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Life and Times by Elban Fehl

Life and Times

Elban Fehl

Life and Times

Rating: R

Ship: HHr (main emphasis)

The (unlovely) procedure: all rights go to JKR for previous plot and characters, Scholastic, Warner, and whoever else has their hands in HP.

Author Note: I've been under the weather, but I didn't want this fiction in-progress to last ten years. Lol. I can't believe it's already been a year! Thank you for all the reads, reviews, and support!

Like the Ginevra-related chapters, this chapter further moves motives outside Hermione's (and Harry's) story. Rita Skeeter truly adores Harry and I hope to have accomplished that fact. Also, her superiority complex when talking to others. Let her shenanigans begin!


Chapter Thirty-Four - Communique


Stage-lights shine brightly upon a circular table reflecting a dazzle of white from its clear-coated surface. Two women dressed in business apparel sit facing each other while a team of make-up artists diligently applied coats to cover any outstanding blemishes. The artists tease the curly blonde woman's mane while brushing off any excess powder from the shoulders of her sparkling green pencil-skirt suit. The other woman, blonde as well but straight-haired, wasn't taken to in comparison. Sure, she dons make-up, but less, far less than her older counterpart.

"Erin, the moment we're Live we're going straight into question-and-answer," says a tall, thin man wearing a tanned shirt and brown trousers. He gazes beyond his spherical-glasses at the younger of the two.

Erin, who wears a navy-coloured feminine-cut trouser suit, turns from her loose-leaf written notes to respond with a nod at the man. "Will there be a video into the segment about Rapture?"

"Yes, an overlay of footage with questions with Miss Skeeter." Another man rushes over, talking in whispers. The man in glasses scowls and inclines from whispering, shaking his head a jotting something down on clipboard he has at his chest.

"There'll be a bit of improve," says the male over his glasses when the other left, chasing the path he previous ran from and into a back room. He shakes his head whilst jotting another draft on the clipboard. "The people upstairs decided on another piece of footage we got in by a witness who was there. So, a minute before broadcast they change."

"Joseph, calm down," says Erin shuffling through her notes in re-organization. She glances at him. "You've quite enough on your plate with Anna pregnant."

Joseph sighs, bringing his clipboard with him as he pushes his glasses upward to hold between his eyes. "She has me going to sweet shops for grass-flavoured beans and only grass-flavoured beans… Do you know how difficult it is to find a sweet shop open after midnight? And if I happen to find one, grass-flavoured beans?"

"There, there, it's just a phase, dear."

"You say `dear' as if you're older than me," Joseph laughs. His glasses when he leaves them to his nose.

A female screeches, "Fifteen seconds until Live!" which stops both Erin and Joseph from their casual chat.

"Here we go!" yells out Joseph, backing from Erin and into the shadows of cold cameras steady and waiting. "Ten seconds!"

The artists have left Skeeter immaculate under layers of fakery. She flourishes her eyelashes at the cameras when they wake with red lights giving the go. She leans in and smiles with every tooth shown between severely red lips contrasting to her pale-white face.

"Cue the lights!"

"Seven, six, five--!"

"Camera C!"

"Four, three--!"

"Everybody smiling! Yes! Good!"

"Two!" Joseph goes silent, holding up a finger and then points at Erin who directs her sight at Camera C.

"Good morning and what a pleasant morning it is out there! I hope you all got the weekend out and are ready to take on Monday! I am, as always, your host Erin McCrady and we're itching here at McCrady's Corner to dive into top stories breaking even while you're all asleep-and Merlin, do we have stories to discuss!"

"Before we begin, I'd like to say that we're honoured to have a special guest in the newsroom this morning. She hails from the Daily Prophet, and I'm sure every witch and warlock knows her splendid face-"

"Hello, darlings!" interrupts Rita, embellishing an Elizabethan wave towards lit-Camera A. "What a beautiful morning isn't it, Erin?"

"Yes, yes it is Miss Skee-"

"Call me Rita."

"-Rita. Best-selling author of six books and a seventh out in shops next week titled-"

"The Truths Behind Him based on Tom Riddle's life. It's an excellent work, if I do say so myself." Rita smiles after sliding into Erin's introduction again.

"Yes-The Truths Behind Him-a thrilling piece that I actually had a chance to read before its arrival. An interesting biography on He Who Must Not Be Named. You've almost made him out to be the Hero, dare I say?"

"I'll keep my lips sealed on this one," Rita grins again, batting eyelashes, leaning in as if she were telling a secret. "Wouldn't want anything revealed before it's in shops."

"Right," Erin replies. "Rita will be at Diagon Alley bookshops next-"


"-Tuesday," Erin's eyes flit to Skeeter's lasting smile and back at the camera. "Where she will be signing, hopefully, her seventh best-seller."

"Would not put it past me," boasts Rita. "I've simply groveled painfully to extract the very truth and hope to redeem any falsities."

"It was a great read."

"Thank you," toots a smug Rita.

From afar, Joseph taps his watch in earnest.

"Right, well, Rita will be here with us all morning long. She has a special announcement she wishes to address to everyone."

"A very special, nearly confidential announcement; though, it is a clever move on my part. I've been with the Prophet now for years and have thought about this for the longest time."

"Tell us you're not retiring!"

Rita shakes her head, "Later, my dear. Later. Don't we have stories to attend to while we keep them guessing?"

"Yes, of course," Erin sits up in her seat and turns back to Camera C. "Protestors have been boycotting the Minister since the first Dark Mark scare months ago. They're calling on Minister Kingsley to act with haste on these Dark Marks, to investigate further into these crimes. Protestors have set camp in-and-outside of the Ministry causing concern for Obliviators. The Muggle-world wonders why so many people are walking around a seemingly vacant booth or a public toilet. Our journalists were inside the Ministry yesterday and one protestor, Alison Trimley, had this to say on the steps of the Central Fountain lobby."

We understand Minister Kingsley has a full plate, but the Aurors come off lackluster. Is this not a sign of crisis? Is this not considered an Unforgivable curse? Has the Minister and his lackeys forgotten Him so soon? We want more action and we're tired of them bringing the accused to our backdoor! Send them straight to Azkaban for the sake of our safety! That's where they belong!

"Bethany Crawson said this on the matter," says Erin, a voiceover and transition into a rather youthful girl with auburn hair.

The Dark Marks are coming closer. Who's to say that by tomorrow we'll have our own scare in London square? Where's the Minister during all this? The chap seems to be on holiday! We'll camp here and picket until he comes back from his worldwide getaway. He'll get an earful welcoming!

"Troy Hamlin, a veteran robe-maker, stood with everyone else at the Ministry. At a ripe age of sixty-two he had to stand with a cane, but standing he did."

All we're asking for are answers. The politicians spout off these transparent monologues and rousing war-like speeches. Are we headed for another war? I'm fearful to what's on the horizon as it's only been two years since His death. I have a family to account for and I'm not sure if our government realises this. It's frightening to note how easily it is to forget fallibilities.

"Sibil Schuhmacher, a Muggle-born from Germany and mother of two, said this to our reporter."

I don't think Great Britain is prepared. It's a pattern of mistakes. That's my opinion. Germany wasn't prepared either and without its allies I don't think it could keep out Death Eaters. I'm scared that there will be an uprising with these rogue groups growing in numbers. I do hope Minister Kingsley and his Cabinet members understand the dire consequences of rose-coloured glasses.

"Miss Skeeter-"

"Uh uh…," exclaims Rita, wagging her finger at Erin. "Rita."

"Rita… What do you think of these claims? Do you think the past will come to haunt us?"

Rita laughs and shakes her head. "I'm trying to figure out if this is a serious question."

"Do you see their claims as rubbish?"

"I do, and for the simple fact that the Ministry right now has in their possession His wand and His artefacts. They took them from Hogwarts and I saw them with my own naked eye. They've been destroyed to bits. So, will He return? Pish-posh, rubbish."

"What of these concerns of an uprising? Splinter groups are surfacing worldwide. We saw in Germany last week-"

"I wouldn't call one or two Death Eaters a `group'. Ivik Varishka was found by himself in a shabby flat. By himself, love. We're not seeing what we saw several years ago."

"But, through him the Ministry found evidence and captured several more of these men and they were as radical in mind as those two, three, four years ago."

"Through terrible means. Have you seen the measures the Ministry will go through to extract these `pieces of evidence'? Ever heard of an iron maiden?"

"I think so, but I'm not entirely sure."

"It's a torturing device, dear, from the Middle Ages. They have them and they use them. They throw prisoners into this metal shell and once inside these sharp spikes continuously puncture flesh. Some of these spikes can be thirty centimetres long. Think about how deep the wounds can be, and these people can be locked in there for days, weeks, maybe even months."

"How horrific."

"The Ministry isn't all sunshine. They're beastly dunderheads from the Dark Ages. They'll go so far as to administer doses of veritaserum which is against their own Law."

"Minister Kingsley himself signed that Law!"

"That's the point. They're devils in disguise. They'll bend their owns rules and regulations whenever they feel. My fifth best-seller, What You Didn't Know: Albus Cornelius Dumbledore Fudge, goes more into depth."

"Do you think there is a possibility that Minister Kingsley will be taken from his position in the future?"

"I'd be the first in line, and you can quote me on that."

"Who would you endorse if such an occurrence happened?"

Rita shrugs and yawns, "The whole lot is corrupt. Quincy Nolpho, a Head within the Wizenmagot would be an exceptional choice if I had my way. I've had a chance to brunch with him on several occasions and he's quite a clever man, too clever to be a follower and not a leader."

"But this," Rita thumbs at the replaying images of people being interviewed in silence on a screen between her and Erin. "This is just the beginning. The Minister is the lion-tamer about to be mauled by his very lion."

"It's rather…intriguing, too," Rita stares curiously at the screen being repeated. "I've become inspired, almost."

"Another piece of literature?" asks Erin.

"Quite possibly," Rita looks over at Erin from her side and grins. "'The Historic Fall of the Remaining Order'."

"Do you think the Order is influencing the Minister's point of view? Do you think they've an agenda?"

"Heavily affecting every single move he makes. It's the American's perspective of the Freemasons in government, but with little evidence to gain a conclusion. This, however, on our front is blatantly real. Any unintelligent nobody could see Kingsley's motives are with the Order's, and they're quite an archaic crowd. Give me the Crusades a millennia ago."

"But, if that's one hundred percent fact why should we be worried? History places the Order of the Phoenix in good intentions. If it were not for them, the road of freedom from His rule would be clearly difficult."

"Or so people say. I for one see an opaque curtain with skeletons waiting to fall in bunches," Rita takes up a cup of tea and sips. "I daresay that their motives are not astutely realized. In fact, no one even heard of them until the dust settled. They could very well be in bed with these rogues, could they not?"

"Are you saying the Minister-"

"I'm giving a different perspective, love. Things to think about," Rita winks from behind her cup and sets it down. "Such a group with such an influence should be revered. Severus Snape with Albus Dumbledore? Do you not see a pitfall with this duo? None of it makes sense."

"I see your point."

"The Daily Prophet will be doing a week-long article on Severus Snape from his childhood, to his work at Hogwarts, to his untimely death next month. Be sure to watch for it-it's quite a piece. Definitely a character that led two lives, one more gruesome than the other."

"We ran a story about how the late Severus left Harry Potter accessories in his will."

"Curious, is it not? Connect the dots and people wonder if the Savior even is our angel. He could be a fallen angel, our inevitable downfall. He could be the next He Who Must Not Be Named. The power Harry Potter possesses… He took Him down after all! Why should we not be intimidated by this mysterious young man? He turns down interviews to right out truths and the Minister and his Order are protecting him!"

"Why is he hiding his story from us?" Rita ends, smirking while she takes another sip of tea.

"Speaking of Harry Potter, and transitioning to our next video-"

"I'm so, so glad to be present when we discuss this matter! I've been waiting since I woke this morning in sinking my teeth into this delectable number! This is the Prophet's headline!" Rita ecstatically hops in her seat, inching close to the screen between them in anxious anticipation.

"Right, the video may be wonky for this is apparently taken by a witness that was there last night at Rapture's opening debut at Silverpond…"

"Fucking Prophet trash!!"

The news studio silent, Harry can be heard shouting, echoing, as he strikes a reporter in the face with his fist.

Lying rats!! Lowlifes! We're human beings for Christ's sake!

Blow after blow, the wobbly camera zooms in on the reporter's face bloodied and Harry wailing on him. Red flecks splatter over the white cheek of the flailing man.


Hermione screams out from frame and the picture abruptly stops there as a Rapture bodyguard tries to snatch the camera from the witness's hands.

Rita is left shaking her head and saying, "Tsk tsk" beneath her breath. The audio part attached to her suit picks this up.

"What we didn't see or hear, and what is believed to have instigated Harry Potter's rampage, was that the reporter called his fiance, Hermione Granger, a derogatory slang for Muggle-borns."

"Yes," Rita nods and sighs. "The reporter is one of mine. Jason Daley is his name and he has been reprimanded for the misguided word. The entire debacle was an accident. The scene became volatile and words were tossed. He didn't deserve a broken nose and bruised face. Would you and the rest out there like to know where my reporter is at this moment?"

Erin sits in silence waiting.

"St. Mungo's. His nose was shattered in four different places. He could barely breathe. The inside of his nostrils swelled and he has to breathe entirely from his mouth."

"But, in any instance where someone is called such an awful term, wouldn't you agree that he had it coming? Not to be biased."

"Maybe a good punch, sure, but my reporter has to have surgery on his face, love. This was what I was talking about earlier. For such a person to be beloved and looked up to in society, why isn't he getting reprimanded for his misdeeds?"

"I'm not sure if condemning his act is black and white. He needs some guidance, of course, but-"

"And he won't get that guidance either!" interrupts Rita, slapping her hand on the table. "He has Big Brother by his side! His actions should have consequences attached to them! What if any regular Joe went off? The Law would be broken and he'd be served judgment for his brutality! The Law is playing favourites!"

"What do you think should be done then? What do you think will be done if anything?"

"I've already had reports on my desk stating that the Ministry Defense team contacted Mister Potter during and after the event outside of Rapture. They appeared on the scene because it involved him, our beloved child. Maybe they gave him a slap on the wrists? Of those reports, right after investigation Mister Potter was not taken in for more questioning nor fined for his conduct. He was said to have been in a drunken state! What is this world coming to in allowing this? Our children will follow the lead!"

"That being said, the Prophet and I are taking action against Harry Potter."

"Are you saying you're going to sue Harry Potter?" Erin looks at Rita quizzically as if she were nutters.

"Because Daley was for the Prophet at the time the occurrence happened, and prior to his tongue slipping he was doing his job and was met with physical force by Mister Potter before his swinging, we are filing to sue Mister Potter."

"This will be… This will be quite a three-ring circus!"

"My lawyers have been called and are on standby to issue statements when Mister Potter is back from wherever he's gone. We've tried contacting him this morning at his flat in London with no luck."

"But, what of the choice of words?"

"Daley will be present at the trial, which I'm sure will be hastily upgraded to Wizenmagot-status, so the members will see his injuries plus the facts that Harry Potter needs to be counseled or be put into some probationary perimetre where he is overseen by court marshals. I'd be surprised if he were put into jail, but would be pleased if the court sentences him to it. He needs to be held for his own sanity."

"Harry Potter in jail? I can't predict the future Rita, but I don't foresee that decision. I wouldn't throw him in jail for something like this. It's unperceivable, unheard of really, and not just because he's `The Boy Who Lived' or part of the Order if it's true."

"The deranged child needs to be controlled somehow and the Minister is only coddling him for further outbursts like this in future episodes. When I was so bold as to try to greet him last night at the debut, he accosted me with verbal abuse. I'm not taking him lightly. He needs a heavy dose of punishment!"

Rita stops herself. Taken with disastrous emotion, she relieves a breath in one giant huff and fixes her hair.

"…Are you quite all right?"

"Yes, I just get passionate about my beliefs," A frazzled Rita instantly becomes the collected Rita, folding her arms together on the table. She peers at Erin over her glasses and smiles. "There's a reason why I became a writer so many years ago. The passion inside just wants to burst forth! It's an incredible feeling."

"So we see…," Erin looks over into Camera C from the corners of her eyes and blinks back into Rita's view. "I'm a bit flabbergasted and wondering if I should ask you the next question in our queue."

"Ask away, dear. Ask away. I'm all ears."

"You know Harry Potter has proposed to Miss Hermione Jane Granger, long-time friend and-"

"Yeah, yeah, long-time blah, blah, gibberish. We know. I know. I wrote my first best-seller and several thousand articles about him and her, the first during their fourth year at Hogwarts and received various bouts of praise for being the lone reporter of the Triwizard Tournament. The Prophet largely jumped in sales thanks to me."

"You've heard the rumor? That they're to be wed on Valentine's?"

"How quaint."

"Your behavior seems quite distant of this marriage. Do you not approve? They look good together besides the floating rumor she beats him. I hardly believe she hit him."

"Firstly, the whole Valentine's Day wedding is cliche. It sums the entire scenario, really. Cliche date for a cliche wedding for a cliche couple. I'm calling it now that they'll have it annulled if the couple even gets that far. Maybe a divorce and a realisation from society that they're troubled people with a troubled relationship."

"You don't see their wedding? Their supporters have really taken a liking of-"

"Adolescent witches and warlocks who can't apparate yet have about the understanding of this caliber as a mountain ogre. Let them be wishful in thought, and maybe they'll learn from Potter and this Miss Granger's mistakes. Besides, dear, his previous mate was better for him than this…Muggle girl. What does she know about treating a warlock? There are several Muggle-borns that I'm sure fancy her."

"Miss Weasley?"

"From an inside source, Miss Weasley was devastated by Harry Potter when he broke their courtship pre-maturely. She's all but gone into hiding, the poor girl. Our photographers haven't seen her about Diagon Alley or the like in a month. It's heart-breaking. My best wishes for her and her family."

"But, there's proof she's moved on. Miss Weasley is to be wed to one Mister Neville Longbottom, a peer of hers at Hogwarts and within the same House Gryffindor. Images show them smiling, holding hands, acting gaily-"

"Lies. It's all a fake. Don't trust Quibbler or any other of that pseudo-journal rubbish. It's false. A psychologist friend of mine assisted in an article I wrote about Ginevra Weasley and Harry Potter's relationship and past connections. She's crushed and the Daily Prophet is behind her recuperation one hundred percent. `Team Weasley'."

"Will there be shirts?" Erin laughs.

"We're thinking about it." Rita winks and smiles through a sip of tea. "Our fanbase would definitely snatch the merchandise from the racks."

"Possibly a lucrative investment there, Rita."

"Possibly, possibly. I'll get in touch with my marketing team."

"Your marketing team? Don't you mean the Prophet's?"

"How clever-you've outted me. I've been dropping hints the entire interview."

"Do you mean…?"

"Yes-the time has come for me to make my second big announcement and fantastic career jump," Rita puts her elbows on the table and lifts her hands, palms up, to the ceiling. She smirks. "Meet the new owner of the Daily Prophet."

The whole news studio uproars in applause at Rita's statement. Erin claps, too, and Rita relishes in the moment. She sighs in triumph and clasps her hands together, looking as if she's found that fond boy of her dreams.


"Is it really that much of a surprise?" Rita laughs into her tea.

"You have dedicated years and endured so much, Rita! Tons of hard work without waste! Congratulations again on such a career mark!"

"Thank you, thank you," Rita bows before the cameras from her sitting position. "The Daily Prophet has a tad tweaking to do now that I'm in charge, but it won't dramatically change. We are the largest news source in the wizarding world when boiled down, so why fix something that isn't broken?"

"What of your nemesis the Quibbler?"

"The Daily Prophet sold twenty times more newspapers before I bought them. They have no chance in the business now that I'm in charge," Rita's snarky remark ends in a shrill laugh from her teacup. "They better be watching their backs! Or, is it watching their sells profits?! Red is a lovely colour, Lovegood! It's the same colour as those Snarfigulumpki-whatevers!! Hahahaa!!"

"You are definitely the one to watch this year, Rita! Possibly a new reign of the Richest Person in Britain?"

"Ah, a new reign indeed…" Rita gazes off as her words drift into the voiceless void. "I wanted to announce this wonderful news of mine exclusively to the Wizarding News Network. So, there you are!"

"Like Rita Skeeter said, `There you are!'" Erin rotates her chair to stare into Camera C. "Be sure to check a bookshop near you for Rita's new book, The Truths About Him a tale of Tom Riddle, next week! Rita will be in Diagon Alley for a public signing, so anyone in the area be sure to stop in and say hello to this talented author and loved entrepreneur! Thank you again for stopping in and giving us the news, Rita!"

Erin reaches across the table to shake Rita's hand.

Rita grasps Erin's hand with both of hers.

"Always a pleasure, always a pleasure!"

Erin swivels back to Camera C.

"We'll be right back with the weather after these commercials."

{Inspirations for the Chapter: Don't Stop - InnerPartySystem; Rita Skeeter's theme song for obvious reasons}
