They were all returned to the school, safe and sound. Draco and Ginny stayed at the infirmary after Dumbledore assured Draco that they would talk when Ginny was conscious. Draco left the safety of his own divan and slipped next to Ginny, enveloping her in his arms.
"I'm so sorry Ginny. I didn't mean for this to happen. Please forgive me," he whispered.
He fell asleep with their limbs tangled together like lovers.
"Get off my sister!" Ron screamed.
"Jeez, Weasley. You'd figure you'd get used to it," Draco growled, wincing at the bright light.
"Good morning, Mr. Malfoy, Miss Weasley," Dumbledore greeted.
"Morning, sir," Ginny's soft voice replied.
Draco looked over at Ginny, his eyes wide with astonishment. She gave him an innocent smile, filled with mischief and a hint of confusion.
"I believe we are to discuss what happened," Dumbledore said, his blue eyes twinkling with mirth.
"What I would like to know is how you knew where we were," Draco frowned.
Professor Dumbledore chuckled as if it were some sort of joke. Draco didn't think it funny.
"Mrs. Weasley, with the kindness in her dear heart, went to Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley and told them that Ginny's hand was stuck at `mortal peril'. They knew what was happening. I, on the other hand, still do not, but only time will tell. They came to me with Ms. Granger. We cast the Four-Point spell and it showed us on our way to Malfoy Manor. We thought there would be Deatheaters and things of the like so we invited Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. We were on our way out of the school ground when Ms. Lovegood comes along and asks to join in our journey. Of course, she came and we left. Now, here you are," he summarized.
"Ah," was Draco and Ginny's simultaneous reply.
"What's this about her hand?" Draco asked.
"Right. We have this clock at home, which show where each member of my family is," Ginny commented.
Draco nodded absently.
"I thought you might like to read this," Harry prompted, handing him the Daily Prophet.
Draco snatched it from his hand ungratefully and skimmed through it. He folded it back into a rectangle and handed it back. His face was whiter than any sheet.
"Draco? What's wrong?" Ginny questioned worriedly.
"My father. He's in Azkaban," Draco replied brokenly.
Okay, so he didn't like his father much, but it was still his father. How was his mother handling this? Oh, dear Merlin… Was he going to be disowned? Would she do that to him?
"Oh, Draco," Ginny whispered, holding the boy to her chest.
He reveled in the sweet embrace with contentment. Ron, however, was turning into a tomato.
"My baby!" a loud voice squealed.
Draco was abruptly pulled aside to allow Molly Weasley to hug her only daughter. She showered Ginny with kisses.
"I'm so glad you're alright," she cried.
"To tell you the truth, I don't remember all that much," Ginny flinched.
Draco thought of her as lucky. He couldn't seem to be able to forget it.
"What I want to know is why you chose the Malfoys for help," Ginny wondered aloud.
"Oh my poor darling. Your father and I were under the Imperius. We could see what was happening, but we were unable to stop it. We really tried," Molly whimpered.
"It's okay, mum," she reassured the sobbing lady.
"So… I guess we don't have to marry anymore," Draco stated.
"Yeah, I guess not," she murmured.
"I think he concocted this whole plan was so you would let your guard down and succumb to him or something. I'm just angry that I didn't figure it out sooner," he growled, more at himself than anyone else.
"It's okay," she guaranteed him awkwardly, not quite sure about what happened the night prior.
Ginny's family, Professor Dumbledore and Harry eventually left them alone with Madame Pomfrey, who ushered them into drinking a neon green acidic looking potion that tasted absolutely foul. She told them that it healed any internal wounds that might have occurred.
Six Years Later
"Draco!" Ginny whined.
"What?" he mocked, prolonging the word.
"I want peanut butter ice cream," she pleaded.
"Then go get," he told her.
"We ran out yesterday," she pouted.
"What am I going to do about it?" he asked.
"Go buy me some," she suggested nonchalantly.
"Oh, you wish, woman," he laughed.
"Please, Draco!" she begged.
"No," was his stern reply.
"Please, please, please!" she simpered.
"Get one of your endless supply of brothers to get it!" he demanded.
"Fine," she glared.
"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" he asked.
"Gin?" he murmured, prodding her flat belly.
She deftly ignored him.
"Don't be like that, Gin," he ordered.
She moved further away from him on the king sized bed.
"Gin-ny!" he moaned.
She studied her newly polished pink nails.
"Fine! I'll get it," he relented, not wanting to sleep on the couch.
"Yay!" she clapped. "While you're out, can you get some tuna, chicken, spaghetti…"
He sighed. How did this woman worm her way into his mind and heart?
"Are you listening, Draco?" she exclaimed.
"Yes," he hissed.
"Good. We also need toilet paper, wash towels…"
Stupid pregnancy. It's a shame he couldn't take it back or even remember to cast a contraceptive charm even once during their weeklong honeymoon.
"Oh! Don't forget! We're going to Ron and Luna's place tomorrow for Jesse's birthday," she reminded him.
"Which one is she?" he frowned.
"He is their third son. Honestly, Draco. You're a horrible uncle," she reprimanded him.
"Yeah, yeah. Shall I go fetch our dinner? Or your dinner and my snack," he smirked cheekily.
"Are you calling me fat?" she shrieked.
"No, beautiful. Now, I'll go get the things we need and I'll be back…" he trailed off.
She huffed in anger as he left.
"Stupid man," she cackled, pulling out a carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream and divulging in the creaminess of the treat.
She lied back onto the pillow, allowing the sugar to rush through her. This was the life.
(A/N: HA! I'M DONE! Before you even ask, they took the time to get to know each other and war broke out, blah, blah, blah. Voldemort didn't die when Harry cast Incendio. Now you can flame me.)