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11 Things Spouses Shouldn't Do by theweirdgirl

11 Things Spouses Shouldn't Do


6. Don't do things that you know annoys them.


"Man, I'm thirsty."

"Then go get something to drink," Draco stated.

"I'll go do that."

She moved twelve steps to the fridge and pulled out the carton of orange juice they had. She opened the cap and chugged it down like a madwoman. It was about 100 degrees outside and their air conditioner had broken.

"That's disgusting."

"What is?" she asked, taking another gulp.

"Cups were invented for a reason. Use them."

"They're for the guests."

"I don't care. Use them. You know how many germs are on your mouth?"

She raised a disbelieving brow.

"You know how many times you've kissed that mouth?"

"I'm well aware that I kiss it, but what if a stranger comes into our house and asks for a cup of orange juice? Then it means that they get your germs. I'm immune to them by now. But he's not."

"Then tell them to drink some tap water. It's better for them."

"Aren't I supposed to be the evil one?"

"Well, the Sorting Hat did ask me if I wanted to go to Slytherin, but I declined because Ron would've killed me."

"Oh, Gin-bug. Why didn't you ever tell me this? This is love. There's no doubt about it. But it's still disgusting."

"You're disgusting. You scratch your bits."

"Shut up."




"Huh? What?"

"You keep stealing the blanket, Draco! It's bloody freezing in here!"

"I know. That might be why I'm stealing them."

"Give me some before- Damn it. Hold that thought."

She got out of the bed and put on her slippers. Cold and tired, she staggered to the bathroom, not bothering to turn on the lights. Pulling up her large tee, she sat down on the toilet. What she didn't expect was to fall in.

"Fuck!" she yelled. "Draco! How many times have I told you to keep the toilet seat covers down?"

The only response she got was his snoring.

"Stupid… Bloody… Ponce…"

She wiped herself off and grabbed his toothbrush, just to drop it into the toilet. She pulled down the cover and urinated, not bothering to flush it. She closed the cover and cackled. This serves him right.
