Life and Times
Rating: R
Ship: HHr (main emphasis)
The (unlovely) procedure: all rights go to JKR for previous plot and characters, Scholastic, Warner, and whoever else has their hands in HP.
…Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end - Luna Lovegood
Chapter Seventy-three - Restart
"Ginevra," spoke Draco from his side of the room. His executive stance held, his Ministry-styled waistcoat shown over pin-striped trousers. He held his hips, exhaustion in his voice and sorrow on his face. "I assure you that Longbottom-Neville's passing…"
Ginny looked gone, a void of herself as she had heard of Neville's death moments ago. They all had, including Kingsley. Ginny had to hold herself up on a side table beside the roaring hearth, shadows traveling across her features. Hermione, whose hand hadn't left mine, intertwined, pulled on me as she moved to console her beloved friend. Gin didn't accept at first, pushing Hermione away; but succumbed, opening to allow Hermione's embrace.
"I don't enjoy this, Kingsley."
Kingsley, who had looked over at Gin, and then into the fire, looked back at Draco. His hands still propped on his hips. "A leader must do what is best. However harmful, a leader must describe to the people-"
Gin's shout brought us all back.
Kingsley's natural authoritarian personality shut itself.
Ginny looked away from Hermione, looked away from everyone a second to climb back from examining the floor, to Kingsley, "Enough! You show no remorse! None! Maybe that's why you failed us as a leader, Kingsley!"
"Gin…" I uttered, reaching out to her like Hermione did.
Hermione's sight went from Gin to her name.
Draco had called for her, and those were the eyes she stared into.
"I did everything I could possibly do. I tried to save everyone; everyone including Alice… I should have died and they should have lived!"
"Draco," I began. "I know at this moment you think you don't deserve this, but…"
Draco hardened in his defense, ready for the inevitable.
"Thank you," I ended.
Gin, from Hermione's embrace, looked up at my expression of gratitude. "'Thank you'…?" she wheezed.
My warm eyes set to Gin. "A thank you-he's done what is humanly possible to save all our arses."
"Neville's dead…," Gin's eyes widened, she showed her teeth. "…And you, of all people, see to teach us on how we should just go about everything casually? Like nothing ever happened?"
"Ginny…!" Hermione gasped, taken to Ginny's charge on how I was brought back. I tried to dismiss her on that level, assuring that the volatile situation could lead down a far dangerous path.
I squeezed Hermione's hand, and she looked back at me from Gin.
I smiled.
"If I could bring everyone back to life, Ginevra," We all looked at Draco and his sincerity. "I would. Please know that fact. Everyone who died I'd want back here-now-with all of us."
"And, I assume the book was the last known route of resurrection?" Ginny stated, bordering hostility and sarcasm.
Draco's gaze left hers, drifting even lower than Pansy's position in the Minister's chair. Kingsley lowered his eyes, too. Gin laughed loud at first, and then grew increasingly mad. "Of course! Of course!"
"Fuck this!" She toppled over the side table on her way out, upturning a chair with her wand when it got in her way. The double-doors opened as if they knew, the guarded Aurors allowing her retreat down the passageway.
"She's hurting…," Hermione left me with one of her saddened looks, a look I never wished to see on her ever. She kissed me briefly, our fingers unlacing. She raced after Ginny, and I watched her beautiful form in longing to go after her. After all, I never wanted to be away from her side again.
I went to leave, to stop when I heard Draco call my name.
"Please tell her that Neville, like everyone else, died in part to save all of our lives. You don't know how much pain-"
"She knows, Draco. Somewhere in her heart she knows," I stuck my hand out to Draco. At first, Draco took a step back; but then struggled a half-grin, a slight twitch at the corner of his lips. "I owe you so much."
"No, Harry," Draco took my hand and we shook, man to man, friend to friend. His hesitant grin resembled his father so much. "My repayment for saving my life, my family's lives, those years ago."
"You've made Hermione-my fiance-so incredibly happy."
"You need a promise?" Draco smirked. "Keep her happy."
Pansy smiled up at her husband, her hand resting on her stomach in her rested state.
I smiled, and nodded. "Thank you."
"Neville will be buried later this week. The same protected area Minerva was buried. We have the body…but, after the recent news I haven't the heart to push the funeral. Besides, all parties haven't been told."
"And Alice?"
"The Elves have her-and Luna knows. She's left for the states already."
"Stay out of the limelight, Potter," Draco grabbed my hand when I went to go. My sight went back to his. "…We can't justify Dark Arts to the people, or we'd be considered hypocrites in our own right."
I nodded.
"You've always had a thing for the Muggle world, anyway."
He smirked.
"You know where you can reach us if you need anything, Draco."
"Go," Draco motioned off with his head towards the waiting doors. We could hear Gin shout another expletive, and hear her crying. "Someone's arrived that may settle the Weasley."
I turned and started my jog from the Minister's office. I saw Ginny with Hermione at the lift doors, standing impatiently. Gin's outpouring of emotion echoed throughout the lit corridor, making some of the old Minister's curious while others kept hands over their ears. I looked back to see the Aurors shutting the door, and Draco's face, his nod before the two wooden panels closed him off.
I looked back, now with Hermione, the lift on its way in haste by the chimes. I placed my arm around Hermione and drew her close. Ginny was brought to me as she was held in Hermione's arms. Hermione gazed at me, and I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that my action may be perceived wrongly; but, I did so anyway. I had to, an urgent need to kiss her. I leaned forward, and as I did was met by Hermione.
A quick kiss, for the moment we began we halted, the doors to the lift opening in front of us.
An Auror, however beaten and bruised he may be, looked up at us…his cerulean eyes just covered by his Weasley-red curtain of hair. Hermione's eyes, and my own, widened. Gin's sniffling hushed when her brother smiled, smiled at Hermione, and then smiled at me.
"Welcome back." Ron proclaimed with his smile.
"Ronald!" expressed Hermione with a mixture of awe and happiness.
Ron studied his sister. Ginny had broken from Hermione, walking cautiously towards Ron where she threw her arms around him. His smile couldn't have been warmer, and even if thrown off-guard did Ron cradle his sister against him in her embrace. Atop her head he gave a kiss, glancing upwards again to see Hermione reunited with me, an arm and hers around each other and so very close.
Hermione further drew herself to me, her head at my chest.
I looked down to see her smiling happy, the "Golden Trio" returned.
No-the Fabulous Four, together.
"Think of your memory loss as a miracle."
I stood over the stove watching the tea kettle. We had apparated back to Number Twelve and it felt like years-literally-since I'd been here. People told me, like me and Ron's current conversation in the kitchen, all about those "missing years". He gave me updates like the medical teams had, the Aurors, Draco and Kingsley. Ron, however, took it to heart, as he described having held Alice's hand before plummeting farther into the Hell of Azkaban's underbelly.
"I'm sorry, Ron… I wish I'd been there," I looked up at Ron through my glasses, a slight glare settling between my sight and the light. I gave him a pat on the shoulder, brotherly.
He laughed lightly. "You were there though, mate."
I tried to smile, to remember, and did so with the first but for the life of me couldn't remember…let alone see myself as some super figure. He told me these things, how I'd come with everyone…Dumbledore, Severus, Sirius, mum and dad… It was comforting to know I had helped and I didn't just lay under the ground. I knew magic, and have seen some pretty great things in my life; but his stories, they just seemed so unreal. That, I had worn the armor of Godric Gryffindor, held his sword…
"…I had her hand. I had her!" Ron's gaze left mine to settle on the floor. "I had her, Harry, and she insisted…just one more…"
"One more, she said. One more…," I had all but stopped thinking about anything else to see Alice in my mind and her selfless ways, her determined features…telling Ron to leave, to escape while she went to find that "one more elf".
The tea kettle whistled, pulling us, me, back to earth.
I pulled the kettle off the eye, and turned the stove off. I looked over at Ron who kept his eyes down. I stepped forward and put an arm around his shoulder and shook him in my embrace. He didn't look at me at first, merely in meandered gaze at the floor until I shook him again. "We're here for you, Ron."
"I have to be there for her, for Luna."
"When are you leaving?"
"As soon as possible after I know Gin's all right." He looked across the kitchen and into the den, the sofa where we could both see the backs of our beloved's heads and the orange glow from the flame in the fireplace.
"We'll go with-"
"No!" Ron's assertive response was sharp, but cool. He pointed at me with his leather-clad finger. "No… I want you to take some time to be with Hermione. You need to be with Hermione right now."
He prodded my side. "That's an order."
He gave one of those goofy faces, trying his best to be suave.
I shook my head at his try and laughed, having him laugh, too.
I patted his back. "Well, it's not just my decisions you have to worry about now. It'll be hers, and mine."
"Ah, but if I tell her to stay with you I don't think I'll get any backlash in rebuttal, after all," He looked back toward Hermione and Ginny. "She's pretty damn happy."
I was pouring the tea into four cups on a tray when he came back to me. I looked at him as he added, "She hasn't been this way since…"
"Tea?" I picked up the tray, reversing the subject…at least for now. From the stories, the adjustments, the reality… I couldn't wait to get back to Hermione.
"Yes-thank you." He took a cup and set it to his lips while I maneuvered around him. I could smell Hermione's vanilla scent from here, moving closer, rounding the sofa like a trail she left for me to find her. Her and Gin had been talking before her gorgeous, big brown eyes looked up to my descent aside her on the sofa. With Gin's head on Hermione's shoulder, and Hermione's arms around her, she, too, looked up at me.
Hermione smiled.
I offered Gin tea to which she thanked me.
"It's always better hot." I grinned, turning when I saw the shadow of Ron come in and sit down in the recliner on the other side of the coffee table. He lifted his mug to me and took a drink.
Hermione couldn't wait-and what she couldn't wait for was a kiss. For when I turned to offer her the cup of tea after stirring a half a sugar cube in its warmth she took me in her hands, framing my face, and gave me a much anticipated caress. My eyes closed, and in that small second did I smile.
My ears perked when I heard Ron take it upon himself to hoot, my brow raising.
I couldn't care less, my smile growing.
And when it was all over, I took her, my hand on her head and brought her back to me with a slight laugh from my nose. With her forehead lying against my chin, my cheek, did I finally have the chance to offer her, "Tea?"
We all had a laugh, rose appearing in her cheeks with her dimpled smile.
"She's sleeping…," Hermione whispered, her hand still stroking Ginny's head in her lap. Somewhere between the two movies we watched at the late hour she had fallen asleep, slumping closer into Hermione and my support until she ended up in Hermione's lap.
Ron had gotten up to take her to the guest bedroom when I interjected, wide-awake, stating, "I've got her."
I inched in my shuffle only to be reprimanded by Ron, "No-Harry. Stay!"
I stopped suddenly and did a little laugh, a salute. "Yes sir."
Ron laughed. "I've got her…"
Ron wiggled his hands and arms underneath Gin and the blanket she had around her. Gin made a whimper, her eyes blinking to life once while she was being picked up by her brother. Gently, she rolled into Ron's arms.
Hermione looked at me, and smiled.
"Ron," Hermione called out, making Ron stopped short of his trek.
"I don't get a hug goodnight?" She acted as if she were angry, going so far as to frown. She relieved her arms from around me and motioned Ron to her, shifting so from the sofa cushions.
"Uh…," Ron motioned towards Gin. "I've got my hands full here…"
Hermione sighed heavily and got up.
"You've done it this time, mate, " I laughed, preparing Ron.
Hermione got her hug, slipping between Ron and Gin to fully embrace him, and then gave Gin a soft kiss atop her head. "Good night," she smiled at Ron.
"Good night, Hermione, and thank you," he smiled, nodding to me. "Good night, Harry. We'll see you two in the morning."
"You know where we'll be if you need anything," I announced as Ron went to take his first step upstairs. Hermione had rejoined me on the sofa, looking back, too, at him.
He grinned. "Good night you two."
Hermione snuggled against me, wriggling her warm body into the niche mine created. She took the Gryffindor quilt from the back of the sofa and wrapped it around us. I lifted my arm from around her to watch her button-nose scrunch up and smile as she continued to rub against me. At my other hand, Crookshanks leapt onto the armrest and ran his head underneath my palm.
"I'm gathering love from all sides tonight," I smiled.
"This isn't working…," she seemed frustrated until I saw her climb, pulling the quilt from her to shift up on me. She sat down in my lap and curled up with the crimson and gold material, the lion in roar. She looked up at me and my grin, grinning all the while, and said, satisfied, "That's better."
"I agree," I trapped her in my arms, wrapped myself around her tight.
She pushed those centimeters between us and kissed me, leading my chin with her hand down. Her hand slithered its way into my hair where she held onto tufts of my raven mess, snickering as I lowered, and kept lowering until both of our heads hit the armrest. Crookshanks hopped down when we gently collided together.
Grazing my fingers against her cheek, her forehead, watching her blink, her eyes forever on me in our orange glow, I pried back those loose strands of her hair. Her eyes studied me, and I could feel her energy, her aura, so in bliss. And, I-I was intoxicated by her beauty.
"I have never been more in love with you," I breathed in my smile. "Then I do now. Right now."
She placed her hand on my cheek, and I could feel the roughness of the gauze. I took her from me, and as she watched, I caressed the center of her palm. She closed her eyes and sighed, on air, when my lips held against her hand lightly. I saw the engagement ring on her finger, the diamonds sparkling in the firelight. Her eyes were opened, and she smiled where my eyes had gone.
"My love for you has grown so much."
"I love you," I kissed her, and it felt just like the first time.
Even she wriggled giddily along me.
I buried my head into her neck, her shoulder, and felt her hold me.
"I never thought I'd be doing this ever again…" I heard her voice soften, and when I came from her form did I see the glistening tear fall across her cheek.
She laughed a little, wiping the tear away. "Sorry."
I lifted her up to her gasp.
We were up, Hermione in my arms, the Gryffindor quilt being left for the bedroom sheets. She held onto me tightly, her arm around my neck, my arms under her; her beautiful dark brunette curls strewn about me. She hugged me, and before I could reach the staircase did she find my lips with hers.
I watched her eyes flutter, at her peak.
I held her so she didn't fall, gazing at her go, her flawless form shaking with her bout of simply treasured laughter. Her angelic face captured the moment when her eyes finally opened, her lovely hair framing her face, her radiant bare pale perfection. Her hands, flat against my pectorals went to slide down as she did; but, I caught her, lifting from the semi-moistened bed spread beneath me to the warmth of her body. I lifted her further into my lap from underneath, hearing her giggle, a single moan suppressed by yet another kiss of our variety: length, and with the depths of our love.
She took me back in her hands, beneath my face and kissed me back with her strength. She seemed so revitalized, so renewed, even when I felt exhaustion in her form. She wanted that extra second, minute, more, and I gave it to her.
Gently, I rolled so she landed on the bed, twisting the already wildly bunched sheets along us. With one kiss after another I led from her mouth, having her eyes close, having her hands, arms, follow my descent as I traced an invisible line from the hollow of her beautiful throat downward. I left no spot untouched, telling her as much by my lips as my heart how much I loved every bit of her: mind, body, and spirit.
From her navel, the adorable way I tickled her tummy with each kiss, I crawled back to her and to her lips. I had my arms under hers, her head in my hands. I felt her hands on my back, making their way down the curves, edges of muscle, moving silkily to my torso. Her arms crisscrossed, holding me, and I smiled from our kiss. The tips of our noses met, and it was like a reset, the beginning.
She grinned, bit down on her pink bottom lip.
I kissed her cheek, her mouth, and lay against her as I caressed the side of her neck, her shoulder.
Her hands went to my crow's nest, the upper parts of my back, shoulders. She closed her eyes and let her chin, her cheek rest, as she did, against my head.
Utterly fascinated in Hermione, I watched her sleep in my arms. The medical teams had told me I might have problems sleeping-lack thereof-but, I asked her to sleep. She needed it. Her only ask of me:
"I hope this not a dream," she said before closing her eyes, the clock reading close to four in the morning. "Because…"
"I'll be here," I said with a kiss, and another to settle any fears. She smiled at me, and yawned a cute little yawn at my chest. "I'll be right here when you wake up in the morning."
Propped and held in my arms, she lay in that same spot, her head on my chest and an arm around me. I'd pulled the sheets up to cover her. Her arm lay above the white colour upon us, her dark strands falling haphazardly behind her. She had a smile still on her lips, and with that, I couldn't resist a smile myself. I couldn't keep my eyes from her, and kissed where I could, my hand rubbing her back, her side.
In the steady light brightening the room from the sunrays of dawn, I saw to her hand and the ring I had given her years ago. I remembered the proposal, the wedding plans… I thought of our future, her future… Whatever she wanted to do from here. I knew she'd left school. I knew, being told, some of what happened after… If she wanted to go back, choose a different path, I'd support her any way. If she chose to stay away for a while, I'd support her that way. I'd be there, always.
I had no other plans than to be with her forever.
The wedding…
I smiled when she rubbed her nose against me and breathed, blinking a few times in her twilight sleep to see me still there. Connected, it was as if she knew I was in thought…of her. I lowered in that second to kiss her before finding her back on my bare chest, her pillow. I began the stroke of her hair, combing back her tassels with my fingers.
I'd come from the loo and changed.
I guess I must've been away for a second too long when Hermione sat up, looking around, distressed.
"I'm here," I said, zipping up a pair of jeans.
She turned to me at the wardrobe, running a hand through her hair. In squints, nearing noon from morning, she asked in such a heart-pulling way, "…What's wrong?"
"I heard some rumblings downstairs and thought they might be awake," I found a simple tee shirt and slipped it over my head. "You are more than welcome to accompany me, love."
Hermione rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and it just pulled evermore at those heart-strings. I wanted to slip back in bed with her, and nearly gave up venturing outside the bedroom if not by her next statement, "I think I need a shower."
I laughed a little from my nose. "All right-want me to gather some clothes for you for when you come out?"
She nodded and yawned through a smile.
"How's your hands today, baby?" I moved to her and sat on the bed where she was and offered my hands.
She laid hers in mine, "They feel better."
"May I?" I asked, looking from her hands and back up into her cinnamon-brown eyes.
She nodded, and I began unfastening the bit of tape that kept the gauze together, unraveling the bandage. Slowly I went to not harm her, watching closely for anything abnormal, an infection, blood. On I went with nothing until I saw the outline of her palm, and then with the last portion gone, her entire hand. Just the smallest of cuts blended into the hue of her flesh.
I grinned at her and kissed first the hand, moving onto her other the same way and seeing it healed as well.
"Beautiful," I said, gazing into her eyes as I, too, gave this palm a kiss.
As long as it took, I waited for her in the shower. I watched her, her coy ways, and even turned my head when she blushed whilst losing her towel and changing into the dry, clean clothes I laid out on her vanity. I watched how she fit in her dark jeans, the dark brown sleeveless tank top she wore. Her tiny frame accentuated, amongst the pictures of us hanging and clipped to the vanity's mirror I met her. I had walked up behind her completely in her view. I held her sides as she brushed her hair, watching me watch her in the reflection.
How, from beneath her breasts, she curved inward and out to her hips in that hourglass shape. I squeezed her hips, my fingers slipping-or trying to-between her tan belt and brim. From her slight bend, she smiled when I struggled no longer, slipping my hands from the brim of her jeans, going ahead to feel of her bum straight through the material. She laughed at my surrender, taking my hands with hers to wrap around her figure. I did by her lead, and tight, squeezing as I did her hips her whole within my arms.
Her arms mimicked mine in parallel, lying atop them, her hands to mine.
She tilted backward into me and met my mouth, my lips to kiss.
I nudged her head with mine when we released, like a lion with his lioness, not willing to share a single atom of my beloved with the world in that moment.
"Are you hungry?" I asked.
To be presented with another one of her adorable yawns.
"You're tired."
"Am not…," she smiled with her eyes closed, forehead to mine.
"What do you want for lunch?"
She shrugged, utterly enchanted just being with me, near me.
"How does a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich sound with some vegetable soup?"
She nodded her head, rubbing against me, her hair having fallen along my neck and shoulder in our closeness.
She came in once more, and with a graze of our noses kissed me.
I smiled. "Time to get something in that beautiful belly," I lowered and swiftly lifted her up in my arms.
She giggled and hung on, an arm around my neck.
I knew Gin was awake as I she came in for something in the fridge, said her good morning, gave me a hug and now spoke softly with Hermione on the sofa. So, when I heard the knock on the door frame just inside the kitchen was I a bit surprised to see Ron up. His demeanor looked better than the night before, more bright if one could in his severely white attire.
"Do you ever get to change out of those clothes?" I smirked, leaning down to taste the vegetable soup.
It needed more salt and went for the shaker in the cupboard above.
He laughed. "It's quite comfortable-airy."
I smiled, tasting the soup again from the wooden spoon. Just right. "I'd hope so," I replied back with the smirk.
"Just came in to say I think we're going to go."
"I'm making enough for you and Ginny-"
Ron put his hand up. He then pointed at me. "Take care of her."
I wiped my hands off on a dish cloth and followed Ron's turn into the den. "You guys don't have-"
"Gin," announced Ron.
I heard Gin from behind the sofa to Hermione, "I love you, `Mi."
Watched her kiss my love goodbye and stand up. "Harry…"
She rounded the sofa, her arms open for me.
"I told Ron you didn't have to go." I accepted her hug.
She clutched me to her form. "I need to get some things done… To make some preparations for…"
"We'll be there with you when we get the details," I hugged her tight. "If you hear anything before us, please call."
"Come on, Gin," Ron had hugged Hermione and was on his way towards the hallway exit. He patted his sister's back walking by.
She turned from me and back to Hermione who had gotten from the sofa. She blew Hermione a kiss and Hermione, emotional, told her to, "Come here…"
Hermione had her arms open.
And Gin, teary, hugged my beloved again.
"They're inseparable," I had my hands in my jean pockets when I turned to Ron behind us. "Got to give them a second or two."
Ron leaned on the hallway opening with an arm and nodded.
"Call me tomorrow and we'll get together," Hermione sniffed in a laugh, wiping Gin's tears from her cheeks.
"They're not going anywhere…"
Gin flicked around and gave Ron a scolded look, one only the daughter of Molly could give.
I put a finger to my lips, telling Ron he'd better hush.
"Yes mummy. I know…," Hermione smiled at me. She stood at my right on the phone with her parents. They'd come back from Australia…their holiday. Being away so long, it wasn't a surprise her mum called to see how things were. I was finishing the dishes from lunch and smiled, too, when she said, "Yes, I know-me and Harry have to get over there this week to see you and daddy. We'll make a date. Dinner?"
She looked at me and I nodded, leaning to her for a brief kiss of her mouth.
Hermione was left breathless a moment before stating, "Yeah…," her eyes opened. "Yeah, that was him."
I chuckled.
"All right, mummy… Mhmm."
I dried the last dish off and placed it in the china cupboard.
I went about drying my hands off, too, when Hermione ended. "I love you, too-and tell daddy I love him. Okay. Talk to you then. Love you."
She hung the phone up and I asked, "When's dinner?"
"This weekend?" She ran a hand through her hair, peeking up at me from her side.
"Sounds wonderful," I tossed the dish rag on the counter and went about picking her up again.
"Eek!" She giggled. "You…!"
"I apologize," I mused, wondering back into the den. "I just cannot seem to keep my hands off you. You're like a magnet."
I sat down with her on the sofa, Number Twelve silent but the purring of a kitty somewhere and our voices.
"And, you better not ever take them off me," she declared with another giggle, turning and twisting to straddle me in her seat. She adjusted, her wiggles and warmth feeling extremely good along me.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and lay upon me in my angle on the sofa. My hands were on her, her thighs, her hips, the roundness of her bum and upwards where my fingers slid easily into the underside of her shirt. The ribbed cloth dragged by fingertip where I felt her softness, and heard her laugh from my light touch, a tickle.
"What do you want to do today?"
"This." She kissed me with eagerness, a continuation from last night and with much wanted length.
When I could breathe, I said with a lingered smile, squeezing her to me, "You know, you really can do no wrong."
"Mm…," she smiled, coming in, again, to kiss, our noses meshing as one.
She released, laying her head on her right arm, falling to that side against my neck and jaw. I had her unveiled without really knowing, rubbing her exposed back and feeling her tummy retract and press on mine in her arch. She took the Gryffindor quilt which had been folded back on the sofa and sheltered us both with it. The fire hadn't been made, and I asked, "Are you cold?"
She shook her head and kissed me. She smiled, "You give me all the warmth I need."
"As much as it's…so…very difficult to say this right now…," I squeezed her, letting her know that-Christ-I loved what she was doing. "I wanted to do something with you before it got too late."
"Mm…," she kissed me. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," I kissed her, tilting to her lips. "A date."
"I don't know…," Hermione looked as if to wander away, her eyes lowering. "Mum and daddy say I have a 10 o'clock curfew…"
I took her by her arse and lifted her with ease, strength, onto me more. She squealed, giggling, laughing. "Well," I began with a bit of bravado. "I'll most certainly have you in bed."
"Have me in bed…?" Her brow rose, her lip curled. "Come again, sir?"
I made her bounce and she lit with laughter. "You heard me."
"Like?" She leaned into me and went to kiss me, and for me to kiss her…but she teased, dodging, dropping back with her grin.
"A movie and," I gave her bum a pat, making her jolt with a smile. "Dinner."
"And, maybe something else… The zoo tomorrow? Something different."
"'The zoo'," she repeated, giving me that wanted kiss after another dodge, another pat of her bum. "Mm… Wow."
Hermione looked away, but only for a second. She looked right back at me. "I just thought… I haven't been to the zoo in ages. I think I was maybe…four?"
"Then we'll go."
She smiled, gazing at my mouth. "Mmn…"
"Lovely…," I kissed her, pushing her back onto her knees, and against me, by her arse. She cradled my face in her hands and responded with passion, hard. An arm around her back, and underneath her, I gripped her, my fingers eased into her softness until I could speak again. Her vivid pools of cinnamon were alight with my forests of green. "…Beautiful."
I had an arm around my Hermione, secure, safe.
I listened to her getting popcorn, the man behind the counter intently listening to her while she described exactly what she wanted. "Could I get some of that cheese stuff on top?"
"Yes ma'am."
I smiled when she looked at me from her side, my hand on her lower back. Those dark mahogany strands of her fringe fought to escape from her grayish-white beanie atop her head. Her big brown eyes danced in the theatre's antique ambience, its red, yellow, and whites sparkling against our winter wear. My lips to her, I held the slim wool coat she wore, that bit of faux-fur about her neck for extra warmth, and extra adorableness. I loved how she grinned, her eyes closing as mine did just before our mouths met. She stepped that inch forward and put her hand on the front of my coat and clung on, dropping to my shoulder when we pried apart, those smiles of ours stuck with glee.
Our hands met somewhere between our hips, our fingers intertwining.
"Your popcorn and pop, ma'am."
I nodded at the theatre attendant behind the counter. "I've got it."
We walked together with those smiles, silly to those who watched us go by, as if we were two teenagers in puppy-love.
It felt like that first time, butterflies in my stomach just looking at her. And by her little skip, her constant giddy grin… I knew she felt the same way.
I don't know how we got into our seats, but somehow we'd found our way. We had our eyes on one another throughout dinner, the ride here, and ever since. In the back of my mind I hoped she hadn't forgotten that this was the movie she wanted to see, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones… My sexy nerd.
She had her hands in the popcorn, our two seats surrounded by London citizens.
Neither of us noticed them even when one person sat down on her side and another on mine.
I took the pivoting armrest and pushed it up from its down position. I slid an arm around Hermione's thin, warm figure and pulled her to me. She happily glanced at me in the flickering lights of the film's beginning; happily my puzzle piece. She fit perfectly. Her tiny twitches as she slid into spot within my arms… I caressed her temple, her cheek before she knew what was to come, turning to me. Her grin… I kissed her.
I loved how throughout the movie she crept, moved, closer and closer on my lap.
When the movie ended, I smiled, hearing the applause of those around us. I had Hermione's leg in my hand. She'd crossed them so her left lay over her right, and then over my left. She clapped along with the others… I had my hands full, and she smiled, the white lights of the credits giving just enough illumination to showcase her grin.
We stayed together like this until the last of the audience left, and only then did we slowly move-not wanting to move.
I had her empty popcorn bag in my hand.
She had her empty cup in hers.
With my free hand I reached back, my fingers feeling hers when she took mine, interlaced.
Our held hands never left until they had to, breaking when I opened the door to the BMW for her to get in, ladies first. Even then, getting into the driver's side, after I had ignited the engine did she move across the one obstacle in our way-between the seats-and take hold of my arm as I drove.
"That was a…," She lay in the pocket my body created. We sat in front of the fireplace. I had moved the coffee table aside so we both sat comfortably on the plush, white rug. She set between my legs, and I had her still in my arms. The Gryffindor quilt had been taken from the sofa and now was over me, over her. She leaned her head on my shoulder to see me with her smile. "…Wonderful day, and a simply wonderful shower…"
"The house warm enough now?" I laughed from my nose at how she bit her lip.
She nodded, her tassels brushing against my neck as she did.
I ran my hands along the fleecy cotton fabric of her delicate sleep shirt. The fine material slipped along her smooth skin, her tiny frame, bunching up in places when I'd stop to hold her. I lowered to her exposed throat, the scoop neck of her shirt sliding off one bare shoulder. I kissed her there, her shoulder, as I felt her hand reach up to me and hold me lightly in place. I heard her little moan, and smiled.
"Sometimes…," I heard her breathe. "I never thought-"
"Shh…" I kissed her cheek, bringing her to me where I quieted her with a kiss.
With strength, I had her with me, my arms locked diagonal, parallel with her hips. She took my hands and led them from her middle, up, having me meet every gentle slope, curve of her beautiful body until I held her breasts. She let them rest there, taking me by hand in our kiss to guide me as I had done with her.
I heard her sigh, a sharp breath when she felt me massage her with the lightest of touches.
She turned, pulling away for a second to take my hands, arms to follow me down upon the luxuriously soft white rug. The fire danced, her body aglow as it fell back, her dark hair against the colour accentuating her beauty. She made room when I turned with her, to lie atop her, the Gryffindor quilt still that extra bit of warmth on my back.
"I love you," she said, completely and utterly enraptured.
She led me to her lips, and with intensity, a slight giggle from her when our noses bumped, I kissed her.
Our breaths, our hands, the heat increased.
"Will you marry me, Hermione?" I managed in a breath, with a grin, and one from her.
She had my face in her hands, that smile on her face, our lips unattached but wanted so to be as one, close. She nodded in haste. "Yes…"
She laughed when I grabbed her, tickled her beneath the quilt. "Yes!"
I lowered once more, our smiles together, and kissed her into the night.
{Musical inspirations: I've never seen The Vow but came across Enchanted by Taylor Swift while listening to what I listened to in the previous chapter in the "suggested" section of Youtube and, wow, this song fits the reuniting of Hermione and Harry. I listened to it throughout this chapter, especially in the more intimate areas. Rachel McAdams as an older Hermione…and Channing Tatum as an older Harry? Haha}
{Author's note: Arguably, I wanted this chapter to be sad, or sadder than it came to be. The characters drove the story here, and after unleashed from Harry's death and resurrection, the HHr romance eclipsed the deaths spoken about in the beginning. Added, I knew you, the reader, would enjoy this than being raked through more angst and sorrow. And, there was much rejoicing.}