Author's note:- Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I do not own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Christmas At The Burrow-2
"Harry, get up, it's Christmas today. Come on, let's go downstairs, and open the presents." Ron said excitedly, pulling the covers off Harry.
"Merry Christmas, mate, and good morning," Harry said getting up and rubbing his eyes to get rid of sleepiness. He put on his glasses and looked at Ron.
Harry grinned at his best friend, "Come on then, let's go, and wake others up." He said.
Both Harry and Ron dashed out of room and went towards Ginny and Hermione's room. They started banging loudly on the door.
"Hermione, Ginny, come out." Ron shouted. Door opened to reveal a sleepy Hermione. "What is it? Why are you screaming like a banshee so early in the morning?" She asked looking at her two best friends annoyingly.
"Its Christmas today, Hermione. We are going downstairs to open the presents. So you and Ginny should come down quickly. Others would be there soon." Ron said.
"Let's go," He said looking towards Harry. But Harry just motioned Ron to move on, who left instantly, but not before rolling his eyes at the black-haired boy.
"Hermione, one minute," Harry said grabbing Hermione's arm to stop her as she turned to go back into the room. He pulled her to come out of room.
Harry looked around to check if anyone was there. Seeing that no one was there, he gathered her in his arms and quickly kissed her on the lips. "Merry Christmas," He said grinning sheepishly and ran away downstairs.
Hermione just stood there for a moment and then smiled widely and went back into the room.
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George along with Harry and Hermione were gathered to open their presents. Harry and Hermione has decided to exchange friendly gifts so as to not to raise any kind of suspicions.
Each person received one of Mrs. Weasley's hand-made jumpers. Harry gave a transfiguration book of advances spells as gift to Hermione and a Chudley Cannons jersey signed by all players for Ron, who was simply delighted by his gift.
Hermione had given Harry a book, that was about rare and ancient defensive spells and rituals, and for Ron, she gave him a book about best Quidditch keepers of last century.
Ron brought a Fancy Quill set for Hermione and a Sneakoscope for Harry. "You need it the most, Harry." He had said.
Both Harry and Hermione had brought gifts for other Weasleys as well. The most awkward moment came when Ginny opened her present from Harry. It contained Quidditch gloves, nothing romantic or fancy; however, she acted as though it was the most romantic gift ever and kissed Harry on the cheek, her lips lingering there longer than was necessary. Mrs. Weasley looked like it was the wedding day of Harry and Ginny.
"Don't they just look like James and Lily?" She whispered only for Mr. Weasley to hear, but was heard by everyone in the room.
Harry tensed a bit and looked at Hermione who just rolled her eyes at Mrs. Weasley. Ron, Fred, and George were just laughing silently, and Ginny was glaring at them.
After exchanging their gifts Mrs. Weasley announced, "Along with the family, some of the order members will also attend Christmas dinner tonight. So everyone should get ready by 6 PM and I would be needing lots of help with dinner and decorations, so just tighten up yourself."
Whole day passed in a blur. With helping for dinner and decorations day passed quickly and everyone was ready by 6 when others started arriving. There was enough food for everyone. Along with the whole Weasley family (except Percy), there were some order members and Luna had arrived as well. There were Tonks, Lupin, Kingsley, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and some others whom Harry didn't recognize. After dinner when guests had started to leave and Ron and Luna left to keep Luna's trunk and other things in Ginny's room, as she was going to stay at Burrow for rest of the holidays (though when they joined back others their lips looked red and swollen).
Lupin asked Hermione if he could talk to her in private. Hermione nodded and followed Lupin in a secluded corner of the room.
When they were away from everyone, Lupin took out a package from his pocket, "Here is what you asked me for last summer, Hermione. I collected as much as I could. I hope it would be enough." He said handing the package to Hermione.
"Thank you Professor Lupin. I don't have words important enough to describe you how much this means to me." Hermione said looking grateful.
"Oh it's nothing, Mrs. Potter." Lupin said with a teasing smile, making Hermione blush furiously.
"Well, I'll leave now." With that, he and Tonks left.
(A/N:- Tonks and Lupin are together not married.)
When all the guests left, Weasleys, Luna, Harry, and Hermione made their way towards their respective rooms after an exhausting and happy day.
Next day Harry got up very early in the morning. He was smiling very widely, thinking about the gift that he had received from Hermione last midnight.
Both Harry and Hermione had decided early in the day to exchange their real gifts during midnight when everyone would already be in their bed after the hectic Christmas dinner party.
They both met in the kitchen and went outside in the backyard.
Harry had brought a Beautiful necklace for Hermione. It was a diamond platinum necklace with, diamond curved in infinity symbol.
"Oh my god Harry! It must have cost you a fortune. Though I don't agree with you spending so much on me, I agree it's absolutely beautiful." Hermione said with admiration evident in her voice.
Harry just smiled at her expression. "My dad gave it to my mum at their first anniversary of getting together. I got it from their vault in Gringotts. I saw it in the vault this summer when we went to Diagon Alley for purchasing books and other things. Before we came here to Burrow, I had sent a note to Lupin who got it for me. He sent it to me last week here. It's an ancient and enchanted necklace. It will kind of provide protection for you using my love for you as a shield. This infinity symbol represents my love for you." Harry explained.
Tears welled up in Hermione's eyes as she just threw herself at Harry hugging him tightly. "I love you so much, Harry." She said simply.
They sat there for some time in each other's embrace. No words were spoken between them but they understood how the other felt.
As they pulled apart, Hermione spoke "Well it's time for your gift now." She took out the package Lupin had given her earlier and a small velvet box from her bag that she had brought with herself.
Harry looked curious. "Isn't it the package Remus gave you?" He asked.
"Yeah, it's your Christmas gift from me." Hermione said smiling. She gave him the velvet box and gestured him to open it. Harry opened the box. Inside there was a golden snitch tied with a golden chain. He looked at Hermione for explanation.
"It's a kind of pensieve. It stores memories just like Dumbledore's. You see, I made it with the help of Dumbledore, though he did the majority of work. It doesn't have all the features like that of his pensieve. You can see memories, but cannot go inside them. You can only see them from outside. All you have to do is perform an Engorgement charm on this."
"Engorgio" She said tapping her wand at the snitch. It started to stretch and looked like a flat screen of about 16 inches.
"You would just have to tap your wand on it and think about the memory you want to see and it will appear. Once you are done, say 'Reducio' and it will turn to its normal size. To store the memories, you just have to pull out the memory and drop it in snitch. It can be opened at half at the curving at its middle." Hermione said explaining the features of her gift.
"Now for your memories, I asked Prof. Lupin to collect some of the memories of your parents when they were together at school and of their wedding and other times, also the memories of marauders." She gave him the package, "It contains some phials labeled with their memories so you can see what memory you want to think about. You can put them in this snitch. But I think you should keep them in phial and put them in snitch as you see them one by one, then it would be easy to recall." She finished.
Harry hadn't spoken a word while listening to everything Hermione said. Instead of saying anything, he just kissed her softly putting everything in that kiss he was feeling that moment, love, passion, gratefulness…happiness. When they pulled apart all he said was," Thank you." Nothing else was spoken for next hour as they sat in comfortable silence kissing and holding each other. After sitting for some more time in each other's arms and talking for some time, they made to their way to their beds. They both decided to see the memories in school where they will have more privacy.
Days after the Christmas passed very quickly and New Year arrived. A small party was arranged at the backyard of Weasleys. Everyone enjoyed it. When cloak struck 12 at midnight, everyone shouted 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' and congratulated each other. Ron and Luna had already left earlier to be alone with each other.
This time Ginny tried to kiss Harry on lips but he moved his face sideward at the last moment and kiss landed on his cheek. Hermione was furious and wanted to hex the redhead girl but controlled herself. Harry and Hermione managed to steal few kisses here and there when no one was watching which made Hermione forget all her anger towards redhead.
Finally, the day of departure to Hogwarts arrived. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Ginny boarded the train and were on their way back to Hogwarts.
(A/N: - Hope you like it. Read and Review.)