Unofficial Portkey Archive

Undefined: Chronicles of My Relationship With Harry Potter by lillyfan16

Undefined: Chronicles of My Relationship With Harry Potter


I'm No Princess

I'm not perfect either.

I have plenty of faults.

My looks aren't exactly the greatest. I mean, I'm okay, but not stunning.

Harry seems to think I'm stunning though. He's always greeting me with cute pet names like "Hey Gorgeous" or "How ya doin' Sexy?" Even when I know I look terrible.

I like that he does this. It's given me so much confidence. I don't even worry about him looking at other girls. Even when I know I'm outshined by many, I still feel like the most attractive girl in the room in his eyes.

I'm brainy.

I've come to terms with this. I love learning and studying. I wish for others to do as well as I do, especially Harry.

So I nag him sometimes.

He never nags me, so I feel bad about it, but I can't help it.

He doesn't seem to mind much though. He's actually going through great lengths to change himself for me. His marks used to be average, but ever since we've started dating, his marks have been increasingly improving. His goal is top marks in every class this term. I think he's going to make it. He's trying so hard to impress me…if only he knew just how proud I was of him already. He's accomplished so much in so many aspects…I don't see how anyone could have a reason to not be proud.

I'm not very glamorous either. I rarely take the time to put on makeup. I like to sleep too much and don't have a whole lot of time in the mornings. But sometimes I try to make myself look beautiful for him. He says I look great either way, and don't really need makeup on. Sometimes I feel plain next to the other girls. Sometimes I realize I must look a little ridiculous when I'm wearing one of his hoodies I've stolen that are too big on my frame compared to other girls in the corridors wearing more fitting clothing. Or when my hair is a complete mess. I used to have long bushy hair. I chopped a lot of it off for a nice change. Now I just have shorter bushy hair. It's okay I guess.

My body is average. He thinks I have an amazing body. Ha! Yeah right…but his love for me has boosted my confidence in body. I like this a lot. I used to be so insecure. I wasn't stick thin like the other girls. I had some acne here and there on occasions. My tummy isn't toned, neither are my legs. My breasts aren't really big, but they're aren't really small either. I have no ass.

He loves my size. He loves my face. He loves to play with my tummy. He talks all the time about how he loves my legs. He says my breasts are the perfect size. He says my bottom is one of his favorite things on my body…along with everything else, from the split ends of my busy hair to the tips of my toes.

I never let him win an argument. I refuse to let him win. Every time he tries to make a point I don't agree with, I counter it. When he tries a new tactic, I snuff that one as well. He loves winning arguments. I don't think he minds losing too much against me though. I hope not anyway.

I get in moods where I just don't like people sometimes. He's been one of those "people" once or twice. He said it scared the bloody hell out of him. Poor Harry. I felt so bad. It almost made him sick. Great Wizards, I felt so terrible. He said he's scared I might feel like that again and the feeling might not go away this time.

I take that back, I still feel bad.

I think his favorite thing about me is my ears. Because I use them to listen. He has a lot of issues and problems he has to deal with. He always needs someone to talk to. I'm always first on the list. I actually think I'm the only one he talks to about a lot of things. I don't mind. I like the special bond we have. There are things we've only told each other. Anything I swear I'll never tell anyone I always pour out to him and vise versa. I have no secrets when it comes to him. He knows everything about me.

And still loves me.

I love this too.

I love the way he loves and accepts everything about me. Every flaw and fault. Every annoying quality is absolute perfection in his eyes.

Gosh, I love him.

So? Like it? I might have a new chapter out tonight, I'm not sure. If not tonight, then probably tomorrow. I just had the title…but I can't remember what it's called…oh well.
