When Harry opened his eyes he was in the most beautiful place he had ever seen, the grass was green, the trees were fully in bloom and there was a breeze that made it not too hot, not too cold. It was perfect, too perfect! Lavender took a step forward to look at the forest and immediately a sword was at her throat. She stood so still she could have been a statue.
"Look at this, a poor little girl!" a man snarled, "Stay where you are or else this poor, little, helpless girl won't have a head!" Hermione was watching Lavender, when the man said that something changed in her eyes, immediately she stepped on the man's foot elbowed him in the face and kicked the sword out of his hand. She stepped over and picked up the sword and held it to the man's throat.
"Now, who's helpless?" Lavender said
"Bloody hell!" Ron said in shock.
"Who are you?" James asked stepping forward
"J-just a guard of the f-forest, nothing more!" he said stuttering
"Well, now what are we going to do with him, he obviously was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but if we let him go he'll go off and tell his friends and they'll attack us." James said, "What do we do?"
Lily sighed, "You know, the sad part is James is the smart ones out of this group!" Lily said rubbing her forehead. She held up her wand and chords shot out of the end of it and tied up the man. Hermione was next
"Petrificus Totalus!" she yelled and the man fell flat. "Honestly don't you boys ever read?"
"If we say no will you do our school work?" Ron asked, Hermione glared at him.
"Well, we should get a move on, keep a watchful eye out, I'm sure there are worse things than guards in these woods, especially once night falls." Lupin said walking forward. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful except for a few spiders, which scared Ron, but otherwise by the time they stopped for the night they were just waiting for something to happen. Sirius, Lupin and James all set up three tents. One for Lily, Hermione and Lavender; one for Draco, Ron and Harry; and another for Lupin, James and Sirius. By the time night had fallen they were all going to their respective tents. The four adults were inside their tent talking about the plan for the next day, Draco was inside his tent, Ron and Lavender were inside the girls' tent, so Harry and Hermione went down towards the river and sat there.
Harry was gazing out at the river not noticing Hermione looking at him, "You know Harry, I've been thinking about something, you have been dealing with a lot lately, I mean with this Book of Deception thing. It's all a lot to handle for a sixteen year old guy!" Hermione said.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked still not looking at her. Hermione put her hand on his chin and made him look at her.
"I mean, I'm here, you can talk to me!" Hermione said looking into his eyes.
"I know, but it's not like you could understand, I mean, no one can, no one can know what its like to carry a burden like this." Harry said looking back towards the river
"Well then let us carry some of it for you instead!" Hermione said standing up and heading back to camp. Harry stood up abruptly.
"Hermione, wait, I didn't meant to upset you!" Harry said grabbing her by the arm
She looked down, "I know Harry, but you have to realize that there are other people here that care about you, so don't be scared to open up. Not just to me, but to others too, like Sirius and your parents." Hermione said, "Now I'm going to go to bed, good night, love!" Hermione said leaning in and kissing him before pulling away and walking back to camp.
"She's right you know!" said a voice from behind Harry. He turned to see his father.
"Hello dad!" Harry said, he hadn't really gotten a chance to talk with his father by himself.
James smiled, "She's right, smart one, that girl! You found yourself a good one! She reminds me so much of your mother; smart, clever, muggle-born, she even looks a little bit like her." James said smiling at Harry.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked confused.
"Harry, finding the love of my life was the best thing that could have happened for me. I had Sirius and Lupin but without your mother I would have gotten nowhere. Harry I barely know you, so it wouldn't be logical for me to judge you. But, from what I can tell, you are remarkably like me, which would also mean you have a tendency to push people away whenever they might be in danger. Don't do that, listen to Hermione, her words could mean the difference between life and death!" James said before turning to camp, "C'mon Harry, time for bed!"
Once Harry got into his tent he saw Ron and Draco lying on their backs not talking to each other. Harry shook his head, "Can't you guys get over this thing that seems to separate you for just this trip?" Ron looked over at Draco
"No!" Ron said defiantly
"I tried to talk to him but he wouldn't get over it!" Draco said sitting up.
"Ron, I don't think you realize Draco is on our side, he's with us on this thing. We can't be divided, you know this as well as I do!" Harry said
"Now, let's go to bed, it's going to be a hard day tomorrow." Harry said lying down in his sleeping bag.
The next day after having breakfast and taking down the tents they began their journey to Aenigma. They were all walking silently with their wands in their hands. The three marauders were walking in front followed by the three boys, then Lily, Lavender and Hermione were walking at the end. Lavender and Hermione were talking with Lily listening silently next to them.
"Hermione, I've got to ask!" Lavender said, "I know this is a sore subject for you but I was just wondering what was Viktor Krum like, I mean, he was just so gorgeous, I mean..."
"I CAN HEAR YOU!" Ron yelled from in front of them.
"Well stop eavesdropping then!" Lavender shot back and then turned to Hermione with expectant eyes.
"Well, he was great, at first, but after a while he just got so jealous of Ron and Harry..." Hermione started.
"Jealous? What would Viktor have to be jealous of with two scrawny fifteen years olds?" Lavender said.
"HEY!" Harry and Ron said together looking back at the girls. Lily just laughed.
"Sorry Harry, but she's got a point!" Lily said, "I mean in our fifth year when your father was trying so hard to impress me and failing miserably, the older guys looked so much better, whether or not you were actually scrawny is up for discussion but to girls, until your seventeen, you will be scrawny." Lily finished with a laugh while receiving and incredulous stare from her husband. "Oh, honey, you know I love you, but you were pretty scrawny!"
"What is this, male bashing day?" Harry asked. Draco laughed at them and they stared at him, "Draco you're supposed to be backing us up!"
"Why, so I can have my past brought up and thrown in my face, no thanks!" Draco said
Sirius spoke up, "Children, we're here!" Sirius said motioning to a sign that said `Aenigma' across it.
The town was full of witches and wizards hurry through the streets not even noticing the nine strangers entering their town. Sirius took a step forward and ran into a witch.
"Hey, watch where your going will ya?" the witch said before continuing on.
"It's magnificent!" Hermione said walking into town. But Sirius stopped her and just shook his head.
"A town holding secrets like this is not easy to get into." Sirius said turning back towards Lily, James and Remus. "Perhaps the kids should stay here!"
"What, no, that's not fair, coming from mister daredevil, you can't..." Harry started.
"Harry!" Hermione said, "You can't go in there without us, Professor Dumbledore said that you will need us to help figure out the clue."
"Lavender?" a voice asked from behind Sirius, he turned around to see a woman with long blonde hair and shining blue eyes.
"Aunt Persiam? Is that you?" Lavender said launching herself into her arms.
"Lavender?" Ron asked.
"Oh, sorry," Lavender said pulling herself, "Ron, Harry, Hermione, Professor Lupin, Black, Mr. and Mrs. Potter this is my Aunt, Persiam Deppart."
"Your Aunt?" Ron asked, "Your Aunt holds the clue to the Book of Deception?"
"I guess, this is the first I have heard of the book." Lavender said looking at her boyfriend. "I didn't mean to keep it a secret, but I thought that if Dumbledore had thought it would make a difference, he would have told you."
"Wait a second, how did you find out about the Book of Deception?" Persiam asked Lavender.
"It's trying to be stolen, we are on a search to find out who and why?" James said stepping forward holding out his hand, "James Potter!" Persiam shook his hand. "I have a note from Dumbledore!" he said handing her the note. She read it quickly and looked up at Sirius, Lily and James.
"Follow me!" Persiam said turning and walking through the village, once they made it through the village they came upon a little cottage outside of the village. Once inside Persiam turned to them, "Why have all of you come? The adults must be enough, I don't know if I appreciate my niece going on a dangerous mission such as this." She eyed the children, "What do you know of the Book of Deception?" The children exchanged glances.
"Well..." Ron began
"It's a book containing some of the most brilliant and terrible curses known to wizardry!" Hermione said.
Persiam's eyes turned to Hermione something flickered in her eyes but was quickly gone, "Yes, that's right, but if this book is ever found, depending of course upon who finds it, could wipe out all evil or all good." Persiam looked over to James, "You come here to see the clue?" James simply nodded. "Dumbledore told you that I show just about anyone this clue, and that is true, to an extent. But most of them don't understand the clue simply because it is hard to figure out, people don't understand the clue because the clue is this." She said taking a small bottle out of her robes. The vial was filled with a red liquid.
"Is this a potion?" Lavender said taking it from her Aunt.
"No, Lavender, it is something much better than that. It is my blood!" Persiam said with a smile, when everyone looked at her with confused eyes her smile faded, "Dumbledore didn't tell you about me?"
"About you?" Lily asked stepping forward.
"Yes about my past, about what happened to me?" Persiam said, "About why my blood is the key to unlocking the secret of where the Book of Deception is hidden. That vial of blood was taken from me a long time ago before my memory was altered, after I hid the Book of Deception."