Author's note: - Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I do not own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Hogsmeade Trip and A Life Changing Day
Hermione woke up earlier on the Saturday morning than she normally did on weekdays. It was 4:30 in the morning. She knew Harry didn't feel the same for her as she did for him, but she was still looking forward to spend her day with him just like old days when they were just friends.
She got out of her bed, took her cloths and other things required to take a bath, and went to the bathroom to get ready. She wore faded blue baggy jeans, a black colored t-shirt, and a knee-length coat that fitted her well. She pulled her hair in a simple ponytail and left dormitory to go down to the common room with a book in her hand.
Since there were still a couple of hours left to go to Hogsmeade, Hermione had decided to read a book. Time passed very quickly for Hermione and soon other students had started coming down. She checked her watch that showed 7:30 am. There was still half an hour left for breakfast to begin.
She just had to wait for 10 more minutes, when Harry and Ron came down the stairs from boys' dormitory.
"Hey Hermione, good morning," They said in unison.
"Morning guys," She answered with a enthusiastic smile.
"So you ready to go. It's going to be a fun day today." Ron said excitement evident in his voice.
"Of course it would be, after all our dear Ickle Ronnikins is going to spend the whole day with his lovely girlfriend, Luna Lovegood." Harry said teasingly, in a pure imitation of Ron's twin brothers, Fred and George.
"Just shut up Harry," Ron said in an irritated voice.
"Now come on, let's go or we would be late for Hogsmeade." Hermione said.
Harry and Ron nodded and three of them made their way out of the Gryffindor tower and towards the Great Hall.
Harry was not able to get a good deal of sleep last night. His thoughts kept wandering to his brunette best friend. He was very excited and looking forward to spend his time with her. It would be first time that they would be spending so much time together since their breakup.
After the breakup, Hermione was back to being his best friend. She would laugh with him, scold him for not doing his homework on time and so on. However, sometimes he felt like she was holding something back. She was same as he used to know her, but still it wasn't the same. He knew breakup had been hard for her, even though she never showed it. It hurt him to know that she was suffering and yet she was hiding it. He just hoped she would overcome it.
They sat on the Gryffindor table and soon Luna joined them there. After finishing their breakfast, they made their way towards the queue where Filch, the caretaker of school, was checking the permission forms of the students who were going to Hogsmeade. Once they got through their turn, four of them made their way to the village.
After reaching to Hogsmeade, Ron and Luna left to spend some time alone and Harry and Hermione were left together.
"So, where to my dear lady?" Harry asked giving a mock bow. Hermione just laughed at his antics. It sounded like a melodious voice to Harry. He gave her a wide smile.
"Well, let's go to the book shop first," Hermione said in a fake serious tone.
"Why do you want to go to book shop?" Harry complained, "Come on, let's go to the joke shop or the sweet shop."
"Okay. Okay. I was just joking. Let's say, we will visit all the shops including books' one." Hermione said.
Harry grinned at her. "Deal," He said taking Hermione's hand into his own and leading her towards the joke shop.
They spent rest of their morning moving through the different shops, teasing each other and laughing their heart out with each other. They almost didn't realize when it was 12. They made their way towards the Three Broomsticks where they found Ron and Luna sitting on a table in the corner. They joined them. While having warm Butterbeer through their system, they chatted for next couple of hours talking about their day. Soon after, they left the place and made their way towards the castle.
Ron and Luna noticed the joined hands of Harry and Hermione. They both shared a wistful look without being noticed by Harry and Hermione who argued throughout the way about something they did in the village.
When they reached the castle, it was already 3 pm. There were still a couple of hours left for dinner to start. Four of them made their way towards the lake and set under the tree.
"So Harry, Hermione, both of you would be going to Burrow for Christmas this year." Luna started the conversation.
"Yeah," Harry replied.
Luna looked towards Hermione who was lost in her own thoughts.
"Hermione," Luna called. Hermione jerked out of her thoughts and looked at her, smiling sheepishly.
"My parents are not here in England. Due to the current circumstances, I have sent them to some place safe, at least until the war gets over. They would be constantly in danger if they lived here. I can't, will never take that risk. You see I have altered their memories so that nobody would be able to track them and they will be safe. I hope that someday I'll be able to go there and bring them back. So yeah I'll be going to Burrow." Hermione said forlornly, looking lost.
Harry squeezed her hand and pulled her into his embrace holding her tightly in his arms, as she cried.
"Don't worry Hermione. When the war gets over we will go together to bring your parents back home." Harry said kissing her on the forehead.
"Thanks Harry. That's mean a lot to me." Hermione replied giving a small smile through her tears and hugged Harry tightly.
Rest of the time was spent in silence with occasional conversations.
After the dinner was over, Harry and Hermione made their way towards the Gryffindor common room, while Ron and Luna went to spend some more time together, or more like snogging each other's head out as Harry had mentioned to Hermione.
As they reached the common room, Harry was looking for some excuse to spend some more time with Hermione.
"So what to do now?" Harry asked, "Are you going to bed now?"
"No, not yet, I was thinking to finish some of my homework in my dormitory. Would you like to join me?" Hermione asked hoping that he would say yes.
"Yeah sure," Harry said excitedly, "I mean it would be nice." He added in a small voice.
Hermione just started laughing. "Okay then, just go and get your books and other things, and come back to my dormitory. Password is Santa Claus." She said.
"What?" Hermione said as Harry just stared at her, "It's not a well-known name in the magical world. So it's not easy for anyone to guess the password." She said defensively.
Harry just grinned at her then sped towards boys' dormitory to get his books and parchments and other things.
They were sitting in Hermione's private head girl dormitory doing their homework.
"I am tired." Harry complained, rubbing his eyes and stretching his body. He didn't notice Hermione staring at him, checking him out. He checked his watch. It was already 11:30 pm. They had been doing their homework for last 3 hours non-stop.
"Honestly Harry we have been doing this for just 3 hours. And you are already behaving like it's been 3 days." Hermione scolded.
"Well, unlike you some people need to relax from time to time." Harry said teasingly.
"You mean to say that I can't relax." Hermione said with narrowed eyes, folding her arms across her chest.
"Exactly, you don't know how to relax and have fun on your own. You should give Ron and me some credit for loosening you up. Even today, if it hasn't been for me, you would have spent your day reading books as you call it, FOR LIGHT READING. You should be on your knees thanking me, girl." Harry said in a mock arrogant voice.
"You, Harry Potter, are the biggest JERK I have ever met." She said in a formal voice, throwing a pillow on his face. It just caught Harry off guard for a minute.
"You hit me with a pillow." He said looking shocked.
"That I did. So what?" Hermione said looking proud of her doing.
Harry just stared at her for few moments.
"You shouldn't have said that." He said with a wicked gleam in his eyes.
Hermione immediately recognized it. "You won't dare." She said in a warning tone.
She barely had time to get off the couch as Harry made a dash towards her. However, she got up from the couch just in time to get away from his grip. However, his seeker reflexes quickly came into action as he grabbed her hand and pulled her back on the couch, and started tickling her mercilessly. Hermione started laughing unstoppably, trying to get herself free from his strong grip.
In the attempt of Hermione trying to get herself free, they both fell off the couch and on the floor, with Hermione on the top of Harry. It just gave Hermione enough time to launch her own tickling attack on Harry. Harry too started laughing, but just managed to hold both arms of Hermione and flipped her, so Hermione was now trapped between the floor and Harry's hard body. Harry had pinned her hands on the both the sides of her head.
They both just stared at each other. Harry was just staring at Hermione, her chocolate brown eyes staring back at him. Light from the fireplace was illuminating her face and her exposed creamy skin. Her face was red from all laughing and she was breathing hard. He could see different shades of golden and brown in her hair.
'God, she is beautiful.' Harry thought as he kept looking at her with an intense feeling bubbling inside him. He felt the familiar rush of desire going through him that he had felt so many times for her in the past when they were together. Forgetting that he ever had any kind of feelings for a girl named as Ginny Weasley, Harry slowly started leaning towards Hermione. In that moment she was the only girl that existed in his world.
'God he is looking at me in the same old way. Is it possible he still have those feelings for me?' Hermione thought, 'Is he going to kiss me?'
Next thing she remembered was Harry's soft lips on her own, and then everything went blank. Old sensations of being loved by him stirred through her body, heart, and soul. She started kissing him back. What had started as a soft kiss soon turned out to be a more passionate and heated make out session.
When they parted for oxygen, she realized they were on her bed with Harry on top of her. She didn't remember when and how they got there.
Suddenly Harry realized, "I love you Hermione." He said putting all his heart in those three words.
Hermione was speechless. Harry loved her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she tried to clear her mind. "But what about Ginny?" She asked remembering the reason they had broken up for the first time.
"I don't know what it was? I won't lie to you by saying that I didn't feel anything for her. However, it is nowhere close to what I feel for you, and I know that it is love. So I don't love Ginny. I don't feel anything for her now other than just as a friend. Trust me. I have always loved you and you only. I was a fool to let you go. Please give me one more chance." Harry said in a soft voice looking straight in her eyes. She was still crying. He raised his hand to wipe her tears away.
"I love you too Harry. I never really stopped loving you." She said and then she kissed him passionately, putting all the love she felt for him in that kiss. Harry kissed her back with same passion holding her fiercely against him.
That night they got together for the first time at most intimate level. They both gave their virginities to each other.
They both were lying on the bed. Harry was wide-awake thinking about what had just happened a couple of hours back. Hermione was lying naked under the sheets next to him, fast asleep. Harry was just looking at her with all love he felt for her. Moonlight coming through the window was making her skin glow. She looked so peaceful, so vulnerable. A tear rolled down his cheek remembering how much he had hurt her and yet she had given him a second chance.
He delicately moved his fingers across her soft cheek. He wanted her to be with him in every possible way. He knew that he may not always be with her due to war and prophecy, but he was too selfish to let her go away and he knew she wouldn't let him.
He was just looking at her when an idea struck him.
"Hermione," He said shaking her lightly to wake her up. She opened her eyes and smiled lovingly at him.
"What is it Harry?" She asked softly.
"Hermione, I wanted to ask you something?" Harry said nervously.
Hermione was fully awake by now. She got herself into sitting position, covering her naked body with sheets.
"What is it Harry? Is something wrong? You know you can talk to me about anything." Hermione said looking a little worried.
Harry gave her a warm and full of love smile.
"There's nothing to worry about Hermione." He said taking her hand in his own and kissing it, "We have been best friends for 7 years now. I don't remember when I fell in love with you. Last year had been the best year of my life because I was with you. It was because of you that for the first time in my life I felt loved. I want to be with you forever. I can't promise that I'll surely survive in this war. But, I want you to know that I'll love you forever. I know it's selfish of me to ask this, but will you marry me?" Finally, he asked it.
He looked at her waiting for her reply. She didn't reply immediately. She just stared at him looking stunned.
"You want me to marry you?" She asked in a disbelieving voice. Harry just nodded. A wide smile came over her lips.
"Oh gods Harry, I love you so much. Of course I'll marry you." She said as she launched herself in his arms.
Harry just laughed and said, "I am not having a ring right now, but I'll get you one, the best one. I promise."
They started kissing again. After kissing and touching for about 15 minutes, Hermione asked him "So when would you like to marry? After we graduate or later,"
Harry just thought for some time, and then looked at Hermione. She was waiting for his answer, looking curious. And answer automatically came out of his mouth, "What about today, now?"
Hermione was speechless. "Are you joking with me?" She asked looking incredulous.
"No, I am serious, but only if you are ready." He replied in a serious tone.
"But how will we get married at this time of the night? How'll we arrange everything?" Hermione questioned.
"Don't worry about that. Leave it to me. Just tell me, are you ready?" He asked.
"Oh yes. I am all ready. Let's get married." Hermione said with child like enthusiasm.
Harry looked at her with amusement and pulled her in his arms, crushing his lips to hers.
Harry and Hermione got up and got ready. As they reached the common room, Harry said, "You wait here. I'll just go and bring Ron down. I want him to be a part of it." Hermione nodded in understanding.
After about 15 minutes, Harry and Ron made their way downstairs, followed by none other than Luna.
"Ronald Weasely, would you care to explain what a girl from other house is doing in boys' dormitory at this time of the night?" Hermione asked in a mock stern voice.
Ron turned red and Luna just smiled dreamily. After a couple of minutes, Harry and Hermione started sniggering.
"Oh just shut up you two. What do you want?" Ron said looking from Harry to Hermione.
They both shared a look and then looked at Ron and Luna, who were looking back at them expectantly.
"We will tell you everything, but firstly we need to go to Dumbledore's office. We will tell you everything there. Let's go." Harry said. Ron and Luna simply nodded.
With that, four of them made their way towards the Headmaster's office.
After reaching there, Harry said the password 'Lollypop', and they entered. He knocked on the door and heard Headmaster's voice, "Enter".
(A/N: - As Harry trains with Dumbledore, he knows the password.)
"Harry, what you four are doing here?" Dumbledore asked looking a bit surprised.
"Sir, the thing is that Hermione and I want to get married right now. We want Ron to be the best man and Luna to be the bridesmaid. Would you two accept it?" He asked looking towards Ron and Luna.
Ron was shocked, his mouth wide open and Luna was simply beaming at Harry and Hermione. Luna nudged Ron on the side. He just came out of his stupor.
"Wow! You two finally hooked up with each other again. Ha, going pretty fast mate. Of course we will accept." He said grinning ear to ear.
"Are you both sure about it? It's a very big step." Dumbledore asked looking at Harry and Hermione through his half moon spectacles, his blue eyes twinkling merrily behind them.
"Yes sir," they both replied in unison, without any trace of doubt in their voices.
"Very well then, I would just call Remus and Minerva in it. Will you both be okay with this?" Dumbledore asked.
"Yes sir," Hermione said. Harry nodded in agreement.
Dumbledore went towards a portrait and said something, and in the next second woman in portrait was gone with a swish. Then he picked up the floo powder, threw it in the fireplace, and bent down to call Remus. After a couple of moments, Remus's head appeared through the fire in fireplace.
"Albus, you called me. And hello you four," He said looking at four teenagers looking surprised.
"Remus, I want you to come here with wedding rings of James and Lily. Now," Dumbledore said.
As he finished talking to Remus, Prof. Minerva McGonagall, their transfiguration, teacher came in the office. She was surprised to see four students there.
"What is it Albus?" She asked looking perplexed.
"Minerva, Harry and Hermione have decided to get married today. So will you please transfigure their dresses according to the occasion?" Dumbledore asked.
"Y…yeah, sure, Albus," She stammered, looking at Harry and Hermione with shock evident in her eyes.
She took Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Luna in another chamber in the headmaster's office.
After around half an hour, they came out one by one. Harry and Ron were wearing muggle tuxedos. Both were looking quite dashing. Luna was wearing a yellow sunlight color knee-length dress with straps. Her hair were held loose. She was looking very pretty.
And Hermione, Harry had never seen anything as beautiful as her. She was wearing a pure white off-shoulder gown, which was flowing, down to her ankle. Her hair were done up with soft curls framing her face nicely. She wore no jewelry and no makeup, not that she needed it. Her skin was glowing in the soft light of the office and she was smiling tenderly at him.
"Wow!" was all Harry had said when he saw her. Four of them thanked Minerva for her help.
Remus was already there.
"Harry, I am so very proud of you and I am sure your parents would have been very happy as well." Remus said, hugging Harry in a fatherly way.
"Thank you Remus, that's mean a lot for me." Harry said sincerely.
"So, are you two ready?" Dumbledore asked.
Harry and Hermione looked at each other and nodded together.
Dumbledore performed the ceremony and after saying their vows, they exchanged the rings brought by Remus, the very same rings that were used by Harry's parents at their wedding.
"Now groom may kiss the bride." Dumbledore said with a smile.
They both looked at each other with love in their eyes and their lips touched in a soft kiss. As their lips touched, a soft golden glow enveloped them. Everyone was in awe seeing this.
"It means that their love for each other is pure and unconditional and they are bound together by heart and soul." Dumbledore explained to the stunned audience.
"So, we are finally married my dear wife." Harry whispered in Hermione's ear.
She laughed softly at his endearment and kissed him on lips.
"Yes my dear new husband," Hermione said amusedly.
"Congratulations mate," Ron said to Harry with a pat on his back. "And congratulations to you Hermione or I must say Mrs. Potter." He said hugging her.
"Thank you Ron. We both really wanted both you and Luna to be a part of this." Hermione said with a warm smile.
"I am so happy for both of you." Luna said with a dreamy look in her eyes, "I knew you will choose me as a one of the bridesmaids. I just didn't know I would be the only one." She finished. Everyone laughed at this.
Harry moved towards Dumbledore and said, "Sir, I don't want anyone to know about this wedding, at least not until the war gets over."
"I understand Harry. If you want, we can perform Fidelius charm so that nobody will know about. You can choose your secret keeper so that no one except your secret keeper will be able to tell this, not even yourself. Whom do you want to be your secret keeper?" Dumbledore asked.
Harry and Hermione decided to make Dumbledore their secret keeper. After the necessary rituals were performed, Dumbledore waved his wand on a parchment and handed it to Harry.
"This is a small wedding present for you both. It will take you to a cottage on a secluded beach. It was the beach where your parents had spent their honeymoon after they got married. I hope you will love it. I have already asked Dobby to make the necessary arrangements there." Headmaster said.
When Harry opened his mouth to ask about what Dumbledore had told to Dobby, Dumbledore interrupted him answering his question. "Don't worry, he didn't ask anything and I told him not to tell anyone about it. And yes I paid him for the extra work, Mrs. Potter." He said looking towards Hermione. She just blushed profusely.
"This portkey," Dumbledore continued pointing towards the parchment, "will take you there and will bring you back here tomorrow morning at 10:30. It would just leave in 5 minutes so you both get ready.
"Thank you professor." Hermione said gratefully.
"It's my pleasure Mrs. Potter and have fun." Dumbledore said with a chuckle.
Both Harry and Hermione turned crimson as he said it, clearly knowing about what was he indicating towards as FUN.
They both said their goodbyes to their friends and left with the portkey.
Author's note: - Hope you would like it. Please read and review.