Author's note: - Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I do not own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Road to recovery
Harry watched Hermione walking back towards the castle. He just stood there besides the lake thinking about what had just happened.
He remembered the time he and Hermione had spent together last year. They had been so happy together, and then, everything ended, just like that.
He didn't know what happened, when these feelings for Ginny started replacing his feelings for Hermione in his heart. It was like one day he was so happy with Hermione, and next morning he started to have feelings for Ginny.
He knew Hermione was trying to be logical in this whole situation, but deep down she was hurting. He had felt the depth of her love when they were together. She had loved him unconditionally, the same way he had loved her.
Of one thing, Harry was very sure, that at one point in their relationship he had truly loved her, beyond and above everyone and everything else.
However, she had let him go now. His heart had changed its direction and it was now telling him to pursue his love for another person, and let go of his old love. He was just hoping that the breakup would not change his and Hermione's friendship.
He decided to take a walk near the lake, as he wasn't willing to see anyone that moment. He just wanted to be alone for some time.
Harry didn't realize how much time had passed; next, he checked his wristwatch, it showed 6:30 pm. He decided to walk back towards the castle. He headed straight to the Gryffindor tower and to the boys' dormitory. He threw himself down on his bed, and in a span of few minutes, he fell asleep.
Harry slowly opened his eyes. Looking outside the window, he realized that it was already past early morning. He checked the time. It was showing nine in the morning. He dragged himself off his bed and made his way towards the bathroom. After freshening up and taking a long shower, he made his way out of the dormitory and down the stairs to the common room.
It was almost empty except for some first years. He walked towards the portrait hole and out of the tower to find his friends. He thought about what had happened yesterday, and remembered that he and Hermione had broken up. Suddenly it hit him hard, he and Hermione were not together anymore. He felt as though if his heart had stopped beating. Hermione was one again just his best friend, nothing more. Then, this was what he wanted, didn't he. Now he was free and could ask Ginny out.
Lost in his thoughts Harry didn't realize where he was going. He collided with someone.
"Oye! Watch out," It was Ron.
"Hey mate, I was coming to wake you up. What happened with Hermione? I didn't see you and Hermione at the dinner yesterday. What happened? Is everything alright?" Ron asked with a concerned voice.
"We broke up." Harry blurted out.
"What? What you mean you broke up?" Ron asked in a shocked voice.
"It…It just wasn't the same anymore." Harry said in a resigned voice, "It was kind of a mutual breakup. She figured it out herself, and decided that it was time for us to break up."
"And you are okay with it?" Ron asked looking incredulous.
Harry had this sudden strong urge to shout no.
"Yeah, kind of," Harry replied shortly.
"But why?" Ron asked feeling puzzled. He didn't know what could have possibly happened which led to Harry and Hermione to end their relationship. They were doing so well together and were so much in love with each other. Then why?
"Well, you see I….I kind of like Ginny. I don't know when I started to have these feelings for her. But it's here now. Hermione figured it out and asked me to ask her out." Harry said not looking at his best friend.
Ron had the shocked look on his face," So what are you going to do about it?" He asked his best friend.
"I don't know." Harry said honestly.
"Okay," Ron said, not knowing what else to say.
"Have you seen, Hermione?" Harry asked worriedly.
"No, I haven't seen her since you both disappeared yesterday. I just hope she's all right." Ron said looking anxious.
"I wish our friendship could go back to what it was before we started dating. I don't want to lose her as a friend." Harry said in a quiet voice.
"If I really know Hermione, she will never let this matter come between your and her friendship. Your friendship is too much important for her to let this come between you both." Ron said in a soothing voice.
"I hope." Harry said looking miserable.
"Why don't you go to the kitchen and get something to eat. Then, come to common room. I'll just go and check on Hermione and see if she is all right." Ron said.
"Yeah, sure," Harry said with a forced smile and made his way towards the kitchen.
Hermione had just come down to common room when she saw Ron entering through the portrait hole.
"Hey Ron," She said.
"Hey Hermione, how are you doing? Harry told me what happened between you two." Ron said in a quiet voice.
Hermione started trembling as despair of losing Harry took over her mind. Ron immediately took her in his arms as she started crying. It hurt him to see Hermione like this. He knew how deeply she felt for Harry. He was sure Harry had felt the same for her. But maybe he was wrong. After some time Hermione calmed down a bit.
"Sorry," She mumbled.
"There's no need for you to say sorry. What friends are for after all?" Ron said in a soft voice, wiping away the trail of tears from Hermione's cheeks.
"I had no choice, but to let him go. I love him a lot. But he doesn't feel the same way for me, at least not anymore. I rather have him as a best friend, than not at all." Hermione said gloomily.
"You know, you are a bit too noble for your own good, Hermione." Ron said jokingly in order lighten up the tense situation.
Hermione chuckled. She felt better after talking to Ron. "Thanks a lot, Ron. After talking to you, I am feeling a little better. It will take me some time, but I'll get over it. I won't let this come between Harry and me. I'll be his best friend again." She said with determination.
Ron smiled. "That's my girl, the Hermione I know, " Ron said , kissing her on the forehead.
And that's what Hermione did for the next few days. She acted the same way as she always did, bossy, know-it-all best friend of Ron and Harry. However, inside she was still broken and was trying very hard to rebuild her broken heart. But it wasn't working as well as she had hoped for. Outside she laughed with her friends, and inside her heart cried in anguish. She still nagged Ron and Harry to do their homework on time, and would try to keep them from breaking the rules. She buried herself in her studies to keep her mind off Harry. With each passing day, she wished that the pain would go away, but with no avail.
Author's note: - Ron has grown up and does not interfere with what goes in Ginny's life. At least until she is safe...Please R&R...