Hermione just stared in awe as she stared onto a man she thought was dead, "It can't be you, can it?"
"Oh, it can and it is, now can you tell me where my Godson is, I'm going to give him the shock of his life!" Sirius Black, Harry's godfather said. Hermione looked as though she might faint.
"Is it really you?" Hermione said, Sirius looked down at her and smiled.
"I missed you too!" he said before Hermione heard a small gasp behind her. When she swung around and saw Lavender, whom she had forgotten was there, joined with Harry and Ron. One look at Harry sent Hermione off and running, she didn't know where she was going she just knew she had to get out of there. When Lavender saw this she turned on Harry and gave him a death glare.
"You are such a…" she said poking him in the chest, "…GUY!" she yelled before turning and running after Hermione. Sirius just stared at Harry and Ron, and then suddenly broke out into laughter.
Harry's face fell, "What's so funny?" he asked not at all amused by this.
"Whatever you did, you're in it deep!" Sirius said turning to head into the Great Hall.
"Wait, Sirius, wait!" Harry said running after him, when Sirius turned around Harry ran into his arms hugging him, "I missed you so much!"
"I know, I missed you too!" Sirius said softly, then smiled after Harry had let go of him, "I think you should follow me, you two have some explaining to do about that scene back there." Sirius said walking off.
"Where are we going?" Harry asked following, Sirius stopped and looked back at Harry smiling.
"Well, my office, of course!"
When Lavender finally found Hermione she was close to tears mumbling something. "Hermione, are you okay?" Lavender asked silently, sitting down next to her.
"He likes her, how could he like her, I mean she's rude, and well mean!" Hermione babbled.
"Hermione I don't think he likes her!" Lavender said, Hermione looked at her, as if for the first time noticing her there.
"You were there, didn't you hear him?" Hermione said as if Lavender had gone mad.
"But he didn't sound convincing, I mean, I'm no expert but I've had my fair share of guys and he just didn't sound convincing!" Lavender said standing up, "Listen you can sit here and brood over some stupid thing Harry said or you can get your arse out there and show him what he's missing!" Lavender paused, "I know it's not you, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! Now let's go I'm famished!" she said extending her hand to Hermione, and Hermione took it standing up.
"I swear you get more and more like Ron everyday!"
As Hermione and Lavender were talking Harry, Ron, and Sirius were walking to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. Once they reached in they sunk into the two chairs in front of Sirius' desk. After a long pause Sirius leaned back in his chair,
"So who will begin?" he asked smiling, Ron and Harry exchanged looks.
"I don't know she just freaked out! It was so odd, very out of character!" said Harry shrugging. Sirius looked at Ron who just stared back.
"Well why don't you tell me what happened!" After Harry filled him in about the train and carriage rides Sirius began to laugh. "Oh boy, are you two in it deep!"
"What?" they both asked at the same time. "What did we do?" Ron asked clueless.
"Well Harry, you're in it deep for mentioning another woman when Hermione was there, and you," he said pointing to Ron, "are in trouble for not stopping him!"
"Great I'm in trouble and I wasn't even the one who made the mistake!" Ron said standing up, "Well I better go make amends before they decide to turn the whole school against us!" he said storming out.
Harry turned back to Sirius, "What do you mean?" he asked confused, "Why would me mentioning Cho with Hermione there matter, she never used to care!"
"Yeah well love will do funny things to people!" Sirius said quickly while standing up, "Well, you better get out of here before all the food is gone."
"Wait, love? Why would you say that, we don't love each other, friendship is the extent of our relationship!" Harry said quickly.
"Yeah, and I'm and escape convict, now off before McGonagall has my head!" Sirius said shoving Harry out the door of his office.
`Love, I don't love her!' Harry thought walking to the great hall, once he got inside he saw Hermione and Lavender sitting there talking and they met eyes, `At least I don't think I do!'
Hermione instantly felt Harry's presence when he entered the room, and her eyes flew over to Lavender who gave her a knowing glance. When Harry sat down next to Hermione she stared at him as he filled his goblet with pumpkin juice. When Harry looked at her, he smiled and opened his mouth to talk but was stopped by a roll that was shoved into his mouth by Hermione before she stood up and stalked out of the Great Hall, leaving a speechless Harry.
"Well?" Lavender asked, "What the bloody hell are you waiting for, go get her?" she said pointing out towards the doors Hermione had just exited through. Harry stood up hesitantly and started walking off towards the Gryffindor common room but never made it when he heard sobs coming out of Sirius' office.
"Crying over him won't make Harry any more aware of your feelings!" Harry heard Sirius say. Harry crept outside the door and saw that the door was partly open and peered inside only to be shocked by what he saw. A crying Hermione accepting a handkerchief from Sirius, then it hit him, Feelings? What feelings? That's when he saw Sirius look up and meet his eyes, "Harry?"
But Hermione didn't seem to notice, "No, your right, crying over him won't make him see that all I dream about is him…"
"Hermione…" Sirius began
"Crying over him won't make him see that all I think about is him…"
"Hermione!" Sirius said more forcefully this time.
"And crying over him sure as hell won't make him see…"
"HERMIONE!" Sirius screamed
"…that I love him!" Hermione finished.
"That you what?" Harry said entering the room. Hermione swung around and Harry saw her tearstained face. She immediately gasped and turned around on Sirius.
"Sirius, why didn't you try and warn me!" she asked, she sighed and turned back to Harry wiping the tears from her eyes, "It doesn't matter Harry forget you heard it, you're more interested in Cho anyways!" Hermione said walking towards the door only to be intercepted by Harry.
"Wait a second, Cho? Are you joking me you didn't think I was actually serious, did you?" Harry asked referring to the Truth-or-dare episode.
"You know I don't think it's a good idea you two do this here!" said Sirius quickly
"Well, excuse me if hearing you say it would lead me to believe that!" Hermione said ignoring Sirius.
"What about Viktor, you were head over heels for him, was he too famous, not famous enough, what? What was wrong with wonder boy that you had to dump him?" Harry said, his words seething with anger.
"Harry…" Sirius began
"That is none of your damn business!" Hermione said ignoring Sirius
"Hermione…" Sirius tried
"I beg to differ, I think it is my business, you just told me you loved me, and I just wanna know if your using me to make Viktor and Cho jealous?" Harry said heatedly.
"Harry!" Sirius exclaimed not believing what he had said.
"I can't believe you just said that; that you think that little of me!" Hermione said before heading towards the door but pausing before exiting, "If you think that of me you can just go to hell because you are no friend of mine." She said before leaving the room and heading back to the dorms.