Author's note: - Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I do not own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Confusion and Hesitancy
Things were not going well for Harry. He had thought that he would feel less guilty about his feeling towards Ginny, now that he and Hermione were no longer together. He was grateful towards Hermione about the way she had handled the situation. Never once, she showed that he had been unfair to her. However, the guilty feeling inside him had amplified since the breakup.
Even though, Hermione was back to her best friend mode and never behaved as if she was very sad due to the break up, whenever Harry would see her there was a pang of loosing something in his heart. This confused him even more. He felt like he was being torn apart in two parts. One part said that he wanted to be with Ginny, that he really liked her and she was the one for him. However, second part had become insistent in last few days, or more specifically since the day, he and Hermione ended their relationship, saying that it was something or someone else his heart desired. His mind and heart were becoming battlefield for these two parts, and no one was winning the battle right now. It was as if something was not right. Like it was not the way, it should be.
News of the breakup had spread around the school faster than he had expected. It was as though if all the girls in school were waiting for this to happen, so that they could throw themselves at Harry as he was single again. Every now and then, a girl would approach him to ask him out. Harry was getting more and more frustrated. Finally, to get rid of all his fan girls, he concentrated his thoughts upon asking Ginny out.
'After all this was the reason Hermione ended our relationship.' Harry mused.
So finally, almost 4 weeks after his breakup with Hermione and making sure that things between him and Hermione were back to normal, he decided now was the good time to ask Ginny out.
The approaching weekend was Hogsmeade weekend. So he thought of it as a good opportunity to ask her for a date. He thought that spending more time with Ginny would surely remove the feelings of confusion he was having in his mind.
On Friday morning, he got up and got ready. He made his way towards Great hall with the hope to find Ginny there. She was there sitting Gryffindor table with her friends. Ron was sitting with Luna on Ravenclaw table. Harry's eyes swept throughout the table to find Hermione, but she wasn't there.
'Must be in library for extra light reading,' He thought with an inner chuckle as he walked towards where Ginny was sitting.
One of her friend nudged her as Harry made his way towards Ginny. She looked up and her brown eyes met his green eyes. She gave him a shy smile.
"Hi Ginny, can I talk to you after breakfast?" Harry asked hesitantly.
"Sure Harry. In fact you can join us and then, we can walk out of the hall together." She said pointing towards the empty seat in front of her.
"No it's ok. I am not feeling very hungry. I'll just wait for you outside." He replied.
"Ok then, I'll be there in a few minutes. I am just about to finish." Ginny said. Harry gave a swift nod and left.
Harry had been waiting for Ginny outside Great Hall for last five minutes. He was feeling nervous. Millions of thoughts were going through his mind. What would he do if she said no? What if she said that she was already going out with someone else?
As these thoughts were going through his mind, Harry saw Hermione coming towards Great Hall with a very heavy looking beg on her shoulder.
'Typical Hermione,' Harry thought with a smile.
"What are you smiling at?" Hermione asked as she reached to where Harry was standing.
"Uh…huh…Umm... nothing," Harry stammered.
"Are you alright Harry? You seem a bit pale." Hermione asked looking worried.
'This is the Hermione I know. She is always worrying about me.' Harry thought feeling thrilled. He felt oddly pleased at this thought.
"Has there ever been a moment when you don't worry about me?" Harry asked with a heartfelt smile.
Hermione just shrugged. "This is one of my life time occupations." She said in a mock serious voice. Then, they both started laughing.
"I am glad you are my best friend, Hermione." Harry said sincerely.
"I'll always be there for you Harry, and Ron too." She added.
"Yeah, but only when he won't be busy eating." Harry said with a chuckle. They both shared a laugh at this.
"Well, I am feeling hungry. I will see you in the class." Hermione said and walked inside the Great Hall.
A couple of moments after Hermione left, Ginny came out.
"Hey Harry," She said.
"Hi Ginny," Harry said apprehensively.
"So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" Ginny asked curiously.
"I….umm…" Harry hesitated.
"Yes," Ginny encouraged.
"Ginny, the thing is that, I wanted to tell you that..." his hands started to sweat.
"Harry, I am waiting" Ginny said with a teasing smile.
"I…Um…I…I wanted to talk to you about the new strategies for the upcoming game against Hufflepuff." Harry said in a rush. He felt as though if his mouth was moving on its own accord, stopping him from asking Ginny out.
"Oh," Ginny said in a disappointed voice, "Well we can talk about it during the practice when whole team would be there." She said
"Oh yeah, I never thought of it. Thanks Ginny. I'll see you later." Harry said and almost ran away from there.
Once he reached to an empty corridor, he relaxed. 'Way to go Potter. A real Gryffindor you are.' He mused angrily hitting the stone wall with his left foot.
"Ouch!" He cried in pain, holding his left foot. Life really sucked.
It had been two weeks since Harry's unfortunate talk with Ginny outside Great Hall. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting in the library, trying to complete their Potions' essay, more like Harry and Ron were doing their essays, and Hermione was trying to help them. They had been sitting there for last 2 hours. Finally, Ron decided to take a break.
"Guys, I am going to see Luna. I will see you both in the common room. And I'll complete this essay tonight." He finished before Hermione could interrupt. Harry started laughing, but stopped under the glare he was receiving from Hermione.
When Ron had left Hermione turned towards Harry.
"Harry I wanted to talk to you about something." She said looking a bit angry.
Harry looked at her with guarded expression "What is it?" He asked.
"Well, last night Ginny and I were talking. She said that Michael, a sixth year Ravenclaw, handsome mind you, had asked her out. However, she is not sure what to do. So, do you care to tell me why is that you haven't asked her out yet?" She asked in a livid tone, "I told you to ask her out, and you haven't yet. Why?"
"Umm… Well, I got nervous." Harry said in a quiet voice, looking helpless.
"Why? I have already told you that she likes you." Hermione said looking puzzled.
"Ok then, I'll ask her by this weekend." Harry said in order to end the argument.
"You better do." Hermione said in a warning tone.
With that, they both set to do the work they were doing.
Author's note: - Hermione wants Harry to be happy, that's why she is a bit angry with him for not asking Ginny out sooner. She thinks if Ginny said yes to somebody else Harry will feel very bad.
And from here onwards, it would be very easy for H/Hr fans to read this story.
Hope you like it. Please read and review….