Author's note: - Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I do not own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
The Beautiful Night
After travelling through the portkey, when Harry and Hermione opened their eyes, they found themselves on a beautiful secluded beach. They were all alone at the beach. The moon was shining brightly against the dark sky along with the small shining stars. Cool air was blowing around them softly. Sand on the beach was shinning and looked like very small diamonds under the silver moon light. At some distance, there was a small cottage that looked very cozy and warm. Overall, it was beautiful place and felt like a dreamland.
"Wow! It's beautiful." Hermione said looking around her surroundings with awe-filled eyes.
"Not more than you, love." Harry said looking at her with an intense expression.
Their eyes met. Hermione could see many emotions swirling in his eyes - love, lust, nervousness, hope, and contentment. And suddenly, his eyes were bright with amusement and happiness as he slowly started moving towards her. Her heart had stopped beating. She couldn't breathe as he walked towards her.
The way he was looking at her was making it difficult for her to stand straight. He was now standing right in front of her, just a few inches apart. She could see her own reflection in his bright intense green eyes.
"You are beautiful, Mrs. Potter." He whispered in her ear in a husky voice.
Next moment she found herself trapped in a tight embrace of her husband. He was holding her tightly yet gently against himself. He softly touched his lips to her. Kiss was soft and gentle at first, but slowly it turned into a very passionate kiss, but somehow it still held the innocence of a first kiss of a wedding couple.
Hermione was completely lost in the kiss. She gasped when Harry scooped her in his arms in bridal style and start walking towards the cottage. She giggled a bit wrapping her slender arms around Harry's neck.
"Harry, what are you doing?" She asked in a laughing voice.
"What do you think I am doing? Taking my newlywed wife to ..." He trailed off, raising his eyebrow suggestively. Hermione blushed furiously at his implication.
When they reached to the cottage, Harry kicked the front door open. It was a small house, but had a very comfortable and warmish feeling to it. There was a hall that contained a comfortable looking couch similar to the one in Gryffindor common room and a fireplace, which was alight with fire. There was only one room, which they presumed to be the bedroom.
Harry carried his wife into that room and put her down gently on the large and soft looking bed. Various candles were floating in the air bathing the room in a soft and dim light. It was decorated with various kinds of flowers, and in the corner on a table was a bottle of wine with two empty glasses.
It seemed like Dobby had put all his best efforts to decorate the room for the newlyweds, even though he didn't have that particular piece of information. Hermione made a mental note to give Dobby a colossal thanks one day, when she would be able to tell everyone about her marriage without the fear of hiding it from anyone.
Her eyes fell on Harry who had started to undress himself. He had his back to Hermione. Hermione just sat there transfixed as she stared at his lean and athletic body. His firm muscles rippling with the movements his body was making.
Harry just turned around as he tossed his shirt on the chair nearby the window.
"Like what you see?" He said in a teasing voice, his eyes darkening with the hunger, making Hermione shudder with pleasure.
Hermione just had enough time to compose herself. "Hardly," She said in a mock arrogant voice, with her nose in the air.
Harry just raised his eyebrow at her. "We'll see." He said and started moving towards the bed where Hermione was sitting.
Hermione backed away from him. Harry just stopped at the edge of the bed and stared at Hermione strangely.
"What?" Hermione asked nervously, "Do I have something on my face?" She said rubbing her cheek lightly.
Harry just shook his head. "Are you waiting for me to undress you?" He asked in a deep voice, but amusement was clearly visible in his eyes.
Hermione blushed frantically at this, but then her eyes widened. She realized that he was teasing her. She picked up the pillow from her side and threw at Harry, which hit him square in the face. Harry was taken aback by this.
"You are going to pay for this, Mrs. Potter." He said with a mock stern expression on his face. Then he gave her a charming grin and slowly crawled towards her on the bed, and before Hermione had any chance to react, he trapped her between soft bed and his hard body.
Hermione just swallowed. She knew that Harry knew the kind of control he had on her that time. He started kissing her slowly and lazily and she immediately responded. Harry slowly moved his right hand towards her waist and then moving upwards, he touched her back.
Hermione didn't know how and when this happened, but soon she was lying naked under her husband kissing him deeply.
Later they drank wine to celebrate their first night together as a married couple. They spent the night making love for first time in their wedding life and the second time for that night.
Hermione opened her eyes. It was not so early in the morning. For a minute, she didn't realize where she was, and then suddenly all the memories of last night came down to her mind. She blushed fervently from head to toe when she felt a hand on her waist holding her tightly from behind. She turned her face to see Harry's hand on her waist holding her close to him. She smiled.
Hermione slowly got out of his firm grip without waking him up. He stirred a bit, but went back to his usual position lying on his stomach. She took this time to study him. He looked so peaceful and adorable. She hadn't seen him this peaceful for a long time, probably since their fourth year.
Since then he had always carried the burden of the world on his shoulders. He had never looked this relax in school. He had a very hard life, before he came to Hogwarts. Durselys were his only living relatives and they were always very cruel to him because he was a wizard.
When Hermione came to know about how they had treated him, she wanted nothing more than to hex them and turn all of them into frogs or better, slugs. She removed the hair from the eyes of a sleeping Harry. His hair had always been messy and untamable, which made him look more adorable and hot. He had received his messy hair and his dashing looks from his father and bright beautiful green eyes from his mother.
Hermione was surprised to see that despite how Durselys had treated him throughout his childhood, he had still grown out to be such a wonderful man, with a great heart. She kissed him lightly on the forehead. He smiled in his sleep.
'Oh god, he has no right to look so delightful while sleeping.' She mused happily. She still couldn't believe it. Yesterday, it seemed like ages, when she and Harry were visiting the Hogsmeade only as friends, and now they were married.
Finally, she gave him a light kiss on the lips and decided to get out of bed. She wanted to walk around the beach and see the place before leaving.
She was about to get out of bed when she suddenly felt herself being pulled back into bed. Harry had just pulled her back as she was getting out of the bed. He pulled her under him.
"Where do you think you are going?" He asked in a sleepy voice, nuzzling her neck and pressing her further in the bed. Then he pulled back to look at her face. Her chocolate-brown eyes were bright, her lush brown curls were spread on the pillow under her head, and her cheeks were a light shade of pink. She smelled very sweet like vanilla and strawberries. Her breathing was slow, her chest moving up and down in rhythm.
She was looking at him expectantly as he leaned down to kiss her. They kissed each other ardently for some time until the breathing became a crucial matter. Hermione finally broke the kiss and looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It showed 8:45 in the morning. "I think we should get out of the bed and get ready. I want to explore this place, before leaving." She said.
"As you wish, my love." Harry said giving a small kiss on her lips.
After having shower and getting into the cloths they had worn last night (which were back to their original state), they made their way out of the room and got out of the cottage. There on the beach was a small table with two comfortable chairs. On the table, they found the warm brunch for themselves.
"It seem like everything has already been taken care of." Harry said with a smile as he entwined his fingers with Hermione's.
"Yeah, you know, we should thank Dobby for making such wonderful arrangements." Hermione said looking at Harry blissfully. Harry nodded as he led her towards the table.
They sat on the chairs and ate the breakfast. After the breakfast was over, they still had an hour before it was time for their pre-scheduled portkey to leave. So they decided to take a walk around the beach.
After walking for around 15 minutes in comfortable silence, Harry finally spoke, "It all just feels like a dream to me. You have made me the happiest man on this planet." Harry said pulling Hermione closer and kissing her on the forehead.
"You too make me the happiest person, Harry." Hermione replied beaming at him.
Harry was just lost in his thoughts when Hermione spoke. "A sickle for your thought," She said with amusement.
Harry looked down at her with a faraway look in his eyes. "I am sorry Hermione." He said.
Hermione looked confused "What for?" She asked.
He cupped her face with his hands and said, "For all the hurt I put you through when we broke up".
He stopped for a moment and then spoke again, "I don't know what I did to deserve your forgiveness, especially after what I did with you. You are the most important person in my life, has always been since we met for the first time, and I hurt you. I'll try everything I can do to make up for all the hurt I have put you through. I love you Hermione Jane Granger Potter. I always have and I always will." he finished with a soft kiss on her lips.
Tears welled up in Hermione's eyes. She threw her arms around Harry's neck.
"I love you too Harry. I always have and always will. No one can change what I feel for you, not even myself. Don't be sorry. It's all in the past now. You're here with me, and that's all that matters to me now." She said still crying and hugging him hard.
She pulled back, "But promise me one thing, Harry," She said.
Harry nodded. "You will never ever push me away from you, not with the stupid theory of `for protecting you' to support your arguments. You should know I won't listen." She said to lighten the mood.
"I'll never think of it even." Harry said laughing, pulling Hermione back into his arms and kissing her lovingly.
They made their way towards the cottage together hand in hand. Harry knew dark times lay ahead of them, but now he had a reason to live and he will try everything he could, to overcome this darkness and bring the light of hope back into their lives. Now he had a future to look up to and fight for.
Together they grabbed the portkey 2 minutes before leaving and 2 minutes later, they were back on their way to Hogwarts.
Author's Note: - Hope you like it. Read and review.