Once inside Sirius and James went to go talk to McGonagall and she joined Lavender and Ron by the punch.
"Let's dance!" Lavender said
"I don't dance!" Ron said
"Yes you do!"
"No I don't!"
"Lavender, want to dance?" an older boy asked approaching them.
"No!" Ron said standing up and taking Lavender's hand and leading her out to the dance floor. The older boy just shrugged and looked at Hermione who felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Sirius.
"Hermione wanna dance?" he said taking her hand and not waiting for a response.
Hermione was having the time of her life, the dance seemed to be going off without a hitch, and Hermione felt as though she probably could have handled anything that came her way. James and Sirius had disappeared half-way through the dance and she had been dancing with a different guy every new song. Hermione went to the punch bowl and saw Harry there as well.
Harry noticed her immediately, "Hey Hermione!"
"Hey Harry!" she said pouring herself a cup of punch. Hermione looked up at Harry and was about to ask how he was when he suddenly grabbed her punch from her hand and pulled her into a dance. "What…Harry, what you doing?"
"Hiding from Cho, she's been trying to get me to dance with her all evening and I don't want to." Harry said leading her into the middle of the dance floor. Finally after successfully hiding himself he relaxed and looked at Hermione, "Sorry, if you want to go dance with someone else, I'll understand!" Harry said as if noticing that it was Hermione.
The song suddenly changed to a slow song and Harry was looking at Hermione and she smiled, "Let's just dance!" she said and laid her head on his shoulder just content in being there. Hermione looked up into his eyes and saw that he was staring at her, "What?" she asked smiling.
"Nothing!" he said smiling. Hermione looked into his eyes to see if she could see why he was looking at her and she saw something in his eyes, an unrecognizable emotion. Then she remembered something Lavender said `He may not admit it to himself but I see it in his eyes, every time someone mentions you or he talks about you the love he feels for you, it's in his eyes.' There it was, the love, staring her in the face, and she had doubted it for so long. Then without realizing it she leaned up and kissed Harry. Harry pulled away and looked at Hermione as though she had grown a second head. Hermione took his hand and pulled him through the crowd and out into the garden, but then thought better of it and pulled him into the hallway.
"Harry!" Hermione said dragging him into the hallway, "I'm sorry for all that I said, I pushed you into things, I shouldn't have told you I loved you so soon, we weren't ready, and I know you didn't love me then, but I should have trusted you when you told me you did." Hermione said in a rush, "I still love you, and I want you to know that no matter what happens, no matter how you feel about me, that will never change." Hermione said before turning away and heading back into the dance. Harry was still in shock, but he quickly recovered and grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hall. They came in front of the Room of Requirement and immediately a door appeared, Harry looked at Hermione.
"Did you think of something?" Harry asked, Hermione nodded and Harry turned to face her. "I want you to know that I love you, and I always did, despite the way it may have appeared." Hermione pushed Harry aside and opened the door. She looked at Harry and walked inside pulling him with her. When Harry walked inside he saw that the room was dimly lit by a candle with a bed in the center. Harry swallowed hard and looked at Hermione, she was looking at him.
"You keep telling me you love me, over and over, you've told me and we keep getting torn apart by life." Hermione said
"Well, I think it's time you stop telling me you love me and start showing me!" Hermione said reaching up and kissing Harry. Harry pulled back
"Hermione, don't, if we start this and we get into it, I don't think I can stop, I mean we've only been dating for a couple weeks, but I just don't think I can stop!" Harry said backing away. Hermione sighed and took her wand out and locked the door.
"Harry, I've always been the logical one and you have too, I'm not one to act upon impulse, and you aren't really either, but in this case forget logic, forget that we haven't spoken in a week, forget that we are only sixteen, forget about the Book of Deception, don't think about the what if's and just know that I love you and you love me, that should be enough!" Hermione said, "Forget about the fact that tomorrow we have to go retrieve a book that if we aren't the right one's may very well kill us, don't think about the future, and forget the past, just think about you and me here and now!" Hermione took off her mask and set it on a table, "It's just me standing in front of you telling you I love you! Because if the worst happens tomorrow, and we don't ever see each other again, I know I have now, and I'll have no regrets!" Harry stood there looking at Hermione. He reached up and took off his mask and laid it next to hers
"All right!" he said before leaning down and capturing her mouth.
Lavender was looking everywhere for Hermione, she had heard that Harry and her had gone out into the hallway but she couldn't find them. She had told Ron and he had run up to his dormitories to retrieve something and she was now waiting for him to return. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Sirius and James standing there.
"Where's Hermione, Harry and Ron?" James asked, Lavender led them out into the hallway and told them they couldn't find them. "Well that's okay, I'm sure they are around here somewhere." James said. They saw Ron turn the corner carrying a piece of parchment.
"Ron, you went all the way back up to your dormitory to get a piece of parchment?" Lavender said taking it.
James grabbed it from her, "Where did you get this?" he asked Ron.
"Harry keeps it in his trunk!" Ron said ignoring Lavender.
Sirius took out his wand and tapped the parchment, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!"
"You swear what…" Lavender asked but stopped when she saw the map appearing. She was about to ask what it was when her eyes focused on Harry and Hermione. "There they are…" she said pointing to the room they were in.
"Ahh, they are in the Room of Requirement!" James said folding up the map and heading that way, but Lavender cut them off.
"No, why don't we go back to the dance!" Lavender said pushing them towards the Great Hall.
"But they are over there!" Sirius said, not catching on. Lavender sighed and turned to James.
"You two were teenagers once, you realize that they just made up, and what they are probably doing in that room." Lavender said hoping they would catch on. James looked at her and suddenly stopped trying to get past.
"You mean…Harry and Hermione…together?" James asked, Lavender nodded.
"All right well what do you say we head back to the dance?" Lavender said pushing Sirius, James and Ron back into the ballroom mumbling, "Hermione you owe me big time!"
Hermione deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck; he pulled back for breath and looked at her.
"Hermione, you're sure about this right?" Harry asked, Hermione let go of him and pushed him back on the bed.
"Harry, you promised me, no talking!" she said leaning down on top of him to capture his lips. His hands settled on her back while her hand removed his jacket and threw it to the side. He began to untie her dress and slowly slipped it off, so that she was left in only her underwear. Hermione quickly took off his shirt and pants while he attacked her neck.
Harry looked at Hermione and slowly whispered, "I love you!" before laying her down on the bed.
"I love you, too!" Hermione said before finally giving into ecstasy and passion. Harry quickly removed her underwear and she took off his boxers. He slowly kissed the valley in between her breasts and cupped on with his hands. Hermione let out a moan and brought his head up to kiss him. She made her way to his neck and kissed his jaw as he gasped for breath.
Slowly he looked her in the eye and leaned into kiss her as he entered her and she screamed into his mouth as he thrust inside her. Hermione let out a moan as she reached her climax soon followed by Harry and then they fell onto the bed in exhaustion. Harry pulled the blanket over them as Hermione moved into his arms and fell asleep and for the few moments before Harry fell asleep he watched Hermione sleep and thought that for the first time in a while everything was perfect before giving into exhaustion, not knowing that tomorrow his perfect world would be gone.
Hermione woke up in the middle of the night and realized that she should probably head back to her dormitory but figured that Harry would probably think the worst if she left. Hermione looked around and saw all the clothing strung around, `Man, I could really use a change of clothes' Hermione thought and immediately she saw a pile of neatly folded clothing on a table. She quietly changed into them and pulled a robe on. She looked at sleeping Harry and knew that she couldn't possibly fall asleep again and she didn't want to wake him. Her thoughts immediately fell to the Book of Deception, she knew she would have to go and get it tomorrow and that it wouldn't be easy, she just hoped that together her and Harry could do it, otherwise they would die trying.
Hermione looked around and saw that while she was daydreaming a door appeared that hadn't been there before Hermione looked at it and approached it with caution, had she needed it? She didn't remember thinking for anything. Hermione pushed open the door and saw that there was a covered table with a cloaked figure sitting at it. Hermione closed the door and looked suspiciously at the figure.
"Who are you?" she asked, she saw the figure remove its cloak and she saw a raven haired beauty with green eyes staring at her.
"Sit down!" she said motioning to a chair in front of her. Hermione looked at the woman suspiciously before sliding into the chair.
"What do you want, why are you here?" Hermione asked.
"You want to know that your family and the ones you love would be safe, I am here to tell you!" the woman said to Hermione.
"What?" Hermione asked still not understanding.
"Let's just say that I am someone to help you change the decisions that you must make in the future." The woman paused, "I come bearing sad news, but it is news that in a different time affected a choice that pretty much ended the world. Your parents, come tomorrow will be dead, and no matter what you try to do, they will stay dead, that is their destiny. But your destiny remains a mystery, you see in a previous time, you received this news and it grieved you, you mourned for the death of you parents and you let that grief take hold and it prevented you from obtaining the Book of Deception." She stopped and let the information sink in, "You are not as surprised by the news of your parents death, are you? Yes, it's because in your heart you know that the second you kissed that boy you sealed your parents' death wish. But you must not blame yourself!" she added. "It will not help matters!" Hermione stared at the woman as she let silent tears fall from her eyes but did not look away from the woman.
"What am I supposed to do?" Hermione choked out.
"You cannot let your grief prevent you from getting that book, if you do not succeed in getting that book, you will live to see the world in the hands of evil, but you will wish you didn't. Tomorrow will be a trying day and many things will happen that will change the course of things but remember not everything is as it seems, betrayals may not be all they appear to be and love, you must trust in the love that you have." She said. She leaned forward and took Hermione's hand, "He loves you, through everything remember he loves you!" Hermione felt a hand on her shoulder and looked around; she was in the bed with Harry.
Harry stared at her, "Hurry up and get dressed, we have to meet Dumbledore!" Harry said tossing her clothing.
Hermione and Harry arrived at Dumbledore's office to see Lavender, Ron, Sirius, James, Lily and Draco standing inside.
"Who are the Marauders?" Lavender asked but forgot as soon as she saw Hermione enter. Lavender grabbed the Marauder's Map and walked over to Hermione, "Did you know about this? That they can watch our every move?" Hermione looked down at the map and took it from Lavender
"Yes, and don't make it sound like they sit there and watch us, they don't, I know." Hermione said taking the map and putting it into Harry's hands. Hermione looked around and noticed that Lupin and Dumbledore were not there. "Where's Lupin and Dumbledore?"
James, who hadn't stopped looking at Hermione, spoke up, "He won't be able to come!" Sirius looked at James.
"Full moon!" Sirius said looking at Hermione, and she nodded in comprehension. Dumbledore walked in from a side room and interrupted the conversation.
"Umm, I would like to speak with Ms. Granger please!" Dumbledore said, Hermione then suddenly remembered her dream and looked down while everyone was confused.
"I already know, Professor Dumbledore!" Hermione said quietly. Dumbledore, who had been walking around to his desk, froze mid-step and turned to look at Hermione.
"How do you know?" Dumbledore asked, eyes wide, she began to speak but Dumbledore stopped her, "Out!" he said to the others, sounding harsher than he meant to. When they didn't move he waved a hand, they moved to the door and it closed with a snap after them, "Sit down Ms. Granger, I need you to tell me everything!"
Hermione slid into a chair, "Well, I was asleep, but it didn't seem like I was, I mean I know it wasn't a dream, it was too real to be just a dream." Hermione said shaking her head, "Once I sat down she started telling me things…"
"Like what things?" Dumbledore asked. "It is important that you tell me these things, because as far as I know, you shouldn't know a thing about your parents' deaths, and it strikes me very odd that you would."
Hermione took a deep breath, "Well she told me about my parents, and then she told me that I shouldn't let their deaths prevent me from retrieving the Book of Deception." Hermione said and then remembered the rest, "But, she…she said something else." Dumbledore looked at her, urging her to go on, "She told me that betrayals are not as they seem and to trust in love." Dumbledore seemed to be pondering this. He stood up abruptly and walked over his mantle and seemed to be inspecting it.
"Hmm…ahh here it is!" he said pulling out a small silver dagger. "I want you to keep this, you will need it!" he said looking at her over his half-moon spectacles. He began to walk to the door but she stopped him before he reached it.
"Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione asked, when he turned to look at her she paused, "It would appear that when we go to the Shrieking shack Harry and I will have to retrieve the Book of Deception, am I right?" Dumbledore nodded, "Well, and forgive me if I seem nosy, but are you keeping something from us, you know about the Book of Deception?"
Dumbledore made his way back to his desk and again told Hermione to sit down, "Yes, Ms. Granger, we are, and I think that it is time we told you." Dumbledore sat back and folded his hands, "Persiam Deppart, as you know, laid the book in its final resting place, but what you don't know are the events leading up to it. Persiam and her husband…"
"You mean her fiancée, that's what she told us!" Hermione said interrupting.
"She wouldn't remember him as her husband because we had to erase that memory, but he was her husband. They made the long journey to the cave of Deception not knowing they were being followed by her husband's jealous ex-lover, who happened to be evil. Well skipping gory details and the fact that we are on a tight schedule, his ex-lover killed him when he refused to love her." Dumbledore said with a sigh.
Hermione gasped, "Oh, what a horrible woman!"
"Yes, mother wasn't very kind!" Dumbledore said.
"Mother?" Hermione said.
"Yes I was her child that is why I know so much about all of this. But my parentage is not why you are here. Persiam was furious, but good could never kill so in order to get her revenge, Persiam turned pure evil, the most evil being that has been known to man. She killed that woman in the most brutal way and wiped out anyone within a mile radius with her anger. But just because Persiam was evil didn't necessarily mean that she wasn't thinking straight, she knew that, that book needed to be put to rest, none of them were safe otherwise." Dumbledore said.
"So what you're saying is that, that book was laid with pure evil…" Hermione began
"…and you have to retrieve it with pure good." Dumbledore finished.