"Started with you? What are you talking about?" Harry asked looking at his Godfather.
"Well when we were eleven and we received our Hogwart's letters my parents were delighted, another Voldemort worshipper in the family." Sirius said with a scowl on his face, "But whenever I got on the train I couldn't find an empty compartment so I just sat down in the first one I could find. In it were many names that I recognized as friends of my father and mother, which also meant they were Voldemort supporters. Now, despite that I had been raised as a Voldemort supporter, didn't make me one. Among the people inside the compartment was Severus Snape who immediately had a feeling about him that we just wouldn't get along." Sirius said. "After a while I left the compartment to see what else there was or more properly who else there was. I ran into James and he said he was looking for an empty compartment we found one with Remus and Peter in it and we immediately all became inseperatable." Sirius paused. Lupin noticed,
"We were all very close but as I told you previously they couldn't very well ignore the fact that I disappeared once a month. When they found out they spent three years perfecting becoming an animagus. The next couple of years we spent playing evil tricks on people, especially Snape. Harry, now of course, you already know of the two worst instances in which your father, Sirius and Snape fought." Lupin said
"He does?" James asked. "When?"
"During third and fifth year!" Sirius said, "Lupin sort of let it slip when Harry thought I was trying to kill him, and in fifth year when Harry looked in Snape's pensieve."
"Which two instances?" James asked a little scared to know what his son thought of him. Harry looked at Sirius who looked back, but Lupin spoke up.
"The one with Sirius when he caught a glimpse of me, and then when you hung him upside down!" James and Lily's eyes both widened.
"He asked us why you two got married, after seeing the way Lily talked to James." Sirius said.
"Yes, I didn't like him very much, it was in sixth year when he really started to grow up. I think he began to realize that in two years he was going to have to decide what he wanted to do with his life." Lily said, "But in sixth year I couldn't admit that I had feelings for him, it would make me seem that I was a hypocrite. So while the rest of the school swooned over Sirius Black and James Potter, I stood off to the side and hid my feelings." Lily finished; there was a silence.
"Now, girls didn't really swoon over us!" Sirius said, but Lily just nodded.
"Yeah they really did, they thought you were the best thing to happen to the female population in their time, and of course Sirius and James didn't exactly set the record straight," Lily let out a laugh, "…Sirius had a new girlfriend every week, and James didn't exactly wait around for me either."
"Hey, now that's not fair, in my own defense she obviously didn't like me, and I was young, what was I supposed to do not take advantage of the fact that all the girls thought I was gorgeous." James said with a laugh, which got him elbowed by Lily.
"But, anyway, Snape was obviously jealous of James and by the end of sixth year it was becoming harder and harder to hide my feelings for James, and he had noticed my change in attitude towards him, but so had Snape!" Lily said, "Snape had made no secret that he liked me and had even asked me out a few times, but I just saw him as a greasy guy who loved the dark arts, because, Harry, despite the fact that I stopped your father from cursing him didn't make me like him."
"Any way so, Lily and myself kept in contact all summer, and many times she would tell me that she didn't feel safe, like someone was watching her. Sirius was staying with me at the time, he had left his parents they…" James began
"He knows, I told him!" Sirius said cutting off James.
"He knows?" Lily asked.
"Well, yeah, he is my Godson!" Sirius said.
"Oh, okay then, anyways he was staying with me so we decided to take the knight bus and go see her. When we got there she was very scared, her parents had gone on holiday leaving her at home, and she didn't want to bother them. So we owled my parents and told them we would be staying at Lily's house for the last two or three weeks of vacation before school began they sent our trunks to her house and we stayed there." James said.
"We all grew very close, we were pretty much stuck together," Sirius said, "…but even I could tell that there was more in between Lily and James that they were letting come out. I was trying to give them time alone but everytime I did they never made any effort to try." Sirius paused, "So when we went back to Hogwart's for the last year we were always together."
"But, once I got back, I saw Snape lingering around in the hallways smiling at me, smiling like he knew a dirty little secret." Lily said in disgust, "One night I was walking back from somewhere and Snape stopped me in the hall. He told me that he knew my secret and unless I agreed to date him he would tell the entire school. I had no idea what he was talking about but he told me it was that James and me were dating, and even though I wanted it and it wasn't happening, it wasn't a secret. I told him this and he pulled his wand on me and told me I'd date him or he'd make me. Before I got a chance to respond James had his wand against Snape's throat. He told him to let me go or else. He did and left, it was shortly thereafter that he became a deatheater. James and I began dating shortly after and the rest is history." Lily said, "Snape never forgave me for rejecting him, but from what I hear, when Voldemort killed us he came back to Dumbledore and has been good ever since."
James made a noise, "Snape will never be good, evil is in his blood, he doesn't know better!"
"Yeah well that may be true, but Dumbledore trusts him and that's good enough for me!" Lily said standing up, "We will leave and let you sleep it's been a long day." She came and gave Harry a hug, "Good night my son!" she said before letting go and walking out the door with one last glance before heading out.
"Good night, Harry!" Sirius said following Lupin out. James was right behind him
"Good night, son, take care!" he said leaving.
"Night dad!"
The next day was very uneventful, Harry spent most of his day in bed until he heard Draco and Hermione talking.
"What are you talking about?" he heard Hermione ask.
"You know perfectly what I'm talking about, that girl's arm, the girl you saw at your precious Viktor's house." Draco said. "Didn't you tell someone about the symbol since, Dumbledore, Black, Lupin, even Harry's parents?"
"No, I only told you, I was afraid that Viktor would come after me!" Hermione cried.
"He'll come after you whether you go to Dumbledore or not!" Draco yelled. Harry quickly got ready and went out into the common room. He saw Hermione and Draco pretty much at each other's throats. When he came out Draco backed off.
"What is going on here!" Harry asked.
"Your girlfriend here didn't tell anyone about that girl's arm she saw at Viktor's house!" Draco said pacing
"The girl's arm? Wait, why do you care?" Harry asked, Draco stopped pacing
"Why do I care? WHY do I CARE?" Draco looked at Hermione, "You didn't tell him did you!"
"No, I just figured it out!" Hermione said quietly.
"Figured what out?" Harry asked still not getting it.
"Well, this morning I went into the library to work on that essay for Lupin about the Book of Deception. Well I was just looking at things and that's when I saw this," she said holding up a picture of some sort of symbol, "I remembered seeing it on the girls left arm when ever she was tied down. I hadn't been really concentrating on it, but it just sort of popped into my mind. Then when I read the caption I came back here immediately." Hermione said
"Well, what does the symbol mean?" Harry asked intrigued.
"It is worn by the family in which hid the Book of Deception. The woman, that girl tied to the floor in Viktor Krum's house knows where it is, the Book of Deception." Draco said, "And now, so does Viktor Krum!"
Harry, Hermione, and Draco burst into Dumbledore's office to find him sitting at his desk as if waiting for them.
"Hello children, please sit!" He said gesturing to the three chairs in front of his desk.
"Professor Dumbledore, we have bad news…" Hermione then went on to explain what they had discovered. Once they had finished Dumbledore had a unreadable expression on his face. Dumbledore then wrote down something on a piece of Parchment before standing up and going to Fawkes.
"Take this to Lupin, he'll know what to do!" he said and with a flash of fire Fawkes was gone. Dumbledore turned back to Draco, Harry, and Hermione.
"Hermione I thank you greatly for coming to me as soon as you realized this, but I don't think you understand the gravity of this discovery, you have just made a discovery that may change the course of the wizarding world." Dumbledore said "The Book of Deception is quite possibly one of the most dangerous books in my time. Depending upon who finds this book can depend upon whether this book is good or evil." Sirius, Lupin, Lily, James, Ron, Lavender, and Ginny walking into the room interrupted Dumbledore.
"What is the meaning of this?" Lupin asked
"It's been discovered Remus, the Book of Deception, its being sought after by Voldemort!" Dumbledore said standing up. "Ginny, thank you for coming, I would appreciate it greatly if you would look after the studies of these five while they are away, and also owl the Grangers, Browns, Mrs. Malfoy, and of course your parents." Ginny just nodded, and Dumbledore smiled, "Thank you! You may head back to your class, and I would ask that you not repeat anything that you have heard here." Ginny turned and began to leave before running back to Ron and hugging him and whispering something in his ear. Once she left Lily turned to Dumbledore,
"Where are they going?" she asked.
"Not them all of you!" Dumbledore said coming around his desk, "You are all going to find the Book of Deception!"
"All of us?" asked Lavender, "I mean, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but in this group I don't really belong." Dumbledore took Lavender by the hand
"I assure you, Ms. Brown, you belong in this group, the acceptance that you long for lies in your roots!" Dumbledore said before turning to Draco.
"Mr. Malfoy, I know this seems against what you were raised to believe, and no one is forcing you to go on this journey, but if you go on this journey, I promise you that you too will find what you are looking for!" Dumbledore said looking at Draco
"Dumbledore must the children go?" James asked stepping forward
"James, I thought you would be offended if I didn't allow your child to put himself in harms way. But yes, these children must go!" Dumbledore said in a tone that was not to be argued with.
"Now, children why don't you head back to your dormitories while I go over the details with your parents." Dumbledore said leading the children outside, "I suggest you go and pack, tomorrow will be quite a full day!" and with a quick snap as the door closed Dumbledore was gone.
Once they were back inside their dormitories Harry, Hermione and Draco headed back to the Room of Requirement. Draco immediately disappeared into his room and Hermione headed straight for the couch. Harry sat next to her, "What a day, huh?" Harry asked
"Oh, yeah!" Hermione responded
"Just think, tomorrow we'll be God knows where with Sirius…
"Lupin…" Hermione said
"My parents!"
"Draco!" Hermione said with a laugh
"Ron and Lavender!" Harry said, "That should be interesting!"
"Yeah!" Hermione said.
After a long silence, "So how are you?"
Hermione looked at him, "Honestly? I'm frightened out of my mind; I can't believe that Viktor would do that, and also what this trip to find this book might cost us?"
"Cost us?" Harry asked.
"Well, Harry you're the type to plunge into things without thinking of the consequences, me I'm the exact opposite! I mean what if we lose Sirius again, or your parents, what if you get hurt!" Hermione said, "I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you."
"You don't have to worry about that, I can take care of myself!" Harry said taking her hand
"No, but, seriously Harry what if Voldemort is after this book, what if you meet, fight, and what if you lose? Then what?" Hermione asked.
"Then we'll deal with it, but I promise okay, I'll be all right!" Harry said, "Trust me?"
Hermione looked in his eyes, "I trust you!" they began to lean in, and then Harry pulled back suddenly.
"You know Hermione…I think I'm…" but he stopped when she put her finger on his lips.
"Harry, just shut up and kiss me!" Hermione whispered before Harry leaned in and caught her lips in a passion filled kiss.