Unofficial Portkey Archive

Depression by padfoot_puppyeyes



AN- Wow… I didn't get twelve, I GOT FOURTEEN! (Does really freaky victory dance sings a strange combination of songs, while brother inches away in fear. Jumps all over the house continuing this celebratory dance before settling back down at computer.) I started out with reviews from only my friends! Now I actually have wonderful, amazing people who review me EVERY CHAPTER! (Squeals in excitement while brother looks on in what can only be called fear.) Anyways, I'm so sorry this took so long to update, but my mom thought I was getting a tad bit obsessive, and these past few days have been nice, so I was locked out of the house when I wasn't in school to play. But I'm back now, and have lots of new ideas. So tell me what you think of this chapter, and here are those fourteen reviewers I have to thank!

Pokey- I haven't seen you before, are you new to Portkey? I completely agree with you, I simply love torturing Lily, and you'll see a lot of it in the next few chapters. She had no real reason to hate him, nor a right to judge him without knowing him. So there! Also, I got the whole `I like you but you don't like me, then I give up and suddenly you like me' thing from my own personal experiences in relationships, or what I hope will happen. I liked him, he flirted with my friend in front of me… yeah, you get the picture. Anyways, thanks for reviewing, and hopefully I'll hear from you again!

srpalmer- oh, I love leaving people wanting more! There will be fluffy moments, but I'm not sure what to make about what comes out here…it's all up to the stupid muse, whenever he decides to show up. Actually, he's been missing for a while… if you see him, please let me know, he's run off again. Thank you for reviewing, and hopefully I'll hear from you again?

Anonymous- I'm so glad you liked it! Hopefully this one will be just as good, and I'll try and hurry up with it, but it takes a lot longer than one would think, and I have so much to do… anyways, thank you for reviewing, and hopefully you'll review again.

PurplePasties1985- wow, you've reviewed me twice! Yeah, I don't know if Sirius would in reality do it, but in my story Sirius is a sweet, thoughtful, worried best friend, and he'd do it without thinking twice of what it could do to his reputation, so long as James gets better. More will come as soon as was possible, hopefully you think this one is good too! I'm glad to hear you're creating your own story it sounds really promising! Try to get one in for mother's day too, I'd really like to read it, and promise I'll review! Anyways, I can't believe you were really born on Harry and J.K.'s birthday! That rocks! My birthday is May 23rd! Honestly…well, at least it's coming up! Anyways, thanks!

Sk8er Witch- hey, I've heard from you THREE times1 so cool. And yeah, I guess when I demand I really do get what I'm after! Oh, that so boosts my ego, not that it really needs boosting! I feel so special; I've gotten one more review than was necessary! (Smiling so much my jaw hurts) I still love your name! I'm so glad you love it, I put a lot of time into it, and your review and opinion mean soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! (Jumps up and down all over again.) Can you please review me again, I really like hearing from you, and it makes me proud and keeps me writing.

loudmeggaphone- Hey, it was so great to hear from you again! Anyways, I love torturing people, whether it's Lily or my readers, so long as it makes you go "Oh!" (Smiles,) While everyone expected it, it was so fun to write and I had to add it in, you know me! Thanks for your compliments on the scenes involving the Marauders, I felt like they were really emotional scenes, and needed to be written properly to be appreciated, so I was really worried about whether or not I should write them at all. It felt good to know somebody really liked them, because when I re-read them I still wasn't sure whether to cut them out or not. Also, if there is yelling involved in any of their talks, it will be out of either necessity or amusement. (Example- "FIX HIM!" "I DON'T KNOW HOW!") Anyways, I'll have to keep your review of what you're looking for in mind and add it to my writings, along with what my bloody muse leaves me with. And wow, I made someone else choked up… that's happened to me before, but I never knew I could do it to someone else! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!! Hopefully I'll hear from you again, and right now I'll stop babbling so you can read.

yekwah- Hey Jane! Great to hear from you again, I love people who review more than once! I'm not really sporty either, so I have no idea how this will turn out, but I'll try to have fun with it. And your question had better not be stupid, as I sent them e-mail about something similar! Anyways, all you do is put in a sample, or at least that's all I did when I didn't get a reply. I didn't even know then that there were other sites, and all I did was put in one of my ideas and what couple I wanted to do, though I suppose that was obvious. (L/J) Anyways, good luck on becoming a Portkey author, and I have no problem with giving out ideas if you need them, because some ideas I have I have no endings to. We'll se what becomes of you in the future, good luck!

lex- wow, you really like it? Hopefully you'll be as happy as last time, and now that I know who you are please sign your name every time! By the way, can I call you lex? Anyways, thanx for your review!

sweetkiwi456- did you get my e-mail? I'm honestly horrible about the computer. Anyways, the demands will expand until I no longer believe they can continue with feeding me reviews, because this way the lurkers will no longer lurk. Yeah, if you didn't get my e-mail, tell me, because I'll re-write everything to you later. But otherwise, it's nice to see you're still reviewing, and again, good luck with exams, and catching up. And you're on the Internet right now because you love it. What you love always overcomes what you hate! And am I really sweet? I feel really special! Seriously… you actually got me to smile wider and blush!

JayaMioneDurron- I have AOL, but I have to get msn. Still, I'll have it soon, as I need it to talk to my cousin. When I get it, I'll be sure to post it for everyone, but right now it's not really up yet. Still, see you soon? And hopefully you'll like the stag talk, I found it semi-amusing to write. Also, Lily doesn't have a plan! That's what makes it so much more amusing! Talk to you soon, and thanks for mot being mad about the name thing again, I'm really sorry about that!

Anonymous- you really think I'm talented? Wow… I'm bright red! Uh, I need a name so I know what to call you, and another review would be really nice, especially one as nice as yours! (Smiles) THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Anonymous- yeah, it's too bad the rating charts down, but thanx for the nine. I try to keep my readers reading, though I`m not sure what this chapter will do for you. And your review gave me enough to update, so thank you!

moony11- hey thanks! Wow, I've gotten only two people who complimented me one my writing abilities, and they were both in the last chapter, so that really means something to me! Thank you for your review, you have no idea how much that inspires me, and you were the one extra person that made me so excited! Anyways, again thank you, and hopefully I'll hear from you again!

Rodeochic122691- hey, I plan on e-mailing you because you asked, but I'm really bad with computers, and fear I may have screwed something up a little. Let me know if you received it, and if you didn't I'm sorry, but I'm trying! Thanks for the review and the compliment!

Disclaimer- I'm out of funny, sarcastic, or pointless comments on how ridiculous it is to say you aren't the author of the book. If you were, you wouldn't give all of your ideas to the public. So there.


The party went on and on, people falling asleep in the common room, and more presents than I could have opened all night. Even Lily had gotten me something, although it was meant more to keep me out of trouble than anything else. Still, I had no idea, (and to this day have no idea) how she got a hold of it without stealing it, because stealing it alone from Madam Hooch's office was a real challenge!

It happened to be a snitch. A real, working snitch, like the ones we used in our games. This way I could still randomly toss it around, but unlike the other one I wouldn't serve detention for stealing it from Madam Hooch's offices.

Later that night I opened the box the snitch had come in and brought it out. In all honesty it was early morning, but the clean up had taken minutes with magic, and while everyone else was sleeping, I was awake with adrenaline. So I let it fly away for a while before catching it again. I hadn't done this in a while, as I had stopped stealing and `matured' but enjoyed it just as much. It was something to keep my hand. But like I said, I haven't done this in a while and it took some practice. So I was chasing the snitch around, afraid of losing it, (as stupid as it sounds, it was my first gift from the girl I'd been crushing on since third year, can you really blame me?) when I happened to se a lone figure out the window, sitting by the lake in the moonlight. I didn't need to see her face I knew that red hair. But what was Lily ding outside when she had went to bed hours ago? I watched her for a moment, my brain working. When she had turned me down at the start of term, it had seemed like that was as far as I'd be pushed. I avoided her, ignored her, and tried as hard as I could to dislike her.

It wasn't working. It really wasn't working. Because when I had danced with her tonight, it had started up all over again. I had started staring, and saying things I shouldn't have, or never meant to, or thought. But this time it had a different effect on her. Instead of making her hex me into next week and back, (she actually did that one, it was so cool!) she actually blushed! Blushed! I made lily Evans blush!

Bloody hell. What was I getting myself into?


So now I knew what had happened. I had figured it all out. I had hated James because every time I saw him he was the center of trouble. But that, I realized, was because that was the only time I had had seen him. When he was causing trouble. When he wasn't I hadn't given him the time of the day. It didn't help that James had told me while dancing that he had only pulled these stunts to impress me.

I had left the party hours ago, but only so I could clear my head. Michelle was giving me a look, and when James had asked me to dance a fifth time I had agreed, then `went to bed.' Only I wasn't tired.

So I had broken my own enforced rules and placed myself under a complex charm involving invisibility, many tongue-twisting words, and a good deal of energy, which had mad me sleepier. But I was determined not to go to bed yet. I should've stayed invisible, all logic said the grounds weren't the safest place at night, and a Slytherin was bound to find me. But I had taken my place at the lake to look for the stag. I needed someone to talk to, Michelle was out cold, and James wasn't a very good option as he was what I wanted to talk to someone about. So somehow I had found myself sitting by the lake in the freezing cold night in my pajamas.

I was losing patience with myself. As bad as this is going to sound, I had actually expected the animal to come. I had snuck out, slipped past the teachers, and walked on the grounds, just to se an animal.

But the animal came. Slowly, as though not too sure I was here, it went from cantering across the lake shore to prancing, as though unsure of the ground, before stopping all together. It stood there, as though waiting for me too do something. It walked casually up to the lake and sat, a short distance away, ears swiveling to face me.

"Hey." The stag cocked its magnificent head at me. Still, it didn't seem to mind human voice, or it would've run by now, right? " Just need someone to listen… I don't have any pets, and everyone's asleep." The stag kept looking at me, warm hazel eyes reflecting from the moonlight on the lake.

"I've just met someone I thought I knew a long time ago. As soon as he introduced himself, I hated him. He sounded so cocky and confident, and I could tell right away he was a pureblood, from how familiar he was with the wizarding world. His friends were the same, just as arrogant, and over the years I hated their group more and more, especially him. But regardless, he never gave up, and even though I hated him I admired that quality." Now that I thought about it, it was true. "But I kept hating him and cursing him because I had sworn to myself I would defend the people he pulled the jokes on. And I guess in reality I was just as bad as he was, because I yelled at him for hexing the people that got on his nerves, but every time he annoyed me, I'd hexed him. And now, I'm pretty sure he's finally given up on me, which is what I'd thought I'd wanted, but now that it's actually happened… I think I want him to keep trying. Great, so I'm back were I started."

I saw the lights in Hagrid the gamekeeper's cabin turn on, and realized that it must be around four in the morning, as that was when he started his runs. "Bloody- oh, I have to go…" I was pretty surprised to see the stag looking up at me in what could only be interoperated as understanding. Not wanting to lave the beautiful creature without a thank you and a goodbye, I leaned down and whispered to it "You remind me of that guy…" I think it tensed, but it must have been because I was whispering in its ear. Still, it let me put my hand on its neck. "You know, his nickname…oh, what was it? Prongs. I'll call you Prongs, because you listen to me complain as patiently as he did." I stroked his head by his antlers thoughtfully. "Prongs… it suits you. Sorry I can't stay to see the sunset this time, but I'm tired. Goodnight." I left, never noticing my hands brush against the silver charm hanging around the stag's neck. Maybe even if I had, I wouldn't have been able to connect the dots. But somehow it felt good to get my thoughts out to someone I knew couldn't tell anyone…to bad someone else overheard.


You may ask how I ended up hearing the conversation between Lily and the stag. You may, but if you do, I have to say you're incredibly thick. Yeah, if you hadn't figured it out before, I was the stag Lily had confided in. But when I transformed back into my human form, I really didn't know what to make about what I had heard.

I sat there until Hagrid saw me, took a half-hour drilling me on what I was up to, tried to get me to talk about my mum, nearly force-fed me because of how un-naturally thin I had gotten, and finally let me go because he had been neglecting his duties for at least an hour.

I had a Quidditch game that day. Of all the days to have a game… why did it have to be today? While I felt a little better, I still hadn't eaten properly in a while, and I think now that I didn't know what to do but was no longer feeling completely worthless, the hunger was starting to kick in. So I was dizzy from hunger and my mind was reeling from what I had just heard.

"Prongs! Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere!" Padfoot drifted off. I had known I looked pretty bad, and I had gotten used to the worried look on Sirius's face, but at the moment I really could have cared less.


"Um… hey, are you sure you don't want to sit this one out?" He asked, his eyes looking me over once before meeting mine. I was little on-edge I guess, but still, his look got me angry.

"No, Padfoot. I can handle this."

"But… the party didn't go that long… maybe you should rest." He persisted. Unfortunately for him, I was in one of my moods, and Sirius had completely forgotten how I was when I was in one of my moods.

I probably should've lain down for a bit, but I was the Quidditch captain and was expected to test the field, get in an early practice, find the weaknesses of the other team…ect, ect. Anyways, in the end I ignored breakfast again and stood shakily with the rest of the team to the changing rooms for the game, already wanting to go to bed.

"Prongs, where have you been?" Moony asked as he neared the table. His smile faded as Peter said,

"Yeah, what's wrong, you look like you've just seen a…" He stopped himself, realizing the irony of his statement, but as my mother was a muggle-born and I had taken Muggle-studies, (until Padfoot and I had miss the OWL to play a prank on someone and gotten a T. Yes, there are actual T's, as both of us can attest to.) I knew where the sentence was going to finish, though I've never really understood what's so shocking or frightening about seeing a ghost. (Even the ones hell-bent on revenge amount to little more than your average poltergeist, and they aren't really that bad, if you know how to talk to them. Peeves is actually quite friendly, and will do any prank-related favor.)

"I didn't se it, I heard it, and it was much more frightening than any ghost." Sirius gave me a look, and I met his blue eyes, shaking my head. We had learned how to talk without words early in our relationship, (back when we both had a distinct hatred for each other and could tell the other to watch their backs with a glare,) and his face said clearly that we would talk later.

As I geared up that evening, the changing room was silent, waiting for my mandatory pep talk. It wasn't coming, because in all honesty I was in no mood for even pretending to be cheerful. Instead silence reined and Padfoot broke the tension by whispering, "Prongs is a little touchy, it's that time of the month." which earned him scowls from the girls and smirks from the boys. I ignored him, (or rather, put it off until later, when he could be properly embarrassed,) supposing that it was what one got for being Sirius Black's friend and something that broke the tension.

"Right, then." I said aloud. "Good luck. I know we're far ahead, but that doesn't mind being cocky."

"It's just a game against the Ravenclaws, James." Sirius said, sulking.

"Didn't you say something similar the first time you went against me and my team, before?" James asked, smirking. They both knew how that game had ended up. Sirius had lost, back before they were at Hogwarts or even friends.

"Ah, sod off." Padfoot replied, but I took that as a `you won'.

We entered the pitch to Remus's commentary, as his voice boomed over the stands announcing each of us in turn as well as the Ravenclaw team. It was a late game, sue to that fact that the first years had had flying lessons earlier that day, and the air was warm, which isn't very good if you haven't had a decent sleep in weeks and haven't eaten properly in months. I dragged my feet out with my broom onto the pitch, drowning out the meaningless drabble surrounding me. Ready at the whistle, the team and myself rocketed upward with the Ravenclaws in a blur of blue and scarlet.

It wasn't even really a competition; except for how determined the other team was to beat us. We hadn't lost since I'd become captain in fifth year, and while I had more important matters on my mind than Quidditch at the moment, I intended to keep my honor. Our chasers were so much faster, stronger from their physical training as well as their flying abilities. I had had them train like a muggle fitness trainer would have, as well as their flying. It kept us at the top.

Gryffindor; 175, Ravenclaw;0. I honestly almost felt bad for them. Mindlessly scanning for the snitch, I caught sight of a color I'd really rather avoid never seeing again. Sure enough, there sat a tired but happy Lily Evans in the stands, rooting Gryffindor on. She had never been to a game of our own before, but now she looked as spirited as ever, and it wasn't until Michelle pointed out my starting I realized I had lost focus, something that was deadly in Quidditch. She waved, and transfixed, I waved back, just as the Ravenclaw seeker, who was desperate to end the game so that Gryffindor would at least only earn 175 points and no more, made a rough dive and caught the snitch.

Gryffindor won. But for the first time in my memory of playing Quidditch, I lost.

Blackmail- I know it was short. And I know, you wanted me to write more after fourteen reviews. But this is all I have right now, for this chapter. If I went into what I want to do next it would involve a lot longer of a wait and many angry reviewers. So I am only demanding the number I got before, because now I know I can reach it. Can you guys pull off fourteen for me? If you can, I promise a really long werewolf chapter, in which we may learn what Lily thinks of werewolves. (I haven't decided yet.) Anyways, that's the set review rank. If I do not reach fourteen, I may update, I may not… if I do, it could take al summer… (Smiles evilly) tootles- ("Oh, hate that word…")