Hermione just stared at Lucius as he smirked at her, "Silly little girl!"
"Run, Hermione, go!" she heard Draco yell, "Now!" Draco said pushing her towards the door before turning on his dad, "Father!"
"Draco!" he said eyeing his son, "She is very pretty!" Hermione didn't stay to find out what happened next she ran out of there and ran straight into Harry.
"Harry, Draco…his father came, deatheaters!" she stuttered.
"Okay Hermione go to Dumbledore's office and get my dad, I'll take care of them!" Harry said running outside to see Draco and his father square off.
"Draco, this time you picked the wrong side!" he said before holding his wand up to his throat, still not noticing Harry. What happened next seemed to happen in slow motion. As Lucius was muttering some spell Harry ran and pushed Draco out of the way just before it hit him. "Harry Potter!" Lucius spat out, "Come to save the day, have you?"
"I said I would always be here, didn't I?" Harry said standing up with Draco next to him.
"Well it seems you have just sealed your own fate as well as that of my son's!" he held up his wand preparing himself, "Draco, your mother will be so disappointed in you, we had such hopes for you, too bad you had to go a pick the wrong side!"
"I think it's you who chose the wrong side!" James said his wand pointed at Lucius. Lucius' eyes grew very big as he looked at Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Albus Dumbledore's wand pointed at his deatheaters, some of which had disapparated. But his surprise was mainly from James and Lily Potter whose wands were pointed at him. Harry saw this as his chance to act he took Draco and himself over to where Hermione was standing with Ron and Lavender. Ron looked at Malfoy with disgust, but Harry just shook his head and said.
"He's not his father, Ron!" Harry said as Hermione hugged him, "Hermione…air!" she suddenly let go and was about to say something when they heard a series of loud `pop's behind them.
"James, have you gone mad?" Sirius said, "We had them!"
"No, it's not time!" James said putting away his wand.
"I'm aware of what he almost did, but the point is we couldn't have taken them here with a room full of children next door and you know it!" James said back.
Sirius was about to say something back when Lily stepped in between them, "Children, the both of you, now calm down, Sirius, James is right we were not prepared, now let's go back inside." Lily turned back to Harry, "Lavender, Ron why don't you go back to the dance and tell McGonagall that all is settled and…have fun. Harry, Hermione and Draco, follow me." All of them began to walk except for Hermione who seemed to be in a daze.
"Come on Hermione, were safe!" Harry said reassuringly leading her towards Dumbledore's office.
Once they arrived at Dumbledore's office they were immediately checked over for any scrapes or injuries but found to have none. After Madame Pomfrey left Dumbledore spoke up, "So Hermione start at the beginning and tell me what happened!"
"Well, I went outside for a fresh breath of air and I saw Draco standing there and I started talking to him and we argued over things, but then his father came and he pushed me out of there, I ran into Harry and Harry told me to go get you and I did." Hermione said.
"Harry what happened once you got there?" Lily asked
"I saw that Draco's father had his wand pointed at him, and he was about to curse him and I knocked him out of the way and then shortly there after you came." Harry said looking at Draco who seemed to be in shock.
"Draco is this the way it happened?" Dumbledore asked him. Draco just nodded.
"What is the meaning of this!" they heard shouted through the door, which then burst open to reveal Snape who immediately came marching towards Draco. "Albus, this child is in my house, I should have been informed immediately!" He said not noticing those around him. He then stood up and saw Lupin and Sirius staring at him. "What are they doing here?"
"Hermione and Harry!" Sirius said pointing to those next to Draco. "They saved his life!"
"Is that so?" Snape asked Draco, who, again, only nodded. "I see well I will be taking him back to his house and I'll take care of it from here."
"You most certainly will not be, that boy's father is looking for him, he would be safer kept somewhere else." Lupin said.
"So you could protect him, an escaped convict, and a werewolf? What can you do? Or is it Potter that will protect him?" Snape said pointing to Harry.
"I know where he can go, at least for the night!" Hermione said, "The room of requirement! It can be anything that you want, why not just make it a place for him to stay for a while, until everything settles down."
"That is the wor…" Snape started.
"Best idea I have ever heard!" said a voice from behind Snape. He swung around and came face to face with Lily Potter and James behind her. Snape started backing away, "What's wrong Severus, you look like you've seen a ghost." She said walking towards him, "Or are you just looking at me like that because you're afraid that I know how you have been treating my son for the past six years."
"Lily!" James said stepping towards her, "Stop!"
"What, I mean, are they ghosts?" Snape asked Dumbledore
"No, I assure we are very real!" James said turning his attention towards Dumbledore
"Harry, Hermione and Draco, you three will be staying in the room of requirement for tonight and we'll see what happens tomorrow. Now, go back to your dormitories and get your needed supplies for, a week, just in case." Dumbledore said coming around and facing Draco, "Do not linger, I cannot stress this enough! Now go!" Harry, Hermione and Draco walked out of his office and headed toward their dormitories only to be stopped by Draco.
"Where is the Room of Requirement?" he said softly.
Once Harry and Hermione told Draco where the room was they headed toward the Gryffindor common room. Just before entering Harry stopped and looked at Hermione as if seeing her for the first time that night, he took her hand and looked down, "Hermione, I'm sorry that tonight didn't turn out to be the way we had planned it."
Hermione looked at him in confusion, "It turned out fine, listen Harry, you don't need to impress me with fancy balls and planned out speeches, you already have me!" She said before heading up to her dormitory. Ten minutes later Harry was waiting down in the common room for Hermione when Ron and Lavender came in.
"What the bloody hell happened to you two." Ron yelled.
"Ron…" Lavender tried
"No, Lavender we walk out there and see Malfoy with Hermione and Harry and then are told to go back to the dance and act as if nothing happened!"
"RON!" Lavender yelled giving him a sharp glare, "What he means is, are you okay?"
"Yeah, we're fine; my parents took care of it!" Harry said looking at Ron.
Lavender's eyes moved to behind Harry's head, "Oh, Hermione, are you all right?" Lavender said running to her and giving her a hug. Once she let go she noticed the bags, "Where are you going?" Harry stood up beside her.
"Dumbledore wants us to stay in the room of Requirement as a precaution with Malfoy for maybe a week, he's not all that sure." Harry said.
"But we should be going, Dumbledore stressed not lingering." Hermione said heading out of the portrait hole. "See you two tomorrow for breakfast!" They said heading towards the Room of Requirement. When they arrived there they saw Dumbledore with Malfoy.
"Ahh, good your back! Inside you'll find all the things you need, but as I was just discussing with Mr. Malfoy, after having talked it over with the Head's of your houses, and other close relatives we decided that it would be best if you stayed in here until further notice." Dumbledore said.
"But, Professor, what about lessons?" Hermione asked.
"Don't worry about that we will have Ms. Brown or Mr. Weasley drop off your assignments." Dumbledore said, "Oh, by the way, I will be sending some visitors down who wish to speak to you about tonight's matters in private. So don't be alarmed if you hear a knock on the door." And with that said Dumbledore turned and headed towards his office.
Hermione, Draco, and Harry were left staring at each other in silence until Hermione sighed and took a step towards the door and opened it. The room was massive! It had a common room and four doorways, each marked with different names, leading to different rooms. Harry surveyed the four corridors; one said `Draco Malfoy', one said `Hermione Granger', one said `Harry Potter', and one said `Bathroom'. Harry went into the room marked his and saw a bed and a dresser with a mirror. It was simple but just what he needed. Harry walked back out into the common room to see Hermione sitting on the couch reading her `Hogwarts: A History' and Draco sitting across from her staring into space.
"So who wants to be the first to talk about what happened tonight?" Harry asked sitting down next to Draco. Draco looked startled, for a moment but quickly replaced his look with a stony expression.
"You were there you saw what happened!" Draco said standing up, "Even you couldn't be that stupid could you Potter?"
"Well, I was simply asking what occurred before I got there Malfoy." Harry said standing also. Draco was about to say something when they heard Hermione slam down her book.
"Children, the lot of you! I refuse to stay a week inside a room where you two are at each other's throats." Hermione said her voice full of anger.
"No one said you had to stay…" Draco said looking at Hermione.
"Listen, Malfoy, you may talk big, walk big, and act big, but I know inside your just a scared little boy. I saw the look on your face when your father arrived, I saw that you were terrified, and not that I blame you, but, just so you know, it's all right to seem vulnerable from time to time." Hermione said. Draco was speechless.
"Listen, Draco, I know you don't want to be your father, that, in itself, should be enough for us to get along at least inside this room." Harry said sticking out his hand, "Peace?" Draco seemed to consider this deeply before shaking Harry's hand. Harry and Draco were interrupted by a knocking on the door. They promptly let go of each other's hands and Hermione opened the door to reveal Sirius, James, Lupin, Lily, and Snape entering. Sirius, Lupin and James lingered near the door, while Lily went and stood next to Harry, Snape then made his way over to Draco. After a long, awkward silence with odd glances shot different ways Draco broke the silence.
"Don't tell me you came here to look at each other in odd ways, because if you did, why couldn't you do that in Dumbledore's office." He said exasperatedly.
"Yeah," Harry said having enough, "…there is obviously a lot of bad blood in this room, and being that I always seem to get the repercussions from that, I'd like to know what the bloody hell is going on!"
"HARRY!" Hermione and Lily said at the same time. Harry saw James, Lupin, and Sirius exchange knowing smiles.
"I believe what Harry was trying to say…" Hermione began.
"No, Hermione," James said, "…we know what Harry meant, and he's right!" James noticed Lily's look. "Lily, he deserves to know, he's not a child, he's sixteen years old!"
"We all know how old he is Potter!" came the drawling voice of Snape.
"Stop! I want no yelling and Snape, I want you gone!" Lily said pointing towards the door. Snape looked at her and something flashed in his eyes before he stood up.
"I've been saying it for years and I'll say it again Potter, you never deserved her!" Snape said before leaving a very perplexed Harry, Hermione, and Draco. Lily seemed to have noticed Draco for the first time and smiled.
"You must be Narcissa's child?" Draco just nodded, "I'm Lily Potter, Harry's mother!" she said holding out her hand to shake, Draco took it hesitantly.
Draco seemed to have relaxed a little bit, "Umm, well, it's been a long day, I think I'm gonna retire for the day, night!" he said before heading towards his bedroom.
"Yeah, well you know, he's right, it's been a long day so I think I'll go and, umm…sleep, so goodnight, Professor Black, Professor Lupin, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, it was nice meeting you, Harry, see you tomorrow, goodnight!" Hermione said quickly before turning and heading to her bedroom, looking back to catch Harry's eyes briefly before disappearing behind her bedroom door. Harry turned back around to see all four adults with smirks on their faces.
"How long have you liked her?" James asked standing next to his wife.
"That is none of your business!" Harry said sitting down on the couch, his parents sat across from him as Sirius and Lupin sat in two armchairs next to the couches.
"At least since third year, possibly before!" Sirius said smiling.
"She reminds me loads of Lily, don't you think so?" James said to Sirius and Lupin who exchanged looks but remained quiet, "Well?"
"Sorry mate!" Sirius said, "We know when to keep our mouths shut!" James looked over to his wife who was giving him a death glare and smiled.
"Not meaning to sound rude, but you did come here to tell me what happened between you and Snape," Harry said, "…so please I'd like to know!" Harry saw all the adults exchange glances.
Sirius finally spoke up, "I'll start, since obviously it started with me!"