Unofficial Portkey Archive

Stories by Marauding Moonbabe

  1. All Aboard the HMS Harmony! by Marauding Moonbabe

    Posted for my great friend Kristen, aka Mrs. Radcliffe! A series of unrelated one shots that will send you through a range of emotions, from sadness to jubilation. Get ready to go All Aboard the HMS Harmony!

  2. Under This Darkling Sky by Marauding Moonbabe

    One-shot. Under this darkling sky, Harry describes killing Voldemort. Under this darkling sky, many are married. Under this darkling sky, babies are born. Many things happen under this darkling sky...

  3. Luna's Loony Articles by Marauding Moonbabe

    Luna Lovegood has always been enveloped in a strange world of her own. A series of articles she wrote for the Quibbler shows just how strange that world really is. Welcome to the land of random...

  4. Photograph by Marauding Moonbabe

    Harry left Britian long ago. Now, 5 years later, Harry rummaged through his apartment, looking for a a certain photograph, a certain memory. He was going to go to Canada for a vacation; he was so happy with his life. He had always had a thing to do, a place to go, but then, with a letter, the letter, all his certainty had been swept away like a wave in the ocean… Songfic to Nickelback's Photograph.

  5. Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again by Marauding Moonbabe

    This wasn't supposed to happen, not here now. The man of her dreams was supposed to be laughing, not in a coma. Songfic to 'Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again' from Phantom of the Opera. Please read and review.

  6. Bittersweet by Marauding Moonbabe

    James and Lily's seventh year is full of sorrow,but there is medicine. *preview of a scene to come* James said, "My mum once said, 'Live well, laugh often, love much', but it's so hard to do that alone." Lily replied," You don't have to do it alone, because I'm here now."