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Life and Times by Elban Fehl

Life and Times

Elban Fehl

Life and Times

Rating: R

Ship: HHr (main emphasis)

The (unlovely) procedure: all rights go to JKR for previous plot and characters, Scholastic, Warner, and whoever else has their hands in HP.

Author Note: Molly and Arthur Weasley finally see the day their only beloved daughter is Joined with Neville Longbottom for all eternity. The stage is set. People are in their rightful place. Emotions run high; but, this is the Potterverse. Everything always goes swimmingly perfect in the Potterverse.


Chapter Forty - Join


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.


"Mmn…," My long curls draped their length as I rose to turn off the alarm clock. I sat up on my side and yawned, feeling Ginny wiggle on her back. The annoying sound drove her to wake as well, though still rather stationary opposed to my movements.

She squinted at the time on the clock and hastily flipped over. She took the pillow and the sheets and yanked them over her head. I smirked, slipping back down where I had been and wrapped an arm around her. I lay my cheek and chin on her side and rubbed what my hand found where it rested.

"Good morning, Missus Longbottom…" I whispered.

"Urrghh…," She moaned, muffled. "…Five more minutes."

"Did you see the time?"


"Do you know what time we have to be at the Burrow?"

Gin pried herself up, the pillow falling backwards from her head. Her squint fell on me, "…For someone who told me she dreaded seeing mum and dad, you certainly are antsy."

"I didn't say I didn't want to see them. What I said was I hadn't seen them since, well…," My eyes focused away from her, to the alarm clock, to the door, and then lingered back on her to say, "I'm your bridesmaid. I'm not going to let you down just because I may or may not have fluttering butterflies in my stomach."

"Ughrgh…" She groaned. Her face fell flat on the mattress. "…Butterflies, many… I feel like I'm going to throw up. No, I know I'm going to toss it…"

"Come on," I pushed on her. "You need to eat, get dressed, and get over to the Burrow to get you ready for your wedding. We need to be there in a few hours time."

I slid from around her and hopped off the bed. I went straight for my things, leaving her to moan again. "Stttoooppp… What are you doing now? Quit doing whatever you're doing."

I turned my head to see her and rolled my eyes. "Like I said two seconds ago, I'm getting ready. Get ready, I-"

"Gin, are you up?" Neville's voice echoed in the hallway. With the guest's bedroom door open, I knew by the loudness he closed in. I rushed to stop him, and was met at the bedroom door by a handsome man in coat-and-tail.

"Neville! You look dashing…and ready!"

Neville smiled at me, and tried looking beyond. "Is she awake?"

I put my hand over his eyes. "It's not customary to see the bride before the wedding!"

"But, is she ready?"

"She's getting ready!" I'd turned to yell back into the guest room.

"I'm up! I'm getting ready!" replied Ginny through a yawn, yelling back. "Christ… For the love of Merlin…"

I heard her mumble off expletives.

Relieving my hand from his eyes, I fixated on his tie, his shoulders, wiping them of any wrinkle. I shot a glimpse at him from my height, having to look up and said, "You really do look splendidly handsome."

He lifted his chin just like…


As I adjusted his tie knot.

I quickly withdrew my hand.

The door to the guest bedroom shut closed.

Neville hadn't noticed anything abnormal, requesting me with, "Tell Gin that I'm heading over to the Burrow right now. I'd like to do a little overview myself before Miss Nitpick wonders in. Donate some testosterone to the…flowers."

I made a little laugh, imagining all the flower decorations there-and there would be plenty-a very girly sort of thing for the princess. "Right. Okay. Well, we'll be there…"

I paused, only to scream out.

"In the next couple hours!"

"I'm awake! God!" Gin screamed back. "Merlin on a motorcycle, I swear sometimes…"

She went off in those mumbles.


"You'll be coming in with me, right?"

We were at the Burrow. I literally had to push Gin to shower, to dress, to get her shoes on… I told her she wasn't getting cold feet. She told me she wasn't. Or, was. I didn't know. So, I guessed this was part of being her bridesmaid, resorting to lethality if I had to in the end. Gin carried her wedding dress, a beautiful little number…gorgeous, simplistic complexity pulled into one single piece of attire. White high heels in a shoebox underneath her other arm. Jeans and a t-shirt before the wedding for there were a number of guests perusing and meandering outside.

The men had already taken up the tent. Nearly transparent, if one would gaze up they could see the brilliantly blue sky amongst fluffy white clouds; though, the canopy was jinxed. If one dropped their ear below the music, one could hear the pitter-patter of steady raindrops. White fold-up chairs lined with pink rose garland stood in two columns creating three separate aisles, the centre larger to accommodate the wedding dress's train.

Whilst looking around at the people already here, and there were quite a number of gingers about, I didn't recognise but a few. Arthur was chatting away with some of the boys in a far corner, probably not wanting to muck anything; keeping the men far away from the extravagance. White, aesthetically ornate -adorned cylinders carried more of the pink rose garland, the garland wrapping around like a candy cane. Hanging flora lined the walls of the tent, again the same pink rose variety bouquet.

On the other side of the room, sitting in one of those fold-up chairs was Molly and some elderly gingers. I presumed older relatives, quite possibly Molly's mother as side-by-side the two women looked identical except for age. She didn't see us when we first walked in, but we definitely caught her attention within the next minute. She threw her arms in the air and hastily jumped from the seat. She wobbled right on over and gave Ginny a huge bear hug, lifting her off her feet.

"Ginny! Ginny! Ginny!" She shook Gin back and forth each time she called out her name. "Love button!"

"Stop it, mother. I already feel sick and you're just making it worse. I swear I'll toss."

"Sick?" She eyed me, and then back to her daughter. "What do you mean, dear? Today you should be excited! It's YOUR day!"

Ginny made a passing glance around, glanced at me, and then back to her mother.

I could see the difficult swallow.

"Isn't this what you wanted, dear?" Molly motioned across the room with a hand, dropping her head down to line her eyes with Gin's. Gin threw her sight from Molly and back to me.

"You're coming with me, right?" I could hear a bit of desperation, not to mention the way her eyes bugged out when she said `right'.

"Yes, I'm coming right behind-"

"I'm sending Aunt Tessie in there with you before anyone else. You know she gets offended if she hasn't scrutinized even the very locks of your hair," Molly turned about and snapped her fingers. She made a clap and shouted, "Tessie! Tessie!"

A woman made up with a too much make-up, especially the reddish blush all over her cheeks, and gaudy pearls and beads came racing on over.

"She has a bit of a hearing problem, you see…," She looked at me.

"Besides," She glanced back at Gin who was being captured, so to speak, by the older, overdone woman in a brown dress. Aunt Tessie also sported quite a feathered hat, the purplish plume rising several feet in the air…straight up. "I'd like to speak to you."

"Hermione!" Gin called out for me while being dragged off.

"I'll be right there!" I shouted back, seeing Gin get pummeled back into the girl's area and behind curtains.

"Come with me, dear…," Molly ushered with her hand to follow and we ended up sitting in the two nearby chairs. She sat at an angle with her arm on top of the backside.

"So," She began. I'd crossed my legs, the white satin dress tightening at my knees. I rarely wore heels, the white points poking out from the bottom. I leaned a little forward, that diagonal portion of my hair covering that one eye. My hands were clasped on the edge of the seat.

"How's Harry?" She played with a cream-coloured knitted shawl around her neck which lay above an emerald gown.

All I could do was shrug…and watch Molly size me up.

She was paying particular attention to my face.

I hoped I didn't have something on it and became very self-conscious to her blatant exploration.

I hoped it wasn't a runny nose, or worse, a growing pimple.

"You don't know, dear? But, you're his fiance. You should know everything. Every bloody detail."

My brow rose. "I'm sure you're aware he's at the Ministry, Mrs. Weasley. It's broadcasted in practically every media outlet, especially the Prophet." I said this because Molly nearly swore by the Prophet since I met her ages ago, albeit a tad less a few years back. "I'm not sure what you want me to say else…"

"Petition to see your future husband would be step one."

Slightly shocked by her forthcoming, I remained respectful. "…The confidentiality cannot go outside those walls. He'd have to sign a verbal contract. He'd have to promise. I can't do anything but wait. Those are the rules. I wouldn't want him to get into trouble, and there could be some severe consequences."

"Rules can be broken, dear." She snapped.

I sat more erect.

I didn't understand, I mean… She knew the rules of engagement. It's not like any bloody person can waltz right on into a Death Eater hearing. What Harry had to relinquish… What I had to contend with… I thought Molly, of all people, would understand. Arthur was in the Ministry during vexing times for Christ's sake. I thought she would show more empathy and not…aggression?

"Frankly," She sighed and shook her head. She closed her eyes and shook her head even more, and harder. She stopped, opened her eyes, and looked right at me. "Are you even trying?"


The wailing cry and scream of a toddler racing by interrupted our lovely discussion. My head turned to see a little girl with a miniature-sized dragon in her hands run down the centre aisle, mimicking the `whoosh' sound as she imagined it flying. In a cute sky blue and white dress, she looked absolutely adorable.


I knew that voice.

A very distinct French accent.

"Mon mot…" I flicked around to see an extremely pregnant Fleur making her way down the centre; though, she sort of swayed with the extra weight. She had a hand on her stomach and halted a moment to breathe. She put that hand on a chair's backside and wiped some sweat from her brow. "…Ou est votre pere? Whew…"

She blinked, and startled, she gasped. "'Ermione! Iz you! Magnifique!"

"Fleur!" Brows rising, I couldn't help but see her tiny ginger, Victoire, growing up and another one on the way. I stood up and left Molly by herself still sitting where we were. I went over and embraced Fleur gently. I released, and when I did we smiled at one another. It was like… I wasn't even sure. Another life maybe.

"You're glowing!"

"Merci," She set her hand back on her stomach. "Thank you. And, you? Vhere iz your groom? Vhere iz `Arry?"

I sighed. "Official Ministry work. I'm not allowed access."

"Aw…," She patted my shoulder and gave my arm a rub. "I see. Vell, he iz `Arry. Strong. Determined. He iz in good hands, so you should not vorry, okay?"

I nodded, my lips pushing together. I still couldn't get over how large Fleur was and how this immensely thin woman could get so big. I saw myself, thin, could I get his large? "May I?" I asked, gesturing towards her stomach.

"Oh yes, o' course!"

I set my palm lightly on top, aside her hand, and at first I didn't feel a thing.

Then suddenly, I felt a kick.

I smiled and giggled, laughing when I felt another bump.

"Do you know if it's a girl or boy?" I looked up at her.

"Anoder female," She grinned. "Dominique Rene Weasley."


"Guess I lost father's gene to produce boys," A hearty laugh roared behind me. I turned to see Bill with Victoire propped in his arms. Their daughter continued to imagine that dragon in her own tiny world as she made it swoop down and back up again.

"Zat iz not so! A male iz next! I can zee eet!"

Bill leaned in and carefully caressed Fleur's lips before gazing at me with a beaming smile. "Hello Hermione. I'm quite happy to see you here, and helping Ginevra so much in her moment. I'm sure she's shaking in her heels."

"Oh, she's nervous all right. I couldn't get her out of bed this morning."

"She takes after us. I'm sure she's overwhelmed with the whole experience, and I'm unbelievably surprised that she chose such a…feminine decor, really. I never knew she liked so much pink and white."

"Well, her, Cho, and I sat around and she came up with this."

"Hm." Bill glanced around. "Where is she, anyway?"

"With Aunt Tessie," I turned back to see the curtains they went into hiding what was beyond. I guessed a changing area. "After that I'm not sure."

"Oh dear, not Tessie. Mum's all wound up that Tessie knows everything there is to wedding ceremonies. Mum went ballistic the day her and father Joined because Aunt Tessie meddled with every detail. Bloody don't know why she'd send Tessie in with Gin."

Bill began to hop Victoire on his hip after she started getting rambunctious.

I glanced back at the tent flaps.

"You better get in there and straighten the mess Aunt Tessie's doing to Ginny. " Bill laughed. "And, it will be a mess to be made."

"Yeah," I turned back around and nodded in agreement. "I should. Actually, I better. She needs me."

Bill smiled, and then looked at his wife when Fleur asked, "Love, vhere iz ze escargot? You said escargot?"

"Uhh…," He scratched his head and looked around across the room at the refreshment stand. "We have biscuits? Punch?"

Fleur sighed and shook her head. She let another one out and patted her very round belly. "Ze life of ze pregnant voman…"

I smiled and Bill made that hearty laugh.

"Let's go get you something to eat, love."

"'Ake care, `Ermione. Ve vill `alk soon, I hope."

I grinned and gave Fleur another light hug. "Of course. I can't wait to see ickle Dominique."

"Less than a month, now." Suggested Bill.

"Good luck!"

"Thank you, Hermione. And, well wishes for you and Harry. I've always rooted for you two," He whispered the end. "But…"

His eyes went left, and then right.

"…Don't tell anyone else."

I smiled. "Sure."

"If you and Harry ever need some help, you know where we live!"

"Thank you, Bill," I smiled between him and a happy Fleur. "Fleur. And, I'll tell Harry you've sent wishes when he gets back. I'm sure he keeps you two in mind."

"Ve love you two!"


Giving another hug to Fleur, and one to Bill, I left them with a farewell and headed towards the curtains I'd watched Gin get dragged off into prior. Pulling away the flaps, I entered into another annexed room, a hallway leading to more tent flaps. I could hear the pouring rain strike the tent, moving away from the recorded sounding ceremony tunes and the music muting against thick tent material. Lightning cracked and thunder boomed in its wake.

I pushed into the second set to find a perpendicular tented corridor running counter to the one I came from. I'd also run into something of a scene that wasn't meant to be seen, nor heard. When I first came in I did hear chastising, anger, Molly's voice saying, "I don't want you near the wedding! Tell you and your lot to leave! All you bring is those damn Death Eaters-you're like magnets! And, that's all we need right now is another swarm of those attacking yet another Weasley wedding!"

"Molly… Dear…" Arthur's voice beside her.

That's when I came in and broke the discussion.

My eyes darted to the couple, Molly and Arthur, their eyes both upon me. Molly's were wider, almost boring into me as if to say, "How dare you!"

Arthur merely jested, and sighed. He put his hand to his forehead.

The person of Molly's resentment stood behind them cloaked in white with a hood. I could see her face, a female, middle-aged, maybe younger with blonde hair escaping said hood. Her bluish irises took one look at me, and then she left with no other words. That is, if she had said anything at all. All I heard was Molly.

The woman in white, an Auror, slipped from the tent completely and into the buckets of rainwater.

"Molls, you can't just tell them to leave. They're here for all of our protection, our safety…"

"Arthur, I swear if there is one mistake-ONE!-it's going to be your head that rolls!"

"Molls…," Mister Weasley sounded dismantled, frustrated.

Molly slid up aside me, wobbling out the way I came in, but stopped to ask me, "Did Ginny allow you to wear that disgusting black gunk around your eyes? My word, the generation's lost it!"

I kept quiet, but stood my ground.

She moved from my eyes, to my fringe, and back to my eyes. "And, get a haircut while you're at it! And, these will be the next to run the world…"

The flap popped with a smack of Molly's arm and she was gone.

I turned to see Mister Weasley, his hand on his face, his fingers in the shallows of his eyes where he rubbed them under his glasses. He sighed and smoothed out his hair compulsively. "She doesn't mean it, Hermione," He said calmly, assuredly. "Missus Weasley just has a lot on her mind. With Ron-"

"Ron?" I interjected.

Arthur pointed at the tent wall, but more he gestured further than that, "He's not here, you see. She's broken up about not having the entire family together for her daughter's wedding."

"Where is Ron…?" I asked in near-silence.

It's not like I'd forgotten about Ronald. No, I couldn't forget about him, our past, and our past's past… But, with everything that has happened after, and right now with my mind on Harry, and Ginny, and…

"He's…well," Mister Weasley cleared his throat. "Well, he's still at St. Mungo's. They asked for more time with him. He's improved in strides. He signed himself back in. He wants to improve more, but he was never…"

"I know." I shook my head, nodding. "He was never… He was a good guy. We've all been through Hell. I get it now more than ever. We're all dealing with our issues. I'm happy to hear he's making his own path, and progressing."

"We visit him…a lot, well," Arthur made a slight laugh. "Molly does. I pay the bills, go to work, or I'd go see my son more often. He knows I love him."

"We all love him. He should know that."

Arthur paused a beat, and slowly asked, "…You could always go and-"

I closed my eyes and shook my head `no' this time. "Not now…," I breathed in and exhaled softly. "Not yet, anyway. I'm dealing with Harry right now, and that's incredibly difficult… I could…"

"I understand," Arthur nodded. "When he gets out. Yes."

"Thank you!" I shouted this at him, but it was by accident. I'd wanted to thank him for a long time coming.

"What for?"

"What you did and have done for Harry," I paused to settle. "It means a quite deal to me, to know he has others watching out for him when I can't."

Arthur smiled honestly and nodded.

I nodded, too and quickly changed the subject before I broke into my already unstable emotions. "Is…?"

I pointed on down the corridor.

"Oh! Yeah, she's right down there," Mister Weasley shook his head and laughed a little. "I'll come with you to, you know, drag ol' Tessie out. Let in some fresh air for you girls."


"I'm here! I'm here! Sorry!"

"God damn it, Cho!" cried out Ginny. I made her stop as she moved, fixing her hair and making sure everything fell perfectly. She wanted her hair, `Like mine,' she said. So, I was on an adventure, trying to crimp and curl her severely straight hair. More or less, the conclusion was getting better. I'm no hairstylist, that's for sure.

Now that Cho was here I was more than happy for her to take over.

And, she obliged when I handed her Ginny's wand; though, she exchanged it for her own. So, I gave Gin's back.

"What the Hell took you so long?"

"I told you I was sorry! Christ woman!" Cho had begun mending my work.

I smirked when Cho gave me the evil eye.

I shrugged.

Like I said, I'm not one to beautify myself.

Now if Gin wanted me to do her eyes, now that I can do. Anything else was a shot in the dark, but I would help.

"She's extremely nervous," I told Cho as she went about her work.

"Missus Ginevra Longbottom…"

"Shut up, Cho. God. I hate your guts." Ginny snarled.

"She's already a new woman!"

I laughed, and loudly.

I bent down to Gin's level, as she sat in a chair facing a mirror. I took mental pictures of her wedding gown: lace frill at the top, bare shoulders, satin at beginning at her bust and down as the soft material cascaded into intermittent, natural folds. The fabric had a subtle matte to it, a bright ivory hue. She looked amazing. Sweetly tanned, her Weasley-red stood out like a flow of crimson curtain. Her golden-brown eyes flittered towards me beneath darkly curled, long eyelashes.

"What is it…?" She whispered, though I was sure Cho could hear.

"You're stunning, Gin."

"Stop it…"

"I'm serious!"

She smiled and reached for me.

I took her hand and held it.

She tightened her grip.

"You'll be right there with me…right?"

"I have to hold that long train," I chuckled. "So…"

"Fat arse!" peeped in Cho.

"I swear I'm going to hit a witch."

I smirked into a laugh.

"Besides," Gin expressed. "I mean, you're the gorgeous one, Mi. I couldn't hold a candle to you. People are going to think I'm the bridesmaid and you're supposed to be the bride."

"Should I mess my hair up or something?"

I chuckled, and Cho fell in tow.

I felt Ginny ease her fingers, inching them in-between mine.

"Did someone order a warlock stripper?! Bow chica bow wow…"

"Go away, George!" yelled Gin.

I shot my glance to the flap and out popped George's head without a body. His eyes were closed. "Everything kosher in here?"

"She's dressed if that's what you're asking," Cho exclaimed, her hands set in curling another strand of Ginny's hair, pulling at the tassel.

"Wow," George's eyes open, he said this was legitimate awe. "And here I thought this was a trouser-affair."

Ginny huffed and closed her eyes.

"What do you want?"

"Neville went home."

"WHAT?!" Us three said aloud and in synchronization.

"I'm kidding! Whoa! Sorry!" he smirked.

"God. George. Leave. Now."

"Okay, okay, the real reason why I came wasn't to bug you."

"Seriously?" retorted Gin. "I wouldn't have guessed."

"I've chaperoned someone who wants to see you all before the ceremony starts."

"Who…?" Gin watched George through her mirror.

"I smell the aroma of snurgglepuffs in here…strong…so lovely…"


"George!" shouted Gin.

A strikingly light blonde traipsed in on her toes and danced her way over to us three. Luna, in one of her free-spirited dresses of printed flowers of the rainbow, put an arm around me and Cho. She grinned at Gin through the mirror, "Bride to be…how I love thee."

Ginny raised her hand and Luna took it carefully, not to disturb Cho.

"Thank you for showing up, Luna."

"The pleasure is rightfully all mine, Ginevra. I was simply ecstatic when disclosing the ceremonial invitation in my post box. I've framed it, and it now holds on the wall of my kitchen."

The three of us girl's all sort of smiled at one another and Ginny said graciously, "I'm glad it made your day, Luna."

"I hope, and I really hope, that it wasn't wrong of me to tag along a special soul of mine. I wished for her to see my friends, and I didn't know if we'd all get together like this anymore."

Although she smiled, and one of those lazy, dazy Luna-smiles, she looked upon me.

"I'm sorry for not getting in touch, Luna. I've just been so…"

"With the Quibbler, I quite understand the changing auras. I see you now, Hermione, and I am happy. I wish for nothing more."

"Luna…," I gave her a hug. "You'll always be my friend, forever."

"Strength of bond," She nodded. "A chain that will never break. Love."

I smiled.

"May she stay?" Luna's gaze went back to Ginny's.


"My other soul, the ying of my yang, the piece of my Life's everlasting puzzle."

Gin made eye contact with me, and then with Cho.

"I guess…," Ginny slurred. She shrugged. "More the merrier."

"I am pleased," replied Luna warmly. She stood on her cream-coloured flats and sung her voice, calling, "Alice…!"

A lithe, slender girl-fairy-like-pirouetted inside at the slight tune of Luna's angelic beseech. Dressed so similar to Luna, her skin such in the same spectrum of colour, if it hadn't been because of her short, black, wind-blown hair and dark eyes I'd have guessed Luna found her identical twin. She came to Luna's side so quickly, and her hands found Luna's shoulder, at the crook of the neck. She smiled, like Luna, at everyone in the room. She gave each of us her undivided attention.

"Greetings," She spoke kindly. I couldn't tell where her pupil began and ended, but she was pretty. And, they looked to be in love, stopping to see each other, her and Luna, before looking back at us. She even scrunched her nose up at Luna. "I'm Alice. Alice Burton. Luna's talked about you all so much that I feel like I practically know you all already!"

"Two flowers amongst a field…," said Luna to us, and to Alice at her side.

"I'm Hermione." I grinned, reached for her and shook her hand.

"Ginevra, or Ginny. Gin for short."

"Cho Chang, hairstylist extraordinaire! Nice to meet you!"


After the greetings, after the small chitchat, getting to know Luna's Alice within the brevity of time we had, Luna touched my hand and motioned with a nod towards the exiting tent flaps. She didn't take her silvery eyes off me, but asked Alice beside her, "May I have your purse, my love?"

"Certainly," she spoke, interjecting throughout talking with Ginny about her day, and did so without skipping a beat within their lively conversation. She'd made Gin laugh at something.

"I'm borrowing Hermione for a moment, loves." Luna squeezed my hand and lightly pulled me towards the exit. She had the black sequined purse in her right hand.

"Don't stay away too long, Mi!" I noticed Gin through the mirror look at me, her eyes following me, her mouth straight in a line. "I need you."

"I'll be…," Luna was leading me out, and I'd turned to see Gin, looked back at Luna, and then back to Gin.

"She'll only be a few minutes, Ginevra," answered Luna in a floated tone.

We were in the hallway, amongst other guests and what I believed to be catering servicemen in chef hats and aprons checking and prepping their food in metal containers. A strong scent of red meats and buttery bread mingled at my nose. We had to meander through some people, Luna tugging me along, and I was still left completely in the dark. Why did she need me? Was this about the letter she wrote me of a lunch date? I had to speed up, and in heels it was difficult.

Luna pulled away a flap and pulled me into a vacant room. Wall-to-wall, this was where the extra flowers were kept and immediately I knew it for the aroma hit me like a sweet rush, a summer meadow in a breeze. Crystal vases and pink roses lined shelves with each vase holding a dozen or more; a sight to an incredibly dulled, beige faux-skin tent. The hanging lanterns had the crystal glimmer, the light giving off a spectroscopic gleam of all colour.

Only Luna could find such a room.

She quickly turned around to me after making sure we were isolated, making sure the flaps we'd come through were closed. She had her hands busy with opening the purse, unlatching and unzipping the jingling bag.

"What's going on, Luna…?" My mind was abuzz with many a thing Luna could pull from her bag. Years ago, I wouldn't have been surprised if she wanted to show me a butterbeer bottle cap necklace she'd made, but these times this couldn't have been something so…Lovegood.

"You know what I do…and what I can do…"

I watched as she took out a bundle of tied envelopes, reaching far into the charmed bag to retrieve them.

I nodded, and I knew she saw me even if her eyes were closed as she felt around in the bag for something else.

"I want to give these to you," Luna opened her eyes after smiling with a "Eureka!" moment. She gave me the bundle, and I peeked from the stack she handed me to the new object she retrieved: an enveloped she clasped with all her strength.

"What are these…?" What I read, and all I read on each letter, was The Quibbler, The Quibbler, The Quibbler. All of them were addressed to The Quibbler. A John Woodson, to The Quibbler. A Heather Haynes, to The Quibbler. A Christopher Pine, to The Quibbler.

"Amongst the blackest of midnight skies…," Luna said, observing my hands switch from one envelope to the next, consuming the names of each individual, every soul who wrote into The Quibbler, or in some cases to Luna Lovegood herself. "A trillion twinkling, bright stars illuminate the pitch sea."

My brow rose, and I shot a glimpse at Luna and her puzzle. Maybe it was because of…everything…but I couldn't discern her poetics. "I don't understand, Luna. What are these…? They're all to you!"

"Your adoring fans, Hermione," she breathed easily when she spoke, and softly.

My eyes grew, realising that I'd counted almost thirty with about four dozen more wanting to fall right out of my clutches. One did manage to drop, but I hastily picked it up off the floor and put it back in with the others. "I… I…"

"I only wanted to show you, and give you but a percentage of the letters I receive in the post about you and Harry and how people are rooting for you two, how people look up to you and love you. Bad news seems to overshadow the good… Aw…"

I'd begun to tear up.

I looked up at Luna and laughed, having to sniffle.

"I will, and we all will always have yours and Harry's back."

I couldn't speak.

Choked up, all I could do was to hug Luna and did. I grabbed her and pulled her to me and gave her the biggest, warmest hug I could give.

She gave my back a little rub and said, "I know it must be so terribly difficult for you to keep on, but please realise you have so much support. You both have so much support from everyone."

"You don't know how much this means to me…" I laughed again because my voice was so shaky.

Luna wiped my cheeks of black-stained tears. "We're going to have to re-do your make-up or I'm sure I'll be ex-communicated. The environment around some of these people is about as stiff as a gutralia jelly on its good day."

I smiled and huffed, moving myself to calm down.

Luna handed me a tissue and I rightly dabbed any remaining tears.

"We should wait, though, on the make-up."

I gazed at her quizzically, but soon noticed again the one envelope she hadn't given me. "Oh no, Luna…," I sniffed. "You're absolutely going to have me crying again, aren't you?"

"Crying is a positive catharsis." She handed over the letter and took the bundle of Hermione and Harry supporters from me so I could set my full attention on…

A blank envelope.

Nothing was written on the front.

Nothing was stamped on the back when I flipped it over.

I tore into it.

I glanced up at Luna, my hand muscles convulsing with the increasing rate of my breathing.

"I'm sure you know who this is from," she assured my quivering actions, fast-paced thoughts.

"But… How did? …How did you?" I stuttered.

"Rita might not be able to get inside the Ministry, but that doesn't mean others can't."

"Luna…" I was left speechless.


Harry's perfect, absolutely perfect handwriting.

I love you. I love you so much. There hasn't been a second I haven't thought of you since I left. I'm breaking the law, but I don't care. I'm coming home, baby. I've told Kingsley I cannot stay away another day. He understands. We've done so much here. I'm coming home. I'll be home in the morning. I love you.

I bawled.

I literally fell to my knees, the levees broke and I let tears flood over like a waterfall.

Luna knew with her sixth sense the very moment I'd crack, falling down with me and taking me up in her arms. She held me as I thanked her. I thanked her and thanked her and thanked her. I'm sure with that sixth sense of hers she could feel my heart and how it beat, and that was all that mattered to her for she didn't say once anything else.

No recognition, pleased for doing "the right thing," and staying her humble self.

I cried into the silence.


I had to buck up.

This was Ginny's day.

Though, that's not to say that a huge weight was lifted off me. The letter, the piece of Harry, wasn't leaving my sight. I wanted to feel it, actually feel it-as ludicrous as that might sound-so, I stuck it folded small in my bridesmaid gown. Luna redid the mascara, fixed my hair, and got me back laughing to put the rose in my cheeks. So many more times I thanked her, and she stayed modest. She only saw it right to get in and get that information for me, and what a spin the portion of information gave me.

I felt as if minutes ago I lived a very different life.

I heard the assortment of string instruments and French horns when we left that floral room and smacked right into Gin, Cho, and Alice out in the hallway. I ran to Gin's side, her hand, her fingers dancing wildly to get to mine. I grabbed the hand and held it tight, her grip disastrous. I thought she'd break the bones for a moment.

"Alice and I are going to go find seats," Luna tweeted, breaking Gin and I from our locked eyes.

I saw Gin turn to Luna and Alice and smile, and I did, too.

"Yeah," cut in Cho as well. "Heading to my seat with them."

Cho did a little nudge to Ginny's chin. "Go get `em, girl! You deserve it!"

Cho then pointed at me. "Don't muck this up, now. Do it right! If she trips and falls… No, it'd probably still be her damn fault."

Ginny narrowed her eyes at Cho.

I chuckled lightly as Cho left with the others.

Only us two were left.

Alone, hand-in-hand.

Gin squeezed my hand until it hurt.


"Sorry…," she shook her head and shook away from my hand.

I took her hand back. "What's wrong?" I asked, seeing her purposely struggle to not make any eye contact with me again.

After a pause, she gazed at me long and hard, "…What did Luna want with you? You were gone quite a while and you look as if you've been…crying? Why were you crying?"

I grinned and felt the letter close to my heart. "He's coming back to me," I said with sturdy confidence. "I'll be back with Harry tomorrow. He's made arrangements with Kingsley and he's…"

I sighed into a deep inhale and let it out slowly. "He's coming back to me…"

I squeezed her hand.

Her forehead rose, her eyes widened a second and fell as she looked away, facing forward at the flaps which would open any minute now so she could walk down the aisle.

"I love you, Gin."

Her withdrawal quickly came back, and she eyed me in earnest. She saw me smile and did so herself, but remained with cautious glances soon after I expressed, "You've done it! You've caught quite the catch, Missus Longbottom!"

I shook her hand which shook her arm, her other hand fidgeting with the bouquet tassel holding freshly picked chrysanthemums and baby's breath.

Gin watched me from the corner of her eye and held still.

She looked in a daze, and who wouldn't be on their wedding day?

I dare say I'll look devastatingly ripe with worry. Egads, the possibility of tripping and falling on my face in front of everyone being up there in the priority hierarchy. It'll simply frighten me. I tried to reassure her thoughts with a friendly rub of her closest arm, an adjustment of the wedding veil on her face and a light pat on the shoulder. She went to smile, or at least tried to when the tent folds suddenly opened and there stood Mister Weasley.

His arm was out for Ginny.

"Are you ready, my beautiful daughter?" He asked with that fatherly, nearly humourously sarcastic tone. He wasn't, trembling in his own boots, and I could have told him Ginny didn't feel exactly at ease either.

But, it all happened so fast.

Ginny looped her arm with her father's.

I caught her draping train and held it as she walked. The music swelled for the bride and each side, the Weasley's, the Longbottom's, and friends all stood up and grinned at Gin moving forward through another rite of passage. There wasn't much magic to be done with the limit space of people in a confined tent. There was, however, bursts of pink rose petals which would puff into the air and land just before Ginny's feet touched that part of the carpet. Several glowing, golden sparkles dazzled in a dimming light.

I could see Neville beaming. Neville had always been the pure optimist in the group, always smiling, always affirming to everyone that everything would turn for the better when worse came to worse. But now, he electrified the entire atmosphere with his charming white smile, his eyes never once surrendering to anything or anyone else but Gin. He was in love.

Standing at the first chair, first row, was Molly. She had tissues at her mouth and nose. Her eyes puffy, any bloody fool could see she was happy, ecstatic, thrilled to see her only daughter being walked down the aisle by her father. The Weasley's had outright given their blessing to Neville's proposal, and those close to the two knew how much Neville dotted upon Ginny.

They were a match.

Ginny had made it up to the Ceremonial Warlock, a wizard dressed in white robes lined with red stripes. A patch on his breast embroidered with two images, a dove and a wand, signified he was allegeable to wed by Ministry law. I stepped to the side of the aisle, beside a ginger I didn't know on the Weasley side of the aisle, and watched while my two best friends joined in matrimony.

The Warlock spoke and the music died down:

"We are all gathered here, in Merlin's grace, to bear witness to a glorious immersion of two wands, two souls once wandering, but have found each other, enduring what Life has given them."

"Who gives this witch to be with this warlock forever, for eternity?"

"Her mother and her father give Neville Longbottom the trust of our twined hearts." Arthur slipped from Ginny and gave her hand to Neville.

Gin's hand gentle is cradled palm-to-palm, and is covered by Neville's other atop just as gently.

"Both families, the Weasley's and the Longbottom's, have had to take on the burden Merlin, and His consequences have lain. No other than these two souls have been shown hardships and difficulties no man should have ever made to bear witness. But, on this day, two families will see the profound Join, by wand, to create a new foundation of love and happiness. To see the Joining here is to remember days long ago, misery once we were and our choices, our freedom at stake. Now, youths, the children of the future step out together and lead a new world. It truly is such a wondrous sight. The vows you both will make to your other marks the non-verbal emotions we have all seen by our naked eye, a representation of those none can see, nor hear, nor touch, but what are yours and yours alone. Always frolic in the joyous harmony that is love."

"At this time I will ask Neville to bear his soul to Ginevra. One may begin when thou is ready."

I noticed Neville's throat bob up-and-down when he turned towards her, their bodies towards each other.

I could feel the tears at the ducts already.

"Ginevra," He began. "I love you. I've always loved you and cherished you. Long ago you were but a shooting star I wished on, a dream. You have made that dream a reality, and a beautiful one. You are my other. I thank Merlin, everything, for giving me the gift that is you. I will love you, honor you, and keep you forever safe in my arms. I promise you. I'd lay my very life down to protect you, Ginevra, my best friend, my love. Today, I give thyself to thee until eternity."

I had my hands over my mouth, and of course cried tears of joy.

Neville had done gorgeously. I was so proud of him.

Molly up front could already be heard weeping.

"Ginevra," Asked the Ceremonial Warlock. "You may begin when thou is ready."

Ginny paused, drew and breath, closed her eyes and opened them to Neville.

"Neville," She began. "I love you, and I've always loved you with the very essence of my being. I know that Fate itself chose us because we are so alike…"

She stuttered, and I drew a silent breath.

"I-I know…," Ginny's eyes closed again, and I felt, just by seeing her, that she was about to break.

The room kept violently quiet, even Molly quit weeping.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to Neville in a rush, but we could all hear her.

My eyes fixated, wide, watched as Gin hiked her dress up and ran straight for me. She dropped her bouquet and fled passed me, her cheeks wet with tears. I looked around at Cho, to Luna, to Fleur, to Mister Weasley-to Neville who had stepped a few feet forward as if to chase after her. Everyone just stood there, and even I, the know-it-all, couldn't discern a right and a wrong way of proceeding. I couldn't find the answer until I saw Molly push from her seat and rumble on by me.

I ran after her, the musical score coming in to settle whatever atmosphere remained for the crowd, a distraction; but, no one bought it.

Molly's feet were in haste. She beat me through the tent flaps and down the hallway. For such a short, somewhat large woman she certainly caught afire when she needed. I threw open the tent flap to the T-intersection and bounded into Ginny's dressing room. I met with no resistance, but I was met with the words, Molly's words in the middle of a screeching sentence:

"…you make a mockery of this family! How dare you!!"

"All I want right now is for you to leave me be, mother! I don't want to be around anyone at the moment!!"

"I've done so much for you! Spoiled you with everything you ever wanted!!"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Ginny cried, and by her hoarse, trembling voice, I knew her throat ached through the shrill.

I'd come up behind Molly by this point, mere seconds.


I couldn't believe it when I saw it, but facts are facts after seeing it up close and personal.

Molly raised her hand and slapped Gin so hard Gin's face and her body literally jerked sharply to the right.

Gin caught herself on the counter before the mirror and acutely gasped.

My subconscious or unconscious, or maybe my conscious-who knew-took control right then and there.

I didn't think. I don't think I could have had time to think.

I reacted in part in protection for the unjustified mean.

I grabbed Molly's shoulder, yanked her around so I could see her, her eyes blindly wide to my blunt assertiveness, and hit her face hard with such a force that she did a turnaround, whirling about in one spot and fell down.

The honorable-Hermione, the logical-Hermione resounded and within the same brief second my hands flew up to cover a gasp at just what I did to Molly Weasley.

Ginny gasped again, too.

"Get out…," I heard Molly murmur from off the ground when she dizzied her way back to reality.

"Get…OUT!!!" She demanded when she fully recovered. She pointed, her face red as a cherry, at the tent flaps and belted out another, "GET OUT! GET OUT! GET!!! OUT!!! NOW!!!!!!"

I ran.

I didn't know what else to do, so I just ran.

I ran passed Arthur and Cho.

Passed Luna, Alice, Fleur and Bill.

Passed the other Weasley audience, George and Angelina.

I ran through where the wedding would have been, the Ceremonial Warlock still at his station, and out into the storm.

Lightning struck, lighting up my cold and rather rain-soaked surroundings. It didn't take much for me to get that soaked, either. I had my wand out and readied for an apparation when I heard what I thought was a scream. I flipped around, the prettied hair-do gone, leaving strands stuck to my face and forehead. I head to rake what hung over my eyes to see clearly in the downpour, but I knew immediately who called out for me.

"Hermione!" Gin had almost followed me step-by-step. She must have run after I did.

She smacked into me, having me stumble backward, but did so in embrace. She hugged me, and all I thought of in return was to hug her as well.

"I can't believe what you did back there…!"

"I know! I'm sorry!"

"No!" She was out of breath. "It was bloody brilliant!"

I laughed at just how enthusiastic she was, her dress soaked, muddied, veil and headdress thrown off.

"I love you!" she exclaimed in a rumbling groan of thunder. "I want to go with you!"

I didn't know which way the wind should blow. After everything, to leave her here with that? To take her? Would I portray something else? This wasn't a game…but, I loved her to death. I wouldn't, couldn't stand for her being left to fend for her own.

"Hang on!" I shouted.

We vanished with the last image being Molly and some of the Weasley bandwagon joining her outside the tent to see us disappear out of sight.


I was…to say the least…conflicted by the many events which unfolded one right after another. I'd hit Molly, I'd given Ginny asylum… Neville had to be scarred, he hadn't called although I expected a phone call or flames spark in the fireplace at any moment… Arthur called. Luna called. Even George called. I wasn't exactly born yesterday and knew quite well why, or at least signaled to why Gin did what she did. A part of me scoured my brain for any hints I may have given off in the wrong direction, that maybe I'd sent something to trigger Gin to think one way, especially with Harry so close.

That was the other part of me, eager and anxious, excited, but diluted when those other events entered the equation.

I decided, stirring with a spoon a cup of tea whilst my other held the teabag that I'd stay up all night long just to see him. I needed him more than any other time. Just to be with him, his arms around me, was all I wanted. The support factor, our companionship, and the heart beat I craved to hear… The smell of him, pumpkin, safety.

I heard rumbling upstairs above the television which had been set on low volume. Between rinsing the spoon off and taking the teabag to the rubbish bin, my ears perked to Ginny's laughter from around the corner, her feet descending the stairs. I had the cup to my lips when I looked up, the steam rising into my nostrils. I approached the den, to see Ginny with a Kneazle purring in her arms.

I smiled, and asked, "Was he bothering you while you took a shower?"

"He was at the door when I opened up and did a little `mreow' and I had to just pick him up. Too adorable. Too, too, too adorable."

"Well, if he's not being a pain, then I guess it's all right," I said, stepping down into the den and plopping myself on the sofa. I stretched out its length and relaxed, trying to welcome positivity, good things into my mind.

It didn't help to know Gin stared at me.

She sat in a nearby recliner, propped her feet up and scratched at the underside of Crookshank's chin.

Thunder rolled in-and-out, interrupting the sound from the tube for which I hadn't bothered increasing in volume. My eyes lingered on over to a clock on the mantle, to the deepening of the evening closing in on midnight, and flicked on over to Ginny, the whites of her eyes reflecting the glimmer of pulsated light.

"So…," Her eyes left mine for a fumbling Crookshanks making her lap his new home and back, expressing an audible sigh. "What's the agenda?"

"I won't be able to sleep at all knowing Harry might appear."

"Ah," She mused, flittering to the science fiction movie on television. "Do you think he'd mind if I wore his shirt again? I mean, you know…"

"Not at all."

"Having tried to slip into one of your shirts has made me even more self-conscious!" She made a laugh, but it fell flat when I didn't chime in.

My mind reeled in the what if's and the what not's.

"Hermione." Gin said pointedly after a while.


"I know I've told you this several times now, but… Thank you. I swear, I'll-"

"You've done so much for me, Gin. This is the least I can do to pay back all your charity."

"Hm…," She nodded, not so much in agreement, but in need to do something.

I'm sure she wanted to scream.

I wanted to scream.

"Besides," I began, getting her full attention once again with a spritely swish of her hair.

I gazed at her a moment, and finished with a, "Isn't that what friends are for?"

She watched blankly, and then shook her head.

"Right." She exclaimed, deflated.

The rest of the night kept quiet.

Gin fell asleep in the recliner…

…I don't know why I thought I could fight after such a restless day…

I fell asleep in front of the fireplace soon after.

{Side note: I wanted to have Harry "charm" his letter to Hermione with music, namely Lionel Richie's Stuck on You, when she opened it. I didn't feel the overall mood fit for a song, but if you'd like to use your imagination feel free. I might add it in the future}
