Author's note: - Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I don't own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Pain And Tears
For Hermione days passed living in depression and fear of losing Harry. She always felt her heart break whenever she watched how Harry behaved around Ginny. He laughed, joked; he looked happy and content.
It was difficult for Hermione to sit in the Great Hall with those two laughing and chatting with each other. She had started avoiding meals from time to time. She would spend lots of her time in library. Ron had noticed the change in her demeanor. He had asked her if something was wrong, but Hermione knew she could not tell him that she was hurting because she was losing her love, her life, Harry, she just couldn't.
It should have been her not Ginny, who made Harry smile and laugh. It should have been her who made him happy. It should have been her, to whom he loved forever. But like they say, nothing lasts forever. Oh, how she wished it were the love they both shared, that should have lasted forever.
However, that was not to happen. He seemed to have forgotten all the `I Love You (s)' they both had shared, all the promises they had made to each other. There was a time when she was the center of his universe, but now it seemed like Ginny had taken her place.
As the closeness between Harry and Ginny increased, Hermione's downward spiral continued.
After thinking for a long time, Hermione had finally decided to do what was right. Yes, she was girlfriend of Harry. However, before that she was his best friend. So after tormenting herself for what she was going to do, she composed herself and decided it was the right time for a TALK between her and Harry.
On the first weekend of November, she decided it was time for their talk. Harry was the captain of Gryffindor Quidditch team, and the team was having the practice, scheduled for Saturday morning. Hermione spent her morning in the library musing about how to approach the subject with Harry. When she checked her watch, it was already lunchtime. She picked up her bag and made her way towards the Great Hall. Harry and rest of the team were already there. She saw Harry and Ginny talking about something and laughing. She felt like crying. Here her world was falling apart and she could not cry even.
Ron noticed her and waved her over to join them. She slowly made her way towards them. Her eyes met Harry's as she reached the table. She tried to give him a smile, but none appeared.
"Hi guys, how the practice was?" she asked.
"Great. What you have been doing?" Ron replied.
"Come on. Ron, where else would Hermione be...library of course," Ginny said with a smug face.
Everyone laughed including Harry. However, his laugh faded when he saw the hurt look on Hermione's face.
"Of course, where else would I be." Hermione said with a fake laugh.
After that, lunch went without much conversation. After finishing the lunch, Ginny turned towards Harry to say something, but Hermione beat her to it.
"Harry," Hermione said, "I need to talk to you. It's really important. I won't take much of your time. Really, I promise," She said desperately. Even Ron looked surprised at her tone.
Harry felt a little guilty. He knew things between him and Hermione were not that great for last few weeks. The tone in which Hermione asked him showed how much they had grew apart.
"Okay Hermione. Let's go somewhere we can talk," Harry replied.
They both got up and left the Great hall.
" Let's go beside the lake, it would be quiet over there." Hermione said. Harry agreed and they made their way towards the lake.
They both set under the tree beside the lake. There was an uncomfortable silence between them. Harry decided to break the ice.
"So what is it that you want to talk about?" Harry asked in a soft voice.
"Us," Hermione simply replied.
Harry just stared at Hermione waiting for her to continue.
"Rather than hitting around the bush I'll come straight to the point. I think we should break up. Let me finish," She said when Harry tried to interrupt, "We have been drifting apart for last few weeks. It's not the same as it used to be. You don't look happy when you are with me. You have been trying to avoid me." She stopped for a couple of moments then, "Well, I don't blame you for that though. look happy when you are with Ginny. She's the one who makes you happy, not me. I know you like Ginny." She added seeing his shocked face.
"I…I am sorry, Hermione." Harry said feeling ashamed.
"It's okay, Harry. People don't have control over how they feel. You remember what I told you when you asked me out. I told you I would always be your best friend first and you can talk to me about anything, even about us….I wish you would have spoken to me. Anyways I think it's time for us to end our relationship, and you should ask Ginny out. She has just broken up with Dean a couple of days back, so you can ask her out now. She still likes you, you know. Well, this is it then. I'll go now." With that she stood up and was about to leave when Harry caught her wrist. She looked down at him. He got up and hugged her tightly. They stood like that for an immeasurable time. Hermione wanted to cry, but not in front of him. She would wait until she was in the safe confines of her dormitory. They both pulled apart. Hermione gave him a small smile and left.
Hermione reached to the Gryffindor tower and went straight to her private dormitory, one of the privileges of being a Head Girl. As soon as she reached inside her dormitory, tears started to fall from her eyes. She didn't try to stop them. She let them fall. She didn't realize when she fell asleep while crying. When she got up it was already 8:00 pm. She decided to stay in her dormitory instead of going to Great Hall for dinner, in order to calm down and hide her pain.
Maybe tomorrow she would wake up, everything that happened today would just be a nightmare, and Harry would be down there in the common room waiting for her, welcoming her with the open arms and a heartfelt kiss.
Author's note:- Please review and tell me what you think?