(A/N: Yep, yep, yep. I completely screwed up the last chapter. Whoops. I warned you that I sucked at writing and this is being written over a long period of time for each chapter and I'm too lazy to check chapters. SORRY! This is the last chapter, save the epilogue so watch out for that. Oh yeah. This is a dirty chapter. If you no like sex, you no like this. =) Okay, so I've never actually experienced it so bear with me. On va.)
Everything went by in a blur. One moment she was in her Potion's class with Snape droning on about devil's snare and the next, she was in the Great Hall, having lunch. Harry and Hermione were obviously off snogging in some classroom. It was all the better. Lavender had taken to Ron, always hanging about him. At least she wouldn't have to sneak away. She could announce it, but she doubted that he would notice. After she finished her meal, she walked into the expanse of the grounds. A light sprinkling of snow spread across the acres of land, untainted. It was breathtakingly beautiful. She went and sat by the edge of the pool and took off her shoes, gently dipping her toes into the chilled water. It hadn't quite frozen over yet and Ginny knew that this was not a bright thing to do. It was just too tempting. She slithered her foot back into the moccasin and sighed heavily. What was this all about? Why did her parents have the urge to borrow money from the Malfoys of all people? Sure, they were filthy rich with so much money that they wouldn't know what to do with it, but there were still other worthy prospects. People who didn't have boys named Draco to marry off to her as reimbursement. Draco was probably the most handsome boy she had ever seen. He wasn't cute, but he was handsome. She liked single life just fine. All of a sudden, crunching noises erupted from the silence. The last thing she heard were whispers of a curse before everything went pitch black.
Draco hugged his cloak closer to his body and shivered. Where was she? Sure, he didn't come as early as expected, but there was still most of the period left. He sighed, staring at the crisp white snow that was marred by his footsteps. The snow was so pure, so immaculate, so… gold? When was snow gold? Gently, he picked up the unidentified object to see that it was a necklace. A necklace, when he closely examined, had fire engine red strands of hair tangled onto it. Precisely the color of his Ginny's hair. What the hell was the meaning of this? Had she dropped her jewelry? No, she wasn't so irresponsible. Maybe the clasp broke. He checked the clasp. He was right. It had completely broken off. Then that meant that she was here. Where was she now? Was she hiding?
With his wand, he cast a Locating Charm onto the necklace. No… It couldn't be… He tried a bunch of different locating charms, but they all came up with the same place. Ginny Weasley was at Malfoy Manor.
Slowly, she opened her eyes to the dim light, flooding her sight with illumination. She blinked a few times until she got used to the intrusion. The stonewalls were lined with shackles and torture and pleasure instruments. Her eyes widened at the last object sitting unobtrusively on the wall. A thin wood shelf held a very large toy, not made for kids, of course. Above the long, thick toy hung a string of beads that went from small to big. She decided that she had seen enough. She began to writhe under the manacles that she suspended from. That didn't do much good. They were charmed to restraint the prisoner so they couldn't move an inch, no matter how thin their wrists were. Blood began to pour down as the metal dug into her skin, piercing the tender flesh. She cried out in pain as something coursed through her body, starting from her fingertips and was leisurely consuming her being. She was getting weaker…
Lucius Malfoy watched from a distance with a veiling charm. He smiled with maniacal glee as the poison began to drip into her body. In the muggle world, it was equivalent to the date rape drug. It would knock the person out for a few hours and was more potent than magic itself. This was just Malfoy tradition. Whenever a Malfoy man was betrothed, his father, granted he was still alive, would take the virginity of the soon-to-be wife. His father had taken Narcissa's. This would be no different. He would take his son's fiancée's virginity. What fun he would have…
Draco paced a trail into the thick forest green Persian rug in his room. There must be something wrong with his wand. Yes. That was it. It had to be it. He bit his lip as a sign of agitation, hoping that it had nothing to do with the Malfoy ritual. He had completely forgotten about it. His father couldn't be that sadistic, could he? Oh bugger. Who was he kidding? It was Lucius Malfoy, the man who made people twist to his will and do anything in his power to oblige his lord. Stupid, stupid man.
He growled in annoyance. He didn't know what to do. No one was going to hurt his girl. He paused and ceased his pacing. Had he just called Ginny his girl? Well, they are getting married. It was just fitting to have him call Ginny his girl. Pleased at his own reasoning, he continued pacing again. Did he go or did he stay? The million-galleon question. He gripped his wand tighter between his long fingers.
He left.
Lucius trailed his artistic finger, much like his son's, along Ginny's jaw. He traced her pouty lips gingerly and looked at every single freckle on her face. A glint of insanity passed through his eyes as he flicked his wand, causing the dungeon door to lock with a definitive click. This girl was a work of art. He had wanted this fiery sprite ever since the diary incident. She had a strong spirit. It took a lot of energy out of his lord to control her even then. It took a lot less energy to manipulate her parents even. What fun this would be…
Draco sighed in relief. He had been able to apparate without dichotomizing himself. He ambled up the stairway to Malfoy Manor, hesitating at the gate. There was no other option. He had to go through with it. He placed his hand on the gate. It shivered before opening itself to him. He crept up the stone steps to the door, passing acres of barren land and dried yellowing grass. The manor's doors were automatically swung open to receive him. He ran down dozens of stairways and a few hidden passages before halting at a large steel titanium door. This was always verboten territory. Since he was a masochist when he was younger, he chanced a few peeks into the room. He got whipped for it, too. It was the erotic torture chamber. It was mostly used for lascivious blood play and kink like bdsm, swings and suspension. Lucius Malfoy was one salacious man.
Draco tentatively twisted the door's knob. It didn't budge. With a bit more vigor, he tried again. He pressed his ear against the door, praying for some sort of assurance that his woman wasn't in there. Then again, it was likely that his father had cast some silencing spell. He screeched in infuriation at himself, his father and Ginny. He damned Ginny for making him fall in lo-lust with her. Damn her.
He pulled out his wand and pointed it at the door, whispering the most basic unlocking charm. Nothing happened. He tried something a little more advanced. Nothing. He tried the most potent unlocking charm that he could think of. An almost silent snap answered him. He thanked Merlin that he had read through all those Dark Art books. Oh, he had to also thank the Mudblood for trying to best him in DADA. Shows her.
He peeked into the room and almost screamed until everything went dark.
(A/N: Again. I feel the need for shameless self-promotion. Visit my site! http://www.teenageramblings.tk Thank you!)
Lucius Malfoy purred like a cat. His son was here to scrutinize the ritual. He purposely overlooked the actual reason he was here and smiled a Cheshire grin. This would be better than he had thought.
"Ugh," Draco's voice groaned.
"Welcome back, Draco. I'm so happy that you could be here," Lucius smirked.
Draco's eyes slowly fluttered open, receiving the dusky light. He blinked a few times until his gaze landed on the nude Ginny. Antagonism and resentment passed through his eyes. He struggled to move, but he was tied to a chair. He yelled. Lucius backhanded him.
"Shut up, boy!" he admonished angrily.
Draco glared at the man he was forced to call father and spat onto his boots. Lucius seized his throat and closed his windpipe. His eyes were bloodshot and bordering on crazed.
"I was going to let you have her as seconds, but it seems as though you'd prefer to die," he snarled. "You're such a disappointment to dear old dad…"
"I… have… no… father," Draco grit out.
"How dare you! I raised you and this is how you repay me?" he barked.
Draco's face was turning a nasty shade of purple and his eyes were rolling to the back of his head. Lucius abruptly let him go. Draco coughed, willing his lungs to inhale more oxygen. When he began to breathe normally again, Lucius chuckled.
"You foolish boy. Don't you dare disrespect me again," he mocked.
Draco laughed at his father's ignorance.
"You think that Ginny's still an innocent? You're dead wrong," he sneered.
Lucius paused. He admitted to himself that he hadn't thought of that scenario rolling around. This little girl wasn't pristine anymore? Well, that was useless…
"Well… Since she's of no use anymore, I'll dispose of her. But just for the sheer pleasure…" he trailed off.
He pulled back his robe and revealed his lean body. He was well toned like a swimmer and was very well endowed. Draco's eyes widened to saucers when Lucius pulled Ginny from the wall and laid her down on the grimy floor. With one fluid motion, he entered her. The boy was right. She wasn't a virgin. He thrust his manhood into her repeatedly as Draco screamed for him to stop.
"You fucking sadistic bastard! Get off of her!" he shouted.
Lucius just laughed it off and pumped roughly into her unconscious form, enjoying the feeling of her tight sheath. In record time, he ejaculated into her, filling her with his semen. With a final groan, he spurted forth the last shot, falling upon her in a heap of sweat. Draco began to curse fluently in different languages. Dozens upon dozens of profanities flew from his mouth. He didn't even bother with euphemism. He started to move on to Italian when a loud slam reverberated in the room. Draco and Lucius turned to face the offending noise and both almost keeled over in shock.
"M-My Lord," Lucius sputtered. "How did you get in?"
"How dare you speak to me when not spoken to?" Lord Voldemort growled.
Slap. Voldemort struck his most loyal Deatheather across the face with his bony hand. His blazing red eyes bore into Lucius', burning him. Lucius shrieked for his Lord to take mercy on him and he did when he saw Ginny Weasley sprawled along the filthy cobblestone floor like a rag doll.
"How dare you treat my Queen so disrespectfully?" Voldemort yelled.
Lucius apologized frantically, kissing his Lord's robe. Lord Voldemort kicked him away, marring his pale face. Lucius scampered off to a corner, not wanting to get into the way of his Lord when he was ornery and got dressed to proper etiquette. Voldemort studied the girl, gently picking her up and cradling her in his arms.
"My Queen. You've been hiding from me," he cooed sadly.
Despite what they thought, he loved this girl. Once upon a time, she loved him, too. Then they polluted her with those disgusting lies about how he tried to kill her. Bastards. He was saving her. Stupid Potter.
"Get off of her!" Draco screamed.
"Shut up, boy! Mind your mouth!" Lucius hissed, cuffing him on his temple.
Draco's head swam woozily, running in and out of consciousness. The blurred images and vague mumblings didn't do much help.
"Have you taught your boy how to behave yet, Lucius?" Voldemort sneered.
"I apologize, my lord," Lucius said.
Lord Voldemort ignored his mutterings and pathetic excuses, only watching his Queen in her slumber.
"What did you do to her?" he snarled.
Lucius cleared his throat as a sign of hesitance.
"I've drugged her," he replied uneasily.
Lord Voldemort tensed, facing his soon to be dead Deatheater. He conjured up a king sized bed with green décor and silk sheets before casting the Cruciatus curse onto Lucius. He writhe and screeched on the ground, curled up into a fetal ball. Draco blinked rapidly, feeling water well up in his eyes from the blow. He saw Ginny then looked over to his father. Ha.
Another bang jilted Draco out of his reverie. Damn it all to hell. It was the Dream Team with some blonde girl, Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor Snape and Professor Mcgonagall. He willed himself back to unconsciousness with no avail.
"I believe you have something of ours," Harry called out over his wand.
"She's mine," Voldemort stated.
"Petrificus Totalus!" Harry bellowed.
Lord Voldemort was completely unaffected.
"Incendio!" Harry roared.
Lord Voldemort's robe went up in flames. The fire licked what was left of his skin and bones, burning him to ashes. He hollered and thrashed in agony before disintegrating.
"Crucio!" Lucius cried.
Harry held himself as well as he could before falling onto the floor. He eventually threw off the curse. He looked around, his gaze landing on Ginny. He ran over to her and wrapped her in the silk sheet. Lucius was already bound and Draco was still in the chair, glaring daggers at the Boy-Who-Wouldn't-Die. With a swish of his wrist, Dumbledore released Draco, who abruptly snatched his woman away from the bespectacled git. Harry shrugged and walked back to Hermione, holding her in his arms.
Draco embraced her fragile frame, whispering sweet nothings and pleading for her to wake up. She was still breathing, but she wouldn't open her eyes.
"Ginny, I'm so sorry. Please wake up," he murmured.
"Get away from my sister, you sodding ferret!" Ron ordered, charging toward them.
"She's my fiancée, you twit," Draco spat.
Ron's face flushed with animosity.
"Well, you don't deserve her!" Ron retorted.
"You're probably right, but I lo- damn it, like her so bugger off!" he sneered.
"Well-" Ron began.
"Oh, Ron!" Luna Lovegood sighed wistfully.
Ron visibly flinched before turning to face her. She had been following him and Lavender not so subtly for the past week. Lavender got sick of her little stalking game and left him that morning.
"What?" he grit out.
"Go out with me," she smiled cheerily.
Ron stared at the girl as if she had turned into Fluffy.
"Yay! My first boyfriend," Luna giggled.
She clutched onto his forearm. He looked to Harry for assistance to no aid. He moaned. This was just his rotten luck…