A/N: Sorry that this chapter is short, I really don't have an excuse, it just is! I'm leaving for summer vacation soon, so I may not be updating much for a while, but I will update a bunch when I get home, I promise!
As Harry and Hermione sat on the couch kissing, Harry began to deepen the kiss while running his hands up and down her back. Hermione pulled back for air and looked into his eyes, she leaned in and captured his lips in another kiss. Harry pushed Hermione back on the couch, kissing madly, until they heard the door open.
"Harry, Hermione?" they heard a man say, Harry immediately jumped apart from Hermione. Harry looked up to see Sirius staring at him.
"Sirius, what are you doing here?" Harry asked. Sirius looked at Hermione on the couch with her hair disheveled and her clothes wrinkled.
"What you're doing here, seems to be much more interesting!" Sirius said. They heard the door open and saw James come in.
"Sirius what are you doing here?" James asked looking from Harry to Sirius.
Smiling he answered, "I...umm...well I cane to return Hermione's book," he said holding up her book on the Book of Deception; "...she left it in Dumbledore's office. But I walked in, I didn't think to knock, I mean...and I saw...well...?" Sirius stuttered. "I saw Harry and Hermione, umm...?"
"Snogging!" Hermione said standing up, James looked at her shocked and she ran out the room and into her bedroom. Harry stared after her and then turned back to his father and Godfather.
"Well, thank you, for the book you can just leave it there!" Harry said sitting down on the couch.
"Wow, boy do I feel awkward!" James said sitting across from Harry, "Well, Harry, your sixteen years old, and I mean it's not as if you two don't like each other." James said, "I don't really see a problem with it; umm...just don't tell your mother!" James looked over at Sirius, "Come on Sirius, let's go!" James said heading towards the door, but Sirius was still in shock.
"Harry, I didn't mean to..." Sirius said
"Sirius, come on!" James said more forcefully.
"...it was like that time, when I walked in on Lily and James..."
"SIRIUS!" James yelled putting his hand over Sirius' mouth. "Let's go!" he smiled at Harry who was trying to hold back the laughter.
"Bye dad, Sirius!" Harry said before they exited, James pulling Sirius out.
The next day Harry awoke by the sounds of a trunk slamming shut. He quickly got out of bed and got dressed. When he walked out into the common room he saw Hermione point her wand at her trunk. "Reducio!" she yelled causing her trunk to shrink to pocket size. She noticed Harry and her eyes flickered to him briefly before she went over to her trunk and put it in a small carrying sack. "Well, I'm all packed, Draco went up to his dormitory to check for something he left, and I'm going to go join Ron and Lavender, bye!" she said heading towards the door.
"We have to talk about it some time, you know!" Harry said lugging out his trunk.
Hermione stopped and turned to face Harry, "Why should we talk about it, it was obvious that its all right for us to kiss when no one was watching, but the second someone found out, just jump away, pretend like nothing happened, just like with you and Cho!" Hermione said with hate in her voice. Harry looked angry.
"How could you say that, what happened between us last night meant the world to me, I was just surprised, I'm sorry if you felt like I was acting as if nothing happened, but I was just surprised!" Harry said, "Why are you acting like this? I thought we had something good!"
Hermione sighed, "Because I loved last night, but I felt it when you pulled away, that need to protect me, and now we are going on a trip where we are going to be facing danger, and you know what, I know you, and I know that the second I get hurt you will push me away." Hermione said angrily, "And you know what that would just hurt more, so I'm ending it now, now before we get more attached, before we do something crazy like fall in love with each other." Hermione said, "I'm sorry Harry!" she then turned and left.
Harry then turned and looked at his trunk, "What just happened?" he asked feeling his heart break.
"Hermione are you mad?" screeched Lavender as Ron comforted her.
"Laven..." Ron started.
"No, Ron, she had the best thing it the world, and she let him go because she was afraid that he would let her go, that's stupid!" Lavender said.
"Lavender, she needs our support right now, not our berating." Ron said
"No, Ron, she's right but there's more to it, last night, when we kissed, I didn't feel it in his kiss, I didn't feel that need that he wanted to be with me, I just felt, well I don't know. Then I looked into his eyes and I saw something but it wasn't love, and I don't know if I can live knowing that I love him more that life itself and he doesn't love me." Hermione sobbed. Lavender sighed and sat down next to her.
"Hermione if you love him like you say you do then this should be a no-brainer." Lavender said taking her hands, "Hermione do you love him?"
"More than life itself!" Hermione said
Lavender smiled, "Then go get him!"
"Come with me, Ron. Lav, I need you guys." Hermione said looking at them. Ron and Lavender exchanged glances before nodding and Hermione smiled.
Lavender stood up, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
Ron and Lavender were following behind Hermione as they headed back to the Room of Requirement. They saw Draco leaving and he looked at Hermione perplexed, "What are you doing out here?" he asked, "You were just..." he said pointing inside. Hermione pushed open the door and ran to Harry's room; she flung open the door and saw Harry kissing Cho.
"Oh my god!" she said as she staggered backwards and fell to the floor. Harry looked at her and took a step towards her, "NO!" she screamed. She started scooting back on the floor, "Stay away from me!"
"Hermione it's not what it looks like!" he said walking towards her. Lavender came in and ran to pick her up, Hermione hung onto her for dear life.
"How could you, with her!" Hermione said before standing up and looking at Harry loathingly.
"Wait a second," Cho spoke up, "you and Harry broke up, you have no say as to who he kisses!" Hermione just stared at her and then lunged at her not holding anything back.
"Hermione!" Harry yelled pulling her back, then to his surprise Cho hit her back. "Cho!" Harry pulled Cho off the floor and threw her against the wall with surprising strength. Harry looked at Hermione, "Are you okay?"
"I don't believe this?" Cho yelled, starting towards Hermione and Harry only to be intercepted by Lavender.
"I think it would be best if you left, Cho!" Lavender said stopping her.
"What, Harry..." Cho started
"Just go Cho, I can't even look at you, you tricked me, you told me you were my friend." Harry said stepping towards her, "Then you talk me into letting you into my bedroom and you try to seduce me." He stepped back, "Leave and never come back!"
"I'll get you Harry Potter that you can count on!" Cho said harshly before leaving.
Hermione looked at Harry and let go of Lavender and headed towards her bedroom. Harry followed, once inside Harry closed the door and Hermione turned on him, "You wanna explain that?" Hermione said.
"She came in, she heard us arguing and then we just sat and talked. All the warnings I had against her just seemed to shut off, then she said that she would be there for me. I told her I was going to get something that I needed for this trip and I went into my bedroom and she followed me. She then started saying that I didn't need you and that she wanted me, then she kissed me and you walked in." Harry said looking at Hermione. "I know it doesn't sound believable but it is the truth, Hermione I know I haven't said it, because frankly until you left me I hadn't thought about it. But now, after all this I know that we need to be together because we won't make it through this trip without it." Harry said pausing and taking a deep breath, Hermione's heart skipped a beat, "I love you!" Hermione just stared.
Then she remembered what Lavender said to her `Hermione if you love him like you say you do then this should be a no-brainer' "I do love him!" Hermione said to herself, then looked at Harry, "You don't know how long I've been waiting for that!" Hermione then stepped into his arms and kissed him like there would be no tomorrow.
Harry and Hermione pulled apart quickly when they heard the door open, "What the bloody hell is going on...oh, I'm so sorry!" Lily said coming in the door.
"Oh...mum!" Harry said quickly, "Umm..." he looked at Hermione quickly, "...well, Hermione and I are, well..."
"Courting?" Lily said, she smiled, "Oh, Harry, I may be getting older but I do remember what courting is." Lily said coming forward, "Now Hermione, we'll have to talk, I'll teach you how to handle the Potter men!" she said putting her arm around Hermione's shoulders, "Now it's time to go!" Lily said leaving the room, Harry and Hermione looked at each other before Hermione headed out. Sirius, James, Lupin, Lavender, and Ron were sitting on the couches and stood abruptly when they entered. Dumbledore then proceeded to enter the room.
"Ahh, good, you all are here, good. I am sending you to my friend who holds the key to where it may be hidden her name is Persiam Deppart. She is a very well educated sorcerer, do not underestimate her. I have prepared a portkey to take you as far as I can, from there you will have to go to Aenigma, there you will find Persiam. James, give her this..." he said handing him a note, "She'll understand."
Dumbledore took out a jar, "Here's the portkey, be careful, I must not stress enough that you need to be incredibly careful, that book, it does things to people you've never even heard about." Dumbledore then smiled and left the room.
Harry looked at his parents and stepped forward as the rest of them did the same, they each laid a hand on the jar. Hermione, the last, stepped forward and grabbed Harry's hand smiled at him and then laid her hand on the jar, instantly Harry felt the familiar pull behind his navel and he closed his eyes.