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The Crucible by jardyn39

The Crucible


The Crucible

by Jardyn39

Part Two of "The Apprentice Piece"

Chapter 6: Hermione's Plan

As the stone gargoyle closed behind them, Harry looked at the Headmaster and asked, "Does Flamel think the memories Perenelle tried to get from Hermione have anything to do with this?"

"I did not ask Nicholas what the memories were, as I knew he would never reveal them to anyone," said Dumbledore, "but it is possible. Perenelle is very clever. I suspect at the very least Nicholas needs to be sure that Hermione is sure about the responsibility of having such knowledge."

They walked down to the main entrance and out into the bright November sunshine.

"I haven't really got to see Hermione getting hurt, have I?" said Harry.

"We had no idea you would even meet Hermione when we charmed you, Harry," said Dumbledore smiling.

"A simple no would be more comforting, you know?" said Harry.

They stood quietly for a moment before Dumbledore said, "I'm sorry for not telling you all this before, Harry. I really didn't think you could cope with this as well as losing Sirius."

"I'm too worried about Hermione to be mad at you now," Harry said flatly.

At that moment Flamel emerged from the castle alone and approached them standing on the steps.

"I have told Hermione everything, Albus," he said with a small smile.

"How did she react?" asked Dumbledore.

"She said we were totally irresponsible, that we should have thought longer and harder before deciding, that she is almost certain that the Crucible has indeed affected the trigger and we might actually need Perenelle to help sort things out, but only as a last resort."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and nodded. "Where is Hermione now? I feel I too should share her admonishment."

"She's gone to seek Professor McGonagall's council in the first instance," Flamel said smiling, "I suspect she has a plan already." His face then grew concerned and he asked, "Albus, how did she know? I didn't tell her anything about Perenelle."

"Er," interrupted Harry, "are you both sure that once the Crucible isn't broken I won't turn into some dark wizard? What Fides showed me of myself wasn't pleasant at all, you know!"

"When the Crucible is gone, you will be ready, Harry," said Dumbledore. "As for turning into a Dark wizard, you are always free to make your own choices, good or bad."


Harry didn't see Hermione for the rest of the day, much to his annoyance. He sat in the common room waiting to go down to dinner, although he really wasn't hungry after the enormous lunch they had enjoyed.

The portrait hole opened and Ginny climbed in. She scanned the room and made for him as soon as she saw him.

"Harry," she whispered urgently, "what's going on? There are loads of stories going around about you. Where's Hermione?"

Harry didn't get a chance to respond. Ron, who had come in soon after Ginny, came straight over and took her arm to get her attention.

Ron whispered something to her and Ginny immediately moved for the exit.

"Sorry, Harry! Got to go," she said leaving in a hurry. "Oh, yes. Snape said you have another detention for missing his class today!"

As soon as she had gone, Harry turned to Ron and asked, "Where's she going in such a hurry?"

Ron just shrugged and said, "Message from Hermione. Coming down to dinner?"


For the next few days, Harry noticed a definite change in attitude towards him as he walked through the corridors. Small groups of female students he didn't know would stare and whisper.

Things were changing in classes too. Everyone was being quite friendly but Harry noticed that there was definitely something amiss. He was sure it had something to do with Hermione and the meetings she was conducting.

Hermione had refused to tell Harry anything about it. She had also clearly refused to tell anyone she suspected might relent and tell Harry anything.

On a couple of occasions Harry had managed to almost speak to Ginny and Luna alone. However, before he could ask anything they would be joined by another co-conspirator who would whisk them away.

Hermione herself had apologised in advance for anything she might do, not do, say or not say. When Harry had responded by saying that her apology wasn't much comfort she had just smiled at him mischievously.

Harry asked if she had told Dumbledore off yet but she just said, "Well I was going to, but he'd just got me out of Snape's detention so I didn't like to."

"That was nice of him," said Harry indignantly. He had wondered how she got out of that detention.

"Listen, Hermione," he said earnestly, "this isn't going to help defeat Voldemort. I can't use a gift like this for dark purposes or I'd lose them or worse be driven to become a dark wizard. There's no hurry."

"I'm not in a hurry," she replied smiling.

"Oh," he said dejectedly, "you're going to prolong the whispering and staring campaign then?"

"You should be used to the staring by now," she said dismissively, "and the whispering is only because hardly anyone knows anything and only I know everything."

"What are you telling them and why?"

"Well, we're building up a psychological profile for you. Everyone that knows you is contributing. I'm hoping we'll be finished before Christmas ready to start the next phase."