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HPX2: Harry Potter & The Secrets of Weapon X by Classic Cowboy

HPX2: Harry Potter & The Secrets of Weapon X

Classic Cowboy

Disclaimer: Wolverine, the X-Men, Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants, Juggernaut, and Spider-Man are all property of Marvel Enterprises, Harry Potter and all related characters are property of JKR and Scholastic (sp?) Books.

Mutation: It is the Key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single cell organism to the dominant species on the planet. The process is slow, usually taking thousands and thousands of years, but every few hundred millennia … Evolution leaps forward …





Several Months later …

Mud and water splattered as Harry, Wolverine, Storm, Jubilee, Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Gambit, and Rogue ran down the muddy path.

"We have to get to the jet!" Storm ordered from behind.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of them causing them all to come to a complete stop, and taking battle stances.

"Hello, Potter," Voldemort hissed, "Why are you leaving so soon?"

"Voldemort …" Harry snarled.

"What's wrong, Mage is it? Afraid to face me alone?" Voldemort laughed.

"X-Men stand together," Shadowcat said bravely stepping up to stand at Harry's side.

"How sweet," Voldemort sighed, "I get to rob you of yet another loving family, it's a pity."

"Get to the X-Jet," Harry whispered dangerously, "This is my fight."

No, Harry …" Shadowcat started but Wolverine touched her shoulder and shook his head.

"Alright Runt," he said seriously, "We'll be back to pick you up. Can you hold on that long?"

"I think so," Harry nodded, "Now get going, I'll hold off Voldie," He said giving Voldemort a smirk that would make Wolverine proud.

"I have no problem with that," Voldemort nodded, not taking his snake-like eyes off Harry, "I will kill them all later, but I would prefer to kill you alone, Harry. So that I can thoroughly enjoy your demise."

"Bring it on … Bub," Harry said, earning a grin from Wolverine.

The X-Men ran toward the X-Jet, some more reluctant then others.

"Ok then, shall we begin?" Harry asked drawing his wand and running a hand through his soaked hair.

Harry started to say a spell when a voice called behind him, "Avada Kadavra!"

Harry turned to see a green beam heading toward him, and he had no time to escape. 'Hermione …' He thought one last time as the beam hit his chest and his body fell limp to the wet hard ground. His eyes remained open staring at the cloudy sky and the storm's down pour. His lifeless ears not hearing Voldemort's victory laugh.


"HARRY!!!" Hermione cried jumping in her bed, her face soaked with tears and sweat. "It was just a dream," She panted.

She then crawled out of her bed, and looked at the clock, 1:15 AM. "At least it wasn't about him again," She sighed. Most nights she'd be awakened by visions of what the monster named Sinister did to her just a few months earlier. But she would rather see that then to see Harry hurt, ten times more than that.

The date was July 29, and tomorrow she, Ron and Ginny were going to New York to stay with Harry at Xavier's Mansion for his birthday and to stay until it was time to go to Diagon Alley. She really needed some sleep. What would Harry think if she showed up with bags under her eyes?

She went to the bathroom and splashed some water on her face a few times; trying to wash away the nightmare.

"Have a nightmare, sweetheart?" a familiar voice asked, causing her to snap her head up to see Sinister's reflection in the mirror, she stifled a scream and spun around to see her father looking worried, "Hermione, what's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing, daddy," She lied, "You just startled me … that's all."

"Are you sure," He asked not letting up.

"Yes Daddy," Hermione smiled, getting on her toes to kiss her father's cheek, "May I use the phone though, I know it's late here, but it's just evening for Harry, and I am a bit worried about him."

Mr. Granger thought for a moment before giving her a stern look, "A short phone call, remember international calls are expensive, and besides you're going to see him tomorrow afternoon anyway."

"Thank you, Daddy!" Hermione chirped happily running toward the telephone.

"Young love …" he chuckled, "Reminds me of Scott and Jean at Xavier's … those were the days."


"Xavier's School for the Gifted, Doctor Henry McCoy speaking. How my I help you," Beast spoke as he answered the phone. "Oh hello Hermione, how are you this fine evening … Oh he's fine Hermione, no need to worry about Little Slim. Yeah he hasn't killed us for calling him that yet … No … no he isn't here, he's gone … uh … out with Scott, Logan, and Ororo … No … No nothing dangerous … I'd tell you if it was, you know I would … there feel better? I'll tell him you called, and still for us picking you up at the International Airport at four O'clock our time? Alright we'll see you then, my little Einstein, Goodnight."

Beast hung up the phone before slamming his head on his desk, "Mage, please, PLEASE don't make me a liar."


Meanwhile at an orphanage that accepted Mutants in East Manhattan, a large group of normal humans, who called themselves the 'Friends of Humanity', were attempting to burn the building down. "Kill all the freaks!" one man cried, waving a shotgun around.

"Might want to throw that down, Bub," a voice came from behind him.

"And who's going to …" the man started but was silenced by a 'snikt' and half of the gun falling to the ground, "oh …"

"Storm!" Cyclops barked slugging one of the men in the face, "Put out those fires, Wolverine and I will take care of the thugs, Mage keep a look out, and stay put this time! No buts."

Storm quickly created a strong rainstorm over the area putting out the fire and disorienting the Friends of Humanity. And Cyclops and Wolverine easily took most of the thugs out of commission.

"That was easy," said Wolverine, dusting his hands together, "They get stupider every day. HEY! There's four more!" he barked pointing at four thugs climbing into a white van with 'FoH' painted on the side.

"They're getting away!" Cyclops shouted, preparing to blast the van, but missed as it sped off.

"No, they're not," came a voice over their collar held communicators, "I've got them."

"Mage! Don't," Cyclops shouted, but sighed when he heard the communicator cut off, "Damn it."


"I think we lost them, Pete," one of the men said pulling off his ski mask.

"Of course," the driver smiled, "They're just stupid freaks. They probably don't even know how to drive!" he said as they drove under an overpass. Unknowing they were driving over someone watching their every move.

On the overpass, a young man sat on his cherry red motorcycle with the name 'FIREBOLT II' written across the gas tank in gold letters. He was wearing a black leather uniform with large crimson 'X's starting from his shoulders and crossing over his chest and back, and a black full motorcycle helmet with 'Mage' written on the back over a picture of a griffin.

As soon as the van was out from under the overpass he pilled out the bike, jumped over the guardrails, and landed in the middle of heavy New York evening traffic. Mage swerved and twisted through the traffic behind the van, waiting for it to get out of the heavy traffic somewhere along the freeway.

Finally the van cut down a lightly used road, and Mage sped up beside it. He then quickly pulled his wand from its holster, and aimed it at the back tire, "Lacarnum Inflamare" He said, as a beam of magic shot from the tip of the wand, and caused the tire to explode with fire. The Van spun out of control then flipped on its side sliding along.

Mage brought the bike to a stop, and hit the kickstand climbing off. He slowly pulled off the helmet to reveal his usual shaggy black hair spiked up revealing his lightening bolt scar, and his emerald green eyes hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses. "Easy way or hard way, guys?" Mage asked walking toward the overturned van.

Then the men climbed out of the van: two with ball bats, one with a knife, and one with a Japanese katana. "Hard way it is then," Mage sighed, closing his fists to pop his knuckles.

The one with a Katana dove at Mage, but he easily dodged the strike. Mage concentrated his telekinesis powers into his own body, enhancing his strength and speed, then ducking a swing and punching the man square in the ribcage. The others moved in and Harry quickly knocked them back with a roundhouse kick.

One with a bat swung at him, but Mage caught it in the hand, and then kicked the guy with the katana in the face. He then threw the man by the bat into the other two knocking them all out. He looked over the knocked out thugs then heard sirens in the distance.

Mage climbed on his bike and pulled the helmet over his head, "Now let that be a lesson to you, see you boys next time," he then pilled out and shot toward home at full speed.


Meanwhile in Magneto's base of command on Genosha, Sabertooth sat quietly in the corner, "You can't sulk forever, you know?" Toad teased, earning a loud growl.

"Is this the home of Magneto?" a voice asked from the shadows.

"Who are you?" Toad asked angrily, "How did you get past my security systems?"

"Muggle technology matters little to me," came a hiss causing Sabertooth to visibly flinch.

"Shut up, Toad," Sabertooth growled, "Show some respect to the dark lord, before he strikes you down."

"Thank you, Creed," Voldemort said stepping out of the shadows with Wormtail at his side. "It is about time one of your family shows me respect."

"Eric is back there," Sabertooth said pointing at the back door of the room.

"Your faithfulness to your current master and myself shall be rewarded Creed," Voldemort said walking toward the door.


"Ah, the infamous One Who Must Not Be Named," Magneto greeted with a smirk, not very impressed, "It's a pleasure."

"Eric Lehnsherr, I presume," Voldemort responded as the two overlords came face to face.

"Yes, but I prefer the name Magneto," Magneto responded, "Now what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"I believe we have a similar goals," Voldemort stated, "and similar problems."

"Is that so?" Magneto said returning to his chair, "Do tell?"

"We both want to rid the world of impure and dirty blooded humans, as well as a very similar stumbling block that seems to enjoy getting in the way," Voldemort replied, pacing slightly.

"X-Men …" Magneto growled.

"Yes, X-Men," Voldemort nodded, "separately they have defeated us both."

"But if we were to work together …" Magneto said a smile slowly growing on his lips.

"We can accomplish both our goals and overpower the X-Men," Voldemort offered his long bony hand.

"Lord Voldemort," Magneto said taking it in a handshake, "I believe this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership …"


The next day, Ron and Ginny were dropped off at Hermione's home. "Hermione?" Ron whined, sitting on her bed, "Why must we travel the Muggle way?"

"Sod off, Ron," Ginny scolded, "I think going the Muggle way will be fun!"

"But … But flying without magic?" Ron whimpered, "It just isn't safe!"

"Ron it's perfectly safe," Hermione reassured, "Remember the deal, if you'll fly my way, I'll let you and Harry teach me how to fly the magic way."

"But it's still not safe, ridding in a big hunk of metal," Ron whimpered like a child, "It just isn't natural!"

"Like riding on a long piece of wood is any more natural?" Hermione responded.

"Oh yeah," Ron nodded a mischievous smile crossing his lips, "You'll be doing that too when we get there, won't ya, Hermione, just not a broom?"

"RON!" Hermione gasped as her face turned blood red, then she shoved him hard. "That's not funny, not funny t'all!"

"True though," Ron chuckled, "Oh before I forget, Mum got us all permits to use magic outside Hogwarts, just incase … ya know where we're going … and all …" Ron said drifting off as he went on, then handing Hermione and Ginny the permits.

"Ok, sweetheart," Mrs. Granger called from downstairs, "We better go, or you'll miss your flight!"

"Well," Hermione said standing, "Lets go, it's been so long since I flew the proper way!" She said with a wink at the scowl Ron gave her. She along with Ginny grabbed their suitcases and started out the door leaving Ron alone.

"Bloody hell …" Ron moaned grabbing his suitcase and following, not liking the idea of what they were about to do at all.

To Be Continued …

C. Cowboy: well the (not) long awaited sequel to Harry Potter and the Children of the Atom has begun! Thanks again to Xavien for beta reading, and thanks to everyone who supported my first story and helped to inspire the continuation. Next chapter a new character to the story will be introduced that I'm sure will be no stranger to anyone. Until then, True Believers!

Next Chapter: The Mysterious Peter Parker