowly.

Harry thought a moment, a delightful smile crept across his face. "You know what Blaise, you are a ruddy genius. Why didn't I think of that?"

"You just said so, I'm a genius and you're not." Blaise returned his smirk, "I'll bring you the book that she's reading at dinner tonight."

"Excellent." Harry said, he heard his name being called by the professor and he stood. "Well it looks like it's my turn. Like I need to know how my love life is going." Harry was smug.

"One of these days Harry, it's not always going to go your way." Blaise said with a grin.

"Well I can assure you that I will never have a problem winning the affections of a lady."

"I'm not talking about just affections Harry, you are going to lose your heart and you won't even know what hit you." Blaise replied as Harry turned, and walked up towards Professor Trelawney.

Harry sat down in the chair in front of the professor and she took his hand and turned it palm up. "Okay what do you see in my line?" He asked not really interested in the answer.

"Oh this is very interesting." She said looking into his eyes, "you've had quite a number of romances."

'Like I needed to know that.' Harry thought to himself. "What else?" He asked innocently.

She continued to look down at his hand. "You will have a few more this year. You do not love any of these girls, but here. Right here." She pointed to his love line with a gentle finger. "You will lose your heart, you will love."

Harry tried to pull his hand away but Trelawney kept a firm grasp on his hand.

"I wasn't finished." She continued to look into his hand, "There are two paths for this love," She pointed as the love line broke off into a smaller line going in another direction. "This one isn't set in stone you could do something very right, or very wrong."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Yes of course I could do something very right or very wrong, that's the way life is. I don't need a prediction to tell me that." He said his voice was harsh.

"Are you angry Harry?" Trelawney looked up into his eyes. She could clearly see his anger. "What is there to be angry about? This should be a happy time."

"I will..not love…anyone." Harry said.

"You can not control what the heart wants, if it wants to love it will."

"I will never love anyone. How am I to even know what its like to love someone? Everything I was shown were horrors and cruelty. There is no such thing as love, of course there is such think as lust which I am perfectly happy with." Harry pulled his hand from hers and stood. "I don't want to love or to be loved."

She knew which path he was going to take just by looking at him, "you are going to love and you are going to lose."

"Well if I never love, then I will never lose." Harry, who was now in a bad mood stalked away from the professor back to his desk. The bell wrung ending the class.

Blaise noticed his terrible mood and placed a hand on his shoulder but he shrugged her off.

"Please don't." Harry said as he reached down for his bag.

"Harry what's the matter, what did she say?" She rested her hand on his shoulder again but he quickly moved away from her touch.

"It doesn't matter, and I would appreciate it if you didn't touch me right now." Harry threw his bag over his shoulder and left the class room in a hurry.

Blaise sighed, well she was used to his moods and usually when he got like this she would leave him alone. It was always for the best.

Harry hurried down the hall towards the dungeons for potions, he heard a feminine voice calling to him but he ignored it. 'Why can't Blaise just leave me alone.' He thought to himself. He was approaching a crowded hallway and he had to stop. As soon as he did he felt a hand on his arm. He roughly ripped his arm away from her touch. "I said to leave me alone!" Harry shouted and turned around seeing a wide eyed Hermione staring at him, his stomach dropped to his feet.

"Well…sorry." Hermione was in complete shock at his anger towards her "I'll just go now." She tried to walk passed him feeling just a little hurt. He quickly grabbed her arm before she could get away, she turned facing him.

"Hermione I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I thought you were Blaise." Harry really was sorry.

"What could she have done to make you that angry?" Hermione asked.

"It wasn't exactly her, it was more of the entire divination class that has me a little steamed. And I just didn't want to talk to her about it."

"Was it really that bad?" She asked seeing his whole body rigid with anger, and she knew it had to be bad. Without really thinking about it she reached out and pulled him into a tight embrace. She felt his arms go around her in the same tight hold that she had him in. Hermione felt him relax as his anger seemed to fade away. "I wouldn't trust anything that old bat Trelawney would say anyway, you know her predications are wrong." She spoke in a soft, soothing tone.

Harry sighed, "Yeah, I suppose you're right." And his arms tightened even more around her. For some reason whenever he was feeling horrible or sad, Hermione would just simply hold him which always made him feel better.

"Of course I'm right." Hermione smiled.

"Yes you are right, what would I do with out you?" Harry smiled a little.

"Probably die of stress." Hermione answered with a tiny laugh.

"Ah, yes you do seem to help me out in my most stressful times. Hey do you know what a good relief of stress is?" He asked.

"No I don't, do you?" Hermione regretted asking she felt him nod.

"Having sex is a great way to relieve stress." Harry said

Hermione scoffed and pulled back a little bit from him, so she could look him in the eye. "I am not having sex with you." She couldn't help the grin the crossed her face.

"Oh why not, I mean I'm under a lot, no a ton of stress." He tried to look extremely serious.

"Well you can always resort to the one man show if you are under that much stress and need a release." Hermione replied.

"But the one man show isn't as fulfilling." He replied sounding as innocent as possible.

"Oh I don't know, the one woman show seems to be-" Hermione was interrupted

"Ah so Super Slytherin and the new and improved Gryffindor whore talking amongst themselves." An annoying voice interrupted Harry and Hermione's conversation.

Hermione pulled her the rest of the way out of Harry's embrace, and turned towards the annoying voice. "What did you just call me Weasel?" She spat.

"Well why else would you be touching that?" Ron pointed towards Harry with a jerk of his chin. "Unless you were whoring around." He smirked evilly.

"I despise you rodent." Hermione obviously hurt by Ron's words just walked into the potion's class.

Ron turned to Harry, "Oh did I chase your little whore away?" He said sarcastically. "I wouldn't worry, I know you could get way better ass than that piece of filth. Ah but who knows, the ugly ones are always good in the sack. Maybe I should take a crack at her." Ron was very smug.

Harry calmly approached Ron standing directly in front of him. Without warning his fist shot up hitting Ron right in the stomach causing the red head to bend over in pain, as he clutched his stomach. Harry leaned closer to his ear, "Listen to me you shit, my threat still stands. If you go near her or hurt her in any way, after I get through with you, you will beg for the angel of death to take you."

After classes were over and dinner was finished, Hermione was looking forward to a great evening of studying in her own private room. She had already taken the liberty of checking out a few extra books from the library. She entered her bed room and heard a shuffling in Harry's room.

"Hey Hermione can you come in here a second?" Harry asked.

"Sure." Hermione made her way into Harry's room, and when she stepped in through the arch way she saw Blaise sitting on his bed.

Harry looked at Hermione with a smile and approached her, "Hermione this is Blaise."

Hermione's eyes narrowed, "I know who she is. The question is what is, what is she doing in your room? Besides probably the obvious of course."

"No, she's not here for that. I asked her to help you." Harry said with a smile.

"Help me? With what?" Hermione looked at Harry, she surely didn't understand his reasoning for this.

"Well you consider yourself plain and boring, Blaise here can fix that for you. She can make you go from plain to a little more then plain."

"Ha, ha, ha" She laughed sarcastically, "I don't think so." She started to walk away but Harry quickly grabbed her upper arm.

"Oh yes she is, remember you have to whatever I say because I know what I'm doing." Harry reminded her.

Hermione pulled her arm from his touch, "I don't think this is such a good idea." She crossed her arms in front of her.

"You want Finch-Fletchley to notice you, then you have to take drastic measures-" Harry was interrupted by Blaise.

"And I think this is very drastic, I mean looked at those clothes and that hair. Even my poodle has better hair than that." Blaise's tone was superior.

Hermione glared at the snobby girl, "did you just insult me?"

"Oh you're head girl you figure it out." Blaise was sweet sounding

Hermione made some sort of growling noise that kind shocked Harry a bit as she saw him jump back a little. She turned to him. "Harry I'm leaving I don't have to take this from her."

Harry jumped in front of her, "just ignore her. You want Finch Fletchley then this is the way to do it. You saw how he was all over Lavender."

"That's because Lavender is a tramp, much like Weasley's sister."

"But she's a good looking tramp, so if you want to snag your man then you will listen to me. Blaise is beautiful, elegant and well respected. You want the same consideration, don't you?" Harry asked.

Hermione sighed with defeat, "yes."

Harry smiled, "Wonderful." He then turned to Blaise, "Okay work your magic Blaise, she's ready." As Blaise approached Hermione, Harry cleared his throat. "Why don't you two get acquainted. Like I don't know give each other a nice, sultry kiss."

Blaise turned and looked at him with disgust along with Hermione.

"Harry this is not a porno," Hermione wasn't really shocked at his comment. "Girls just don't go around kissing each other, especially if they are nearly strangers."

"Darn." Harry had a bit of disappointment in his eye, he held his fingers up making a small finger gesture, "Just a little one?"

"NO!" Both girls said at the same time.

"I'm not very happy." Harry said folding his arms unhappily across his chest.

"Oh yes every girl is just born to please the wonderful, and glorious Harry Potter what ever shall we do if he is unhappy." Hermione was sarcastic, she heard Blaise laugh at her comment.

"All right come on, we can do this better in your room." Blaise put a floating charm on her trunk and levitated it to Hermione's room, the two girls walked inside and the door closed. "Okay Hermione lets see about your wardrobe." Blaise walked to the closet and opened the double doors. She nearly had a heart attack at the very dull colors. "How can you wear this stuff?"

"Hey I happen to like my clothes." Hermione was offended.

Blaise shook her head and stepped inside the closet. She started pulling items off the hangers and throwing them out, "no, no, definitely no. Ack. No, no, no. This is horrid, no no."

Hermione's clothes were flying out at her in rapid speed as she ran around the room trying to catch the objects, she didn't really do a very good job most of the garments were scattered about the room.

Blaise opened her trunk "now here are some things that might suit you." Hermione walked over to Blaise and her trunk and sat down on the edge of the bed, Blaise handed her a silver silk shirt. "Here try this."

Hermione held it away from her with one finger, "but this just isn't me." She stared at the garment unsure.

"Exactly, you want to nab this guy then you have to throw out your old self and bring in the new." Blaise said with a smile as she watched as Hermione tried on a number of outfits. "Yes those seem to suit you just perfectly." She looked up at the frizzy mess of hair upon Hermione's head, "Now to do something about that hair."

Blaise brought her into the bathroom, and started running some water. "That was a pretty funny thing you said to Harry back in his room."

"What was?" Hermione replied having forgotten half the things she says to him.

"About how you said that every girl is born to please him." Blaise laughed a bit.

"Oh that." Hermione smiled as Blaise worked on her hair in small sections. "Well one has to be a quick wit when dealing with Harry."

"I know, but sometimes I don't think of something quickly and he gets the better of me. Of course I do have my moments of brilliance." Blaise said shaking her head. "Can you believe what he just said to us, about getting to know each other. That's just really gross."

"Well he is a guy." Hermione replied, "It didn't really shock me that he said that though, I was kind of expecting something like that to come out of his mouth." She laughed.

"He seemed really disappointed." Blaise giggled and then a thought popped into her head. "Hey do you want to have a little fun with him?"

Hermione turned around from her chair facing Blaise, "What do you mean?" She noticed a sneaky look in the girls eyes.

"Just go with me here," Blaise said with a smirk.

Harry heard shuffling near the closed bathroom door and he decided to go and try to listen in and maybe figure out what they were doing. He pressed his ear to the door and heard a most interesting conversation.

"Oh yes, Blaise, that feels so nice." Harry heard Hermione's voice and pressed his ear harder to against the door. "What about this? Do you like that?" Harry's eyes widened at the sound of Blaise's voice, and then heard Hermione again. "Yes do that, doesn't it feel like silk?" Harry now had himself pressed up against the door, so that he could hear everything. "Oh," Blaise said, "It is so soft, do you like my fingers there?" Harry heard Hermione moan loudly, "Oh yes touch it just like that, no over a little. Oooo yes right there."

That's it Harry couldn't take it anymore he just had to see what those two girls were up to. His hand went to the doorknob and he turned it pushing the door open, quickly. What he saw wasn't what he expected. He saw Blaise behind Hermione who was sitting in a chair. Blaise had a brush in her hand and fingers through Hermione's hair. Both girl turned at his entrance of the room and burst out into a fit of hysterical laughter. He felt like a real idiot. "You two are so mean." Harry said leaving the room and closing the door behind him. He could still hear they hysterical laughter coming from the room. He humpfed and sat down on his bed covering his face with the pillow.

After another half hour Blaise came out of the bathroom into Harry's room, "I've done all I could for her, what do you think?"

Harry sat up looking at Blaise, "Well I would be able to tell you if she was in here."

Blaise looked confused and turned around not finding Hermione behind her. "Uh hold on, I suppose she's a little shy." Blaise went back in the bathroom, and Harry heard them talking. "Come on, its fine."

"I don't know, I just don't think-" Hermione was interrupted by Blaise.

"Just come out, you look fine." Blaise said.

Harry saw Blaise walk out of the bathroom with Hermione following after her so close as if trying to hide herself. Harry got to his feet as Blaise moved out of the way and all that was left was Hermione. It seemed time had stopped as he gazed upon Hermione, her hair was in lose curled ringlets cascading down her shoulders and framing her face Her hair actually had a silky sheen to it. He couldn't even think he was so awe struck. The only makeup on Hermione was a little bit of light pink lip gloss and it wasn't even too flashy. She wore a simple yellow sundress. Harry didn't even realize he was staring.

Blaise leaned in closer to Harry's ear, "So what do you think? She didn't need too many cosmetics, she has one of those flawless faces. It's just the way her hair was, it kind took the focus from her face and bam hair right there. But I had to soften her hair a bit and you could actually see how-" Blaise noticed he wasn't listening to her. "Harry? Harry?" She whispered.

Harry couldn't hear anyone speaking to him, all he saw was Hermione, all that was the focus was her. He took in a breath, "You look really, really 'beautiful' his mind answered, "Nice." He said shaking himself of his staring. But for some reason he felt some kind of loss, but he didn't know what it was.

"Well I don't like it too much, I feel so awkward." Hermione said glancing down at her feet.

"Nonsense, I think you look beautiful." Blaise said with a smile. "It looks like my work here is done. I'll head back to the dungeons now. But before I leave, Hermione you and I need to discuss a few things."

Hermione nodded and followed Blaise into her room.

Harry took a few breaths, 'okay, she's just Hermione, normal studious girl. That's right. I have no attraction to her what so ever.' He thought to himself. 'But she is a pretty girl, one of the best looking ones in the school. Now it's been confirmed. No, no she's just Hermione, reliable, smart and always there Hermione. Okay whatever you say.' Harry smiled. "That's right," He said out loud. 'Besides I have a date tomorrow night.' That would certainly clear his mind of Hermione who was looking very pretty. "UGH!! Stop it, stop it!" He didn't hear his door open.

"Uh Harry," Hermione saw him turn around. "Who are you talking too?"

Harry had to think fast but no thoughts were forming in his head. It seemed his mind had shut down so out came the truth. "Um myself."

"Well that's okay, its when yourself starts answering back is when there something wrong in the nest upstairs." Hermione said with a smile.

"Yeah sure, did you want something?" He asked with a smile.

"Nah, I was just coming to tell you that I was going to sleep now." She returned the smile.

"Oh, okay then good night."

Hermione nodded and closed the door.

Harry sighed and sat down on his bed, well maybe after a good nights sleep his thoughts will return to normal. 'That's right, sleep is what I need' Harry thought to himself as he stripped out of his clothes, leaving only his boxers and climbed into the bed. 'Sleep, sleep, sleep.' He thought. Soon he would be facing his dreams.


Well that's it for chapter 3, Hoped you all liked it. Stay tuned for chapter 4 Read and review. Thanks, Ryoko And check out my yahoogroup