Hello everyone. Here is the final(?) chapter. This one is Ron and Ginny's points of view. I've been toying with the idea of writing another, just as a closing chapter with Harry and Hermione. I dunno. Kinda burnt out on it, especially with so many people telling me how disappointing the last chapter was-which I'd like to explain real quick!
Yes, I did repeat a lot of the confrontation from chapter 7 in chapter 8; however, I think it is important to see Hermione's point of view on it all, otherwise, her busting out a ring would have been pretty premature. The transition in her thought process is key. Yes, I could have just glazed over it all, but I don't think it would have been enough. Now, I got to exactly where I wanted to end in the last chapter. The beginning was pretty much just an added bonus if you wanted to see Hermione's thoughts-didn't have to necessarily read it. However, it would have been a very short read if you hadn't read the beginning, but that's whatever. I didn't write all that to make the chapter longer-just so people could see what she was thinking, yada yada yada. But yeah, several people had something to say about that so I thought I'd mention my reasoning here in case they don't read review replies.
So I dunno if I'm going to post another chapter or not; it's just a good thing I already had this one written, haha. Also: Note about Potter VS Granger Rivalry at the end of this chapter!
The Ron scene here was inspired by a certain amazing T.V. show-gold star to those who recognize it!
Thanks to all of those who have read and reviewed-much appreciated (even if they bum me out, lol).
Disclaimer: I own nothing. No money being made.
I've practiced this for hours, gone round and round
And now I think that I've got it all down
And as I say it louder, I love how it sounds
'Cause I'm not taking the easy way out
Not wrappin' this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why
It's no surprise. I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed 'til today
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
It came out like a river, once I let it out
When I thought that I wouldn't know how
Held onto it forever, just pushing it down
It felt so good to let go of it now
Not wrapping this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why
I'm happy she's back.
Truly, I am.
I've missed her. We all have. I hated what her leaving did to him. He's my best mate. The best bloke there ever was. He's stuck his neck out for me more times than I'd care to count.
When he returned from Seaham, all her things packed neatly in his SUV, a ring gleaming on her finger, I was ecstatic. The look on his face…well, there are no words to describe the happiness. Bright green eyes and I think his cheeks had to be hurting by the end of the night with that stupid grin he had on his face all day. If anyone deserves that sort of happiness, it's him.
That was two months ago. They are getting married in three weeks-just a few months before Luna and my wedding at the beginning of June.
I'm the best man; Luna is the maid of honor.
Despite my services being to the groom, I am here with Hermione to help her pick out a present for Harry. It is the first time we've been alone since she came back. There is a tension between us. I know it's my fault.
I acted happy to see her-hell, I didn't have to act. I was happy. She fit right back in with everyone. She and Luna gushed like it was old times. We had a big dinner to celebrate their engagement. The only one missing from the action was my sister.
And for good reason. But that story is for another time.
I welcomed her home. I'm not one for feelings, but I had expected…something. Anything.
She had hugged me tight. Kissed both much cheeks numerous times. Told me she missed me like mad. I reciprocated. I waited.
Then she moved on to the next person in line.
Anger, abandonment, and betrayal surfaced all over again. I've been careful not to alone with her since.
Until she dragged me out here today, against my wishes.
We've talked a little. We've been silent for the most part. She asks my opinion, I give it.
"What do you think about this? I dunno. I know he loves Quidditch, but I really don't want to get him something for it. I mean…it just doesn't seem personal, you know?" Hermione says, pulling at a nice sweater.
I shrug. "I guess." I lie. How could Quidditch not be personal? Quidditch is perfect-always perfect. "How about a new clock then? I'm sure he will enjoy that." I say sarcastically with a roll of my eyes. Shopping with Hermione is possibly one of the worst things to experience. I don't have this sort of patience. My annoyance with her adds to my aggravation.
Hermione narrows her eyes. "Please, Ron, just for a few minutes, help me out here?"
We've been to countless shops, both Muggle and Magical. My tolerance is waning as my infuriation grows.
"Look, Hermione, why don't you just bleeding pick something, alright? It won't matter. If Harry wants something, he generally buys it. If he doesn't have it, then he probably doesn't bloody want it!" I finally snap, my temper getting the best of me.
"Fine. You don't want to help, then whatever." She grabs my arm and Disapparates us back to their flat.
I turn to walk to the door, but she twists my arm back so I'm facing her. Apparently we aren't finished.
"What is your problem, Ron? You've been nothing but hateful towards me. What did I ever do to you? Why are you so angry with me?" She looks hurt, truly scorned by my outburst. Her hands are on her hips as she glares at me. I'm suddenly reminded of my mother. I half-expect Hermione to stomp her foot in a Molly Weasley like fashion.
I don't deny it. I have been cold towards her. Harry's my best friend. She hurt him.
But I've gotten over that. If Harry can forgive her, I can.
But there is something I can't forgive her for.
"You left, Hermione. You didn't care, you just fucking left."
Anger blazes in her eyes as her lips tighten. "I told him I was sorry. He's forgiven me. Why can't you?" Her words are full of hurt, clear accusation ringing through.
But then again, so are mine.
"You never apologized to me." I reply steely as I take a step forward so I am toe to toe with the brunette, easily towering over her.
My words catch her off guard. Not something that happens every day to Hermione Granger. If I wasn't so pissed off, I'd be proud of myself.
"What?" She sputters, clearly taken aback.
Suddenly, I don't hold back. Almost in a frenzie, I let my pent-up emotions burst forth. "You didn't just leave Harry, you left us all. You left me. Before the whole thing with you and Harry…we were best friends too, Hermione. I missed you. A lot. But you never called. You never wrote. I understand the whole thing with him…but why did you leave me too? You didn't even call me on my birthday! Or come to my engagement party! Hell, I was sure you wouldn't even be at my wedding, Hermione. My wedding! We were best friends! And you just come back here, and expect everything to be alright?!" I throw my frustration at her, hoping to cause her a fraction of the pain her absence has caused me.
She doesn't know what to say.
"I…I'm sorry. I never should have built up walls between us. My issues with him…that was separate, and I am so incredibly sorry for hurting you, for leaving you. I mean, Ron, I love you. You know that, right? And I missed you dearly." Before I can see it coming, she throws her arms around me and squeezes in her vice-like grip. She buries her face in the crook of my neck. Her bushy brown hair covers my face, tickling my nose.
At first I feel ill at ease, but that soon melts away as I wrap my arms around her and pull her tighter against me. Her scent fills my nose. I realize she's crying.
I've missed this, even the emotional crying part. Her tears normally freak me out. I welcome it today; I welcome the familiarity of it all. I welcome her truly home.
This is exactly what I needed. I just wanted her to say she was sorry-that I meant something to her. As my anger quickly disappears, I feel my love for her swell even more.
"You're the best person I know, Hermione." I mumble, not good at this sort of thing. I awkwardly stroke her hair.
She just squeezes me tighter. "I'm so sorry, Ron. I love you. I'm sorry. I hated leaving you too. I don't know how many times I wished I could talk to you, see you. But I thought you'd tell him, and…I'm sorry!" She apologizes over and over. Her tears fall on my t-shirt.
"Hey…guys…" A voice says behind me as Harry walks in the door. "What's…what's up?" He asks, no doubt confused by his hysterical fiancée. I see the sudden urge for me to take her from my arms in his eyes.
Hermione pulls away and grabs Harry to hug him as well. Unexpectedly, I get yanked back into the hugging pile. Hermione has an arm around each of our necks, attempting to strangle us as she tries to stop her tears. "I love you both so much!" She chokes out before rushing off to the loo.
Harry pulls a beer from the bag in his hands and passes it to me. "So…what was that?"
I twist the top and take a large swig. "Not sure, mate. I think she's starting her period. It would explain trying to commit a double homicide by strangling us to death. Leave it to a pms'ing Hermione to use her hands rather than her wand to kill someone." I respond with a shrug, though I feel lighter than I have since her return. All water under the bridge.
* * *
I don't hate her. Not really. Or so I try to convince myself as I find a secluded spot outside.
Well, I guess I do. But at the same time, I don't.
My mum taught me not to hate people. She also taught me not to smoke. Yet here I am, lighting up. It's a bad habit I tend to partake in when I get stressed.
Harry ripped me a good one when he got back from Seaham-but not before Hermione got to me.
I take a long, satisfying drag and close my eyes as that particular memory washes over me.
Harry invited everyone to dinner. I didn't go. I had heard she was back. I told them I had to work. In all honesty, I was terrified. Did she tell him? Did he tell her? I was told by Luna later that night that they were engaged. So soon? I bought cigarette pack number one that night.
I had never thought this would happen. I was sure she was gone.
I was able to duck them easily for a week. I didn't see Harry very often anyway. I was in my flat, enjoying a glass of wine and picking out a movie when the there was a knock on the door.
I answered, and there stood a pleasant-looking Hermione.
I dropped my glass and red wine splashed everywhere, but neither of us took notice. Finally, Hermione waved her wand and the glass was repaired and the stains gone.
"May I come in?" She asked, still pleasant.
I stood aside, and gestured towards the living room. "I think I'm going to refresh my glass-can I get you one?" I asked, fighting the panic. My fingers itched for a cigarette.
"Please." Hermione replied, taking a look around my flat. She had never been here before-it was new. "This is a nice place."
I went into the kitchen and quickly lit one up and took a soothing drag. Calm down. One more, then I put it out, filled up two glasses, and heading back into my living room. I gave her her glass. "It's home." I offered her cheers.
I drank deeply; she took a sip.
She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the taste. "Wine tends to get me in trouble." Her voice was amused.
"Oh?" I responded, feigning interest.
She nodded. "The last time I had wine, a few weeks ago, it led to me and Harry fucking like rabbits. Funny how that happens. Alcohol…sometimes, it just solves everything."
I pursed my lips at her vulgar description. Anger causes my knuckles to whiten as my grip on my glass tightens. "I'm sure that was fantastic." I managed to say through clenched teeth. I knew of their hobby, but Hermione had never been so blatant about it before. There was no doubt in my mind that she said that on purpose to get under my skin. It worked.
"Oh it was. He takes you to new highs, really. Incredible lover." Mirth was evident in her voice. "You missed dinner the other night." Hermione said, walking around the couch, still surveying my flat.
I took another drink, and tried to get the image of Hermione and Harry having sex from my mind. "I had to work, but I got the play-by-play later. A congratulations is in order."
"Yes, a congratulations is in order. Thank you." She said. Her voice was light, and it was killing me. What was she thinking? Did she come here to taunt me? To tell me about her and Harry?
She obviously knew of my fabrications. They were tiny. I was vague. Really, she has no case.
Her eyes said differently. Her eyes accused me. I readied myself to deny it.
"You look good." She said, eyeing my body appreciatively. "I've always been envious of your flat belly." She said with a laugh before she took another sip of wine. "Always so flat. Seeing you pregnant someday is going to be interesting."
I saw what she's doing. I played along. "A good work-out routine."
We stood in silence. I felt uncomfortable, despite my surroundings. Hermione, on the other hand, looked completely at ease.
"It's good to have you back." I had lied, the silence getting to me. "I'm sure Harry is ecstatic."
Hermione shrugged. "For someone who moved on, he certainly missed me a lot. A lot. Took three days to let him let me out of the bedroom."
My face grew hot. I had no words. I took a drink, a sweating Harry in my mind. A persuasive Harry, begging for her to stay without words, though his mouth was surely in use.
No doubt sexy. Envy swirled in my stomach.
Silence again. She waited for me to say something.
I had nothing to say.
I waited. And waited.
I wanted to tell her I had things to get done. But I couldn't bring myself to be the one to break the silence.
"I've asked Luna to be the maid of honor-I hope you don't mind." She said finally, still walking around.
"Of course!" I quickly interjected. "You two have always been so close. I wouldn't expect anything different. It's great." My voice was falsely cheery.
Hermione bent down to examine a photograph on a shelf. I know that picture well. It's one of Harry and me, taken two years ago. Unlike most of my photos, it doesn't move. Frozen in time, big smiles for the camera Hermione was holding.
She picked up the picture for a closer look. "Yes. I figured the honor should go to someone deserving. Someone who wasn't a manipulative bitch. Luna…is a great candidate."
Her voice was still light. Her stab at me was harsh.
I don't back down. "I suppose there is only enough room in the wedding party for one of those." Thank you word vomit.
She laughed at my retort. Completely undeterred by my own insult. She finished her wine in one last swig. "This is very good wine."
I was done with her games. "Surely you didn't come here to drink my wine."
Hermione sat her glass down on the coffee table. "No, I didn't." She closed in on me until we were only inches apart. Hermione leaned down so her lips were at my ear. She whispered quietly, "And this is real. Not some fantasy in an immature witch's head. We're getting married. We're having children. And we're living happily ever after. And Ginny," her voice took on a new, fierce edge that made me shiver slightly, "This is good for him." She repeated my words from weeks ago to her. Her words were low, dangerous. A clear warning. I watched as she twirled her wand through her fingers threateningly.
Ron didn't say a word, but the icy glare he gave me spoke volumes.
I apologized, and the three of us are on frosty terms. They invited me to the wedding-I think Hermione did it out of malice. She wanted me to sit here, front row, to witness this travesty. She and Luna even asked me for my opinion while planning the honeymoon. But I'm here, not to support, but to continue to play her game. No doubt she expected me to turn them down. I wanted to. I light up a second cigarette.
I'm not sorry, not really. I'm not sure if anyone would understand why I did what I did.
I love Harry. I may not love him as much as Hermione seems to, but I do. It isn't just in a romantic way-it's in a friendly caring way too.
When she hurt him…it was hard to watch, especially knowing I would never hurt him that way if he had ever given me a chance.
When I saw her that day, I panicked. What if she waltzes in and destroys him, just when he was happy again? Healing, but happy.
I couldn't bear to see that again. It broke my heart.
So I exaggerated some truths, just enough to keep her out. To give him a real chance to heal.
Maybe with me.
Maybe with someone else.
But not with that twisted bitch. Not with the one who had the power to hurt him like that, and didn't seem to have any trouble using it. He cared too much for her. It wasn't healthy.
I would never try to deliberately break them up. I do like to see him happy-even if it is with her. Before she left, I knew she wouldn't give him her everything. We had talked about it. I was willing to. I knew they wouldn't last because that's exactly what Harry needed-someone's everything.
Yes, I've always hoped for them to fail. I've even given a few suggested nudges.
But it's only because I care. It's only because I love him, and it tears me to pieces to see him hurt like that. When I found out Hermione wasn't planning on settling down with him, I knew it would destroy him. I nudged her to get it over with. Let him heal. Let him heal so he can be happy again.
With me. Take a drag.
With someone else. A second drag.
Not with her. I cough violently as my eyes water.
Not with the girl who can hurt him so much because he cares for her more than she deserves.
Everything I did, I did for him. I did it to help him heal.
No, my world doesn't revolve around him like hers does.
No, I'm not the one marrying him today.
No, I'm not the one he fell in love with.
But I still, and always will, have his best interests at heart.
If she hurts him again like that, I just might have to put a few bruises on that pretty little face.
I ain't the kind you take home to mama
I ain't the kind to wear no ring
Somehow I always get stronger
When I'm on my second drink
Even though I hate to admit it
Sometimes I smoke cigarettes
The Christian folks say I should quit it
And I just smile and say "god bless"
'Cause I heard Jesus he drank wine
And I bet we'd get along just fine
He could calm a storm and heal the blind
And I bet he'd understand a heart like mine
What did you guys think? Yes, even if it will bum me out-something I can learn from! Haha. I hope everyone got a better understanding of Ginny's actions here because I wasn't really trying to paint her as a terrible person. I dunno, tell me your thoughts!
PVRG: Major break-though while at work last night because I was trying to plan the next chapter, and I needed to figure out exactly where I wanted to go with the story as a whole before I wrote the next one. Got that figured out. I'll be working on it soon now that this story is finished (I think).
So please review, my birthday is coming up in a few days so it can be an early birthday present to me! Haha. Thanks for reading. I've really enjoyed you all. Keep a look out in case I do end up writing one more chapter.
Until next round-