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Time-Traveling Meddler by Harrys Mistress

Time-Traveling Meddler

Harrys Mistress

Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA lately, I've been sick all weekend and been soooo busy lately. I've written a little more of this story, but it's short. I thought I'd go ahead and post it for you. Sleeping is very difficult for me to finish, it's like I don't want to finish it, so I'm stalling. I don't know, I've just enjoyed writing it so much! I'll try harder to update soon, this month is major busy for me, so I'm giving you a heads up there. Thanks for everyone's patience and keep those awesome reviews coming!

Chapter 2

Harry patted his son's cheek lightly, hoping to wake him up. "James," he said giving him another little pat.

James winced and his body jerked. "Yeah. I…Merlin, my head."

"Hurts?" Harry put a hand over the boy's head, wishing he could get rid of any pain he was feeling. "Why don't you sit up?"

"What happened?" he grunted when Harry pulled him to a sitting position. "Where am I?"

"Well, I don't know what happened," Harry said as he watched his son blink around his surroundings. "You kind of fell from the sky."

James looked up at him and blinked. "Dad?"

Harry frowned. "Apparently."

His little green eyes bugged out. "Holy cow!" He reached up and touched his face. "You look so young."

Harry lifted a brow. "Probably because I am. I'm eighteen."

James snorted. "No you're not, you're like…almost forty."

"Maybe in your time, but in this time I'm eighteen."

"What do you mean?" James looked around. "Where am I?"

Harry let out a breath. "Well. It's the year 1997."

Harry watched his son's jaw drop and his eyes bug out again as he took the information in. Then James eyes rolled in the back of his head while he groaned and slapped his hands over his face. "Oh man, Mum is going to kill me!"

Harry cleared his throat. "Who exactly is your mum? And why is she going to kill you?"

"She told me specifically not to mess with her stuff," he said with slight fear in his eyes. "Please, Dad….please don't let her ground me! I only have a few weeks left of summer."

"I…" Harry was speechless. "Well…I guess I'll try and remember to tell her that in the future. Now, who exactly is your…"

"I just had to look." James got up and started to pace. "I just couldn't let it go…but the way she looked at me…then smirked at me, it was like…." He then paused, looked around him as he did a quick rotation with his body. "Wait a minute." He looked out over the lake…a lake he had heard so much about and had seen pictures of in Hogwarts; A History. "Am I…" He spun around to face his dad who was now standing up with his hands stuffed in his jeans. "Am I at Hogwarts?"

"Oh…yeah. So, uh…about your mother…"

"Merlin, I can't believe it!" James ran a little bit closer to the castle and looked up at it in pure awe. "It's even more amazing than I imagined." James spun back to Harry and beamed at him. "Ever since Sirius left for Hogwarts, I've been waiting for this moment."

"I…wait what?" Harry's heart dropped and he took a step toward James and grabbed his arm. "Sirius? Who?"

"Oh yeah," James chuckled. "You have another son…an older one."

Harry swallowed the chunks that were threatening to heave up in his throat. "I..I mean, you…you're not my only son."

"Nope, Sirius is your oldest," James said brightly not oblivious to his Dad's look of fear. "Sirius is about to start his seventh year and he's Head Boy…and Kylie? Well, she's starting her fifth…and she's a prefect."

Harry's head started to spin. "Ky-Kylie?"

"You're second oldest," James continued. "She's cool and all…can kind of be a pain in the butt, she's just starting to like boys." He rolled his eyes. "She talks to Jordan all the time on her wizard 'link."

Harry pressed his fingers to his temple and squeezed his eyes shut. "Jordan? Another one of my kids?"

"Jordan?" James asked then laughed. "No, Jordan's Uncle Ron and Aunt…woah, hey…Dad, you okay?"

"I…I'm not sure." Harry took a shaky breath as he let all the information sink in. "Anybody ever tell you, you talk too much?"

James laughed. "Yeah…you do all the time."

Harry frowned. "Well….I don't blame me. So…I've got three kids?"

James bit his lip. "Weeell…."

Harry's heart hitched. "Well, what?"

"Lily," James said finally looking up at him. "The youngest."

Four. He had four kids. "Bloody hell." His knees turned to jelly as he sank to the ground, bending over as he tried to control the panic attack that was creeping up on him. "Four kids…bloody hell…four kids."

"Hey…Dad, you okay?" James bent over patting his back. "Don't worry, you're a great Dad…the best. You and Mum love all of us very much."

Harry lifted his heavy head and looked into his son's eyes. "James…I'm only eighteen. The thought of me being a father…scares the hell out of me."

"Well, yeah…I guess so." James shrugged. "But you're not eighteen in my time and you seem very happy with all of us. And you're all, lovey dovey with Mum…jeez, the two of you act like you're eighteen most of the time." James paused by sticking his finger down his throat, pretending to gag himself. "It's gross."

Harry stared at his son, then…the laughter trickled up in his throat. He busted out laughing as he fell backwards on his butt, holding his stomach while James laughed with him. "Well…I guess that's good to hear. And you've never told me who…"

"Oh no."

Harry saw him look at something over his shoulder. "What?"

"Mum…Mum's coming…oh she's going to kill me."

Harry held his breath as he turned around, but frowned when he saw not only Ginny Weasley running towards them, but Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood right along with her. "Er…mind clarifying which one you are referring to?"