A/N: Just so you know I won't be updating like this every day, but I have a lot of chapters done, and I guess I'll just keep updating until I have no more. A huge thanks to all those who reviewed, I feel very special, thanks! R & R!
"I cannot believe her, how could she tell ME to go to hell after what she did!" Harry said pacing inside Sirius' office.
"Pretty easily, and frankly I wouldn't blame her if she never spoke to you again!" Sirius said sorting through lesson plans.
"What?" Harry said, "What are you talking about?"
"Well from the way I see it, and I might have it completely wrong, but it appears Hermione cares a great deal about you and has been trying to get you too notice her but you were too tied up on Cho. But now you're free and when she tries to see if all these little signs she has been seeing are true you ruin it and say you still have feelings for Cho. Then when you finally find out about her feelings you say that she is just using you. Frankly if you weren't my Godson and if you didn't need me so much I would have disowned you then and there." Sirius said walking over to Harry and putting his hands on his shoulders.
"You're not a little boy; I can't fix this for you. If you don't want to be with her, tell her, but if you want to be with her, admit you were wrong and go get her." Sirius said leading Harry to the door,
"Now go get a good night's sleep and I'll see you tomorrow!" Sirius said pushing Harry out the door and closing it behind him. Oh James, he's just like you, so bloody stubborn, don't let him screw this up!
Harry didn't find Hermione that night, and she avoided him the following day, and he hadn't noticed how much he actually needed Hermione until she wasn't there for him. Ron had thought it was awfully odd they weren't talking, but he didn't want Hermione upset at him also so he kept his mouth shut. The weekend following the fight between Hermione and Harry was a hard weekend Ron and Lavender were spending time together so Harry decided to go for a walk and think about everything going on in his life.
"Man, how did I screw this up so bad?" Harry said to himself, "I acted like a complete jerk!"
"Yeah, you really did!" said a voice behind him, Harry turned around to be face to face with Hermione.
"Hermione…" Harry started
"Harry, I acted like a jerk too, if you didn't want to be with me I should have just accepted it, I mean our friendship should be able to outlast some silly little crush that I had, that was one-sided." Hermione said quickly
"No, Harry, thank you, you made me realize that it was just stupid." Hermione said holding back the tears. "But anyways, I just came out to tell you that, and now I'm leaving." She said turning around only to feel a hand stopping her.
"Don't go!" Harry said turning her around, "Whether or not you wanted me to hear your feelings for me, I did, I think it's only proper that you hear my feelings."
Oh no Hermione thought but nodded slowly.
"We've known each other for a long time, and you, me, and Ron make a threesome, so starting a relationship between two of us would not only be difficult being away from each other through the summer but would also make Ron feel left out." Harry said not looking away. When he said this Hermione looked at the ground I knew it, she thought, he doesn't feel the same.
"But, I am the boy-who-lived," Harry continued when Hermione looked down, "…since when do I walk away from a challenge?" Hermione looked up into his eyes.
"What are you saying?" she asked trying not to get her hopes up, but failing miserably.
"I'm saying that I like you also, and I want to give what ever the heck it is that we are trying to have a shot." Hermione just smiled up at him and he smiled back. Then he began to shift, "Hermione, umm…I was wondering if you already had a date to the Welcome Back Ball next weekend?"
"No!" Hermione said shaking her head
"Well, do you want to come with me?" Harry asked not looking her in the eye.
"Absolutely!" Hermione said excitedly, "I mean, I'd be honored!" Harry took Hermione's hand and they walked back up to school hand in hand, "You know what it's a good thing that you asked me today!"
"Why?" Harry asked
"Because a day later and I wouldn't have been able to get an outfit for the ball. I guess I'll have to go up to Hogsmeade tomorrow." Hermione said sighing.
"Sounds dreadful!" Harry said sarcastically, when Hermione hit him on the arm.
"Just for that, you can come with me and Lavender tomorrow to find our robes." Hermione said.
"What, no way, you can't make me!" Harry said stopping
"You're right," Hermione said continuing to walk, "I guess I'll just have to find another guy to help me carry my things!"
"No way!" Harry said firmly
"Then it's settled, you'll accompany Lavender and me tomorrow, and anyways I'm sure Ron will be there." Hermione said continuing to walk towards the castle.
Wait a second Harry thought how did I get sucked into this, "Hermione wait!" Harry said jogging after her, Women!
The next day Harry and Ron were sitting outside of Honeydukes, talking and waiting for Hermione and Lavender to be done. "I am so glad that you and Hermione worked through things, it was hard enough with it being the first week of school, but then you two had to have a huge fight, I swear no consideration." Ron said sarcastically.
"Oh, Ronnikins, next time we fight we'll run it by you first!" Harry said with a laugh. Harry and Ron were so involved in their conversation they didn't see an approaching stranger come up behind Harry.
"So Harry," Ron began, "…what do you have planned for the big first date?" Ron asked, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw who was behind Harry.
"Well, that I'm not quite sure of yet," Harry said not aware of who was behind him, "But I wanna do something really special, something Hermione won't forget!"
"Hermione?" said a voice from behind him, Harry turned around to be face to face with Cho Chang, his former girlfriend.
"Oh, hi Cho!" Harry said
"Hello Harry, now what do you mean date with Hermione?" Harry's face immediately fell.
"I would appreciate it if you would not listen in on my conversations, now if you don't mind I will be going, c'mon Ron!" Harry said standing up and heading toward the shop with Hermione and Lavender in it, with Ron in tow.
"Wait Harry, I didn't mean to I just wanted to see you, it's been a long time and I know that things ended badly for us last year, but I was kinda hoping that we could, you know, give it a second chance, you and me, I mean." Cho said
"I'm sorry Cho, but I'm dating Hermione now, and I have no intention of leaving her for you, now if you don't mind…" but Harry was interrupted by Cho's mouth coming into contact with his, he was so shocked he didn't move until he realized what was happening and pushed away from her. "What the…are you crazy, didn't you hear me, I said I'm dating Hermione now."
"Yes, he's dating Hermione now," said a voice from behind Harry, Harry spun around and saw Hermione and Lavender approaching them, "…so I think its time you left!" Hermione finished.
"Oh, I'm sorry Hermione I didn't see you there, but I guess I better be going," Cho said as if she didn't hear Hermione, "…but Harry keep in mind what I said, the offer still stands!" she said before walking away. Harry turned to Hermione but she cut him off
"I'm tired, are we ready to go?" she asked acting as though nothing happened
Ron spoke up first, "Ummm, Harry and I have to get our robes!" he said hesitantly.
"Well you two take care of that, and meet us back at Hogwarts, bye!" Hermione said leading Lavender away.
"Wait, Hermione!" Harry said stopping her and turning her around, "I'm sorr…"
"Stop Harry, really, I'm just tired, it's okay, I'll see you back at Hogwarts!" she said before turning towards Lavender, "C'mon lets go!"
Once Hermione and Lavender got back to Hogwarts they headed back to their dormitories they both flopped onto their beds, "Man what a day!" Lavender said after a long pause.
"Yeah, but we did get those great robes, they'll make the boys go absolutely speechless, I can't wait!" Hermione said standing up and putting her robe in the closet, Hermione had never been one into fashion but she fell in love with this the second she laid eyes on it.
"Hermione?" Lavender asked, "Are you okay? I mean it's not everyday you see your boyfriend kissing his ex-girlfriend!"
"Yes, I'm fine, and plus, she's his ex-girlfriend, emphasis on EX, Harry's over her, I have nothing to worry about!" Hermione said sitting on her bed and picking up her copy of Hogwarts: A History and began to read.
"Man, I would have torn her bloody head off if that had been Ron!" Lavender said, doubting that she was okay with it, "Why did you act so calmly, I mean controlling your emotions is one thing, but not reacting at all is another!"
"Yeah well, it's not the first time that girls have tried to take away my guy from me, after a while, you just sort of know not to overreact." Hermione said absentmindedly
"What do you mean?" Lavender asked confused
"Well, Viktor of course!" Hermione said, "We dated for about a year, and you know he had girls all over him, I just learned to not get jealous."
"Viktor, Viktor Krum, you dated him!" Lavender asked, surprised that she had never heard about it before.
"Yeah, but we broke up this summer!" Hermione said sadly
"Oh, what happened?"
"Just a guy being a typical guy, no big deal, it's not as if we loved each other!" Hermione said brushing it off.
"Okay, but just remember if there is more to the story, I'll always be here to hear it." She said before standing up, opening her trunk, and pulling out a bag, "I'm going to go take a shower, see you later." Lavender said exiting.
Phew, that was close, I need to be more careful about what I say, she's getting suspicious. Hermione thought, but she can't know…no one can!