Life and Times
Rating: R
Ship: HHr (main emphasis)
The (unlovely) procedure: all rights go to JKR for previous plot and characters, Scholastic, Warner, and whoever else has their hands in HP.
…Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end - Luna Lovegood
Chapter Seventy-six - Mirror
Within the dense forests of the Pacific Northwest, United States
"Can you hear Her, Hume?" The crimson sight of the Elf gazed onward at the flittering of a white cloak in the wind. The zephyrs blew coolly through the open bridge connecting one large, ornate Elven structure to another. They had stopped when the white cloak did, his Weasley-red wafting, too, in the breeze beneath his silvery bandana.
The sun rose, the purples, oranges, reds, and blues glistening and sparkling alongside the waterfall for which Ronald took notice. He breathed in the crisp environment, pure, untainted and heaved another drawn breath into the winds. His leather-gloved hands, like the dark-skinned Elf's, gripped the railing holding up the half-circle, vaulted wooden roof above them. Along its banister, and the twisting nature holding the roof up, lush, green vines with the most spectacularly-coloured flowers greeted the new day.
Ronald nodded in response, taking in another breath before the Elf relieved his hands from the bridge railing. The Elf let his hand pat Ronald's back, coaxing him onwards. Ronald hesitated, hearing Her voice whisper in their midst, until he knew his Fate, knew why the reason he had come this distance.
"Our Sister is waiting in the gardens yonder," the Elf glanced at Ronald's tensed features whilst showing him their direction.
Ronald nodded without a word, looking forward, never blinking.
The Elf placed an arm about Ronald's shoulders and said with the greatest of affection in his voice, "You're not like the others. You've such a caring heart. We see this. She knew this. She knows it."
He pointed onwards at the hanging gardens in which they'd come to, the sunlight filtering betwixt the glowing leaves of translucent green. When the Elf, and Ronald stepped carefully through the sunrays did they both in unison glow, too, its vividly deep, sparkling hue. Birds and butterflies of all colours flew passed them, and overhead. Animals, rabbits, squirrels, deer, all stopped their morning breakfast to watch the two pass by. Calm, no animal fazed, in harmony with the Elf and the Hume.
"She's happy you've come," The Elf said in the same affectionate way. He paused, watching the emotions wash themselves from Ronald's emotionless face. "We're happy you're here to see Aedirwen off, and be with the Lady Lovegood."
They both halted their trek the moment the Elf had said "Lady Lovegood".
In the centre of a circle of trees, the darkly-stained bark gave contrast to the beauty of which they saw. Her snowy white skin glistened and played amongst the rays of morning sunshine. She would sparkle, as did her lovely, innocent personality. Her golden locks fell as she fed a spotted doe, food of fresh leaves within her soft, porcelain skin. Her attire, fitting the atmosphere beneath the canopy of leaves, would stretch when she'd reach out to the birds landing on her shoulders, to the butterflies which fluttered about her. The various shades of green held to her form, an Elven dress landing on the brushed, lavish shade of hunter green grass under her bare feet.
From the stump she sat on, she peeked from under those golden locks, her silvery grey eyes meeting Ronald. She took his breath away the moment they met, and she smiled. The spotted doe had glanced from his eating position, too, at Ronald, but lowered once more when Luna did. She offered her hand again and the doe happily chewed the leaves she held for her.
"I'll take my leave then," The Elf gave another pat of Ronald's shoulder, having Ron take his eyes from Luna to watch him turn to leave. The Elf gave a smile.
"Thank you, Balthier," said the lofty voice of Luna beyond.
Ronald's sight returned to her, and he saw her glance back at him again in smile, her pink lips curled in the way only Luna could do.
"My pleasure, Sister," was said, the voice of Balthier trailing off as he left onwards down the path they had taken.
Her golden locks fell over her eyes when she turned back to the doe, her hand petting its head, and then back again at Ronald. Rays of sunshine scattered gleefully against her form. To Ronald, she looked more like an angel than human in this world, a world where everything seemed so…guiltless, untouched.
Ronald started his walk almost cautiously. Cautiously, for when looking at Luna he saw her-Alice-smiling, too, in his sight. He never left her, his crystal clear cerulean eyes focused, set to the silvery grey he approached.
"Luna…," the grass softened beneath his feet. He was before her, and fell to his knees.
Birds chirped.
A blue butterfly flew between them.
The spotted doe wandered off when Luna left her head, never once startled the slightest.
Luna placed her hands folded in her lap. "Hello, Ronald."
She smiled behind her gold.
Ronald made a laugh, releasing pent-up air, and shook his head at how normal Luna acted. Inside him, all he could see was her-and Alice-and how torn he was to have let her go. To never be seen again. He smiled in a way, but only did because Luna made him.
"Hello, Luna."
"I'm very glad you've come to see my goddess off."
The smile faded and the remorse grew lively in his core.
He looked from her, to her hands folded delicately in her lap, and then back behind the gold. "…I'm sorry, Luna."
"For?" Luna tilted her head to the side, those golden locks dancing with her.
Ron could feel the tightening of his throat. He could see Aedirwen in her last moment in the coldest part of Azkaban's hellish underbelly fending off the inferi-to get to her kin-and he had to let her go. He always wondered in the deepest parts of his mind if he was the last warmth she touched; and that smile, like Luna's, she had given him… Almost as if she knew, and that was her good-bye.
He could feel the water building in his eyes. He hadn't cried for the longest time, and it burned him. Through the sheen he produced readily he saw her, Luna, and said silently, "For letting her go…"
Ron dropped his face again, but Luna, her softened hands took him. In her hands, she carefully led him back to her and her eyes where she said in her passion, heart-felt, "She's told me things in my dreams, Ron. She knows-she's with you, and she feels your heart. She wishes only for me, and you, to live our lives to their fullest."
"Let me cry for you," uttered Ron behind a tear trickling down his cheek.
Luna smiled and lowered forward. Her lips planted on his forehead, she caressed Ronald's warmth. She said in the same silent whisper looking over Ronald, looking at the sunlight, the trees, and how the morning sky flickered like fire between the shifting winds, "…She says she's forgiven you, and that she loves you very much even so far away. She wants you to know that she's with you, and you made quite the impression on her. You grew on her and she thought of you like a brother, her best friend, a friend she could forever count on."
Ron fell forward.
Luna, letting him go, cradled his head as he rested against her lap.
She heard his quiet weep beneath the trees shifting in the silken breeze.
From the winds a song could be heard. Ronald could make none of it, in Elven, but whatever was sung brought goose-pimples to his skin. He carried Aedirwen's body alongside her brothers-in-arms, given the right by Balthier who held a piece of the wood in front of him. Together, eight of them had Aedirwen, her beautifully resting form never moving on the Elven-engraved wooden slab. With compassion, they walked between their kin, her family as they looked at her perfect smile even in death shine. Wrapped in the finest Elven white, wisps of transparent silk fluidly waved from her dress. Her arms and hands folded across her chest, her forever closed eyes, perfectly sculpted face, and swaying ebony tassels faced upwards towards the glittering, thousand-star ceiling.
Atop a hill and in a clearing made, Aedirwen was placed above a pyre. Each of her brothers-in-arms, and Ronald, took forth a candle from their retreat and lit the wicks in the eternal flame, a fire waiting at the side. Each Elf in unison took from their candles the flame until all in mourning had a part of the whole.
Ronald stood with an arm around Luna as they both watched, and listened as Balthier spoke in their native tongue, his background the setting sun and the whispers of Her.
"…Shi shor eir taer eindral ail ei shaeraes vali…" [We will meet again in a better place.]
Some in the crowd would repeat softly what Balthier said to themselves.
"…Thaes byr si vasol os shael eilyli. Shi tasia ail os caes, Aedirwen, eil eir taestyor os moreas…" [Fear not the parting or being alone. We carry in our hearts her, our sister, Aedirwen, and all the memories.]
"…Eir jhyl eir shi vaestaesaes os moreas, shi shor eilar vaestaesaes caes ailai aeraesoira…" [As long as we remember our sister, we will always remember her into eternity.]
"…Oli pae shi shor caes oli tysi…" [One day we will be with her once more.]
"…Shi eir shor taer eindral oli pae…" [We all will meet again one day.]
Luna leaned her head on Ron's shoulder.
Ron squeezed her to him.
"…Eir caes shyraes os shyr, ai shor tor caes paesia…" [As her brother of blood, I will miss her dearly.]
"…Ai jhyli o, Aedirwen…" [I love you, Aedirwen.]
Balthier lowered his head, and we all did in a moment of silence.
Ron closed his eyes in that moment to see Alice so alive and beside him, courageous and kind, loving, a beautiful person inside and out, and so very good in every possible way. He could hear Her whisper to him, and Aedirwen, Alice's laugh, her smiling face, her warmth when she hugged him those terrible nights waiting, watching, and how she always had his back. How they fought together to keep Hermione safe, and how she always wanted to get back, and be back, with Luna.
"Sister Luna?" Ron's eyes blinked open when he heard Balthier speak.
Luna left Ron's comforting arm, to switch places with Balthier who went to stand on the other side of Ron. Ron breathed in a great inhale, and exhaled in length when he saw Luna standing alone amongst the Elven kin. Her beloved lying behind her, the moment took much of his strength to manage his emotions. Dressed so alike the Elven kin, in clothes of mourning, of black, she began to speak within a breeze:
"Some people say that they do not believe in love at first sight. I say Aedi and I could rewrite the meaning. By chance or by Fate's hand, she found me and I found her. I loved her heart, and how she led her life by its philosophy. She gave her heart to anyone, giving her heart always to me. I may have been brought up a bit `loopy'-"
Ronald swallowed hard.
"-But, in the end, Aedi loved me for who I was. Our love, I believe, can cross even death. I can hear her with me, and I can feel her with me-always. With me, I have never thought of her presence gone. With me, she's always here, beside me, loving me. I smell her when I awake, and I kiss her good-night. She is my rock, and I will never feel alone."
"If there is one concept Aedi taught me was that life is precious and should never be taken for advantage. We have a minute's time here together in this world before passing on, and we should cherish every bit of that time. We did. My heart beats for her. I'll remember her laughter and her tears, her embrace, her scent, how she caressed me-Aedi. She loved me-loves me-and I know we'll walk together once more when my time comes to join her in Heaven."
Ron swallowed hard, again, a tear falling to his cheek at how brave Luna was within those unsteady seconds.
Luna smiled, had smiled her entire speech.
As she passed Balthier he hugged her, embracing her tight. He ran his hand down the back of her head and caressed her forehead.
"That was beautiful," he said before relieving her to wander back to Ronald's side.
There, Ron wrapped an arm about her and gave her, too, an embrace. He leaned into her and kissed her atop her head, feeling her warmth, and gazed on at her when he released. Her eyes, dark in the growing night, twinkled in their candlelight. She continued her smile.
Luna had been the last to say their piece in memory of Aedirwen.
One by one, beginning with Luna, a line of Elves gathered to press on by the pyre. Ronald watched the lithe blonde bend down and begin the lighting, standing with the brothers-in-arms and Balthier. She bent down, and lowered further to lay the candle against the various woods. Smoke began to waft upwards, and then a flicker of flame started. Luna's dark eyes widened at the sudden catch of flame, the flame growing softly towards the sky.
Balthier followed, laying his candle aside Luna's to see his flame light with hers. He stood up, and with him helped her to her feet, too. They embraced within the illumination of the dancing flames. Luna, as Ronald watched on, placed her fingers to her lips as Balthier let her go, and gave a last kiss towards the resting Aedirwen.
A light wind blew between them, and Ron knew that that was Aedi's "I love you" back to Luna.
At an opened window, the red-headed Weasley peered out. He looked across the magnificent, vast forests, the handsome gardens, and the grand waterfall cascading into a river below. He breathed in the unsoiled air, the aromas of all the flowers flowing in the zephyrs which came and went. The curtains about him and their satiny material would flitter about him, and into the room behind him. The moonlight gave off its wondrous shine in the clear, navy-coloured midnight sky, alighting the room with its bluish-white tint.
He turned inward, an arm, a hand still on the sill and saw Luna basking in that blue-white light. Her form outlined between the play of light and shadow within the white sheets of the bed. The bed's tapestry opened, too, and blew along with the slight breeze. She faced him in her sleep. She smiled, and Ronald knew that in dreamland she met with her beloved somewhere special.
He took in a hesitant breath and shuttered as he exhaled the emotions he rode today.
A chair awaited his return when he left the window.
He sat and watched Luna as she slept, thinking about how a woman like her could be so spirited. She was emotional, but the emotions made her lionhearted.
She certainly is something else, Ronald thought amongst the several other hundred thoughts which swam currently in his head.
And, in that moment he saw something to her.
Something he had never seen before.
She wasn't Luna Lovegood.
She was Luna, the fearless, of love and many other talents.
He felt his heart beat.
He felt as if something fit within him, a knot tying where it should.
He thought…
…But, he brushed the thought away.
I'm tired…, He thought to himself. Knowing he had his own lookouts around him, he did something he hadn't done by choice in a while: he closed his eyes.
And within his first dream he saw someone he never thought would ever come into his life like this, and Aedirwen was there, too.
"My Sister requested this to be shown to you before you left," was all was said by Balthier. He plucked Ronald away from Luna as she and he said their good-byes to the Elven kin. It wasn't like they were never to see them again; but, a good-bye until later. Luna, adored by the Elves and named as one of them, was asked to come and go as she pleased. Ronald, taken truly aback, was asked the same equally. Humble, he had thanked them courteously before being diverted.
Luna shot a glimpse at their retreat, but was taken into the arms of one Elven sister where she was delivered an embrace.
Shuffling down one hallway, and then another, Balthier halted at two enormous doors, his hand on a metal latch. Facing Ronald's puzzled look, he asked, "You know of the Mirror?"
"The Mirror of Erised?"
He hadn't thought nor heard the name in so long… He nodded after a beat, having the memory of him and Harry in their first year find it in the Room of Requirement.
"A shame our gift to the Humes burnt in that disastrous fire."
Ronald remembered seeing it in the fires Draco and his crew created during the War. His eyes widened at the thought of what was behind the door Balthier held, pointing towards it and on, questioning, too, "You…?"
"Us," Balthier affirmed. "Our gift carried throughout the Hume history line, and of which I believe landed in your headmaster's intelligent hands at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
"It is of Her divine intervention, Her will, to show us a glimpse of what could happen-and of our desire, should we pursue our desire," added Balthier. "Aedirwen wished it a parting gift, to show, as she has told me, your truest desire. She said you spoke about your first glimpse-"
Ronald ruffled a hand through her long, flaming strands. He let out a breath, his focus looking from Balthier, to the door, and then back to the Elf's crimson eyes following, "Could I choose not to enter? I mean, I thank her-and you-for everything, everything, truly-"
"You may," Balthier motioned towards the door with his head. "But, she told me it may give you some insight for when you're back overseas; so, as she said, you're not lost in the ocean of what we call `life'."
"It won't kill you," ended Balthier, shaking his head.
"It may," Ronald laughed, letting another breath out. His eyes went back and forth between Balthier and the door.
"And, it may make you stronger," Balthier noted. "But, I won't force your hand, and neither would Aedirwen, friend."
Ronald closed his eyes and could very well see his first reflection, the memory in the mirror from when he was but a youth, and that of Hermione with him… Seeing her, again, like that would shatter the very fragile being of himself. On the other hand, he thought, Alice would never hurt me-and she'd know where he was in life now and then. Their discussions… She may know something I didn't, he thought on his choice more, her request…
"I'll do it," Ronald nodded confidently. He even lifted his chin. "I'll go in."
Balthier grinned and gave Ronald a pat on the back. "You must enter alone."
Ronald, again, nodded. "I'm ready."
Balthier took the latch, and as if the door could feel him, knew who he was, unlocked without any effort. "When you're finished, my Hume brother," Balthier lightly pressed the door onward so it opened enough for Ron. "Just return to the hall and the door will shut on its own accord."
Ron took a step, and then another, turning around when he entered the darkness of the room to see Balthier in front of a stained glass window, the multicolours filtering in brilliantly with the sunlight. "Good luck," Balthier ushered with a wave.
The door shut, leaving Ronald to stand in the darkness. Alone, Ronald waited for something-anything-to happen. The seconds turned into a minute, minutes, and in thought he wondered if something was wrong. Torches, starting from behind him, lit one right after the other. In pairs, one would light and its brother on the other side, parallel, would light as well until the round room was alit. In front of him stood a mirror, bigger in scale than what he remembered at Hogwarts. The frame, so embellished and fancy back then failed to run with this companion piece. The frame around this was of normal wood, and old. The glass looked more like water than substance, and Ronald, stepping forward, only saw his reflection when he touched the mirror.
He half-expected the mirror to ripple; but instead, the mirror remained constant and rigid. He stared at himself, and into himself, gazing into the cerulean-coloured eyes he had achieved during his Auror-training years ago. He stood still a while, glancing from corner to corner to see if he caught anything other than him. He put his hands on his hips and made the rounds again, seeing nothing but his normal self and that of the room and torches around him.
He closed his eyes and opened them, thinking maybe something would happen.
He finally just broke down and after a while began making funny faces into the mirror, sighing into laughter when it was just him-and only him.
"Wonderful," he exclaimed with thick sarcasm to himself. He sighed, glancing down to his feet and up again. "I'm alone."
"Nothing but this to my name," Ronald pointed at himself and gave another sigh, shaking his head. "The title of a Guardian. To be alone, as promised."
"Well said, Aedi. Well said."
Ronald lowered his head, but was instantly pulled back when he saw a flash of something in the mirror.
A creeping light, a light that trickled in on the floor. He watched it through the mirror grow, and as it grew he saw the door behind him opening. His eyes widened, and then squinted, closing in on the mirror to catch the shadow of the person he saw. Mesmerized, he beheld the image, seeing as if in slow motion the figure draw itself until he could make whatever or whoever it was out-
In her grey, ribbed cashmere sweater, her pink-and-white striped skirt, and black tights shone Luna peeking in beneath her golden threads. She was ready to go-but how was she able to get into the room? Confused, he huffed. The room was sealed by what he thought was magic…and of the Elven kind! Not easily broken or manipulated by any typical human…
Ron took a step back, stepping on what should've been the light of which stretched across the floor.
He flicked around and there was nothing, the door fully closed.
He glanced back towards the mirror to see Luna, and her smile, peeking inward and onward at him behind her blonde curtain.
{Musical Inspiration: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri, Luna's Theme for this very emotional piece.}