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11 Things Spouses Shouldn't Do by theweirdgirl

11 Things Spouses Shouldn't Do


2. Don't, under any circumstance, tell them that you wonder what it would've been like if you married an old flame.


"How are you, Gin? Haven't seen you in a while," Ron greeted.

"I'm fine. You?"

"Fantastic. `Ello Malfoy."

"Your sister's last name is Malfoy, too, you know."

"Sh.. Don't ruin my fantasy."

"Ron, don't be silly," Luna murmured softly.

"Hey! Look! There's Seamus, old chap! Seamus!"

Seamus turned to look at them and waved before walking into The Potion Brewery with his da.

"Good times with that man. Scored so many points. Bloody proud, too."

"I know," Ginny grinned.

"Why didn't you ever marry him? I know you dated him for a while after fifth year."

"To tell you the truth, I sometimes wonder that myself."

"Gin! What? You're not happy being married to me?"

"Of course I am. It's just that I wonder sometimes what it would be like to be Mrs. Finnegan. He's quite the catch, you know. Especially for any Quidditch playing girl."

"I was good, too. I caught the snitch before in Hogwarts."

"Draco, don't fool yourself. That was only one time and Harry had a broken arm and no glasses."

"So? I still caught it."


"What's so good about that bloody wanker anyway?"

"He's kind, funny, charming, sweet, gorgeous, great body, fabulous smile…"

"I'm all that and more. I'm also witty, dead sexy, manipulative, a sex idol and married to you."

"You're such a suck up because you know I can get back together with Seamus when ever I want."

"Something like that."

"Don't worry, darling. I might love him, but I'm in love with you."

"You also loved that frog, nonetheless."

"I was definitely in with that frog. I wonder what it would've been like to marry him."

"What are you two babbling about?" Ron asked.

They had completely forgotten anyone else's existence. Luna tugged on his sleeve.

"Let's go to the Netherlands. I hear they make good frog legs."

Ginny shook her head.

"I would've killed the frog if you married him."

"Yeah, yeah. So you say."

"Fine. Don't believe me."

"I believe you, love. I believe you."



DM: I do not want to reminisce on what would've happened if I married Pansy.

*Draco shudders*

*Ginny snickers*

GW: You would've had pug nosed kids with her pale features and your silver eyes and blonde hair. They would've looked like Peeves on a good day.

DM: No, we would've ended up never having kids at all. She wouldn't want to ruin her stick figure.

GW: If we ever divorced, which is common nowadays, I think I'd marry Seamus. Or Dean. Hm…

DM: Don't you bloody dare. We're not getting divorced. Ever.

GW: You don't know that.

DM: Yes I do.

GW: No you don't.


GW: You can do that all by yourself, love.

DM: I know.
