Hello everyone. Here is the next chapter-enjoy! I know it's short, but the next chapter will be out soon!!!!
CHAPTER SIX: Next Go Round
I'm loving what you wanna wear,
I wonder what's up under there?
Wonder if I'll ever have it under my tongue?
I'd love to try to set you free,
All of you all over me.
Love hearin' the sound you make the second you're done.
S is for the simple need.
E is for the ecstasy.
X is just to mark the spot,
Because that's the one you really want.
"Whoa Hermione, you certainly are putting that away." My mother warns as I pour myself a third glass of wine. My cheeks are hot and a warmth has spread through my arms and legs.
I smile, despite mentally agreeing, "Mum, please. I'm fine. I just happen to like this one." I laugh. Or maybe I giggle.
Whatever I do, it makes my mum laugh. "Just teasing you, dear. Nothing wrong with winding down every now and then."
I take a sip of the red wine, enjoying the flavor on my tongue, which is starting to feel slightly heavy.
"I am feeling a little warm though. I think I'm going to step outside." I say, the heat getting me to all of a sudden.
"Do you want me to join you? I was just going to go to bed but I can sit outside with you for a bit." She says and reaches for a dressing gown.
I shake my head. "No, go to bed. I'll be fine. I'm getting ready to lay down myself, just a quick puff of fresh air." I tell her. She looks so tired.
I give her a hug and a kiss good night, then pull on my jacket and go outside. The night is dark. Street lights reflect on the mounds of snow.
I take another drink of my wine as I pull my coat tighter around me. I gaze down the street, nostalgia setting in.
I'm going to be going home soon. Too soon. Not soon enough. I don't want to leave. I haven't realized just how much I missed my family until I came here and got to spend time with them.
My mum is sad to see me go-I can tell. Every time I mention packing, she lures me off to do something else.
I feel bad. Christmas was such a great time; I hate to disappoint my parents like this. I think a part of them was hoping I'd stay.
I wish I could. Maybe soon, I can come back. Maybe for a visit-a short one. Or I could get them a few train tickets to come see me. That is probably the best idea.
I drain the last of my glass, feeling woozy. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. I lift my glass to my lips, and then remember it is empty.
Shame creeps in my stomach. I want to forget what a disappointment I am. I'm leaving my family because of some stupid guy.
Who isn't a stupid guy at all.
He's my best friend.
The love of my life.
A whole new set of emotions tidal waves over me. I walk back to the kitchen and consider filling my glass again. But tonight, wine isn't strong enough. If I'm going to throw a pity party, I may as well do it right.
I grab my parents' keys, despite the voice screaming in my mind that I am acting completely stupid. I don't realize how much my night is about to spiral out of control. Even if I had known, I don't think I would have cared.
My drive to the liquor store is quiet. I pay extra attention to the road. Driving under the influence…I need to be shot.
If the woman at the liquor store notices my small buzz, she doesn't say anything. I pick a random bottle and throw down the cash.
"Keep the change." I say, already turning around to walk out the door.
* * *
If anyone saw me now, I'd be embarrassed.
This is not Hermione Granger.
Head Girl upon my return to Hogwarts.
Top of the class, every year.
I'm smart. I don't do stupid things.
It's funny where a bottle of wine can lead you.
I don't know how I got to this unhappy place I'm at. I made choices. I'll live with them. I can do that. I'm strong enough to.
So why am I sitting outside a liquor store in my parents' SUV, a bottle-I couldn't even tell you exactly what it is-is sitting in my lap. Driving drunk. How stupid.
No, drunk.
Definitely drunk.
Nothing good can come of this.
I snort at that thought, remembering thinking the same thing when Ron left us so many years ago-my first night with Harry. Perhaps no real good came from that either.
But definitely no good can come of this.
To top it all off, I want sex. Drinking makes me randy. Practically being a nun for a year and a half doesn't help matters.
I don't care what it is. I need someone to make me forget, to help me heal. I need someone to me, like I was to him.
I start to cry in spite of myself. Alcohol also makes me emotional.
I take another gulp, shaming myself further. Whatever it is, it burns my throat. I choke.
I put the car in DRIVE and slowly ease into a parking lot. Safe.
There's a bar around the corner-one I know only too well. I carefully get out of the car, lock up, and try to not stumble my way to the corner. A few blocks-farther than I realized. I toss my bottle into a rubbish bin as I pass one. Whatever it was, it was terrible-but effective.
Finally, I find my destination. Once I reach the doors, I can't help but giggle. Hermione Granger-at a bar, looking for some ass. And drunk.
I'm sure I'd make my parents proud.
But tonight isn't about pride. It isn't about disappointment. It isn't about losses or the future of even tomorrow.
It's about forgetting.
It's about an outlet.
It's all about me.
The bar is dark-darker than I remember. Perhaps it's just my faltering eyesight.
I go to the bar, order a shot of something strong.
My throat is on fire again.
I turn to survey my prey. Young, fit, an animal. My mind is fuzzy. My decisions are no doubt rash right now, but I don't have the presence of mind to distinguish right and wrong. All my principles have sailed out the proverbial window.
I gaze around the room until finally, as my eyes cross the path leading from the loo, I stop.
He's perfect.
He's looking straight at me.
Surprised, but not nearly surprised enough.
Confident, I strut over to him-anticipation takes over. Heat floods my body. Glassy-eyed, I measure his expression-shock. Once I reach him, I grab him by the back of the head none-too-gently and crash his lips to my own.
No fight.
I just hope he can keep up because I'm ready to explode.
I wanna do it till the sun comes up
Till we're both so good and sweaty we can't stand up
I wanna do it till we're both about to drop
As long as we're caught in together we're never gonna stop.
I wanna go until the neighbors all complain
Cause they heard somebody screaming and they think we're both in pain
I wanna go so long your parents think you died
There gonna call the cops the CIA and then the FBI
Yeah, we're gonna love it when the lights go down
Hold on here we go
Yeah, we're gonna go until our legs give out
Round and round we go
"Next Go Round" NICKELBACK
Well, what do you think?! I hope you guys liked it….especially enough to review! Haha. Sorry it's so short, I just didn't really have anything else to put with it. I could have added pages of pointless whining angst, but figured it was exactly that-pointless. Haha. For those of you who noticed-yes, I did use 2 different songs here, I couldn't pick between them! Haha. Nickelback is always good for a dirty song, hehe.
Next chapter up soon! Thanks for reading-review!